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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 16 KB, 240x240, 240px-Uberman.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8680637 No.8680637 [Reply] [Original]

>not using the uberman sleep schedule

u w0t m8

>> No.8680646

I'm not productive enough to justify doing that.

>> No.8680654 [DELETED] 

if u wanna be a manlet your whole life
u grow most when you're sleeping, human growth hormone is released then

>> No.8680656

Been on this for almost two years, it works really well if you can stick to it. The second you deviate... You're basically fucked.

>> No.8680662

underage plz leave

>> No.8680663

underage pls go

>> No.8680665

OP here, I'm 22. I'm stuck a manlet unfortunatily

>> No.8680667

So you take an 80-minute nap every 4 hours? Most people can't accommodate that in their lives. I would like to try it though.

>> No.8680672

Free time in the middle of the night kind of sucks. If you want any sort of interaction with the rest of society it's better to follow their rhythm.

t. I used to work night shift.

>> No.8680677
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>If you want any sort of interaction with the rest of society

>> No.8680678

>not just being a man and sleeping 4hrs a night and downing a pot of coffee in the morning before work.
Fucking plebs.

>> No.8680682

are you trying to communicate

>> No.8680684

>Implying ignoring much needed and beneficial sleep makes you a man or less of a pleb

>> No.8680688

I've done that and it isn't sustainable long-term, especially if you want to do something that requires you to think. Further, it just sucks.

"Being a man" is being able to take care of yourself, being a child is running yourself to the ground because you think you'll live forever.

>> No.8680692

I wish I was able to fall asleep almost instantly like most of the brainlets in the world. Unfortunately, it takes me several hours.

>> No.8680703

20 minute every 4 hours.

>> No.8680706

Wouldn't a sleep pattern like this fuck you up royally as you don't get enough REM sleep?

>> No.8680708

Oh, I assumed it was a normal 8-hour sleep evenly distributed over 6 intervals. Is 80 minutes of total sleep per day enough?

>> No.8680709

can confirm

im a brainlet i fall asleep like a babby instantly every night then wake up 10 hours later

>> No.8680713

20*6/60 = 2 Hours of sleep

>> No.8680716

no i think sleep patterns like this are tantamount to normal ones, this one might be a bit extreme though im not sure

what i mean to say is that you dont need as much total sleep in general if you take short naps

>> No.8680717

Quite right. Oops.

>> No.8680727

>having to stop what you're doing and go to sleep every 6 hours
more like uber retard sleep schedule.

>> No.8680871

This kills the annon

>> No.8680877

yeah, then say goodbye to itneracting with society
>inb4 hurr durr I am trascendent being and don't rely on society
you may be retarded or depressed or schizoid or a lot of other mental anomalies but you still want to be able to interact with people on a regular schedule - or just fucking anhero already

>> No.8680881

That's going to fuck up your cognitive functions beyond belief. You need REM whether you like it or not

>> No.8680885

You go straight into rem with the uberman, skipping the other phases.

>> No.8680887

and you get fucking BORED or get the fine habit of hardcore procrastination.
not worth the hassle

>> No.8680901

that's bullshit i can't believe it

>> No.8680912

Stop wasting time on internet is way better idea.

>> No.8681115

>Hey want to go watch a movie?
>Sorry can't, need to do another 15 minute nap

>> No.8681181

I use a modified uberman with one less nap. Works pretty good.

>> No.8681228

Tried to do it. Got to 2 naps a day and felt like shit. It's a meme.

>> No.8681265

This. Other humans and society are cucks who want you to fail.
Do math and drink coffee all night, sleep from 9 to 5.

Take the fucking red pill.

>> No.8681276

>mfw you can just take Adderall every 6 hours and never have to sleep

>> No.8681293

>tfw to intelligent too sleep

>> No.8681330


The thinking behind the uberman schedule is that once you're used to it you'll go into REM sleep almost instantly and thus end up getting more REM sleep in the course of a day than you normally would sleeping for 8 hours straight.

Even if that is the case though it completely ignores the importance of deep sleep.

>> No.8681354

But I don't drive an Uber.

