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8683514 No.8683514 [Reply] [Original]

What is currently the most feasible/promising way of humans achieving immortality?

Biological immortality?
Mind uploading?

>> No.8683523

Facebook profiles updated daily

Digital archaeologists along with computer scientists and neurologists will be able to create an AI facsimile of you with y our personality and life experiences based off the information extracted from Facebook servers in 150 years.

>> No.8683528
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>The Lord God made garments of skin for Adam and his wife and clothed them. And the Lord God said, “The man has now become like one of us, knowing good and evil. He must not be allowed to reach out his hand and take also from the tree of life and eat, and live forever.” So the Lord God banished him from the Garden of Eden to work the ground from which he had been taken. After he drove the man out, he placed on the east sidee of the Garden of Eden cherubim and a flaming sword flashing back and forth to guard the way to the tree of life.

Science can certainly make "immortality" possible. We can find drugs, and genetic coding to biologically extend our lives. We could find a way to copy the biological storage of our brains and transmute that into artificial storage.

Both these outcomes are possible if you think about it. Merely barriers with which we must apply our intellect.

The thing is, our ancient Religions, (and not just the Christian ones mind you) are unanimous in their consensus that for man to make himself immortal is a curse. An unforgivable sin against nature that carries with it the most dire of consequences.

You don't even need to believe in god to realize just how fucked up things could get if we discovered a method for immortality.

>> No.8683530

I actually started keeping a journal after watching the Be Right Back episode of Black Mirror.

>> No.8683538

If it were a digital immortality then you could fit billions and billions of people in increasingly small spaces as technology improved. Not to mention the people who would deny it/switch themselves off after a time.

If it were biological we would have to hope that we also found a way to adapt humans better for space travel, so that they can spread out and not overpopulate the planet.

>> No.8683556

>mind uploading
When will this meme end? Its not immortality if you personally dont expeience it. If mind uploading counts then we have already discovered immortality, case closed. I will just have myself cloned every 70 years or so and have the clone named after me. Its no different to my point of view than mind uploading because i wont be around to experience the results either way and in 1000 years a handful of people will have met me recently.

>> No.8683557


Which creates the question as to whether or not the "digital copies" are actually the people who are ostensibly trying to be immortal.

This is meta physical level shit here, because IMO the digital "download" would not be "you". "You" would be dead, and some computer program would have all of your memories and think it was you but not be you. Which is pretty fucked up. Even more fucked up would be if the whole Bible thing, or at least parts of it actually have some basis in fact and the consciousness of the dead you gets shat on by a really pissed off multi-dimensional being who warned you not to mess around with fake immortality.

>> No.8683560

The clones would not have your memories. If they did then I would be fine with that.

I do not care if I stopped living as long as there was another me around. That is why I am not bothered.

I am the kind of person who would be head of the line to join a world dominating hivemind.

>> No.8683570


Which kind of makes true the Genesis curse against man achieving immortality by his own initiative.

Thomas Jefferson himself wrote that the most insulting of Tyrannies is for the living to be ruled by the Dead. Which is essentially what you are arguing for.

I believe in the power of Science to further the human race, to achieve all that we can achieve to master our environment. But immortality is not mastering our environment. It is a destruction of it. It is taking us outside the bounds of our most fundamental nature. Our most fundamental drive.

To live, and to die. You would sentence future generations to live with rulers long since dead, or rulers who simply will never die, and will never give up power. Or, even worse, there would no longer BE any future generations, and the evolutionary progress of humanity would be halted for all time. Either outcome being the result of this, and both being an abomination.

>> No.8683580

It can't be done. Even Adam and Moses eventually died of old age.

>> No.8684121

>if they had my memories i would be ok with that
If you are that vain, that you dont even care if you live to see your own "immortality", as long as other people do, you should kill yourself.

>> No.8684130

I don't get it why the fuck you guys want to be immortal? also immortality is impossible the universe will end one way or another

>> No.8684136

Most of us just want to be there for the big crunch.

>> No.8684157
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The Frankenstein: Clone a piece, cut a piece, stick a piece, replace a piece.

The Robot Body: Basically life support for your brain.

The Precision Matron Cell Injector: Concept I was playing around with. Make custom artificial stem cells, find the point of insertion in the bodies matrix using sacred geometrical rules.
Inject said cells into body using precision injectors.

Maybe even a teleportation device. However the device I speak of relies heavily on recent discoveries that may or may not be true. The principals have yet to be verified. However it is based on supposed electromagnetic phenomena in deep space. Namely discoveries based on Project L.U.C.I.F.E.R of the Vatican.

>> No.8684177

Worth noting that PMCI would only work if you removed old and dying matron cells and re injected the new ones.

In short.
Old battery comes out.
New one goes in.

And it would probably hurt like a bitch.

>> No.8684189

We could extend our lives and it's been happening as medical technology gets better. However even in the grasp of everything we can't truly stop metabolic aging. Our bodies continue to cook itself essentially from the inside out. And until we figure out how to get around that natural wear and tear, there's no form of immortality in biology for us. It would be cool to essentially be a jellyfish, but that comes with it's own draw backs.

