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8696633 No.8696633 [Reply] [Original]

>send math professor an email starting with "Hi (name)"
>replies back with a PS saying " 'Hi'? I'm not your friend, anon. 'Dear' is more appropriate. And next time I would appreciate if you call me Professor (name) and not by some cheap name you would normally call your friend on a Friday night."

>> No.8696636

>I deserve unique respect for what milliions of others have gone through too

>> No.8696640

Tell him he is superficial and egotistical if he cant handle being called his own name but without the prefix

>> No.8696641

>starting with "Hi (name)"
That was pretty retarded, although his reply was memey as well.

>> No.8696642 [DELETED] 

Did you really think it is a good idea to call your professor by his first name? Jesus.

>> No.8696645

This is the only valid response.

>> No.8696647

He's right though, you're the autistic one.

>> No.8696670

Having manners isn't autistic, nigger.

>> No.8696683


>> No.8696687

I've got a professor that gave us a styleguide for emailing him but said it was okay to use his first name.

>> No.8696698


Found the communists.

Any self respecting person who's gone through years of toil to get his or her PhD and post doc has every right to be called Dr or Professor.

>> No.8696738

If you have to rudely beg people to call you something to feel better the only right you have is getting punched in your fat narcissist face desu

>> No.8696764 [DELETED] 


>> No.8696768

>if you let autists bully you, you win

>> No.8696788



>> No.8696829

Professor 1
>sent out a guide for emails
>outlined what you have listed OP, wants it set up like:
>>start with Dear Professor Wilson,
>>body of message must be grammatically correct, stellar spelling, and to the point
>>end with Thanks, student name

Professor 2
>effectively categorizes students
>grades the kids whom he recognizes with potential harder
>gives more feedback to the students who try
>>I slacked off in that class and had A's on all my research papers, my friend who already has a PhD in biology would receive B's and C's (he would compile additional statistical principles and source near a 100 articles like he was actually trying to publish, this was expected upon him)

Professor 3
>retard in the subject of biochem
>don't know how he became a professor
>gets constantly corrected by his students

Professor 4
>each sentence contains 10-20 vocal fillers, counted the number of times he said "uhhh" when he spoke, it was 405 times in 1 hour

Professor 5
>clinical liaison in internal med
>would hold post conferences
>talks about his anecdotes and life experiences instead of lecturing principles encountered
>waste of 2 hours of precious time, every single day

Meh, we're all human and they didn't bug me all too much.

The one thing I really disagree with is that some professors grade a lot harder in the same subjects that are taught by lax professors.
Getting an A in a subject by one professor is supposedly a C or D level to another.
I feel universities should investigate huge grade disparities between professors teaching the same subjects (I used ratemyprofessor.com during undergrad to specifically avoid this)

>> No.8696872
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>Professor calls me by first name in a class of 160 people
>Everybody turns in my direction
J-just because I went weekly in his office to correct my exercise, that was embarassing

>> No.8696878

If you're young and dumb enough to care about your colleagues just man the fuck up and enjoy the extra grade.

>> No.8696892

The Professor part makes sense but the "Dear" part is kinda stupid.

>> No.8696920

it's actually my worst grade in my masters degree, the guy was actually pretty tough and didn't play favourites at all

>> No.8696927

I believe the autist is you.

You did something very rude and incosiderate towards another person.

>> No.8696962

He is your professor faggot not your butt buddy. Professor lastname is only acceptable format. Even dear is too much

>> No.8697007

>Ay yo Oppie
>whatz dat shit you asked us last week in da lectures?
>cheers in advance yeah?
>peace out homie
-rich feynn

>> No.8697011

Dumb frog poster.

>> No.8697013

You guys are seriously stuck up, all of my professors address me on a first name basis and I do the same because we're not fucking NERDS

>> No.8698111


Some professors have god complexes like doctors. They live in an isolated world where they are important but not really important outside of it

>> No.8698160

>sent out a guide for emails
>outlined what you have listed OP, wants it set up like:
>>start with Dear Professor Wilson,
>>body of message must be grammatically correct, stellar spelling, and to the point
>>end with Thanks, student name
Having dealt with students, I can tell you this is not an ego thing. At any given higher education institute, half the students are barely literate. You need to lay down rules like this if you want to understand what the fuck they are trying to say.

>> No.8698166

>not responding with 'Hi my dear Professor'

>> No.8698175

>Not Hello

Seriously nigger?


Ew no.

>> No.8698181

spotted the nigger. next time just start the email with "sup muh nigga", and end with "your nigga, anon."

>> No.8698184

He's fucking with you. A lot pf professors like to make their students nervous.

>> No.8698194


this happened to me, I got a 500+ word response how inpolite I am, shit was cash, still managed to pass. I cringe every time how retarded I was

>> No.8698200

I emailed one of my professors

"Hi (name),

....serious email here


Because he said we could refer to him by his first name.

Others I use

"Hi Dr. (last name),

....serious email here


Those professors never told us to call them by their first name so I don't.

One professor's university's ID is a spanish word, (he's a white guy whose initials and spell a spanish word) and he tells us we can refer to him by that word or by his first name or by his last name. I usually refer to him by his first name.

Lot of professors in math / STEM are not so uptight.

>> No.8698212

post it

>> No.8698220


can't, it's in croatian

>> No.8698228

post it anyway or just run it through google translate.

>> No.8698239 [DELETED] 

I've had a similar experience except it wasn't a PS, it was all I got as a reply. Pissed me right off because I all I did was ask a simple question that should have been in the syllabus anyway.

>> No.8698241

I've had a similar experience except it wasn't a PS, it was all I got as a reply. Pissed me right off because I all I did was ask a simple question that should have been in the syllabus anyway.

