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/sci/ - Science & Math

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8681332 No.8681332 [Reply] [Original]

why do people study pure math or physics instead of engineering?

>> No.8681339

different strokes for different folks

>> No.8681351

They want to actually learn and contribute to science, instead of being a CAD/MATLAB monkey

>> No.8681360

Because I hate group projects and I hate lab practicals.

>> No.8681410

>120 year life span if we take care of our bodies
>not just learning everything in your lifetime


>> No.8681413

It's literally impossible to learn everything about one subfield of math, let alone everything.

>> No.8681417

false for new (i.e. developed in the last few years) subfields of math

>> No.8681420

You'll find yourself having a difficult time convincing me anything is impossible. Least of all in this subject.

>> No.8681591

Because maths/physics fags want a mental challenge, whereas engineering fags are mentally challenged.

>> No.8681601

Because I'm more interested in physics.

I was initially going to study engineering but I realized I don't care too much about the stuff that makes it engineering instead of physics. As in, sure I'm interested in fluid dynamics. No I don't want to apply given formulae repeatedly to find some parameter relating to the fluid flow in the pipes of a factory.

>> No.8681602
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>> No.8681605

Maths and Physics fags don't know how the real world works so they sit around in their gay ass laboratories literally detached from the natural world jerking off to their theories about insane shit they've come up with based on retarded mathematical formulas that don't make sense or have a basis in reality, which in turn makes them feel special and in control.
Engineering fags just do it.

>> No.8681610

I am a math major because physics is too hard for me and my freshman-sophomore year I withdrew from 7 classes. Anyone with more than 5 Ws is not allowed in my schools engineering program.

>> No.8681698

because we fucking like it?

>> No.8681757

300k starting.

>> No.8681765

I learned software engineering on my own and picked up electrical engineering from work.

The main thing an engineering degree would give me is the theoretical knowledge to complement my practical skills. Why not maximize that by studying one of the more theoretical fields?

>> No.8681898

Because not everyone cares so much about a bit more money to slave away the rest of their live in some shitty office or industrial plant. In the end you should do what brings you joy and enables you to have the life you want to live, so you don't end up wanting to kill yourself in your 40ies.

Society somehow convinced you that you need to be upper middle class, get a generic wife, a dog, two cars, a career that ends with lower tier management in some soulless corporation, a two week holiday once a year and a house in the suburbs, 2.5 kids who end up hating you or feel indifferent about you because you are never really home, you watch football on sunday with your neighborhood friends and ponder what else you could have done with your life.

>> No.8681900

>slave away the rest of their live in some shitty office or industrial plant
>upper middle class, get a generic wife, a dog, two cars, a career that ends with lower tier management in some soulless corporation, a two week holiday once a year and a house in the suburbs

I'd say this is in the nicer end of probable outcomes for a STEM degree.

>> No.8681933
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>ITT: freshmen not understanding the scope of an engineering degree

engineering is legally defined in the US and many other parts of the world. more importantly, your undergrad isn't going to be the defining experience of your academic career (or at least it shouldn't). what the ME or EE degree gives you is a credential you can take anywhere in the world and make money. it allows you to very easily become self employed, as all it takes to start a consulting firm as an engineer is a nice PC with some CAD software. if math and physics is your real passion, cool. take some math/physics electives and do that for your masters.

the engineering degree is career insurance more than anything else. its one of the reasons why most people who get an engineering degree, don't do engineering. most end up in business or finance.

>> No.8681952

If that's the nicer end of a stem degree then absolute poverty must be the nicer end for everyone else. I'm tired of the shitty contrarians saying stem degrees are suddenly shit.

>> No.8681975

Ah, to be young and naive af

>> No.8681983
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the idea that any degree form a legit 4 year institution is bad is a total meme.

only ~38% of the people in this country have a degree of any kind. that includes fly by night degree mill bullshit and 2 year technical degrees/certifications. unemployment for ANY degree holder is less than 3%.

even if you get a degree in philosophy, that still puts you in the upper 20% of society. /sci/ doesn't understand how big of a deal getting a college degree is.

>> No.8681987

>I learned software engineering on my own

"I fucked around with Python one weekend and know HTML"

>> No.8681988

It's 2017, STEM degrees are better than most degrees but degrees in general are not the automatic comfy upper middle class job they used to be.

Owning a house and two cars and having a managerial position is better than most of the population will ever do, you know. It's not that they're living in absolute poverty, it's just that there's a pretty huge gap between your lower lever management and hobos and that's where most people are.

I don't know what kind of high-flyer lifestyle the anon who dreads middle-class life expects to get out of a physics degree.

>> No.8681991

What about CS then?

>> No.8681998

Math is harder than physics, your school just sucks.

>> No.8681999

This. Physics is largely a meme.

>> No.8682003

That's only because the market hasn't adjusted yet to the fact that the degrees are meaningless. Education bubble caused by student loans.

>> No.8682145

he's right, though. for the amount of effort that STEM degrees require, especially graduate degrees, they are criminally underpaid. getting a phd isn't worth it vs having 5 years of industry experience in terms of earning potential.