Our immortality will most likely come in the form of technological not biological. We will find a way to upload our brains long before we achieve the fountain of youth. Even that will be tricky as we aren't even close to truly figuring out what makes human well humans, we know the make up, the process in which actions occur, but we can't program a soul.
Immortality is nothing short of philosophy right now.

>> No.8684194

Inside out.
Thats how the PMCI works.

>> No.8684263

>the most feasible/promising way of humans achieving immortality?

That this is a virtual reality (top-level shared dream) and we are infinite and inherently capable of existing forever.

If there is ONLY a physical world, there might be people living longer but the one thing critical to long-term survival is a healthy brain. People can swap in most body parts (queen), but people cannot swap in intelligence (avoid senility).

>> No.8684328
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I'm giving it 33 years, 2050. Either whole brain emulation or brain-in-a-box (Ghost In The Shell). Musk and DARPA are already talking about neural lace and brain implants, I think its more a matter of when, not if.

We will need a lot of infrastructure to support the system, and power (fusion pls?), plus new laws and legal systems for these digital beings. Will people want to put themselves in cyborg bodies and continue "existing" in the world, or will they simply be boxes that live in their own realities?

Also, "mind uploading" still leaves the original organic being behind, so are we going to have a bunch of people off themselves like in Soma?

>> No.8684343

I would have the presumably far more stable digital me help me out. Help me schedule things etc so I can have a good rest of my life. In return he would get a bro to hang with.


>> No.8684370
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Hey digitalbro, how are you
>Good, just spent the last 6 hours fucking 9999 digital bitches and living out 30 years of awesome adventures. You
Well I just got fired and found out I have cancer soon after
>Sorry, wasn't listening, fucking more digital bitches

>> No.8684375

>he thinks digital me would have sex
I would be digitally roleplaying as a high school girl walking around with no panties.

>> No.8684437

Suppose we replaced a human brains neurons with artificial ones, one neuron at a time. Just a continuous slide of a conscious mind into an artificial form.

>> No.8684445

Just grey goo me up familia

>> No.8684578

I don't think we will be mature enough socially and economically when we have the technology capable of making us immortal and because of that inequality in development of those critical areas of humanity shit will get nasty af

>> No.8684602

Biological way, I think, something with length of telomere

>> No.8684616

Well, you have to figure out how to cancel the second law of thermodynamics for starters.

>> No.8684624

Understanding that you already are. Obey God=live forever in the kingdom of heaven
Live forever=immortality.

>> No.8684630

That is the principle of
The Precision Matron Cell Injector:

>> No.8684638


>> No.8684714
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gene editing to create regenerative properties.

>> No.8684718

Try would not die of age, that way time is not a problem.

>> No.8684730
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I don't want to be immortal, but to live longer would be nice. maybe a cycle between youth and old age for a few life times.

>> No.8684763

You would slowly lose awareness having the need for that awareness replaced by artificial awareness. If the process happened fast enough it would be like falling asleep, then nothing. If immortality is to be achieved the brain needs to stay intact. Unless you are some faggot like
And only want to be immortal for the sake of having future humans know how much of a pleb you are.

Say what you will about the soul or whatever but there is some result of your specific brain that makes you, you. Think about it this way, if i replicated my brain, fuck it, my entire body atom for atom. Would I experience life from two different perspectives at the same time after the atomic replica was complete? No, it doesnt work that way. The replica would appear to be me for everyone in the world, besides me. If i died (and the replica survives) i would still experience death, but other people could still talk to me as i would be had i not died. Its not really immortality if you personally dont get to experience it now is it?

>> No.8684777

The thing is, our ancient Religions, (and not just the Christian ones mind you) are unanimous in their consensus that for man to make himself immortal is a curse.
Yes, it's because the nature of life is predicated on suffering. Way to not answer the questions.

>> No.8685855

I do not want to be known or anything, I just want to exist in some form.

>> No.8685891

Why? For people like Elon Musk i get it. Humanity would benefit from it, but you would just continue to be as useless as you are now. Why not just devote your life to being the next Vincent van Gogh? Or just name any children Anon the II? From your perspective its the exact same level of immortality. Why does the world need more yous? It doesnt.

>> No.8685909

Made me think of a webcomic character, an ambulatory brain run amok.

Google doesn't even know what the fuck that is. Explain?

>> No.8685935

>implying humanity wouldn't benefit from me
I actively help push Alzheimer's and other dementia research forward in my work. I am not saying I am leader of my field level but I do contribute to humanity.

>> No.8685984

A lot of animals appear to be immortal. Further research into Genetics will unlock the key to immortality.

>> No.8686009


mind uploading isn't immortality, it's just copying data.

I believe they'll probably come up with something within our lifetimes to slow cell deterioration, we'll just have to inject ourselves with jellyfish DNA.

>> No.8686150
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>Wasting your mortal time and resources living for a being that has no proof of existence

I mean, whatever floats your boat homie, but if God is as good as you fellas say he is, he'll let us all into the kingdom of heaven regardless of whether or not we sucked his metaphorical dick during our mortal life.

>inb4 "I'm gonna live forever because I went to church and you're gonna experience eternal nothingness because you didn't"