>> No.8681426

>not using the dymaxon

>> No.8681482

I read this years ago. Some guy (with a family, works from home) claims to have done this and wrote some stuff about it. Link below if you are interested. Some highlights:

>for 5-1/2 months (Oct 2005 – Apr 2006) I followed a pattern of sleeping about 20 minutes once every four hours around the clock
>Adapting to polyphasic sleep took many days, and I felt like a zombie the first week.
>You can shift your naps around a little, but not by much.
>By adapting to polyphasic sleep, you may gain some waking hours each day, but you sacrifice a lot of schedule flexibility.
>Eventually I abandoned the pattern and returned to monophasic sleep, mainly due to social reasons[...]the rest of the world simply isn’t polyphasic
>sleep physiology appears to have been permanently altered by my polyphasic sleep experiment


>> No.8681486

found the hedonist who need their fix

>> No.8681786

Hows is it even possible too use this schedule with work/school, etc?

>> No.8681802

You can't even fucking study normally with that shit sleep cycle, you can work at a maximum for 4 hours then you have to interrupt to get some sleep, like how do you do that while doing research?

>> No.8681810

it isn't, is retarded.

>> No.8681835

fuck society, bro. We are autists here.

>> No.8681853

Woah. That's. Woah.

That's a whole new concept that blew my mind. Plus night is when my brain is most active but my body is too damn tired to be productive. I plan to nap in 4 hours now. If I can start this now I can use this to properly establish study habit. Study math 4 hours, nap, study music 4 hours, nap, study science 4 hours, nap, study compsci, nap, study math again, nap.. and so on.

>tfw OP may have just changed my life

>> No.8681861
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This is why you people will NEVER be successful in your lives. Successful people rarely sleep and this is a proven fact.

Sleep is for the weak minded goys.

Uberman or die a nobody.

>> No.8681865

So am I supposed to sleep on my lunch hour? Or is this for NEETs?

>> No.8681866

It's twenty minutes. You come back after with a fresher mind better able to think

>> No.8682109

Not exactly bullshit, your brain adapts to sink into rem sleep as fast as possible. Whether that's harmful is unknown.

>> No.8682277
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>Morons who quote the entire thread.

>> No.8682327

>Morons who don't filter posts that do this

>> No.8682330

I don't got time to just take a nap randomly

>> No.8682576

>something comes up that prevents you from taking your nap
>become rendered a zombie for the next 24 hours

>> No.8682582

>Successful people rarely sleep and this is a proven fact
That's because they make deals with extradimensional demons to increase their productivity.

>> No.8682606

>That's because they make deals with extradimensional demons to increase their productivity.

>> No.8682642

I can't even fall asleep most of the time

>> No.8682649

How much time do you sleep each night?
Remember that even if you don't sleep you do get some rest.

>> No.8682652
File: 37 KB, 633x758, tfw suicide.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be uberfag sleeper
>go to mathematics class with all the brainlets
>"today we will begin the topology chapter"
>all this trivial shit about topological spaces
>o shit time for a nap
>oh well 20 minutes is nothing
>wake up
>it's now all about 2,3-16 nondeterministic multivalued infinite dimensional smooth complex manifolds
>try to take notes
>what the fuck are these drawings supposed to depict?
>what is a [math]\mathfrak P_2^\infty \left( \mathbf C^* \right)[/math]-monoid?
>class ends
>teacher says "don't forget the complex P vs NP assignment I gave you 15 minutes ago while this little bastard was sleeping"
>everyone laughs at me and tells me I missed so much I'm literally fucked up
>tfw fell for the ubermeme

>> No.8682653

>not being a man and eating more than 500 calories every day


>> No.8682661

where can i find an extradimensional demon? i want to make a deal

>> No.8682664

The elite keep their methods for contacting their masters secret, here's a good starting point for building your esoteric knowledge though, eventually you make figure something out

>> No.8682670

so do you have any facts to back up your belief or?...

>> No.8682680

this. I tried a lighter version for about 3-4 months, ended up with a whole lot of brain fog.

>> No.8682702
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>> No.8683078


Extradimensional demons are repelled by facts.

>> No.8683093

I keep the lights over my plants on a repeated schedule of 2 hours off, 4 hours on.

Stop eating food or drinking anything other than water within 5 hours before you go to bed.

>> No.8683388

Correlation does not imply causation?

>> No.8683397
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>> No.8683425

I can tell this isn't real because no one actually goes to a physical class anymore. You just watch the prof's youtube channel and do everything online. This isn't the 1980s, gramps.