>> No.8698248

I only ever use "Dear professor..." the first time I talk/email to someone. After that I just use "Hi [name]", and if it's a person I email daily I don't even bother saying hello.

>> No.8698252

Assistant prof here, mid 30's, second year as a prof.

Honestly OP, I fucking hate people like that. If my students ask, I tell them my job title and that it's accurate to call me "Dr. Anon". Most of them pay no attention and call me "Mr." or they even call me by my first name and I don't give a fuck. I don't correct them because who gives a shit.

If your source of self respect is tied up in making your students call you by your proper title and shit like that, then you're completely worthless and I have no respect for you. Your students should respect you because you prove to them on the first day that you're a wise badass.

>> No.8698255


Get raped undergrad

>> No.8698263

samefag here, thought of more to say.

It's not reasonable to expect all your students to know what your title is. Instructors have all kinds of job titles. Your students have some instructors who are just grad students. They have some who only have a masters. They have some who do have a phd but whose job title is not "professor". Expecting them to know your exact title is a bit much.

>> No.8698293

You should not have sent your first e-mail to him like that. If he ever told you to call him by his first name, then sure (but "Hi" is still too informal for a first e-mail).

I think it is you that is autistic, because you couldn't feel out the correct way to approach this social situation.

All the same, he shouldn't have responded to you like this. He does have the right to be called as he wishes, so a brief note like "next time, please call me ______" would have still been appropriate. To call out on "Hi" is a little ridiculous, though.

>> No.8698297

I asked a genuinely exploratory question during a lecture (undergraduate chemistry), by putting my hand up, waiting for acknowledgement, then simply saying "(name), why is it ...?" and my classmates were taken aback and later said I was rude for not saying "Professor (second name)".

Fuck off if I'm paying you 10 trillion galactic credits a term, I'll call you Ronald McDonald and you'll learn to like it.

>> No.8698300

>be drunk
>write email in 16 century courtesy style
>"your most admirable", "your excellency" etc
>even used historic words and phrasing
>"Your sarcasm is not amusing, this is so inappropriate bla bla bla"

LMAO what a stuck up cunt

>> No.8698305

>all these autismos actually thinking it's ok to call your prof Bob

>> No.8698306
File: 42 KB, 406x305, Futurama-Robot-Santa-Claus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just reply him don't be so autistic fuckface or I shoot you down

>> No.8698314

It is people whose egos are so sensitive they demand to be called Dr are those who make academia look bad, among other things.

>> No.8698339

pics or it didn't happen

>> No.8698390

>tfw in my language there're no "Dr." or "Professor" before names, just formal and informal forms of names

>> No.8698398

Honorifics exist for a reason.

You autistic faggots call other posters senpai but can't call your professor Dr,?


>> No.8698411

Damn this thread is autistic.

Here in Canada at least the bare minimum expected of you, unless otherwise stated, is: Dear Professor [Last Name],

>> No.8698417

What language is that?
What you said slightly reminds me of Czech (it's not how it is, just reminds me of it.)

>> No.8698422

No way I'm going to call my autistic idiot "professors" by their status. Their skills are so bad it hurts my brain.

>> No.8698443

Tell him that he's not your lover and you will not use 'dear'.

>> No.8698445

Dear always sounded too intimate to me.
I don't think I used it since we learned to write letters in 1st grade.
I always address them as:
Prof. {Last Name}:

You know there's a word filter that changes things to senpai, right?

>> No.8698452

And we all know it is there and most of us use it on purpose most of the time.

desu baka senpai

>> No.8698456

Did you at least get your question answered?

If not fuck that guy

>> No.8698460
File: 65 KB, 760x642, oxforddic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Really? I mean, it depends on context I suppose. In the context of a letter I don't think it's too intimate and is understood as definition 1.2 states.

>> No.8698477

Why would you ever say that at all?

I start all my emails with "Good Afternoon/Morning," and avoid all of these issues.

>> No.8698480

>autistic fucks
>doesn't realize there is a filter that changes words to Senpai.

Do you think people constantly say desu, too? Leave /sci/, brainlet.

>> No.8698487

ayo professor hol up was hannenin

>> No.8698490

>call me Professor (name) and not by some cheap name you would normally call your friend on a Friday night.
I'm suspicious of this post.
Why would he call his own name 'cheap'?

In any case, get over it and just do it different next time. No merit in crying.

>> No.8698492

Thankfully none of my professors or classmates were too autistic, so we all had a very good working relationship.
I can sympathise with the professors that grade harder than others, though. I had one professor who taught parts of some modules and used a blackboard, then wiped off all the material before you could really digest it. Didn't publish revision material either, and gave "half marks". Thankfully when he taught the computational physics modules, he started writing some material (technically just taking it from Wolfson & Pert), but we used perhaps the worst language/numerical package ever created; Mathcad. Made it unneccessarily difficult, and he expected a lot of work for a few marks.

>> No.8698503


Know your place maggot

>> No.8698504
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Found the absolutely ass blasted righty-cuck

your authority doesn't mean shit to me peon.

>> No.8698532

Do you guys use Professor (last name) or Dr. (last name)

Personally, I tend to use the former

>> No.8698540

yeah he kind of sperged out, but he's right. that's pretty basic email etiquette.

>> No.8698548

Rule 41 newfag

>> No.8698550

Bootlicker faggot maggots. He is no better human. I would persoally show him his place by my huge size.

>> No.8698551

If there is ONE thing I like about liberal teachers over the conservative ones, it's how down-to-earth they are. I talk with my humanities teacher as if we were buddies, but the thought of talking in such a manner to my calc 2 professor is terrifying.

Stiff professors are so insecure and desperate for respect in life...

>> No.8698556

Happens always to me, actually it feels good and they're all nice to me

>> No.8698563

The solution would be to factor in the cost of a personal secretary in your student loan. Have a professional do all your correspondence for you.

