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8693902 No.8693902 [Reply] [Original]

Why does biology say that all life seeks to survive and replicate?

Humans do not replicate. No, not at all. Zero humans have ever replicated.

You see, "replication" means making a copy of yourself. In sexual reproduction, you are not making copies of yourself. You are tainting your masterful, perfect genes with the filthy trash genes of an inferior organism, what we often call "a woman". The kid that your disgusting wife gives birth to is not a copy of you. It is actually in no way related to you. Only around 50% of his gene pool comes from you. What kind of book do you get when you combine two books, taking half pages from yours and half pages from the other book? Correct. Not your book.

Your child is a total stranger. He is not you. Only you are you. Your child might as well be the child of Chad's or Tyrone's and you have absolutely no reason to love your child. Do you love me for example? I'm as close related to you as your child; aka "none at all".

The only true masterrace breeds with himself. Say no to sexual reproduction. Say yes to perfection and asexual reproduction with yourself.

>> No.8693908

humans are propagated from humanity and not from the environment that made humans

>> No.8693916

When you get a cut where do the new cells come from to repair it?

>> No.8693934

wow anon u sound really smart, ou should find a way to publish your ideas

>> No.8693960

>It's in no way related to you
>It's 50% you

So which is it genius? Is this what they call gorrilla posting?

>> No.8693992


>Why does biology say that all life seeks to survive and replicate?

The replication takes place at the molecular level and applies to individuals genes.

You are the organic robotic machine which houses these molecular replicators and emerges from cooperation between particular genes.

'You' are not replicated; you are disposable.

>> No.8694138

Life doesn't replicate. It iterates. Every organism is an iteration of an efficiency program designed to eat energy and spit out entropy. The code for each iteration is stored in DNA.

>> No.8694353

>The only true masterrace breeds with himself.
I tried this. It doesn't work

>> No.8694365

You seem to have accidentally posted on the wrong board.

>> No.8694370

>Why does biology say that all life seeks to survive and replicate?

because speculative evolutionary explanations

not saying i don't believe in evolution, i just think it's all speculative

like why animals throw away 50% of their genes when they have kids, or why we die

there are plausible evolutionary explanations, it's just not very solid for me

>> No.8694507

I think you got replicate confused with reproduce. It's ok OP. It's just a brainlet mistake

>> No.8695283


>> No.8695291

You can't be this dumb. You just cant

>> No.8695311
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>> No.8696010

First, it's not the individual being replicated, it's the genes.

Second, you don't give up half your genes during mating. All life on Earth shares genes with other life. As a matter of fact, you share 50% of your genes with a fucking banana, 96% of your genes can be found in a chimpanzee. It's only in a fraction of a percent of our genes that we share with our mate to create our offspring.

OR am I to assume you're ranting on here to complain that you mated with someone and created a banana?

>> No.8696629

>why we die
Are you retarded? There's plenty of organisms that don't die. You'd know if you'd ever opened a biology book.

To name a few
>Most fungis
>Practically all asexually producing stuff
>Some medusa meme shit
>Some insects that can metamorphose to earlier life stage
>Some bacteria that just hibernate when 'dead'

>> No.8698113

>Zero humans have ever replicated.

What about twins?

>> No.8698695

you sure they don't say propagate instead of replicate?

also, your child doesn't need to be an clone of yourself to be related to you.

>> No.8700122

no (you) for you

>> No.8700197
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>Why does biology say that all life seeks to survive and replicate?