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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 18 KB, 348x145, IMG_0385.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8711247 No.8711247 [Reply] [Original]

>fuck... women in STEM statistics still suck even though we're giving these bitches a free ride
>I know, throw ARTS in there!!

Fucking lol

>> No.8711257

If you throw in Womanstudies and jumble the letters a bit, you get MA STEW

>> No.8711362

so we had STEM, an actual subset of academia.
now people want STEAM? If we add the arts isn't this every academic topic now?

Are these gender studies do nothings so salty that they aren't included in something that they have to insert themselves somewhere they don't belong?

>> No.8711375

It's about funding.
There is a ton of extra funding available for anything that falls under STEM, so arts fuckers are just trying to grab a piece.

>> No.8711377
File: 47 KB, 403x392, froggun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

literally disgusted right now

>> No.8711608

>tfw art students can shit or queef on a canvas and call it art

Feels bad man

>> No.8711621

>mfw a literal blank canvas is now held in the same regard as string theory, the Burj Khalifa, and abstract calculus because of "muh statement"

>> No.8711662

>abstract calculus
you mean analysis?

>> No.8711663

/sci/ is so goddamn stupid

>> No.8711999


Math is essentially just art, so it's not that big of a leap.

>inb4 non-math majors arguing about what math is

>> No.8712029

Science, technology, engineering, and math are all empirical and objective. Art does not belong

>> No.8712052

I've seen religious elementary schools making it STREAM. Yeah, may as well through language and history in there to to cover everything.

>> No.8712086


I hope this catches on, because the alternative is yet more "diversity" drives to "equalise" numbers of cunts in STEM.

>> No.8712090

I'd agree with STEAM but only if it's music.

>> No.8712095
File: 40 KB, 657x527, 1484787852090.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wat is art?
r video gams art?

>> No.8712123

this is worse than common core math

>> No.8712125
File: 267 KB, 1200x1800, 1487653656640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>8712086 the pro
>>8711375 the con

shit, which side do i take?

>> No.8712129



It's only objective when science uses it as a tool of quantification, otherwise it's just a bunch of abstract constructs with no tangible meaning or consequence outside human thought. That's why the field is divided into applied and pure math.

Same thing applies to art, specifically "design" which has been objectively used in science for the control of space/ form and communication of optical and auditory sensory.

While I'm not necessarily keen on the idea of "STEAM" let's not try to pretend math is some special field devoid of subjective expression.

>> No.8712135

both of them look pretty nice if you catch my dick

>> No.8712141

t. retard

>> No.8712151
File: 34 KB, 680x554, Bait by Lego.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wikid bantz doodXdd

>> No.8712154

ITT: freshmen and NEETs

all the STEM subjects require a high amount of technical expertise and have direct applications to fields that are productive outside of academia.

Art is included because it also fits that criteria. Everyone here mistakenly assumes two things.

1) that "Art" means _____ Studies majors or some other nonsense with a non-existent job market.

2) that art is somehow easy.

neither are true, and if you don't believe me, try to hire a graphic designer or commission some fetish porn.

>> No.8712157

Art is easy.

>> No.8712161

the basis of everything
EVERYTHING is technology
Engineering is what creates technological advancements
what we also use to create technology that improves our everyday life
wow that picture look cool
whoa that music piece was a good hear
that drawing look cool

>> No.8712163

then go make money at it. thats the difference between being an amatuer and a professional.

>> No.8712169
File: 1.77 MB, 1880x2960, IMG_0477.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wouldn't even be mad if art was taken as a respected and serious subject in education rather than pic related. Art is actually a fairly technical subject and can be applied in a lot of ways to the other subjects except maybe maths.

>> No.8712168
File: 223 KB, 1522x1046, Screen Shot 2017-02-28 at 9.15.25 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This took me approximately 15 seconds to make, you cannot tell me that this is not art, you also cannot objectively tell me that this is bad. Art is easy.

>> No.8712173
File: 1.42 MB, 2000x1754, IMG_0077.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A good start, now try make something like this senpai

>> No.8712175

are you dense?

those things are not grouped together for whatever reasons you are thinking of.

the idea of STEM came from the fact that those fields had direct industrial and commercial applications and required a high degree of technical skill, hence why art is included. you don't know shit about the profession, because if you did you'd know that the talent pool is ankle deep. thats where STEAM comes in.

>> No.8712176

but they don't have to art is subjective therefore they can do whatever they want i.e. a penis

>> No.8712180

your right. but i'm not going to pay you for it. i can engineer a steel beam to support your mom, but nobody is going to pay me for that either even though it is technically engineering.

>> No.8712181
File: 88 KB, 982x790, ART.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>high degree of technical skill
yeah like this shmuck who got a couple zer0s for dis

>> No.8712183

ya boi

>> No.8712185

You can't compare art and STEM studies. Two different ballparks. I don't think of art as something for only dumb whore women but I do value mathematics more than music.

>> No.8712186

So is 2+2, try getting paid to solve that famalam

>> No.8712188

Yes good goy, argue among yourselves about how the limited funds should be distributed.

>> No.8712189

you may not pay me for it but equally retarded art has sold for millions

>> No.8712202
File: 23 KB, 400x400, laughs in physicist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


good marketing and hype can sell anything.

>> No.8712204

I don't think I'd make a lot of money by smearing shit on my face. Doesn't mean it's hard.

>> No.8712206


Funding is already being wasted getting more cunts into math, at least by including cunt subjects in STEM will mean they'll /just/ be wasting money on cunts, not wasting money AND ruing science by pushing low-iq cunts into every lab.

>> No.8712207

>good marketing
>ere is painting

>> No.8712212

>talent pool is ankle deep

what did he mean by this?

>> No.8712219

Who cares?

>> No.8712221

if you aren't making money, then you aren't a professional artist. i am specifically talking about art as a profession. i hope i don't have to spoon feed you any further on the idiosyncrasies of college educated white collar professionals.

no go make money, or is it too hard?

>> No.8712235

What do you mean by hard? If you sell your soul and produce crap that plebs will buy you'll make your money alright.

>i hope i don't have to spoon feed you any further


>> No.8712279

Math is different from most sciences in that it isn't empirical but unlike the arts you can actually be right or wrong about things.

>> No.8712311

From what I know, the "Arts" part is for a more design, artistic-oriented study and application of STEM, not art as a field.

>> No.8712324

Is everyone here in high school? Arts does not mean painting, or music, or anything 'artistic'. When in academia, Arts refers to the humanities (e.g. history, philosophy, literature, etc) and the scoial sciences (e.g. sociology, linguistics, psychology, etc.).

>> No.8712405

I can see it already happening in <6 months.

IMO, it's not like most of financial aid that people get goes to STEM, senpai, since if it was, USA would have been the 1# STEM country in the world leading the advancement of human knowledge.

But sadly, let's just give aid to the "poor" fat as fatass lady that wants to study women's studies and disregard that "rich" kid that their parents aren't going to pay their tuition despite he actually wants to do STEM just like his family.

Priorities straight hmm!

>> No.8712418

If art is so easy then why are you so shit at drawing?

>> No.8712450