>> No.8698577

>genuinely exploratory question
>undergraduate chemistry
kill yourself

>> No.8698593

Repeatedly start referring to him by his first name in class. The fuck is he going to do?

>> No.8698596

that's because the liberal faggots know they are useless so when some undergrad shitheel starts licking their ass they are ecstatic as it gives them much needed validation.

STEM, i.e. conservative, professors have actual important research to do and know that there's nothing of worth that can come out of undergrad scum so they keep the conversations formal, blunt, and as short as possible to not waste their time.

>> No.8698600

I just address my instructors as "Prof. X" if they haven't earned the title "Doctor." And I only open any messages to them with "Prof. X" or "Dr. X." I briefly introduce myself as a student in their (insert class time and name) if it's the first time I'm messaging them.

Something like a greeting isn't worth starting friction with a professor over. Especially if they have a bit of freedom to include opinion or "professionalism" points (had a professor for Thermodynamics and Instrumentation and Measurements who had a professionalism grade worth 5% of the course). Especially if they might also be a good professional reference. You're burning a potential bridge if you call him out on his pretension, even if you are right.

>> No.8698601

>Don't even bother with formalities and get to the point in a still-respectful manner
>Have had absolutely no issues with this

>> No.8698607

>fell for the masters meme

>> No.8698608

Uh there's a little something on your nose there...

>> No.8698609

Do you honestly believe the nonsense you typed or do you just type words randomly and hope they make sense? Conservatives have ALWAYS been the ones who throw shitfits over validation and trivial nonsense. Conservatives are lost in their own little echo chamber because it's the only sort of validation they get when they outright reject any science that doesn't conform to their beliefs

>> No.8698614

It's pretty much the same on both sides dude...

>> No.8698623

I've had exactly the opposite experience. Usually it's the liberal arts professors who insist on unnecessary formality, because their careers are based as much on creating a reputation as actually producing quality work. It's the STEM professors that realise their work is far more important than some trivial nonsense like email etiquette, so they don't waste time with posturing, and instead just get to the point.

>> No.8698627

I've never had this problem. Granted, I go to uni in Australia, where pointless elitism is generally frowned upon.

>> No.8698648

professor is only for tenured instructors.

>> No.8698669

you should address your professors by Prof. [Last Name] by default. some will not say anything when called by first name by a shitty freshman out of politeness, but please don't do it

>> No.8698671

both pretty autistic.

I always address people by their proper title especially if they're my professors of bosses wtf is wrong with you anon

However if I was the professor I would of simply pointed out that I prefer professor (name) instead of going on that autistic ramble

>> No.8698713

>treating your professor like your boss
What kind of sniveling, bootlicking shit is this? Last I checked I was paying to go to uni, not the other way around.

>> No.8698724
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>tfw too autistic to read "or"
>tfw or doesn't imply I treat my professors like bosses

>> No.8698745

So you call your bosses by their proper titles, but not professors? Why mention professors at all then?

>> No.8698750

not him but
>reading comprehension

>> No.8698773

I just start all my emails with "Yo".

>> No.8698776

that's much better than "Hi [First name]" imo, and as silly as it sounds, you can make it fit if you're generally goofy like that

>> No.8698785
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>thinking everybody that teaches is a "professor"

Ishiggity niggity

>> No.8698794

Get used to the autism, friend.

Hi, autists.

>> No.8698801

what kind of shit community college do you go to where you're taught by instructors or whatever?

>> No.8698808

What retarded school do you go to where every single teacher is tenured?

>> No.8698821

assistant / associate / visiting professors should still be addressed as professor imo

>> No.8698836

>grades homework by telling you it is wrong with no reason and no location of error and to try again to get a nonzero score
>does not shower, wears fanny pack

>always wears duct tape sandals and rides a bike
>gets really excited about everything

>forced us to do a class second life project
>asked me to come to her house

>said at least one um or uh between each word
>would do this even when making fun of people

>> No.8698871
File: 24 KB, 196x326, 6154039_86f524767badf9861637d688fde3f5e1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>always started emails with "hello/dear Dr. [blah]"
>always used formal language
>always ended with my name
>a prof says I speak too stiffly to him and that he wouldn't be comfortable with me working with him in a lab

>> No.8698883

That's really rude of him.
>Fwd: Department Chair

>> No.8698899

>Rides a bike

>> No.8698901

do you go to NOVA?

>> No.8698960

Dr. Autism,

Retarded shit.

Faggot Undergrad

>> No.8698962

this would be funny. Give me example because i'm too stupid to imagine a good one.

>> No.8698968

I start all email to professors :
Dr. [name],
[my name]

Try this template out

>> No.8698974

Were you raised in a fucking barn? Of course you say Professor or Dr. if you're not close friends with the guy.

>> No.8699003


>> No.8699006

I've been doing

Hello Professor [last name],
[message to the point]

Thanks/Thank you,
[First and last name]

Been ignored only twice

>> No.8699065

Calling out is autistic in and of itself.

Teach by example. The prof should have replied with

"Dear Mr. Anon

U r faget.

Boss Nigga
Kentucky fried Chicken chair Professor
Department of Watermelon shucking"

That would have clearly delineated the social dynamic.

>> No.8699069

Use the most advanced title.

It goes


>> No.8699074

>Conservatives are lost in their own little echo chamber because it's the only sort of validation they get when they outright reject any science that doesn't conform to their beliefs
define male and female

>> No.8699081

this is objectively the correct template

>> No.8699083

>second life project
Do unis actually do that shit? I had to right a paper about that in high school.

