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File: 15 KB, 620x348, 1487798804942.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8694959 No.8694959 [Reply] [Original]

Exoplanet research, prove to me why this isn't the biggest waste of time and money to come out of """nasa"""

>> No.8694967

Because it's cool to know stuff?

>> No.8694970

If we send a message that says:
> aye, what's up guys? we from earth n shit, haha hmu
We'd get a response in 2 years

>> No.8694977

It's not a waste. Id rather have tax dollars spent on new discoveries and interesting things instead of welfare and neetbux

>> No.8694979

It's not a waste of money. It keeps the plebs going 'wooaahh' and 'niicceee, aliens', therefore keeps publicly funded science alive. That we, us peeps doing real science can get the necessary funding. It's good distraction. Scientifically almost pointless, yes, but it keeps the people entertained.

>> No.8694985

more like 80 years (40 for our message to reach them and 40 for it to get back) for this particular group of planets

>> No.8694990

Its cool to know what we already knew, exoplanets exist wow such cool.
Yeah but would you rather have nasa not fuck around with your tax dollars and actually put it to better use like manned mars exploration or robot missions to Europa?

>> No.8695006

> response in 80 years
Probably more. Even if there is an alien civilization that far away, how do you know they're not cavemen? And if they are as advanced as we are what makes you think there's some guy just sitting around waiting eagerly to hit reply.

Half the people on Earth probably have no idea what the fuck that message you type even means, so an alien civilization is going to spend forever trying to figure it out and order to respond properly, their government might even decide not to reply because they might think that humanity is too dangerous, or maybe they're controlled by religious overlords who want to hide the fact of human existence.

Some alien grad student might find the message and just dismiss it by accident, with nobody ever finding out about it or no response ever being sent.

>> No.8695013

>Yeah but would you rather have nasa not fuck around with your tax dollars and actually put it to better use like manned mars exploration or robot missions to Europa?

How much do we actually know about the cost of this research? As I understand it they're using telescopes that already exist anyways for the most part.

Also even if they put 100% of their funding into a manned mars mission do we know if that would be enough?

>> No.8695017


You mean than in about 40 years an aylium civilization will know that we discovered them?

>> No.8695018

yea that's all totally possible. should have said at least 80 years.

>> No.8695036

potentially yea

>> No.8695045

Because this is a bait thread. NEXT QUESTION!

>> No.8695048

Wait, shouldn't they be receiving our transmissions already?

>> No.8695060


Yes but we haven't sent the hypothetical ayys in this system a "sup niggers we found you" message so they don't know we found them. They are just receiving random bullshit from our TV shows and radio transmissions.

>> No.8695065

idk when we first started broadcasting stuff but even though all of our transmissions are technically going to travel out into space forever that doesn't mean they will be decipherable forever.

Signal strength is a factor as well if you want someone many light years away to actually be able to read your message and not have it just blend in to the background radiation.

>> No.8695067

NASAs entire premise is to take money from taxpayers you retard. This isnt some new idea. How did going to the moon justify the cost? It's the most expensive quasi-altruistic firm in the history of the world.

>> No.8695078

It's a huge waste of money. The money would be better spent on unmanned missions and colonization attempts.

>> No.8695089


>hurr NASA is a waste of money
t. brainlet


>> No.8695104

>We invested hundreds of billiions of dollars into basically "public sector Google" and some of that money accidentally created products with limited market opportunities

well done dummy

the free market would never have been able to create those products with billions in investment, we needed to force taxpayers to fund public sector google

>> No.8695117

You can't evolve and expand without discovering neues lebensraum.

>> No.8695125


NASA's budget is a drop in the bucket. It's only recently that space travel/exploration became feasible for the private sector to engage in, and that is in large part due to years of NASA R&D. If you want to autistically screech about government spending, go look at how much we spend to give niggers cradle to grave welfare or how much it costs to bomb various brown people on the other side of the world.

>> No.8695145

Welfare keeps the poor from eating your flesh.
Bombing terrorists keeps the terrorists from bombing your flesh.

