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8684006 No.8684006 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone else here used to be smart but became a brainlet?
I spent a couple of months washing dishes as a part time job, but I'm a lanklet and the kitchen sink were I worked was pretty low.

I think spending so much time bending over must have deprived my brain of too much oxygen and now I feel really stupid.

>> No.8684032


You just need to get your brain busy again, anon

go to a tutorials page and start meddling with python programming

>> No.8684103


>> No.8684145

As much as it pains me to admit it...
Thinking lower makes the whole person go lower.
You gotta think high anon.
Reach for the stars even if you are down in the dirt, better than dying looking at the mud. Reach for the stars and you will hit the moon.

>> No.8685268

I had brain surgery, resulting in my right amygdala & hippocampus being removed.
>surgery induced brainlet
I'm planning on going back to uni though, found a neuro-sci program. Thought I'd be a perfect fit.
But yeah. Went from my lowest grade being a B before surgery to my best grade being a B+ last semester after the surgery. It was humiliating.

>> No.8685283
File: 464 KB, 500x271, I feel it.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>do well in HS
>go to topten uni
>mental breakdown due to undiagnosed anxiety disorder
>take a quarter off, graduate by the skin of my teeth
>spend two years working retail
>feel rusty
>finally go to grad school
>actually exercising my mental faculties again
>feels goodman
there is a way to recover.

>> No.8685894
File: 188 KB, 1024x768, 4ixIXBa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wtf why would you do that?
Where you operated on at new delhi medical institute?
How do you not kill yourself or just give completely up and become a hentai-fapping, wagie poster at r9k?

No but for real man that's depressing as shit, literally a fate worse than death.

>> No.8685911

You got two of them you dumb brainlet it should have little effect

>> No.8685930

What's wrong with her forehead?

>> No.8685940


Just wondering OP, how many hours did you work per week, what did you do just before and after going to work, what did you think about while you were at work?

>> No.8686234

>not knowing how the brain works
Look at this idiot

>> No.8686240
File: 245 KB, 480x640, nasaman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Reach for the stars and you will hit the moon.

>> No.8686259

>Wtf why would you do that?
I couldn't help it. I had a brain tumor. It was either keep an eye on it, wait for it to become cancerous and have tonnes of seizures, or remove the thing. Damn tumor just decided to make my amygdala and hippocampus its home.

>> No.8686312

>right amygdala & hippocampus removed

i highly fucking doubt this

>> No.8686361

It's true, called an amygdalohippocampectomy. It's actually one of the more common brain surgery procedures done out there.
>I didn't take pictures of the scar after
That was my first mistake after the surgery. But damn, it was neat.