>> No.8699088

What you mean 2bh famalia

>> No.8699139

this is good but change "best" to "thanks" or "sincerely"

only fob asians say "best"

>> No.8699155

>Encourage students to call me by me first name
>Memorize all the student's first names by week 4 of the semester
Titles and honorifics are for cowards
In a true meritocracy, they are meaningless

>> No.8699157

>he wants you to call him "dear"
I just start all my emails with "Professor Lastname,"

>> No.8699162

Also, I might add
IDGAF about how students address me in emails
I just try to answer them as quickly as possible, since answering emails is work

>> No.8699164

>Writing an email to prof, use "Hello, prof in the first email
>he replies with "Hello Anon"
>I reply without the greetings, since he responded within 15 minutes and so did I
>he replies "Hello Anon"
>oh shit looks like I will have to greet him all the time
>reply with "Hello professor"
>he replies with "Hello again, Anon"

what the fuck. the emails were back and forth, mind you. I thought greetings is necessary when you're writing the first email in a given day and if the replies are quick, you can omit that.

>> No.8699185


>> No.8699198

Yes, they're entitled to it.
But they should not be expected to be addressed in such a way, nor should they insist on it. Because that is an even bigger faux-pas than simply not giving them the respect they are entitled to.

It's a bad situation where everyone can only lose.

>> No.8699200

>the joke

>> No.8699207

It's interesting how otherwise laid back America is so anal about academic titles. I have never addressed anyone by their last name since high school, but when I write to American universities they suddenly call me Dr Anon. It makes me very uncomfortable, like they're cold shouldering me in some way.

>> No.8699217

they aren't necessary. he just likes saying hello.

>> No.8699228

Do you open emails with
>Oi cunt

>> No.8699234

b sounds fun

>> No.8699235

kek i had a similar professor, wish i still had the email

>> No.8699238

It's the way people adress each other in academia (when they are not acquainted)

>> No.8699242
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>not keeping every correspondence you have ever sent or received

>> No.8699248

>Titles and honorifics are for cowards
>In a true meritocracy, they are meaningless



>since answering emails is work

How can one man be so based?

>> No.8699251

your prof played you, son

>> No.8699253

>not stalking your professors and ask them questions face to face in awkward places/situations

Niggas can't escape when they're taking a shit.

>> No.8699287

>All the engineering lecturers are bros
>refer to all of them by first name
>only use full name and title for assignment cover pages

>> No.8699472

You are correct in that people deserve to be called the title theyve earned.

However if the OP's quote of the professor is correct, this prof seems like a dick. Unless anon was wildly unprofessional otherwise a lighthearted "i prefer to be called professor by my students, please remember that for future correspondence" would have sufficed instead of the extreme condescension.

>> No.8699708

Stop posting the same fucking opinion over and over again. The professor taught that nigger OP to show some respect; if it took him until college to learn it, then it should have been that harsh.

>> No.8699730
File: 265 KB, 687x653, 1480981285970.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>have to take a diversity course
>Latino politics
>Professor forces us to buy his shitty methodology book that's >200 pages but cost about $50
>Opening dedication to people "who never believed in him" in book indicating a chip in his shoulder or an inferiority complex.
>Doesn't have a set exam format
>Expects us to virtually memorize the text
> His comments are really unhelpful. Stuff like "unclear here" for essay exams with no indication of where "here"
>Expects 800+ word essays on exams 2 or 3 essays in 45 minutes to an hour
>Ask for hints on how to study for class, says to just memorize.

Jesus Christ, I have four other classes. This autistic fag is killing me.

>> No.8699741

>comparing "moderate" conservativism to extreme liberalism

>> No.8699793

Serves you right for doing any degree that required a diversity course

>> No.8699805

I go to UCF. Diversity courses are required.

>> No.8699827

that's fucking ridiculous

>> No.8699833

Go to a different uni then

>> No.8699836

>>Expects 800+ word essays on exams 2 or 3 essays in 45 minutes to an hour

I did 800 word essays in less than an hour for a senior grammar class... in high school.

Git fucking good you retard. It is just writing holy fuck. You are baby.

>> No.8699837

It is my friend is a comp sci major. UCF should have stayed a engineering school. I'm a political science major and they don't even offer a B.S. in it. I'm literally trying to get straight A's and do the honors program so I could get into a semi-decent law school.

>> No.8699841

I didn't say it was hard, it's annoying. I easily churn out essays but the level of detail he's expecting would require at least some minimal note use and all exams are closed book.

>> No.8699852

>the level of detail he's expecting would require at least some minimal note use

And you don't take notes in class because?????

>all exams are closed book.

Is that not a standard at your uni? Holy fuck. You are not only a baby, you university is a baby university.

>> No.8699880
File: 42 KB, 800x667, 61ed36a2acdc0470954af61e73446b4bb0e09d5f37c730c346b7648f652028bd_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP should reply with this image.

>> No.8699887

Are you retarded?
> Do you not take notes in class?
Yes you stupid fuck, I mentioned them when I said that detailed exams generally some minimum note use.
>Baby university
I won't argue that because I just go to a public uni, but most exams are closed book. I'm talking about the level of detail my professor requires for a meme subject like Latino politics.

> Complaining
I said earlier I'm starting work on my Honor's thesis, so yes I'm a little pissed I have to spend time on intersectionality theory.

And yes I'm mad. Fucking kill yourself.

>> No.8699888

* Generally require
I'm really pissed right now.

>> No.8699890

>Anon Anonymous was expelled from university after sending dick pics to his professors while talking about his "huge size".

>> No.8699895

ITT: freshman that don't know that college is just a 4 year hazing period.

>> No.8699916

>need to peer review short paper for online meme class
>instructor assigns papers to review over email
>doesn't state whether to turn in review, or to send it to the classmate over email
>doesn't give any contact info for classmate either
>send an email implying that I don't know which to do by asking if I should send it to the classmate since I'm finished
>"Yes, please?"
>have to dig around through class registry to try and find student's email address
This is no big deal, but it annoyed me for some reason.