Giving hundreds of billions to Public Sector Google because it makes big explosions and pretty rockets is a way to steal from taxpayers and give it to private individuals working inside NASA and third party contractors associated with NASA

If Google got hundreds of billions you'd defend that too because muh innoative technology

It's not like Google would be way less competitive and deliver way less products and innovation if they didn't have to rely on the market place, they'd just need to wait for tax time to cash in

You see in your ignorant demand for space rockets and moon ships you've sabotaged NASA by making it dependent on the public teet, instead of becoming a competitive player in a marketplace where it's innovations would come routinely instead of haphazardly

>> No.8695174

all of the major tech companies COMBINED worth MULTIPLE HUNDREDS OF BILLIONS which have DEDICATED SPINOFF CREATION DIVISIONS have not even gotten CLOSE to the amount of shit NASA has created out of fucking thin air

>> No.8695213

You realise NASA has been given $1.085036 trillion since its inception?

You give Google 1 trillion dollars and see what they give you

>> No.8695221

The tools to figure this stuff out is what is needed, not the actual info at this point in time.

When and if we make it to those locations we will not need planets to live on. We will need resources and knowing how to find that easily will be the best thing.

>> No.8695224

>says the guy shitposting on the internet
>all of which was created directly from NASA shit

>> No.8695236

>if not but for X then Y would never exist

I thought this was a forum for brainlets?

>> No.8695266
File: 114 KB, 904x446, meme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a trillion dollars

How much blue sky research do all these massively profitable """ high tech """ companies do? Every single thing outside of the box they have tried has been a complete flop with VERY rare exceptions.

>> No.8695280


1. These firms operate in a different market to NASA. Why doesn't NASA produce high quality fast food like McDonalds? We'll just never know!

2. Market cap is determined by individuals using their free will to purchase shares, whereas NASA takes your money by threat of force from the government. If people freely want to give to these firms or NASA that is their will to do so. It is wrong to force the population to pay taxes to a monopoly that would without any doubt be more efficient with competitors.

>> No.8695288

>NASA is state-funded
>Which also means it has a monopoly
Nobody can fucking compete and yet NASA can't do anyhtin righ
Literally traveling a couple km to some dead ass place justifies blatantly over a fucking trillion dollars in funds? u paid NASAshills r fukin retarded

>> No.8695321

If these tech companies who hire millions of engineers aren't involved in technical research and product development, who is?

Nobody because it isn't profitable. So we are stuck jerking eachother off unless we have a shared organization who is willing to do the blue sky research that everyone pays into.

Guess what, public sector can do some things better than the private sector. Now hand over the taxes before I blow your brains out.

>buh buh buh NASA was a monopoly
The vast, vast, vast majority of the spending was paying private companies to do the work through a fair bidding system.
>all we did was we wuz moon n sheet
Generated more than 1 trillion worth of products that can be sold.
Nice """""""bait""""""" though.

>> No.8695328

>the biggest waste of time and money
pennies on the dollar compared to the
US Department of "Defense", fgt pls

>> No.8695339

Are those pics some "artist's render" or can NASA actually confirm that d, e and f have an atmosphere like they seem to have?

Haven't we been broadcasting shit for the last 60 years? For all we know, if there's any relevant civilization there, we should be hearing their radio signals, or they should have detected ours long ago.
If we didn't, then there's either nothing there, or they don't even have the technology to send their signals. Either way, we won't find anything there

>> No.8695354

>Welfare keeps the poor from eating your flesh.

How did ancient civilizations survive without welfare and neetbux?

>> No.8695395

>How did ancient civilizations survive without welfare and neetbux?

Gratuitous violence and giving money to beggars.

>> No.8695434

Oh, and slavery.

>> No.8695473


Niggers were slaves back then and NEETs didn't exist because they would have starved to death

>> No.8695475

NASA does not know. They did lay it out in the press conference that they can really only see these planets as repeated dimming in the light of the star but they of course spent much more time looking at the pretty drawings. I'm ok with them using artists renderings but to make them look like they have water is pretty shady imo, we don't know if they have water; they could, but we don't know. Better not to get people's hopes up.

