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8705634 No.8705634 [Reply] [Original]

is botany a good science. i really love plants and the study of them. what are some good books about botany in general.

>> No.8705635

oh man, soft sciences man... they need to go

>> No.8705644

>Tfw not very smart
>tfw still love math and science
>tfw it is a constant source of humiliation and sorrow
i should quit doing it but thought and introspection are the only things that make me happy. i hate being told constantly that i am biologically pre-disposed to be stupid but i don't know what else to do.
>inb4 kill yourself
i know that already i am just too scared

>> No.8705650

Its the best science because you love it.
Others just hate themselves.
Nor reccomendations for you though sorry.

>> No.8705678

there's plenty of plants for you to beat off to in hell
you're not biologically predisposed to be stupid, you're just a faggot

>> No.8705709

I also really enjoy botany, I took a botany class in college, and keep a garden. But my approach to botany is like my approach to poetry and art: a fun hobby, but not a career. There are very few job prospects there. Sure there are some agricultural companies out there, but they're all in the middle of nowhere and probably don't pay well. You only pursue it if it's what you truly love, you will most likely not be financially successful if you pursue it. If that doesn't matter to you then go for it.

>> No.8705715

The Botany of Desire by Michael Pollan was enjoyable for me.
Silent Spring by Rachel Carson is a classic, though might not be botany per se. Most other information should be taken from dense textbooks.

>> No.8705717

is botany really brainlet tier. i like botany because it is creative, you get to understand how plant life grows and help orchestrate it. what is another science that is good for creativity

>> No.8705720

Taiz & Zeiger: Plant Physiology

>> No.8705730

we saw that botany video by pollan and imo it was interesting how plants control us/we control plants

>> No.8705734

what a sad little boy

it is a good science, you could also look into plant molecular biology/genetics

>> No.8705745

i want to know this too, like sure floral design/gardening are hobbies, but i thought botany was studying the biology plants which would be a hard science

maybe people see it as a "casual" hard science?

>> No.8705748

ok that sounds like a really good idea. thank you anon. sorry about posting so many sad cringey things in the thread.

>> No.8705761

i read both of those and really liked them

>> No.8705787

botony is a great science espeically for the young mind because it shares so much with other sciences but is relatively easy to digest and you can literally watch it happen. Like tropism which almost seems like magic at first is really very basic.

Plus at the same time you can intrinsicly teach them about agriculture, self-sustination, value of work and growth over time.

>> No.8706082

plants are beautiful