>> No.8699925

I am your Professor now.

>> No.8699935

If he is a full fledged Professor or assistant professor then yea the way you worded it was rude but any normal human would not make a big deal out of it.. if he was just a grad student or post grad TA then he should stfu

>> No.8699944

I seriously don't understand how people like you manage to do this.
I don't want to judge or anything, but this is to me really quite cringy.
For reference: The only time I ever thought about writing my professor a mail.

1. Find out his fully qualified name with all his titles on the internet.
2. Start with "Dear Prof. Dr. (name), " only that I wrote it in my native language, which has an even more formal form than "Dear".
3. Think about every sentence I write for about 2 minutes.
4. Decide to scrap it, because I figured I should first try to write to one of his helpers and not to him directly because he might have better things to do.
5. Don't even do that.
I don't even like that professor

>> No.8699948

>Hi'? I'm not your friend, anon
He is NOT a friend: NOT TO ANYONE. He is an UNfriend, and they're all over the place.
Best, of course, would be if you could find a civilized prof, but if not all you can do is learn and hope he doesn't deliberately f you with lies and obfuscation to f up your career.
Lots of disenchanted teachers who are frustrated at their meaningless lives do this. Lots of people here express similar horror stories with theirs.

>> No.8699949

Yea if they are a prof you should definitely call them Dr. but to actually complain about that is a bit much. Dr. Is earned. Dear is formal and they always said to be formal in your first emails but the way he bitches about that shows that you will probably never be able to get to know this guy better which sucks. Does your class have+100 people?

>> No.8699954

I call my profs "my teacher" since it is the most common way to address all the people who teach in my langauge, (for example i also call my aikido sensei "my teacher" too) and it can also be a way to address random people as well. One of my profs addressed me as "my teacher" whenever we discussed politics for example but that may also be related to me being a PolSci dropout

>> No.8699956


>> No.8699967

>First semester
>All my lecturers are fine with students being informal
>Second semester
>Call my lecturer by his first name in a lab
>Has an autistic rant
>Call my next lecturer doctor
>Is amused by how formal I am
>Entire class laughs at me

I just don't speak to lecturers now.

>> No.8699977

Why did you drop out?

>> No.8699980

This happened because you are faggot. You are always going TOO far.

Calling a lecturer by his first time is too far, which means that some will be fine with it and some won't.

Calling someone Dr. is also too far, some will love it and others will think it is weird.

What is the answer? To find the middle of both statements. I simply call everyone 'Professor'.

Not even by their name. Just 'Professor'.

Excuse me, professor,...
Hey, professor...
Hi, professor...

And I only call Professor (name) my old professors who I have already known for a semester and kinda like me back.

Just do that, call them professor. And I know some autistic faggot in this thread saying

>But uhh... not all lecturers are professors!

But that does not matter. Just call them all professors. It is formal because by calling them that you are acknowledging that you are inferior to them (which is the point of honorifics), but at the same time feels casual in the environment of a university. It is perfect.

>> No.8699984

>post doc
>not a communist

>> No.8699994

Except here "professor" is a highly ranked position and the title isn't used outside of formal letters/memos, references and official documentation. so I'd just end up inciting more mockery.

>> No.8699996


He probably just doesn't like you.

>> No.8699997

To the most esteemed educator [firstname] [lastname], I humbly direct the following concerns:

>> No.8699999

Professor is a highly ranked position everywhere faggot. What are you talking about?

Just call them fucking professor. Even if they are a homeless person teaching a class at university then he is a professor.

>> No.8700001

The digits are truthful

>> No.8700002


>Even if they are a homeless person teaching a class at university then he is a professor.
Such is the word of KeK

>> No.8700028

I got into that program to become a bureucrat/diplomat (it is necessary in my country to have a PolSci or an equivalent degree to become a high-rank bureucrat) and after a year I decided that's not what I wanted. So I switched, to become an academician in a field that I'd actually enjoy teaching/researching in.

>> No.8700033

>not allowed to call hs teachers by first name until after graduation
>not allowed to a dress profs unless youre a grad student
Had someone with a master's teach linear algebra so I called him mister.

>> No.8700039

Why not call him master?

I once did and it was gaaay.

>> No.8700048

"Darling" would be better

>> No.8700056

I frequently start off with "Hi/Hello Professor, (name)". I've never gotten a bad response.

My research mentor, a neurobiologist, once summed his attitude about titles with something along these lines: "One time when we were doing an exam, time ran out and a student got uppity about me coming and taking his away. And, I did say to him "That's PROFESSOR Shit-head to YOU!" but otherwise..." and then he shrugged.

It's funny how I have the most respect for the people who don't seem to need to demand any.

>> No.8700057

i've always been able to get away with just calling them "doc"

>> No.8700060

I always use doctor or professor. People on 4chan are retarded autists.

>> No.8700061

>Calling someone Dr. is also too far, some will love it and others will think it is weird.
>What is the answer? To find the middle of both statements. I simply call everyone 'Professor'.
Like the other anon said, in any university the position of professor is higher than lecturer or associate/visiting professor, so usually doctor is the more general title.

>> No.8700066

>the position of professor is higher than lecturer or associate/visiting professor

But whooooooooooooo cares.

Some weeks ago I found out that the guy teaching my history class actually works at the history's department reception. I still called him professor and he never said

>Uh, don't you know I am NOT a professor? I am actually INFERIOR to a professor. So please call me by that inferior name, please.

Nope, no one will ever say that.

>> No.8700068
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Next time, just start with the word "Dude!"

>> No.8700072

This. If you can't figure out or accept the legitimacy of basic and harmless conventions like this, you most likely have asperger's.

>> No.8700098

yeah, I always just say Professor, works every time.

although, on the other hand, the professor who is personally offended by not being called doctor or professor or some other title is probably also kind of an autist. Being confused is understandable, but actually angry?