>> No.8683436

>not mastering lucid dreaming to continue your work while asleep

>> No.8683458

i'm pretty sure that constant lucid dreaming would result in mental degradation/instability.

>> No.8683465
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the possibilities

>> No.8683473

>not using your lucid dream to imagine you're having a restful nap

>> No.8683567


>> No.8685060
File: 53 KB, 216x230, serveimage.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>not using your lucid dream to imagine you're having a restful nap

>> No.8685146
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When I'm working the early shift my sleep schedule usually goes as follows:

>> No.8685155

I did this for a week and couldn't really adapt.
I was tired all the time and I had way too much spare time that I just wanted to use for sleep.

Every nap makes it feel like a new day though, splitting up your time like that makes a week feel like the better part of a month

>> No.8685162

Don't you need to get REM sleep or some shit when it gets to 4 hours?

>> No.8685305

has there been any studies on these custom REM cycles?

I have serious doubts about it. You're better off napping and meditating in between cardio for a focused mind.

I don't even know how people can nap in the day anyways, it's one thing to feel fatigued but tired enough to fall asleep?

>> No.8685309

man this was a good chuckle

>> No.8685330

I have a full time 9 to 5 job.

>> No.8685496

I'm 40 hours into it so far. Not feeling bad taking a nap in two hours. Just adjusting to the change. A bit sluggish won't lie at first but I quickly re-energize. Hopefully like this I can push through calculus and physics basics within the next week. I'm still getting used to it but I find it super useful to train myself to fall asleep whenever I want. Each time I lay in bed my kind is full of /sci/ related thoughts but I'm learning to push them aside for later to rest. Granted I've been taking 40 minute to an hour long rests and doing it every 5 hours as baby steps into getting my body used to this. I'll continue to report on my experiment. If all goes well I'll try to keep this up forever. The thought that I'll eventually be able to control my mind entirely and sleep instantly for less time keeps me motivated to train. We spend about 20 years of our lives asleep. What a fucking waste. Also I just found out Leonardo DaVinci was on a polyphasic sleep schedule. So clearly this is doing something right. Plus if I am to learn all forms of engineering as well as other subjects I need to be awake to study.

Let's call this a week trial for a year long experiment. I'll post so long as there's a thread

>> No.8685512

problem with uberman : cant use your fucking drugs, no caffeine, no adderall, no moda, no nothing cuz then you cant sleep

>> No.8685571

Just cut out all the drugs and start eating healthy

I could never sleep, then I cut my drinking to a beer or two a day, stopped smoking weed, started eating fresh. Suddenly I could pass out at 12 and wake at 8am with zero problems.

>> No.8685603
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Looks pretty dope, will give it a try after my exams.
Without following a special rhythm I'm sleeping around 4 hours a day.

>> No.8686379

I'm not NEET enough to justify that.

>UberNEET schedule, you mean

>> No.8686403

protip dickheads

ALL stages of sleep are necessary for general health and ALL of them are involved in memory consolidation, not just REM.

>> No.8686438

Different sleep schedules have been rigorously tested by the American military and NASA, and it was concluded that these schedules are a fucking meme.

They also noticed that cognition was optimal whenever the subjects slept in intervals of at least 45 minutes (with naps over 2 hours being better) while receiving 8 hours of sleep in total per day. NASA had very similar results in their studies, except stated that the naps should be 2.5 hours each. If the military states that the nap sessions should be at least 45 minutes each, then you should know for certain that twenty minute nap increments would only work for someone who doesn't need much working memory or alertness.

Sure, there's modified sleeping schedules that work for some people but the majority of us should be getting around 8 hours of sleep through one session.

>> No.8686460


>> No.8686479

NASA and the Army confirmed for brainlets.

>> No.8686694

ayy lmao who fucking care im just here to 420 blaze it and fucking bitches, i will die happy what will u do my friend?

>> No.8687039

It works, but the problem with any abnormal sleep schedule is that the further away from the norm it is, the more you suffer from any deviation.

Miss a scheduled sleep period by more than a half an hour and you'll be exhausted for the next couple days.

