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8712788 No.8712788 [Reply] [Original]

High IQ + Low income family vs. Average IQ + High Income Family

1. Low IQ is not used because then you will be retarded, thus defeating the purpose.
2. Cannot have family let you inherit the money, have to be channelled into education

Which one will it be anon?

>> No.8712794

High Income.
You can improve your intelligence using money.
But you can't defeat the bad luck of living in a shithole.

>> No.8712796

If on the "Average IQ + High Income Family" will let me go to an Ivy, then this is definitely the correct answer since I could make lots of contacts and networks while having a high salary and succesful life with an average IQ anyway.

If not, then the former option is better since I'm not getting into a nice school in neither of them, can excell better on the high IQ part and get my scholarships more easily.

But IMO I would pick the latter.

>> No.8712804

Fuck IQ and fuck high income. You gotta know people who know people. Society is just an incestuous brew of people looking out for themselves and their own.

>> No.8712807
File: 387 KB, 690x518, 1458548704383.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Society is just an incestuous brew of people looking out for themselves and their own.
I totally agree

>> No.8712809

High IQ low Income. As the proverb says. A fool and his money are soon parted. I could assume high IQ means you know how to not be robbed.

I am literally going through hell because my mother has repeatedly been scammed out of money by fake "suitors" on the internet. Our family has lost over $50k in one year from this. She is just dumb and gullible. She thinks she is helping people pay hospital bills and school expenses.... But we tracked some of them to literal Nigerians. FML. High income doesnt mean shit if you arent dumb enough to not spend it.

>> No.8712810

Average IQ, gets best food,education,tutors,all books,travels and loans to get start business.

High IQ best chance is get average jobs and puts them children on good school.

High IQ end up work for High Income.

>> No.8712817

>dumb mother
>Cries over 50k
I'm sorry pal but you are both low income and low iq

>> No.8712819

kekkerino cake

>> No.8712821

Don't the kids in Harvard, Princeton and Stanford. Overhyped hollywood prestige schools are of average intelligence, just that they have money, parents pay for tuition, and they just work hard to get into these schools. Meanwhile kids with high iq and low income are relegated to shitty state schools, or better known as "public ivy". I would take average IQ and high income.

>> No.8712822

My mother doesn't have a low IQ she is just 70 and is recently widowed. Grief and health can contribute to loss in cognitive function.

You have no idea what my IQ is and you are an idiot for assuming my IQ.

>> No.8712825

>Le Mr. I can get into Harvard, I just lack the money.

>> No.8712828

You are using the strawman fallacy. If you went to college you would understand that. You obviously have no literary education, you don't even know how fallacious your arguments are.

>> No.8712831

Between 14 to 17 years old, gets great tutor to prepare ivy admissions.

>> No.8712834
File: 242 KB, 1920x1200, UC berkeley.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>relegated to shitty state schools, or better known as "public ivy"
The hell is this nigga sayin'?

Public Ivy=/=X State University

Just ignore the SJW and you will have equal prestige of a normal Ivy, hence the term "Public Ivy".
>My mother doesn't have a low IQ she is just 70
Kek anon, y'know 70 is literally retarded? Stop posting if you don't want to get yourself laugh at.

>Grief and health can contribute to loss in cognitive function.
I had depression multiple times and never cognitive function, in fact, I got smarter.

Sorry for ruining this thread, OP.
>inb4 deleted

>> No.8712843

>be employer
>Harvard vs. Berkeley
>Tough choice

>> No.8712849

>Be britbong
>Get into Oxbridge
>Best professors
>Be successful at life

>> No.8712851

It can still be a hard choice on everything but graduate business schools.

Everything else is the same fucking quality of education, curriculum, rigor, influence and respect

>> No.8712852

>I had depression multiple times and never cognitive function

You have never had cognitive function? Interesting.

>> No.8712857

But aren't kids in HYPSM, just average IQ?

>> No.8712861

Don't generalize thousands of people.

>> No.8712863

You know what I meant, don't avoid my point.
Yes and no, all STEM kids on those universities are actually smart, but business and under (aka everything else not on STEM) are just average IQ.
But obviously on the graduate shit everyone is fucking smart no matter what.

>> No.8712866

high IQ is fucking worthless if you have high income

Higher IQ people have more mental issues anyway so why would I want that?

>> No.8712876
File: 242 KB, 1280x853, tracyc2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

depends on what you faggots imagine low income

if you imagine white family that has just one car and goes to regular school

or you are now hispanic or black, without father, and the people in school you go get frisked for weapons and if you do well easily you are being ostracized by your peers for making them look bad

anyway, go hard mode, be a woman,

>> No.8712879

More like easy mode.
>study hard enough to go into Harvard
>marry into a rich family cause muh prestige in family
>don't have to work for the rest of your life and have like 5 cars

>> No.8712884
File: 93 KB, 780x439, 150501180819-15-questions-tracy-chou-780x439.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its funny that retards really think of women as something completely different from them
with different aspirations and fulfillment
or do YOU want to marry in to rich family to suck some guy off every night so you get perks of having numerous cars?