I mean, I'm on the path to PhD, and I might be busting my ass, but if someone just called me by my first name instead of a title I'd probably sooner laugh than go on a tirade.

>> No.8700205

get ready to fail your course

>> No.8700214

I just say Dear X-先生、

>> No.8700216

>Prof. Dr.
German detected

>> No.8700238


Dear previous life?

>> No.8700259

Sensei is an honorific

>> No.8700262

At what level of Chinese knowledge would you know the meanings of those individual characters but... not the meaning of this (remarkably common) word itself?

>> No.8700273

At the level where when I was in high school I used the wikipedia page of Kanji to learn how to spell and read about 120 kanjis and then got bored.

That level. So not even chinese. That language is for plebs. Japanese is 10/10 though.

>> No.8700291

>Japanese is 10/10 though.
Weebs are the worst thing ever

>> No.8700302

I am sorry no one likes you boring as fuck ancient language but everyone loves the refined version that is japense, or as I have recently taking to calling it, KANJI+HIRAGANA chinese.

>> No.8700343

if someone is enough of a fag to get bent out of shape over not being called "Dr. Name" then they're probably a shitty person

>> No.8700355

>tfw in junior year and have never gone to anyone office or talked to them or asked questions in class

im not gonna make it am i

my grades are good but i'll never find a job

>> No.8700362

I also always send the first email with "dear professor <name>" BUT that professor is still an autistic cunt for correcting OP that way

>> No.8700366

>Chinese is for plebs, pseudo-Chinese is 10/10

>> No.8700402

>I'm a political science major

>> No.8700406

Don't forget that it's also FREE as in FREEDOM

>> No.8700413


people go through way more toil for way less

>> No.8700422

Um, no?

>> No.8700433

Yo baby check it:


word is bond I'm the eyes that's in back of you, kid

>> No.8700446

>a professor is a cunt for saving a person's professional development

you fucking stupid cunt, the professor was doing him a favor, by telling him to be fucking courteous. if you ask for professor's help without being polite good luck ever getting into graduate school


>> No.8700534

This is the best way. I use it in any case. It always works.
Also, "Dr." is really strange for some professor, but some likes to be called that way.

>> No.8700562

Why are all you fuckers sending me emails anyway?
If it's not in the syllabus, you can ask me in lecture, lab, or office hours
I'd rather be writing grants or shitposting on 4chan than answering your emails
I don't care about how you address me, you failed by sending me an email in the first place

>> No.8700583

get into lab research now you fool

>> No.8700620

Holy shit kek, OP BTFO

>> No.8700642
File: 44 KB, 1080x717, AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My professor back in physics 1 was so fucking autistic, but he was ridiculously smart. Talking to him one on one was the worst thing ever unless he was explaining something to you.

>try talking to him after class
>he seemed kind of annoyed and on edge
>conversation was totally on me
>can't think of anything to say at one point
>awkward silence
>shifts his eyes and backs away to the chalk board
"hehe have a nice day"
>no response
>starts the erasing the chalkboard
>walk out embarrassed and uncomfortable

was it my fault? am I the autistic one?

>> No.8700644

I never call people by names or titles, I just say/write you.

>> No.8700647

Actually, you're right. He could have been more polite in pointing this out, but yeah, he's doing the student a favor by calling him out.

>> No.8700653

>>talks about his anecdotes and life experiences instead of lecturing principles encountered
>>waste of 2 hours of precious time, every single day
I fucking hate this so much.

>> No.8700658
File: 660 KB, 1106x1012, pepe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>writing email
>"Dear you, ......."

>> No.8700660

Why are Americans so rude and informal?

>> No.8700662

No he means like this:
- Me

>> No.8700667

In Brazil we don't have this shit, I'm the only faggot who abides by the formal rule. Everybody calls the professor either by first name or by "Professor (first name)"

>> No.8700668

No matter what my students call me, I go on a rant about how it wasn't just right.

>> No.8700672

>I'm all formal in my emails
>start with "Dear/Endeared professor (...)", write with flawless grammar, end with "Thanks in advance, (my name)"
>professor replies in all minuscules, abbreviates words and ends with his initial
He's the most respected in the department too

>> No.8700683

Here we go with some of that good old


>> No.8700687

>email 'netics professor
>"Hi Dr. [professor's name],
>"I was wondering if the draft for the Tuesday lab's posters are due Monday or Tuesday during lab? Thank you for your time."
>"Best wishes, anon"
>next day
>[no subject]

>> No.8700694

Happens all the time.

>> No.8700699

Pleaseee post it m8

>> No.8700700

I'll solve this shit-flinging for both of you.

There are no conservative professors in existence.

>> No.8700701
File: 212 KB, 1035x895, good yard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not ending the letter with "good fuckn yard"

>> No.8700704

Yeah I think that was the first time I ran into it, but after that class I began running into it a lot

>> No.8700709
File: 22 KB, 640x480, Ramiel_110.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesn't get high with his professors
>he doesn't drink with his professors
>he doesn't go to his professors house to talk about science and math
I swear some of you autists are just the least personable people alive

>> No.8700710

How it usually goes with the faculty I interact with:
>next day
>no answer
>next day+1
>no answer
>next day+2
>no answer

>> No.8700712

Yeah if they ever didn't answer me after a business day or two I'd go bug them at their office instead, I only really emailed people if it wasn't critically important

>> No.8700714
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>> No.8700719
File: 15 KB, 300x300, man wiping sweat off brow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Autistic student
>Be undergrad
>Email independent study advisor
>Gives me his cell phone number
>Text him that day for guidance
>Occasionally text him letting him know I set up whatever cultures we're growing
>Mfw I still usually send emails because texting seems too intimate/unprofessional
Will I ever make it /sci/? He's a laid back dude but I just feel odd

>> No.8700723

I could never be that professor that never answers, even if it took up my time to the detriment of my other work I wouldn't want to thought of as the absent-minded guy oblivious to his inbox or the plain old dick

>> No.8700831

top kek

>> No.8700867

had a professor that put her phone number on the syllabus and told us we could call her anytime to ask questions
she said she's received calls at 3 am the day of the exam

>> No.8700955

I have very noticeable and """intense""" Aspergers. That being said, I did fine in school so long as I was aware of any atypical behaviors I would show (i.e constantly eating the same foods because I found comfort in the structure).