>> No.8687155

Caldwell, John A., PhD (February 2003). "An Overview of the Utility of Stimulants as a Fatigue Countermeasure for Aviators". Brooks AFB, Texas: United States Air Force Research Laboratory:

Why is it hard to believe that the top military in the world, of all organizations, hasn't rigorously tested every sleep phase known to man, and even combined it with drug combinations (like modafinil) to understand the most optimal sleep schedule for combat units?

>> No.8687645

keep us updated annon

>> No.8687758
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What's the risk of psychosis with the uberkek schedule?
I don't want to go nuts and wake up in the psych ward.

>> No.8687846

I was in that thread. Dark times.

>> No.8688081

I've actually been feeling alright. Third day in. About due for a nap but got bleach stinking up the house so best not yet

>> No.8688112

Jokes on you the people I interact with are in to her time zones.

>> No.8688115

i'm surprised it's real. looks like he surrendered himself, though.

>> No.8688118

He was gonna suicide by cop, but then... copped out and just got arrested.

>> No.8688120

Not that anon, but I assume maybe he just wanted to read more about it? No need to believe everyone disagrees with you.

>> No.8688121

Did it make the news?

>> No.8688133

Not the TV news (but then I'm in Bongistan) but someone linked to some Washington newspaper site.

>> No.8688238

>be healthy
>go running regularly
>only drink water
>don't drink more than once a week
Why does it still take me an hour to fall asleep? It always took me that long, as far as I can remember.

>> No.8688249

Have any scientific tests been done on the subject? I would also like to know where this graph originates from. As in, did someone actually experiment with this and the other similar methods, or did they just think it up, like "yeah, this is how it should work if my assumptions about human physiology are correct"? Because if it's the second, it's almost definitely bullcrap.

>> No.8688277

>takes at least 1 hour to fall asleep
>have to do that 6 times a day

>> No.8688287


this is exactly the kind of thing that the very stupidest kind of people in the world are prone to say.

>> No.8688292

why would it?

>> No.8688305

Someone I know actually tried it. I think he lasted a couple months but then he got a job and had to stop.
Fucked up his ability to sleep normally for a long ass time though

>> No.8688333


>> No.8688343

What about resting for exercise though?

>> No.8688624

Whenever I stop smoking weed I have incredibly vivid fucked up dreams. Haven't smoked in 3 days and last night I woke up every half an hour soaked in sweat. I dreamt my parents had died, I was in a terrorist attack, I was stuck in a dark elevator alone, and that there were cockroaches swarming over me

>> No.8688643

This will kill you after a while

>> No.8688647



>> No.8688652

This meme is so old, there is even a Seinfeld episode where Kramer tried it

>> No.8688660

A therapist might be a wise investment for you.

>> No.8688663

because when you dream it's more like watching a movie. you just experience it and phase in and out. when you have a lucid dream not only do you take absolute control of what you're doing, but you take absolute control of everything in the dream. your brain goes from a leisurely "watching" experience to a constant generating/rendering mode. what should be a resting experience turns your brain into overdrive.

>> No.8688689


>> No.8688714

these sleep cycles are trolls.

you won't get a deep enough sleep and never enter the altered brain wave and rem cycles.

basically this will kill you in a week.

>> No.8689049
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>sleeping 4 entire hours
>needing pleb stimulants like "coffee" instead of just ascending to the polyphasic dimension and solving problems while lucid dreaming

>> No.8689265
File: 160 KB, 343x315, 1487194117077.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not just staying awake 24/7
baka senpai desu

>> No.8689317

this would heavily interfere with physical recovery and growth

if you are on any kind of exercise or lifting regimen you need blocks of sleep to get stronger

>> No.8689323

>me lift big rock! me put big rock down!

Caveman pls go

>> No.8689328


am I the only one who enjoys sleeping enough that I don't have to be autistic about it? As long as I get enough to feel well rested the next day it's time well spent.

Fuck all this cutting corners and 20 minute naps shit, not worth it if I feel like shit all the time and don't take proper care of my body

>> No.8689331


the brain is a muscle too dipshit. That's why practice problems in books are called exercises.

>> No.8689332

>Dying before you can actually produce any significant scientific achievement because you're a fat fuck
This kills the brainlet

>> No.8690100

>/sci/ - lifestyle tips

>> No.8690196

be honest is there actually people autistic enough to try and work this schedule?

>> No.8690313

What do you do?