As for your second point yes it's possible an alien race has already received some of our old TV/radio broadcasts but our signal strength is not that good so it's also possible that all those were unreadable by the time they reached any alien worlds. It's also possible we have received alien transmissions already and just didn't realize it and it's possible no other species exists advanced enough to send a message, really fucking anything possible when it comes to aliens.

>> No.8695481
File: 210 KB, 1239x795, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>pic related

>> No.8695485

NASA monopoly gets 1/3rd of the federal budget for research

That's the total allocation going one third to one company

What a beautiful allocation of resources that surely leads to the most efficient firm in the market producing the most demanded for products

And not at all a way for STEM retards who contribute nothing 9 times out of 10 to the economy to get paid an above standard wage

>> No.8695491

>That's the total allocation going one third to one company
You have NFI how federal funding gets spent, do you.

>> No.8695496

>So we give it to one company and they purchase products from other companies so it's not like the first company has complete control over who gets enriched or where resources are allocated :^)

You're so fucking dumb I guarantee we won't allow you to space travel

>> No.8695518

NASA is not a company. NASA is a Federal Agency. Its purpose is to further Aeronautical and Astronautical research.

That's the purpose on paper, anyway. In practice?

>29.4% is for scientific research.
>4.3% is for technological development for space applications
>4.2% is for technological development for aircraft applications
>17.1% is for facilities and construction
>44.3% is for buying and developing rockets

There are literally thousands of contractors and subcontractors bidding on these activities. Very little of NASA's budget is R&D centric.

>> No.8695536

>implying NEETs weren't also slaves

>> No.8695558

>people in the other thread unironically wanting to beam them a message
Consider the following:
>multiple planets that could harbor intelligent life
>they are most likely tidally locked, crippling living space
>the only path for development is to steal the next planet's over shit
>after a massive interplanetary war, one species comes out on top and forces the others into the roasting deserts to die
>at this moment a message comes from the heavens
>"hey guys we're 40 light years in this direction and we have all the good shit, our planet even spins, it's amazing"
>and so the Great Crusade began
This is literally the worst system with Earth-like planets to hit up. There is a nonzero chance they've already gotten their hands dirty building a space fleet to xenocide their neighbors.

>> No.8695567

>it'll be like the chinese scifi novel for reals tho

In all likelihood though there's just nothing there. I still think it's cool as shit cause it's like a little mini solar system and it's fun to imagine us going there someday but I don't think there's anything living there now.

>> No.8695570

Because one of those planets could harbor the first ever evidence of organic matter. It's likely that they're tidally locked or 3:2 synchronized in orbit planets, with little atmosphere or transfer of heat. Even so, life could exist deep within the liquid water if it still has some. f in this artist rendition looks alot like how Proxima b would look if it had a hefty initial water inventory

>> No.8695572

What's wrong with welfare if people are poor?

>> No.8695578

>google "chinese scifi novel"
>every idea I come up with has already been published at least 10 years in advance

>> No.8695584

You act as if science is studied for an end. That's not how it works. Science is an investment.

When they started to build CERN it wasn't because they had a product they wanted to create, they had something they wanted to find. Science tends to have the effect of needing new tools to operate, which they need to study and make, which leads to further applications. CERN led to the internet, arguably the biggest technological evolution for mankind.

Will exoplanet research give us that? Probably not. But it's an investment. We might find something new or bizarre enough to be useful.

>> No.8695588

> implying ancient civilizations didn't have welfare.
Rome, the greatest city that ever was, had free bread for the lower classes, which brought more poor and destitute into the city. Politicians like Caesar, Pompey, and Crassus used these plebs to gain more and more power from the Senate ultimately leading to the greatest empire.
When people like Marc Antony and Cleopatra restricted the grain coming from Egypt, there were riots on the streets of Rome. The current Emperor had to go to war to retake Egypt and secure the free bread, the key to his power.

