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8707993 No.8707993 [Reply] [Original]

In retrospect, do you wish the Internet never was invented?

>> No.8707997

No. I wish social media and online dating never were invented.

>> No.8708042

Of course not holy shit. I never had any friends when I was a kid so the only people I could socialize with were internet people. My social life consisted on internet forums and unironically playing Habbo hotel for like 5 years of my life.

Back then I wondered about what would happen to be if there was no internet because I was a really introverted kid. Even if I tired I couldn't have gotten real friends. I imagined myself staying all day in a library as the only possibility.

>> No.8708057

sorta but not really.

Me abusing the internet is a problem, but the internet has also helped me immensly throughout my life.

One thing I wish wasn't discovered during my lifetime is ANNs.
That really is fucking doomsday approaching, dehumanizing everyone and ruining my old dreams.

>> No.8708060

maybe you would've made some friends at the library

>> No.8708070

That shit only happens in movies. The library would have been wikipedia but with no one to discuss it.

>> No.8708075

No I wish social media was never invented.

>> No.8708083

Fuck no. I'll take my instant communication and wealth of information/resources at my disposal.

>> No.8708086

>That shit only happens in movies.
This. You can't just meet random strangers in libraries and be friends. At least not in most parts of the world.

>> No.8708091

Without the internet and being able to look at scientific journals and google searching the complicated words when I was in early middle school, I never would've shown interest in the sciences. I've developed apathy towards 90% of news and social media and have never had to bother with online dating. Only backwards thinking anti-globalists wish that the internet never existed.

>> No.8708093

Widespread broadband access was a mistake

If we could go back to dial up days and no wifi I would

>> No.8708096

Cant tell if youre sarcastic or autistic

>> No.8708098

Anybody who seriously asks this should be put through reeducation.

>> No.8708104


Neither. At least in my country, if you approach someone and start talking to them they'll think you're extremely needy or crazy and reject you either way.

>> No.8708109
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>> No.8708114

You'd have to be pretty fucking retarded to try socializing there. Most young adults who go the the library only do because they really have to or because they're, you know, looking for a quiet place where they can mind their goddamn business

There are events and gatherings which main purpose is to meet people, why would you go to a fucking library of all places to do that

>> No.8708119

Of course not you mong.

>> No.8708128

that young girl's breasts are not age-appropriate. I'm reporting you for permaban.

>> No.8708221

Sort of. It would make me spend less time on the computer, which could only be a good thing. It would probably make politics a bit less retarded too, because people wouldn't be able to hide in their echo chambers.

I'd make research a pain in the ass though.

>> No.8708229
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I wish 99% of the social interaction of the internet didn't exist and only the vast knowledge and how-to stuff existed. Like youtube without comment sections. No 4chan. No blogs. etc.

The internet is great for giving knowledge and sharing experiences. However, the internet is a fucking horrible place from a social standpoint. Humans are too easily trapped by this shit (deep irony I know, I've been here since January, 2004). At least /diy/ and /out were made. I wish math captchas would return on /sci/.

>> No.8708230



>> No.8708233

Artificial neural networks. I mean the whole AI thing that's currently exploding.
20 years from now the world will be a very odd place.

>> No.8708244

Ah, never saw it as an abbreviation. I don't think stuff like that will ever be a problem.

>> No.8708247

yes. i had a wide network of friends before the internet. when pc gaming came it took over my life and im still stuck.

>> No.8708251


>> No.8708288
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Hell no, real life sucks. I would be living in a cave by now without the internet.

>> No.8708379


I would probably get a job if I didn't have the internet

But I would also probably be a lot more stupid

>> No.8708836

Major in Electrical Engineering going to specialise my master's program in Telecommunications, so no

>> No.8708841

Does she have any "hand expression" vids on youtube?

>> No.8708855


No but they should have never made it easier to get on the internet which allowed the plebian masses to access it with ease.

>> No.8708859


>> No.8709010

If there was no internet I wouldn't be able to see those glorious tits

>> No.8709046

Yeah, you would actually have to go outside to see them

>> No.8709069

Anyone saying yes is being an edgelord.

The Internet is the greatest thing to happen to mankind. I probably have read over two thousand hours worth of wikipedia articles and other encyclopedias. I have always felt so lucky that so much information was so easily available. I'm so grateful.

>> No.8709080

The Internet is great, I just wish Social Media was never created, because it does dumb down modern day society to talk about trivial matters with no importance. I don't have a Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat, Instagram account like others my in my age bracket. So this makes me socially awkward and have to browse a shitty website like 4chan to remain Anonymous.

>> No.8709561

Oldfag here. I grew up before the net. It has given us lots but has taken away lots too. I'd take a net free world over what we have.

>> No.8709587


>> No.8709780

I... honestly don't know. I feel like I owe the Internet for who I am, but I am miserable, but at least I am not my past self. I don't know.

>> No.8709803

i wish smartphones were never invented.

>> No.8709817


I remember when I thought this was the hottest picture on the Internet.

Good times.

>> No.8709920

It's a great thing but it's basically just a polluted system of absolute shit, mostly because of those things.

>> No.8709939

Retrograde time travel is impossible.