Be mindful of yourself and others and apply and integrate yourself into the majority.

>> No.8700988

Sounds like a loser, I'd call him a loser and report them to the Dean of faculty for harassment

>> No.8701025

In hueland, it's quite normal to call professors for their first name.

>> No.8701027
File: 38 KB, 657x527, 1484861622999.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How out of touch do you have to think it's the proper way to mail a teacher?
Is "Hello Mr. [name]" really that hard?
If he thinks even this is too formal he'll let you know.

>> No.8701035

I always called profs under 45 by their names

I only use honorifics for 50yr old people+ or for employees who are also being formal etc

>> No.8701388
File: 50 KB, 1273x365, princeton-logo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I go to Princeton. I got this in a PS in an email i sent where I referred to the lady as "Ms."

BTW (I mean this in the friendliest possible way!) I worked really hard to earn my PhD, and so in professional settings, I prefer for students to refer to me as Prof. XXX or Dr. XXX rather than Ms. XXX. No worries - I am sure it’s a confusing thing to figure out, but I just wanted to let you know.

>> No.8701423

I got corrected by a woman professor when I referred to a group of females as girls. She told me to call them women because we are in college. -_-

>> No.8701447

This, the guidelines aren't being sent for the students capable of writing a formal letter. I can promise you they don't care about you not following their guidelines if your email is properly formatted and worded. The guidelines are sent out because they will with 100% certainty receive "textspeak" emails otherwise.

"LO prof,

I wntd 2 kno by wen I hav 2 h&nd assignment & wen I cn Xspec it 2 b graded.

thk U 4 yor tym"

Rather than figuring out which of their 150 students are the retards and which are not, they just send the guideline email to everyone.

>> No.8701455

Boy oh boy, I got the opposite. Referred to her with all the correct titles, then received an email telling me I could drop all the bullshit titles and just call her by her first name. This is in a top uni in Holland.

>> No.8701458


What a condescending shit reply from what sounds to be an insecure bitch, probably ugly to boot.

>> No.8701466

I am a medstudent who taught himself Japanese.

Did several internships there (Tokyo) and plan on moving to Japan once I am done. Love the country and its people, also great job opportunities due to a severe imbalance in their old people:medical people ratio.

So ya, it's a 10/10 language for me.

>> No.8701469


Nice pic but you're a small piece of shit who will do nothing unless surrounded by friends and attacking a person who is alone and unarmed.

I'm no right-winger, but leftism is fundamentally an ideology of weakness. You're exhibit #1.

You will never not be physically weak. Enjoy your life.

>> No.8701493

I have an ad libs worksheet that I fill out to compose my posts calculator.

>> No.8701503

I hang out with a 70 year old math PhD every other day and he just likes me and his students to call him by his first name.
He tells me stories about the korean war as an engineer.

>> No.8701504

Also wondering the same, what do you people ask your professors?

>> No.8701988

or portuguese

"Caro Professor Doutor"

>> No.8702000
File: 17 KB, 341x70, ll.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've had similar

>> No.8702007

I was on board until
>No worries - I am sure it’s a confusing thing to figure out
Bitch do you think I'm 13 or something

>> No.8702009


>> No.8702034

he was super polite at telling you to stop writing emails like a rude retard

>> No.8702036





>> No.8702050

what a self righteous cunt

>> No.8702051


>> No.8702055

Postaj hocu da vidim

>> No.8702171

cuntish and egotistical thing to actually moan about it but in fairness you're just another undergrad little shit to him, until you're doing research with him and he actually states he doesn't mind you calling him by his first name you should address him formally out of respect

>> No.8702177

>STEM professors have actual important research to do

top kek the ones teaching you don't, the true researchers don't have to lecture

>> No.8702179

You are a fool

>> No.8702182

It depends. Tim Gowers has a fields medal and he has to teach calc 1 sometimes because there's a requirement that he teach a little bit

>> No.8702186

Depends on the Uni, some Unis have research profs lecture.

>> No.8702194

>He's the most respected in the department too
Wanna take a guess why he is the most respected in the department?

>> No.8702199

Do you call a group of males boys?

>> No.8702203

Here at Princeton the 2016 Nobel prize winner in physics taught intro E&M precepts just prior to his award

>> No.8702205

/sci/mons are certainly on opposite sides of the spectrum.

>> No.8702212

>not even his professor and already licking his balls

>> No.8702215

>professors without teaching duty
and this is why clapistani education is shit

>> No.8702236

Fuck off with this shit. How does a fucking prefix change anything?

If you want respect, earn it by not being a narcissistic cunt and lecturing adults on how they nee to adress you.

>> No.8702252

What the fuck is "latino politics"?
t. actual latino

>> No.8702291


>> No.8702324

Should have taken something cool like World Music instead, I learned about a bunch of cool music styles, appreciated a lot of my music more, and got to watch the professor hired as a temp shit on anyone who made stupid comments

>> No.8702333
File: 164 KB, 1204x800, f78f53f22aaf19638d0cf0e73bb1e38af307b512d2a22fc1cfb667b7b77eea59.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my butt hurts so bad

>> No.8702339

One time I did something similar. The professor emailed back a normal response, but signed it Dr. So-and-so. After that I used the title. That's how a non-autistic professor handles the situation.