>> No.8695590
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I mean this one.

only difference is their planet is fucked not because it's tidally locked but because they orbit a 3 star system and it's totally erratic and unpredictable.

>> No.8695619

>>they are most likely tidally locked, crippling living space

Less than 5% of Earth's surface is urbanized. If anything, you could build cities on a 30km thick belt all around the twilight area and there won't be any living space problem

>> No.8695667

Science is interesting, and if you disagree, you can fuck off.

>> No.8695675 [DELETED] 
File: 186 KB, 804x1152, NASA TRAPPIST-1e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They can sell holiday packages.

>> No.8695679
File: 186 KB, 804x1152, NASA TRAPPIST-1e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They can sell vacation packages.

>> No.8695686

Is planet b Arrakis? Spice market incoming?

>> No.8695739

Can I add this to my facebook cover page?

>> No.8695765

nobody is going anywhere.

>> No.8695900


>> No.8695913
File: 643 KB, 633x758, 1447384639353.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ywn be a species in a system with multiple rocky and potentially habitable planets a stone's throw away
>ywn be a species in a system where other advanced lifeforms may have evolved on different planets
>ywn be a species in a system with multiple planets that are spectacularly large in the sky
>ywn be a species in a system with a star that will live for a few trillion years instead of 10 billion short years like our sun
>ywn be a species in a system where you can be thousands of years old because your year is only 10 days

Feels Earthling, man

>> No.8695929

So is it a red dwarf or a brown dwarf? On the TV news they called it a brown dwarf, on the wiki article they call it red or 'super cool'

>> No.8695951

Science really brings the feels

Its a super popular red dwarf.

>> No.8695961


I'm sure we would give them some odd feels too
>wtf do you mean planets can spin how does that even work
>according to our models it's impossible for a system to be that large
>gas giants how do they work
>how do they keep their eyes from melting out of their sockets, their star is 2000x brigher than ours

>> No.8696013


LOL, you motherfucking dunce. You don't know shit about economics. Quit talking about it like you do.

Governments are typically the only firms that could put the money up-front to explore untapped markets with economies of scale that require huge investments. Plus, govt monopoly>privately owned one.

>> No.8696014

ARPANET, fuck off europoor

>> No.8696034

>The market didn't want people to waste money doing needless shit so we had to put the taxpayer at gunpoint to do so

Yeah that was a great decision monopolies rule you dumb fuck

>> No.8696054


Guess we can kiss all our infrastructure and fire departments goodbye if the government is now for-profit and can only do things the market wants. Inb4 lolbertarian toll road and private fire department memeing.

>> No.8696058

>citizens use and need roads and fires being put out
>citizens dont need any retard flying to mars anus

Really sucks how you suck at thinking

>> No.8696066


It was really wasteful for the Spanish government to fund Christopher Columbus too, right? Stupid peasants didn't need an alternate route to India.

>> No.8696078

It got us to the moon faggot.

>> No.8696091

>This justifies government funded monopolies
>All the other waste is to be ignored

>> No.8696251
File: 16 KB, 283x397, 1421347689666.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>40 light years away

>> No.8696572

>guys we found some more habitable planets... BUT THIS TIME THERE'S SEVEN OF THEM

We've heard this shit from NASA a hundred times before. "We MAYBE found some planets that POSSIBLY have water." Only recently they've started to admit there's a lot more out there then they thought, and they've basically been wasting everybody's time.

Put out of a fucking press release when you have some photos of green guys, you hackfrauds.

>> No.8696579

Be there in no time, heh nothing personel universe.

>> No.8696632
File: 12 KB, 236x261, Trappists.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm glad they named it after something humble and /fa/shionable

>> No.8696643

it's fucking 700 000 years away

>> No.8696675

I think you mean social security and welfare. Replace "defense" with "being the biggest and baddest bully around", and you'll understand why the insane levels of spending are necessary.

>> No.8696679

>Probably more. Even if there is an alien civilization that far away, how do you know they're not cavemen? And if they are as advanced as we are what makes you think there's some guy just sitting around waiting eagerly to hit reply.
if there is advance, intelligent life there, we can find that out remote.

