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File: 2.01 MB, 1703x1524, terry-or-toady.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8695649 No.8695649 [Reply] [Original]

Will you embark on a lonely crusade to bring the world back to the one true path?
Or will you cloister yourself away in peaceful meditation of all things /sci/?

>> No.8695688

College drop out here. I've done nothing but play games and browse the internet since dropping out.

>> No.8695709

>bring the world back to the one true path?

Which is?

>> No.8695754
File: 53 KB, 786x618, 1487615200153.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

terry for sure

>> No.8695887

I'm a Rare Toady.

>> No.8696000

When I drop out of society, I'll probably be a toady. Seems like a comfy retirement.

>> No.8696016

>Ted Kaczynski, activist

>> No.8696022

100% Terry

>> No.8696033

toady 100% for sure.

>> No.8697467

whats terries pic? I know toady is dwarf fortress.

>> No.8697484

The path of the Wizard.
The path of the Prophet.

How about the path of the King?

>> No.8697502

It's the Temple OS logo.

>> No.8697507

why would you want to drop out

>> No.8697513
File: 18 KB, 208x312, perelman2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How the fuck is Perelman "working to change the world"?
Nigga probably just wagie posts on r9k all day and eats tendies.

>> No.8697523

neither one of them dropped out, though.

>> No.8697558

you're joking right?

>> No.8697562

toady dropped out. don't know about terry.

>> No.8697565

I'm am the ultra-terry

>> No.8697572

Only halfway, why?
He quit his job, refused the fields medal and has been living with his mother since the mid 00s.
Unless he's resurfaced and I've missed it. Why wouldn't he spend his days shitposting, jerking off or otherwise waste his time. He sure as shit isn't "working to change the world".

>> No.8697590 [DELETED] 

David Sim's the only one on their who I don't know. Are his comics good?

>> No.8697598 [DELETED] 

Who is David Sim?

>> No.8697607

leaving a shit post doc is not dropping out. he has a phd.

>> No.8698907

Why can't I just be a regular deadbeat?

>> No.8698986

Stallman is a fucking zealot, he should be on Terry side.

>> No.8699025

Stallman is neither. He doesn't work anymore, only preach.

>> No.8699062

One must first be able to get laid to even think about the path of the King.

And don't get started with Plato's philosopher-king bullshit--we're about 2500 years past the point of that even being on the table.