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File: 28 KB, 401x301, Kim_EtAl_Quantum_Eraser.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8718069 No.8718069 [Reply] [Original]

so why THE FUCK should the electron care to know that we know what slit it came from... WHY THE FUCK does it say, oh shit, they know! go back in MOTHERFUCKING TIME and tell its twin they know where I came from, be like a particle BITCH.

WHY. THE. FUCK. It doesn't make any sense in any rational world. Delayed choice quantum eraser... IT. DOESN'T. MAKE. SENSE.


>> No.8718087

Electrons have deep feelings, bro. They care so much.

>> No.8718140

In the reference frame of light, the light always arrives at its destination instantaneously. There is no time "after it is emitted but before it is detected".

In the light's frame, there is also no distance between its origin and its destination, so both points in space are co-local.

With these facts in mind, there is no mystery about how the light seems to "know" what will happen to it at the time it is emitted.

In the light's frame, "what happens to it" occurs at the same time as its emission.

>> No.8718295

newfag here
>the reply forms have TEX

>In the reference frame of light, the light always arrives at its destination instantaneously.
are you implying light moves infinitely fast? why should it be that it arrives at its destination instantaneously?

in any case, it's an electron, not a light photon, in this case

>> No.8718303

>In the reference frame of light

No such thing.

>> No.8718309

Everything exists as a set of probabilities until observed by consciousness, at which point the probability collapses on a single value.

>> No.8718313

Electrons are the most autistic particle. This is known scientific fact

>> No.8718322

excuse me, are you a physicist?

ok, I am. So, guess what?

>> No.8718324

any interaction with the environment causes the wave function to collapse. The hypothesis you suggest has already been falsified. Consciousness has no bearing whatsoever.

>> No.8718325


Actually yes, I am. There is no reference frame for light. The easiest way to see why is to use the principle of relativity.

>> No.8718330

environment can be conscious kiddo...

>> No.8718335

did you get your degree from the University of Sesame Street? I don't know why I would spend the time to teach you here when I have other important things to do. I'm an ACTUAL physicist, and you do not understand the quantum physics, so back to class with you. Shoo.

>> No.8718336

please. I am an actual physicist, and both of you are acting like idiots. Light neither has or does not have a frame of reference, it is stuck in a superposition of the two until it interacts with mah dik

>> No.8718341

>any interaction with the environment causes the wave function to collapse
No, if that were true you'd never get an interference pattern in the double slit experiment, because the wavefunction would collapse as it passes through the slit. Likewise for a beam splitter.

>> No.8718342

I was thinking of making a separate thread for this but let's see how this goes

thoughts on this video /sci/? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H6HLjpj4Nt4

>> No.8718344

>He thinks light can be at rest.


>> No.8718347

ok, not "any" interaction, specific interactions. passing through a slit is not one of them. Excuse my lack of specificity here.

this is exactly why quantum is so spooky, we are not allowed to peer into the photonic frame and yet it intersects with our world in spooky ways. Great to correspond with an "actual physicist" btw ;)

>> No.8718350

you are not thinking at the quantum level friend. there i go -- teaching! when I committed not to. bye now.

>> No.8718358

SR will still hold in any locally inertial frame, quantum or not. You've no idea what you're talking about. The speed of light (in vacuum) is a Lorentz scalar, so it's the same in all frames, if light has a reference frame then you've found a frame in which light is no longer traveling at c.

>> No.8718364

>if light has a reference frame then you've found a frame in which light is no longer traveling at c.
there is hope for you yet, well thought out.

>> No.8718384

Light travels as a particle and a wave, faggotron.

>> No.8718432
File: 464 KB, 500x271, 1487449988161.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

breh you know when Dirac said that shit about anti-particles travelling back in time
bruh what if-
what if like...
positrons are the particles and electrons are the antiparticles
electrons go back in time
o fug

>> No.8718444

im a real physician btw

>> No.8718447

time doesn't exist for light, so the delay is a misnomer, it is only a delay for the observer.

>> No.8718615

welcome to quantum mechanics

>> No.8719112

glad to see there is not just pretend physicists here with degrees from University of Mickey Mouse.

>> No.8719239

o shiet

>> No.8719261

lmao faggot, post your fucking degree with a timestamp if you want to wave 'i-im a physicist that means im right'

>> No.8719530

>glad to see there is not just pretend physicists here
Are you Russian, by any chance?

>> No.8719532

you are quantum mad :^)

>> No.8719564

Could you alter a quantum eraser setup so that a particle hitting the film on a place likely to be part of a slit pattern causes its entangled twin to be let into the eraser instead of the detectors? The intention is to give the particle a chance of creating a paradox.

>> No.8719579

extra dimensions of time that our limited brains don't perceive

>> No.8719606

>Delayed choice quantum eraser
Sounds like an awesome synthwave track

>> No.8719654

they interact with the electrons of our sensing organs.

>> No.8719683

quantum triggered

>> No.8719819

Do quantum particles have the potential to violate causality? As in, do they have any chance to directly or indirectly affect their own past state? Because if they DO have this potential but DON'T ever do it in practice, it means they're producing null probabilities, which can be utilized to make a device that quickly solves NP hard problems.