>> No.8690382

Takes 49 days for something to become a habit

>> No.8690396

nope, fuck that, I know for a fact I'd feel like shit 24h/day

I'll have 7-8h of continuous sleep ty

>> No.8690401

this will kill you

>> No.8690448

ive sort of accidentally stumbled into a biphasic sleep schedule, i sleep like 11-3 at night, then cant fall back asleep until like 11 in the morning and wake up mid afternoon, im fine in the afternoon-evenings but pretty much suck all night-morning it sucks.

>> No.8690860

why 49

>> No.8690865

What about now

>> No.8690868


>> No.8690970

just take modafinil or ritalin daily and cycle them if you want to be productive

>> No.8691083

Teach me, master. Those never seem to work for me. Am I doing something wrong?

>> No.8691270

> forcing yourself to work
> being a man
If you're not a warrior aristocrat you're basically a subhuman slave

>> No.8691272

As a PhD in pure Mathematics, I've grown beyond the need for sleep and sustenance.

>> No.8691360

That is true for psychological habits, but a new sleep schedule is obviously not psychological, since your body has to adapt to the new sleep pattern and not your mind.

>> No.8691369 [DELETED] 

>loser who cant go to a real university

>> No.8691370

Holy shit this makes so much sense now.

>Donald Trump, arguably the best deal maker to ever live
>Made a deal with a demon and became the president of the world

>> No.8691373

>loser who cant go to a real university

>> No.8691619

Smart annons,

is a schedule like this actually possible or is this just a shitpost?

>> No.8691643

It's possible, but you'll die eventually.

>> No.8691667

Seems dangerous. Do all uber drivers do this?

I don't want them falling asleep at the wheel.

>> No.8691786

>This is why you people will NEVER be successful in your lives. Successful people rarely sleep and this is a proven fact.

>Sleep is for the weak minded goys.
Ok. Have fun being super successful and strong minded while fucking over your health, mind and body

>> No.8691808

It is true to some extent though. There are some people who legitimately only need 4 hours of sleep to feel well rested, and obviously having +4h every day gives them a huge advantage. Sadly this is most likely genetic, I can barely function if I sleep less than 7 hours.

>> No.8691813

I imagine you'd do it for a day and a half, max a few days before succumbing to a full night's sleep, regardless of any alarms or whatever.

>> No.8691824

Fuck the deniers. I'm going on a week and feel great and am doing a shit ton more cause I'm studying. The only thing is it's occasionally trippy to think, "oh shit I've basically been awake for 5 days but I'm not tired at all, I'm well rested"

>> No.8691827

can I do it 5 days a week then sleep normally for 2 days?
If not, fuck off. I have a gf, can't do autismsleep when I sleep at her place.

>> No.8691853

I've been doing this for 2 weeks and I feel fucking amazing. Seriously in starting to see truth in the world I cannot understand and I'm starting to understand my place in the world. This is amazing.

>> No.8691993

>"My normally functioning brain was simply not enough so I just HAD to sprinkle it with schizophrenia, memory loss and most other neural errors" : the schedule

>> No.8692013

This isn't /b/. You won't trick anyone to adopt this self-destructive and abnormal sleep schedule.

>> No.8692038

Sounds like delusional sleep deprivation senpai.

>> No.8692981

Tell that to Batman.

>> No.8693004

My efficiency would be improved more by not browsing the chons desu

>> No.8693399

I'm on nap 2 and it seems to be working.

>> No.8693476

>mfw 6'1", don't want to grow any taller than that

Should I do it bros?

>> No.8693706


Said "excercise or lifting" first of all, but beyond that just let people enjoy things. We're all going to end up the same amount of dead in the end.

>> No.8693729

That's normal, give it one or two weeks

>> No.8693766

>but you'll die eventually
How is that different from what we are currently using

>> No.8693787

My health and well-being is more important than my success.

>> No.8694039

Actually you need to sleep or your organs will begin failing.

>> No.8694371

I've been on this for 5 days and I'm starting to seriously get paranoid and I'm not sure if its in my head. I'm iranain and I think the United States government is talking me to kill and deport me.

>> No.8694464

get a comfy surrounding m8

>> No.8694474

It's 2k17 so that's probably true

>> No.8694486
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>in to her time zones
but i want to be in her time zone too tho.