>> No.8682397
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i'll get you bitch

>> No.8682482

At least for /sci/:
Inept people that can't do real-life applications because they are both autistic ( can't into teamwork) and incompetent ( can't execute projects under pressure and within deadline).
Therefore they choose "pure" fields and are unironically pretentious as fuck (muh brainlets) meanwhile they have close to zero profissional prospectivities and are austistic.

>> No.8682539

wait i thought in physics classes you had to do a lot of lab shit? or are you a math major?

>> No.8682544

>t. engineer

>> No.8682558

Delusion of grandeur.

>> No.8682571
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Nice bait.

>> No.8682762

Maybe math/physics people are more anti-social and prefer not to work with other people.

>> No.8682872

Af? So what are you supposed to be? Old and wise? Or just a nigger?

>> No.8682916


>> No.8682920
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>> No.8682927

Because I hate chemistry.

>> No.8682976
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because they're heterosexual

>> No.8682997

Unless you're really skilled, being an engineer sucks pretty hard.

>> No.8683017


>> No.8683243

People need to stop going to private schools, for-profit schools, out-of-state schools, or luxury schools where people's income can't justify the tuition.

>> No.8683370

This is true. Many great contributors to engineering/science and math had engineering degrees. Engineers make the best physicists and mathematicians the world has ever seen.

>> No.8683395


>> No.8683724


I remember having I hard time in calc also. I just didn't give up like all the Engineer fags did. :^)

>> No.8683726


>Engineers make the best physicists and mathematicians the world has ever seen.

According to who? Some dumbass on 4chan?

>> No.8683746

>admits that pure physics/math takes more effort than engineering.
>admits he only cares about earning potential
OP, we study physics and math because we aren't brainlets and we don't care about petty shit like money.

>> No.8683907

>I learned math in school
"I have an engineering degree"

>> No.8683924

>not studying all 3

>> No.8684178

really curious to know if there are group projects in math/physics uni. im a shy guy, so any work that requires communicating with people makes me nervous.

>> No.8684289

They aren't smart enough.
I studied engineering, and now work as a physicist.
The engr degree opens far more doors than the equivalent phys degree, and is recognized by peers as being more difficult and prestigious.
Engineering master race, physics masturbates.

>> No.8684294

>implying you don't have to communicate with people in every fucking job you'll ever get (or be turned down from because you can't fucking communicate)

>> No.8684327

physics is just maths for the less sane

>> No.8684342

degrees don't open doors, humans do

>> No.8684348

What third world shithole do you live in?
Doors open themselves m8, it's the 21st century.
And if I put my degree in front of the door, it would open, so yes, degrees do in fact open doors.
You must be one of those pleb physics majors.

>> No.8685622


Business degrees open different doors with higher pay.

>> No.8685646

>Legally defined
Varies by state

>the engineering degree is career insurance more than anything else

Fucking lol, you really bought the sales pitch didn't you. Have you seen the job growth for the next 10 years? It's stagnant. More engineering students will graduates this year, than there will be engineering jobs created in the next 10.

Don't believe me? Go look it up:

I think only civil is growing in the next 10 years.

>> No.8685681

>created in the next 10.
people retire, people get promoted, people move to management. the engineering jobs currently occupied will not be over the next 10 years.
plus engineers arent pigeonholed into just engr jobs, the degree is broad and associated with smart people that know how to get things done. there will always be engr jobs, especially now that Based Trump set the h1b visa pay minimum to 130k, limiting the ability for companies to use cheap foreign workers to fill positions

>> No.8685698

can someone tell me where the picture in the op came from? looks like hwndu but whats the story?

>> No.8685727

You know, the number one red flag for someone going into research or post-graduate education is if they keep asking the retarded question of "what use does it have".

If you can't see meaning in the pursuit of science in itself, you are better off doing "useful" things in the real economy than wasting tax payer money on your PhD. In fact, for someone who lacks curiosity to that such a degree, they are unlikely to succeed in any type of applied sciences anyways.

>> No.8685902

>300k starting.

this meme... poor stupid people who actually believe this.

>> No.8685942
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>applied sciences
am I right

>> No.8687684

This guy got it right

>> No.8687695

Indeed he did anon. But was there really any reason to bump this shitty thread 19 hours after the last post in it?

>> No.8689194


Engineers are more practical, while math or physics is for autists.

>> No.8689279


literally wtf

>> No.8689831


>> No.8689863

so what you're saying is you're literally to stupid to be an engineer

>> No.8689872

Explain to me how a math or physics degree will change any single one of those things you're complaining about.

>> No.8690106

>why do people study pure math or physics instead of engineering?
they were too smart for engineering

>> No.8690123

math and physics work is not CAD monkey work in the middle of nowhere like engineering is

don't know if any of your high schoolers or freshmen know this but
>they pay you more because the jobs suck

even 3-5 years into engineering jobs and you'll be in meetings and filling out paperwork for most of the day. that only happens in physics and math if you want it to. you have no choice with engineering. it's a vocational degree.