>> No.8712886

what's low income and high income
income doesn't matter too much, parenting is more important
but family can matter up to 12 points
iq is not all genes

someone with shittier genes can easily outperform someone with better ones in terms of intelligence, iq success and whatever you have

that said, the first one probably if the income isn't so low that you don't even develop properly

>> No.8712891

>Le Academic david vs. goliath XD. Low income vs. high income
who wins? Gee I wonder

Stay brainlet son. You lost the gene lottery unlike me.

>> No.8712894
File: 19 KB, 222x293, 1488283153596.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Stay brainlet son. You lost the gene lottery unlike me.

>> No.8712896

i was referring to iq studies

i don't really know what you meant by that outburst

>> No.8712900

And who are you? Every "point" you just made was completely anecdotal. You have nothing of weight to say you fool.

>> No.8712916

70 IQ is literally retarded and your mom would've gone to a retard school if that disabled rights movement from the 90's(?) didn't happened

>Levine and Marks 1928 IQ classification; 50–74, Morons
>Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scales 1981 Classification; below 70, Mentally Retarded
Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IQ_classification

And also there is only a few ways that actually reduce your cognitive abilities, like alcohol, tobacco, a really bad accident that hit your head, electrical shock, obesity etc.

Not going to list souce on these ones, with just a bit of common sense and google you would find it out youself.
>parenting is more important
But most families don't even have a stable relationship, pretty hard to measure since if you had a shit family it could make you more motivated to study, thus, "making you smarter".
>but family can matter up to 12 points
>iq is not all genes
true but it can make up a great percentage of your overall IQ, more than half IIRC.
>someone with shittier genes can easily outperform someone with better ones in terms of intelligence, iq success and whatever you have

You got many flaws on your post, senpai.

>> No.8712932

Even if the high IQ guy was very smart, I'd call it a draw. The high IQ one gets into an Ivy League because of his smarts, the average IQ one gets into the same Ivy League through money and effort.
However, later the average IQ guy would know he can't compete with the high IQ guy on a theoretical and technical scope, so he would give up trying to get the other guy's job. Then he would form his own company and hire the high IQ guy to be one of his best skilled workers.

>> No.8712935

An average IQ person raised on a high income family would receive education to know how to deal with their money. Having an average IQ doesn't mean you are ignorant or stupid, just that you can figure less things out by yourself as opposed to someone with high IQ. If you have someone to figure things out for you, you'll have the knowledge anyways.

>> No.8712988
File: 203 KB, 300x278, IMG_5970.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related is an example of average IQ + high income. You tell me.

>> No.8713035

A public Ivy is UMichigan, UCal Berkley, UVA, UNC, etc. basically you are a fucking idiot.

Also high income doesn't make it easy to get into Ivies, if you are average IQ then you'll probably find it hard to get the high grades you need. Its probably easier high IQ low income because you can get the grades at your public school and do well enough on ACT or SAT from natural ability.

>> No.8713038

oh man hhahahahah
its 70 yo moron hahahahhahaha

>> No.8713040

>Stop posting if you don't want to get yourself laugh at.

>> No.8713045

ITT: retards that think high income means you can buy your way into an Ivy/good school despite many of their fellow 4channers showing thats not true

>> No.8713207

heritability's high(75% at the highest, but people have found other estimtaes), doesn';t mean it's all genes(being a doctor is heritable for ex) as shown by poorer people having lower heritability - should be impossible if it's all genes
it's 50-50

12 points in a twin adoption study from 1986, moore, you haven't heard of it on 4chan for obvious reasons
there's other examples of increasing iq by changing environment - white people before and white people now, +20 points gained

>inb4 but this means niggers have a chance and i hate niggers
calm down, haven't claimed all of this is externally valid

>> No.8713221

>#28 in engineering

>> No.8713231

I'd love to get either desu, as a brainlet from a lower middle class family.

>> No.8713240

If you still think Trump is dumb you're a fucking brainlet. He'll just keep running circles are your kike masters and you'll never be the wiser as to why you keep losing.

>> No.8713308

He does not have an IQ of 150. If he had he'd show it from an early age. If you read about his life you'll see that's literally nothing special about his intellect.

>> No.8713496

mfw I'm an average IQ in a high income family. Don't appreciate what I have. Right now, finding out what the fuck I've done when I've received by secondary school qualifications, I'm 18, and seeing which schools I can and can't apply for.

>> No.8713504

It is true if you have helicopter parents that send you to elite schools from childhood and give you tutors to ensure you ace all standardize exams. This elite schools are target for recruiting to Ivies and those schools ensure you have everything given to you to get you into an elite college. Rich kids that don't do this either had brainlet parents that were blue collar and got rich or they the kids were lazy and didn't try.

It is so much easier to get into an ivy and be average while from a wealthy family than it is to be smart and from a poor redneck family.

>> No.8713509

I'll take the former as that's mostly what I am

There are plenty of nincompoops running around who came from mid to high income families (assuming we aren't talking about kids with hedge fund manager dads who are going to land them a six figure job straight out of school)