>> No.8702349

>Counted the number of "uhhs."
Anon, you're autistic.

>> No.8702740

Prof. is generally a higher ttle than Dr. tho

>> No.8702760

I have now realized that most of /sci/ are autistic and bad at communication. If someone has the tittle of Dr. , you should use that tittle to get on their good side. I don't know why everyone is out here trying to make a philosophical statement.

>> No.8702850
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>> No.8702884

>teaches math
>expects to be called Professor
Thats pushing it but youre still slightly in the wrong here. Getting upset at Hi over Dear is pure autism. Youre better off not putting any salutation at all because Dear is not appropriate because its more intimate and personal, like someone you'd call by name

>> No.8702891


the people with important shit to do have real jobs, ie are not teachers sucking on the ivory cock.

>> No.8702895


if any PHD gets autistic with you remind them that university isn't a real job

>> No.8702900

>>teaches math
>>expects to be called Professor

Literally what did he mean by this?

>> No.8702903

I wouldnt call a group of male students men.

>> No.8702908

I call them "guys".

>> No.8702949

Dear Professor butthurt,
I thought we were friends and it was Friday night,
t autist.

>> No.8702998

gonna start ending all my emails with t. [name]

>> No.8703008

t. t. autism

>> No.8703129

>posts on an anime forum and "taught" himself Nip
>thinks 先生 means previous life

>> No.8703243

They should, but the professor's response was pretty autistic considering that there are a number of ways to respond to that without being a conceited asshole.

>> No.8703260

new-age professors often have trouble with students trying to befriend them for grades. I'm sure this dude is just being defensive because what the fuck were you thinking entitling your message in such a way?

>> No.8703958

>Be an autistic faggot that always want to be anonymous
>mail my lecturers with a very formal lecture
>they respond to me
>mfw my signature is goatse and my email is aids@goatse.cx

every time

>> No.8703964

Also, its should be a right to be anonymous on university, fuck them elitists fuckers. fuck them all

>> No.8704907

>t. Wu-Tang

>> No.8704910

absolute madman

>> No.8705051

This, Jesus, you should see some of the emails students send. They're often totally incomprehensible, most of them never learned how to write.

>> No.8705059

Ne budi pička, šalji to

>> No.8705178

I had a humanities prof who actually gave us a template for emails that we had to use. He said we would be surprised at how many unreadable "text language" emails he's gotten.

>> No.8705397

Not your fault. Your Professor is a pretentious douche bag.

>> No.8705461

Guys or boys. It's pretty normal.

>> No.8705571


> be Finland
> none of this autistic title-jerking outside of the army

When I email a professor, it's usually
> Moro Jukka!
Which is equivalent to saying "Hey (name)!"

>> No.8706536

This thread is pretty weird. I have a PhD, work with PhDs, and to have someone insist on a formal title is considered laughably bad form.

Good people stand on their work - publications, citations, presentations, open source, etc - not their fucking title.

>> No.8706538

Well first off your professor is being a dick.

But also the standard protocol is to address someone by their formal title in the first email and then switch to however they sign the response.

>> No.8706567
File: 66 KB, 554x400, 1481903963459.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Graphic design professor is qt
>She never tells us her preferred title
>Can't call her doctor since she's MFA
>Can't call her professor since she's not tenure
>Can't call her Mrs/Ms because not sure of her marital status.
>Call her nothing, never email her, never call her by her name.
The only solution. A

>> No.8706571

Been calling my advisor by Dr. since I was a freshman, yet he's been signing his emails with his first name since my second semester in the program (~three years by now).
My high school teachers insisted that they be called Mr./Mrs. until I graduated, so I've been applying that rule to my college professors unless they say otherwise.

>> No.8706587

This. I stole this style from my undergrad adviser. Swap "best" with "thanks" or "thank you" if you're asking for something.
>tfw you used "dear" and "sincerely" your first year

>> No.8706668

I have a professor that hates it when we call him Dr.xyz. He told us he prefers if we just call him by his first name

>> No.8706682

Money talks and you're paying for his salary. Tell him to fuck off with his cringe title or answer your question.

>> No.8706693

>Money talks and you're paying for his salary.
lol no, he has a grant

>> No.8706697
File: 7 KB, 250x250, walt kek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>chinese professor's name is "ShiTing"
>"in my experience I find most Americans cannot pronounce my name correctly, so please just call me [English name]"

>> No.8706813

Ms. is acceptable for both married and non married women, and can be used when one is not aware. Mrs. is only used for married women.

>> No.8706815


my dad had an indian professor named Dixit. his students would pronounce it "Dicksit", but he would let them know it was actually pronounced "dick-shit".

>> No.8706847

Dr. Pavel, I'm CIA

>> No.8706855

Hi Dr. Lastname for first email

Hi Firstname after that unless they are uptight

>> No.8706890

You are a professional educator. Maybe you should find a different line of work.

>> No.8706913


There's literally no reason for a teacher to care about how he's addressed. Fascists love hierarchy because it gives them a boot to lick and a mouth to step on; they insist on respect according to rank, not respect according to merit.

/pol/ can die anytime now, really.

>> No.8706948

I chuckled at the thought of him checking his inbox and reading that

>> No.8706956


>> No.8707091

I have a professor who is the exact opposite of this. He actually gets angry when you call him professor (last name) or Dr. (Last name). He just wants to be a bro.

>> No.8707097

you fucked up but not adding "Dear Mr. cunt"
he fucked up by reacting to it like a complete autistic fag

>> No.8707103

if i pull that prefix off, will you die?

>> No.8708064

i just cut the Gordian knot and don't even use their name


stunned that people have trouble with this

>> No.8708772

If I said this to any of my professors they'd 100% call me out on my bootlicking.