>> No.8690275


I would like to believe this, but my anecdotal evidence doesn't support it. I've had a few classes filled with engineering students that acted like I was physics jesus because I was able to answer the professors questions on things they should have learned in high school. I really want to respect engineering students, but most really don't seem to enjoy the puzzle of things and just shoot for formulas that work. I remember being in a math class of around a hundred. There was 1 math major and 3 physics majors (myself included), the rest were engineering students from all avenues. I remember the first lecture the professor put up a equation and decided to ask me what it was since I was one of the few physics majors. It was a pretty simple force equation, just using differentials. I remember hearing people say "how did he know that?" and a guy behind me telling his friend he was freaking out cause he didn't know the answer and was sure he was going to fail the class. The issue is that EVERYONE should have known what that equation was before they entered college, let alone that class. Engineering students can be pretty chill, but the only ones that seem to have the drive I see in Math and Physics, are EE students.

>> No.8690301

Because they are interested in it more than in engineering.
Hard to understand?

>> No.8690344

I studied nuclear engineering, and my roommate was in EE, so I didn't spend a lot of time with a lot of people that just chose engineering because they like cars or because they think it will get them a nice paycheck.

Where I work, we only have a few manufacturing engineers, and a EE. The EE is pretty cool, and you can tell he's pretty smart, but the manuf engrs are exactly what /sci/ thinks of engineers (basically technicians and people that fix equipment).

It's of my opinion that engineers learn more during undergrad than physics/math majors, and learn a more desirable combination of theoretical and practical information

>> No.8690544

You didn't even try.

>> No.8690550

Because /sci/ said I was a brainlet if I studied engineering.

>> No.8690554

What are you 12?

>> No.8690557

What are you, a butt?

>> No.8690560

>treating association as causation

>> No.8690679

Born into rich families and don't have to worry about employment.

>> No.8690723

If you're fortunate, your best career option is working in a lab and beating your meat to >muh theories.

If you're not so fortunate, your best option will be to teach ungrateful little shits like you once were math or physics.

Go into engineering and you have to deal with those ungrateful little shits having grown up into manlets and graduated with business degrees.

Meanwhile, those same manlets run the world.

Dunning-Kruger in action.

>> No.8690806



>> No.8690822

because /sci/ makes them think that if they study that they'll be able to do engineering jobs, or be hired anywhere

isn't true, per se, though

>> No.8690852
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>Recent findings show that McDonald's now employs one-third of the nation's physicists and mathematicians.[1]
Gotta give it up to them for developing the Grand Mac.

[1] Bureau of I made it up.

>> No.8690889

This is the only correct answer ITT.

Why do you guys think that most famous Pure Math/Physics people graduated from Private or Public Ivy, Cal, MIT, etc.
These guys were rich from the start and with their mommy and daddy's connections they could easily get famous and work on research and still get kind of rich as a post doc?

This is why I sometimes wonder if all the PureMathfags are actually richfags IRL since they don't worry about anything other than memes and their homework and are too smug about others.
But Physicsfags might be the same or actually want to study it to become PhD Physicists because popsci.

This is a great question desu.

>> No.8690936
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>want to study it to become phd physicists because popsci

Yeah, its not like anyone would ever choose advancing human knowledge over working your ass off for some retard with a business degree and doing nothing interesting for your entire life just so you can make a good salary. At least engineers can afford to lube up while they get fucked in the ass for their entire career :^)

>> No.8690955

>business degrees
>running anything
Literally the most over saturated degree ever. It's like majoring in general studies at this point.

>> No.8690967
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>whomst'd've'th hath

>> No.8690993


This is my favorite example of this meme.

>> No.8691003


Please display the engineering designs behind the door to be opened
Please show the physics calculations allowing the door to operate
Please demonstrate the mathematical theorem that underlines both of the above

And, if you're feeling frisky, explain the cognitive mechanisms behind why humans open doors.

>> No.8691015

Because people who love pure math or physics have a hard time settling on anything less. I started off in engineering and nearly wanted to kill myself, especially after realizing what real life engineering entails. After switching into math, I couldn't be happier.

>> No.8691020

>especially after realizing what real life engineering entails
Don't they just shit around in CAD though?

>> No.8691054

The only way to have a good living is to be so fucking smart you can get some ironclad MUST BE USED patents and make royalties off that, or to start your own business and have it be mildly successful locally.

Otherwise you just end up sucking cock until you die and will probably never climb past 240k a year.

>> No.8691062

stop gatekeeping. "REAL engineers blah blah blah..."

software engineering is actual engineering, just not in a traditional sense.


and we are well aware that we are not doing any complicated math. enough with your goddamn strawmans

>> No.8691289

>working your ass off for some retard with a business degree and doing nothing interesting for your entire life
Who give a shit about these things? You have a job and decent pay and that's all what matters really. It nice to have dreams and ambitions, but you can't hate on people who want the comfy life.

>> No.8691292
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fucking shrekt

>> No.8691305

I mostly shit around in MATLAB

>> No.8691408

that's mech e and architecture.
as a EE student I use matlab, labview, VHDL and some programming languages for now

>> No.8691488

Physics is more interesting and I can still get an entry-level engineering job after graduation (that is, if things go tits up), because they train you on the job anyway. ayy lmao