>> No.8696697
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>2006 is 700 000 years away

>> No.8696713

What stage is the sun in?

How much longer are those three planets going to be able to harbor life?

How long could they have been harboring life?

I get this feeling that if civilization existed there, it's gone

>> No.8696733


The star is about 500 million years old, and will last for another 4 trillion years (trillion, not billion)

>> No.8696762
File: 113 KB, 396x387, 13568595714.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its pretty hilarious if you look into how they detect these things

they don't know jack shit about the size and what they look like or where in the system they are located

they literally look a star over a number of year and look for dips

no fucking telescope and see the (((planet))) Pluto let alone fucking planet 40 lightyears away

>> No.8696766

>they don't know jack shit about the size
>or where in the system they are located

Yes they do you pusillanimous poltroon. Transits provide all that info.

>> No.8696771
File: 133 KB, 311x299, wut.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

excuse me

>> No.8696852

dude you're not smart but that's ok

>> No.8696854

What makes you think every civ advances through the same technology path?

>> No.8696868

if they had gone down a different path they'd still discover radio eventually because it's retardedly easy

>> No.8696945

Fuck I didn't realize that we on earth only started monitoring space, for what, like 60 sometime years. We might have missed so many signals.

>> No.8696961

>implying other sentient lifeforms are dumb enough to try and get discovered and killed

no that's a human trait friend, that complete lack of prudence

>> No.8696988
File: 28 KB, 525x633, 1444311855758.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm so fucking jelly. We have 1 planet capable of supporting life in our system as far as we know, and then there's this system with 3 of them. It's like winning in a lottery and then betting it all and winning the bet.
Do we know if they have magnetic fields? Or if their gravity is not too extreme? I just hope their atmospheres are not full of toxic garbage.
>Ywn be conquered and enslaved by your space neighbours who just happened to be a couple of hundreds of years worth of technology more advanced than you
>Ywn see your home planet environment completely changed to fit your new alien overlords
>Ywn never die fighting for your masters in a slave army against zerg-like species from the 3rd planet who quietly stayed under the radar, waiting for perfect opportunity to invade your and your master's worlds and assimilate both races into the hivemind
Being the only smart child of the solar system is not that bad, actually.

>> No.8697316
File: 155 KB, 700x1017, eso1023e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It helps us understand our place in the universe, is that not worth anything?

In addition this work is fairly cheap. The Trappist robotic telescope which detected these expoplanets is pretty small, it's only 60 cm.

Oh and it's Belgian money that paid for it.

>> No.8697348
File: 173 KB, 1280x720, awesome-mercury-transit-photo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Transit research, prove to me this isn't the biggest waste of money to come out of the "royal observatory"

I mean come on, staring at the sun and autistically recording how long it takes for a spot to move across? What's the fucking point of that?

>> No.8697381

Spaghettis in the Vatican found out how to become the space inquisition.
I wish I was Joking. The L.U.C.I.F.E.R experiment found the necessary frequency needed to generate gravity distortion.
You got your wish. Enjoy your space mining/exploration.

>> No.8697384
File: 81 KB, 300x206, ufos[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Soon bros

>> No.8697390

To think the eternal spaghetti still had something left to give.
Maybe there is something special there after all.

>> No.8697416

Sincerely yours,
He who does it for free~

>> No.8698233

Yes, because aliens would hold onto a message until they were sophisticated to send back a reply. Top kek!

>> No.8698385

They probably won't really notice anything until early warning radar screams reach them.

Until then, our system would likely be little more than a whisper then suddenly we start screaming at the top of our lungs as we desperately try to detect even the slightest hint of a nuke launch.

And try as hard as they can, they won't decipher any message from those screams, but perhaps they may theorise about our desperation

>> No.8698539

You literally spend billions more per annum on healthcare secondary to lifestyle choices for millions of people. Yet you'll whinge about advances in scientific discovery that could potentially be great steps in human history, albeit many years into the future?