>> No.8709947

I acknowledge the flaws and missteps, but no. The concept of the Internet, when it's predecessor was all mainframes in basements playing telephone, was great. The execution if the Internet was... something. Social media is great as insight to the masses, but it is also, awful. There's a lot about the Internet that's not great, especially after it was given time to both be influenced by, and influence, us.

But nothing is perfect, and there are more benefits to me, in the short and long term, than cons. Life was different before everyone dropped crop rotation for mass producing the same crop year after year, to feed the market. Life was different before fertilizer, because the man who invented that also invented Zyklon B. Speaking towards a broad audience, I think the pros of the Internet are more plentiful (albeit mostly latent), too. I'm sure there are anecdotes- but they're just that. There's a lot of good we can still do with this. A lot of good I still think is being done.

>> No.8710088

user friendly interfaces are the problem. computers should have never been made mainstream.

>> No.8710404

I sort of wish i never discovered 4chan desu

its really brainwashed me and distorted my way of thinking

>tfw you realise all these "redpills" are just paranoia of virgins and now youre basically fucked in the head

>> No.8710442

Yes. That way i wouldn't have to use the shitty fucking uni website to do my work ever again.

>> No.8710444

and what, we were all still running around hunting elk and painting on cave walls? the development of technology and civilization led to the internet as a matter of inevitability, there could be no advancement without the full completion

>> No.8710462

Haha love the picture, jc.. that's fukken far gone now

>> No.8710467

>I sort of wish i never discovered 4chan desu
definitely. I was much better off before learning about this shithole.
And I don't even like anime or gore or gay shit or racism. I just wanted a fast anonymous chatroom. I wish I never came across this shithole.

>> No.8710473

>what is exponential growth

>> No.8710478
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>"hand expression" vids on youtube?

Sweet Jesus.

>> No.8710485

just be you'reself

>> No.8710508

>tfw you were never affected by the "redpills" because you knew better from the start

>> No.8710515

This. I started coming to this place when I was a teenager in 2009 and it really fucking derailed my development as a normal person. It took my a log time to unlearn some of the 'truths' this place exposed me to.

>> No.8710530

I knew better when I joined this place.
And I'm not one of the terminal cases that came here at 15, I was 20 years old when I started browsing 4chan.
Now I'm 24.

And guess what, this constant fucking brainwashing has fucked me up as a human being.
I'm more racist, I'm not thinking positively, I subliminally hate people for trying hard and improving their lives. I am desensitized to all kinds of disgusting shit and obscenely abnormal behaviours.
This place has nothing good to offer. It's a shitty socialization replacement that'll take away your soul for some company.

Show me your friends and I'll tell you who you are.

>> No.8710554

I don't know what to tell you, anon. I might be one of those, "terminal cases" that came here. I came here before the consequences would never be the same. I never, once, drank the kool-aid. It was just one big circlejerk of a joke, all the time.

"Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact". That still rings true.

Yep. This place, on the whole, has nothing good to offer you. But, that's what this place always has been. I'm less racist than I was- and when I was that "racist", I had never known about 4chan. I admire people for trying hard and improving their lives. I am fairly desensitized to all kinds of disgusting shit, though. I still cringe when I read about abnormal behaviors, but that's life. 4chan actually made me a better person, specifically because it was a shit place that some unfortunate anons unironically emulated. I think I still even have my "soul".

>Show me your friends and I'll tell you who you are
Do what, now?

>> No.8710585
File: 84 KB, 720x1188, 1481769902853.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8710599

>real life sucks

Not really, you just suck at it because you're a lazy cunt with no ambition or will.

>> No.8710607

this picture just reminded me of that ugly guy who follows women around with a camera and asks them out and makes them clearly uncomfortable

does anyone know what the fuck I'm talking about? I haven't found that youtube account in years

>> No.8710615

no but i wish social media and digital media weren't so closed and lying.

>> No.8710619

I think I know who you're talking about.
I remember the account being suspended or deleted by himself.

>> No.8710621

I actually found it, it's geo godley world vlog

>> No.8710629

No, the internet is a great asset and has proven time and time again just how ignorant the average person is despite having a wealth of information to check for accuracy at their finger tips.

>> No.8710864

are you still a teenager? You sound like it.

>> No.8710879

nothing personnel

>> No.8710920

Hell no, i live in a 3rd world shithole this is my only entertainment.

>> No.8710954

It's pretty legit as far as theory is concerned. Right now the only problem is available datasets, who's building the networks, and hardware limitation when it comes to say building an AI that simulates human consciousness. As far as building highly accurate predictive models are concerned, we're already there. It's more of baby boomers being reluctant to take the final step and turn the business world inside out because they'll be lost if we go full automated decision making. In about 20-40 years the world is going to be a very different place. We could be in some high tech utopia, or we could just as easily be in a world like Psycho Pass where the government has predictive models for crime and everyone is being watched like a hawk with sentiment analysis on CCTVs at a higher level than they currently have in NYC, and in turn we end up with less overall crime but among people who do commit crime were dealing with highly intelligent serial killer psychopaths that probably are using machine learning to coordinate their own moves to counter police machine learning, or at least gangs being led by those kinds of people and they coordinate the moves of their subordinates.

Time will tell.