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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 42 KB, 590x563, Stephen-Hawking-387288.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8710120 No.8710120 [Reply] [Original]

Name one thing this guy has done that has improved humanity or even mattered.

Protip: you can't, and theorhetical physics of black holes is less important than even abstract mathematics.

>> No.8710744

Nobody came up with anything. QED, theorhetical physics is the least useful study.

>> No.8710748

Who claimed that he improved humanity?
What's the point of this thread?

>> No.8710776

He diddled your mom

>> No.8710830
File: 271 KB, 420x565, HawkingMathProblem.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

relevant excerpt from this paper

>> No.8711127

>important or useful

Often its not, its pointless

>> No.8711182

He got off with his nurse. That single act, even if he had only shagged her once, is of inestimable value to mankind. Especially those of us who wonder if we're ever going to get laid again.

>> No.8711188
File: 8 KB, 120x96, steven_hawking_small.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He was pretty good on "Futurama.

>> No.8711596

Played himself on Futurama.

>> No.8711629

this, he's stopped countless numbers of burnt-out researchers from killing themselves with this single act. I think he deserves a Nobel for it

>> No.8711641

>abstract mathematics

>> No.8711660
File: 603 KB, 507x1869, human stupidity.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminds me

>> No.8711786

Tldr everyone in that argument seems really stupid.

>> No.8711853

Holy shit I'm embarrassed to share the same species as these people.

>muh practical value!

not everything has to be practical anon, some of the most interesting shit isn't.

>> No.8711926


Please, God, that is not real. Or if it is real, they are not serious.

>> No.8711965

I don't really care if he improved humanity. Science is interesting and humanity can suck my balls.

>> No.8712337

By way of boinking at least two women, he has proven that wheelchair-bound gimps can get away with being perverts, giving hope to the sexually frustrated.

>> No.8712342

the point of basic scientific research is that we don't know if or when something will have practical value. It's about exploration, and the potential for improving humanity.

>> No.8712972

Assumptions are fun!My first question totally implied that I'm on the same page with OP!Whatever, I'll take the bait.

I highly doubt that redefining theories like the BBT is benefitial for humanity in a measurable way as long as the theory will remain a theory.
Sure, he is contributing to the scientific community which is improving humanity when it comes to understanding the world around us, but having a direct impact on humanity is something different in my eyes.

I'm not well versed when it comes to his (actual) accomplishments, I think he proved that the universe has no boundaries and found a way to mathematically prove that black holes exist.I won't google shit to appear knowledgable in this case, I don't know shit about what he is doing other than it's related to astronomy/physics in general.

His discoveries will play a bigger role once mankind is able to actually travel "properly" through space, but the probability that his contributions will get altered / completely revamped or dismissed once the time is ripe is pretty high if you ask me (which would be a bad thing since I don't have actual knowledge about these topics)

Producing children is a more impactful way to "improve" humanity in a sense of enuring that this generation of imbeciles won't be the last one

I don't think this thread has any point or that Hawkings is esentially useless at all btw.
It is obvious that his presence benefitted knowledge of mankind and so on, but it would literally make no difference in our current normie life if we knew about black holes in the first place, because won't get directly endangered by black holes in the forseeable future.

You and our dear OP would improve humanity if you'd remove yourselves from the genepool.

>> No.8712975

>You and our dear OP would improve humanity if you'd remove yourselves from the genepool.
I obviously forgot to include myself in there