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/sci/ - Science & Math

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8712406 No.8712406 [Reply] [Original]

>Too much of a brainlet to ever understand the beauty of Mathematics

>> No.8712695
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>> No.8712697
File: 37 KB, 480x482, 1479084400779.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a high school dropout brainlet. I don't even know what all those symbols mean.

>> No.8712730

Feels bad man. I'll never understand the secrets of the universe. I just want to understand Quantum Physics properly and not through the lens of pop sci "lol it's so weird how can it be a particle AND a wave? lol crazy"

>> No.8712735

whats ur iq

>> No.8712736


>> No.8712737

oh boi

>> No.8712743

I dropped out of high school as well but recently began reinvigorating my math skills. You can still pick it up, requires persistence like with most things

>> No.8712745

how can 1-1+1-1...= 0 or 1 that would mean this infinite sequence would have to end but that wouldn't make it infinite so wouldn't it equal neither?

>> No.8712766

bruh I started with regular algebra in CC and now I'm taking ODE and Lin Alg. Everyone has to start everywhere. I'm not even good at math but I'm enjoying the higher level stuff offered at my coolege.

>> No.8712777


here you go

>> No.8712784

Check out MIT Open Courseware 2011 Quantum Physics lectures by Alan Adams. It's all on YouTube for free. Bit mathy but not too bad.

>> No.8712785

Just ordered a copy, thanks man

>> No.8712803

Take some classes on Khan Academy and learn what you can. You don't have to learn the advanced stuff, the basics are pretty cool in themselves.

>> No.8712805

Just kill yourself already so you won't curse your offspring with those shit genes

>> No.8712808

0+0+0+0+0+0+0... != 0?

>> No.8712827

does it? that means as I said before there is a point where you stop adding zeros but that would mean it isn't an infinite set of numbers

>> No.8712838 [DELETED] 


I dropped out because of le epik neurosis meme.

I've wanted to study physics since I was like 12, always had high academic success life just didn't comply with my aspirations in the way I wanted it to.

I'm getting myself back into academics and am focusing on math and physics to apply to a university. You can do it too. Go get a GED and go to a community college or if you are in a place that offers them do correspondence and online schooling which offers full accreditation.

I'll be able to apply as if I have advanced class credits from high school (implying anything high school is advanced but you get what I mean) and will be able to do what I want.

My life was shit tier for my teens and I goofed my academic path because of mental illness. IDK why you dropped out but unless you are literally retarded you can achieve a lot if you get back on the horse.

>> No.8712845

[math] \left(\sum 0 \right)! =1 [/math]

>> No.8712850

[eqn] \sum_{i=0}^\infty (-1)^i = \frac{1}{2} (\mathfrak{R}) [/eqn]


>> No.8713469
File: 121 KB, 540x719, 1477687796281.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can anyone recommend me a couple of precollege math books (math books which cover everything I would need to know before starting a math degree) preferably ones that I can torrent?

>> No.8713485

Just read Basic Mathematics by Serge Lang, it's recommended everywhere on /sci/

>> No.8713488

What's the consensus on suicide? Is it a good solution if I'm a brainlet?

>> No.8713493

This is what I was looking for, thank you

>> No.8713503

Not really, just read some great philosophers, it'll improve your life

>> No.8713542

>dividing by zero

king of brainlets

>> No.8713566

Maybe you understand it, but you just don't care. I know quite a few people like that.
There is an emotional component that makes you be drawn to something.

>> No.8713569

Isn't 1/0 infinite and 1/infinite infinitesimal?

>> No.8713806


I can second Basic Mathematics. It gets you thinking about math like a mathematician, and gets you away from just memorizing formulas like you were probably taught in high school

>> No.8715475

brainlets, he just proved that 0/0=1 and 1/0= infinitesimal

>> No.8715517

Instead of cutting the pie into x number of slices you don't cut the pie or however many pies there were. That's dividing by 0 in real life.

>> No.8715590

>have 1 pie
>divide into 0.5 equal slices
>now have 2 pies
is this how jesus did that whole bread thing?

>> No.8715595
File: 76 KB, 958x1280, F1.large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw literature and philosophy are actually the best sibject to pursue,unironically

>> No.8716852

Simulation theory proven.

>> No.8716864

As hobbies, definitely.

>> No.8717315


>> No.8717931


>> No.8718218

There is nothing beautiful about maths, those who think math is "beautiful" aren't real mathematicians, they're artists.

>> No.8718754
File: 74 KB, 277x358, elliot the founder of galois theory.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>too intelligent to understand the beauty of life

please assist me

>> No.8718792

wtf is happening in that picture

>> No.8718806

nerds call math "beautiful" because they've never seen a woman

>> No.8718812

You can't do philosophy as a hobby, though. It's a complete way of being.