>> No.8694493


I did the exact same thing for years

>> No.8694524

i want to have enough energy to lift

>> No.8694576


you're completely retarded if you think that there's nothing psychological about a sleep schedule.

>> No.8694794
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ive had insomnia my entire life, and ive gotten it down to an hour or so by managing it properly, but i will never understand how some people can fall asleep almost instantly

>> No.8695064

You need to communicate if you want a job.

>> No.8695773
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>> No.8695806

you know it doesn't work like that dude

>> No.8695866

>you never actually sleep you just lapse into unconsciousness briefly then lapse out
No thanks. I only recently fixed my sleeping pattern from a mix of not sleeping at all to having 3, 2-3hr sleeps a day. This occurred due to staying up really late (3-6AM) for several years. Now I'm on 6-8hrs going to sleep at 9-11PM. I feel much better.

>> No.8696589

>tfw unironically schizoid

>> No.8696822

Physical realm beings

>> No.8696827

>Not 4 30 minute naps instead of 6
How about just closing your eyes every 42 seconds for .984737529 seconds that way if you make sure to stick to the right times you'll never miss.more.than an instant of anything important.

>> No.8696938

Cause 6×REM is better than 4×(REM + 10 minutes of bullshit), probably.

>> No.8696957

A structure like this isn't as efficient, as it seems. You have to structure your whole day around your sleeping phases. Very, very inflexible. and there is a great transporting cost involved. If you need to finde a place to sleep 6 times a day you probably will end up spending more time going to the sleeping locations, than actually sleeping.

Sleeping for 6 hourse every night and 8-9 at the weekends is perfect and leaves you with more than enough time for all kinds of activity.

>> No.8697222

Isn't 6'1" like, the perfect height for a man?

>> No.8697373

it does sound like it
sleep deprivation helluva drug, I recommend it

>> No.8698559

>cannot be done
>you'll die after X days
>more bullshit from people that can't even research polyphasic sleep on research engine

yes some people did it. Maybe you can. Maybe you don't want to. But if you don't even dare trying how about you shut the fuck and try to find where you put your brain and real life experiences to share.

for the curious ones, this is one of the most extreme polyphasic sleep schedule. You can create your own based on the uberman adding longer sleep breaks or organizing them differently through the day (can even keep a 3 hours nap around 5/6 am as your body gets colder). The most important part is to stick with the schedule no matter what for two weeks (don't pick the wrong time to do it i.e. school/exams/important meeting etc).

The only reality is that brain can go way further than how it is currently working (as you can go a little bit faster than your car speed limit). And for sure, brain-will can overcome any body limitation.

On the long run, we all end up dying; no point in trying to stay safe when you're able to convince yourself to finally take action.

Fucking make time matter do not let things matter thanks to time.
What is great about Uberman is that it forces you to understand that days are all linked (not that each one starts with waking up and ends with going to bed).

> Ainsi parlait Zarathoustra
>Wim Hof

>> No.8698571

If you want to wank at 4am every night well just plan to nap at another time. How about sticking with a schedule and thinking when you can sleep while making it.
Think you don't spend your whole day outside nor that you cannot sleep for half an hour at work

>> No.8698573

>spend 10x the amount of time sleeping trying to get to sleep
>entire life is spent trying to sleep and sleeping
Who /insomnia/

>> No.8698689

It's 30minutes of REM retard you might just not have the genetics to REM that long goy.

>> No.8698694

Transcend physical reality and youre talking about staying warm on cold lmao

>> No.8698725
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>> No.8698752

Can't transcend first weeks reality :^)

>> No.8698853
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abusing stims is fucking jenky. im addicted and sometimes need benzos to sleep and get strange racing thoughts and hallucinations and sleep paralysis. dont open the can of worms. lsd microdosing is better and safer.

>> No.8698892
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>24 hour sleep cycles

You are like little babies

>> No.8698984
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>as you can go a little bit faster than your car speed limit
What the fuck are you talking about no way I can run at 140 km/h.
Bolt runs at ~ 47 km/h or something like that.

>> No.8699018

protip: ambien 10 mg (sublingual if needed)

>> No.8699040

I kept growing in my early 20s...

>> No.8699135

Why the fuck are you sleeping 2 hours a day?

>> No.8699152


>> No.8699192

just don't sleep lmao

>> No.8699208
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>tfw stopped growing when I was 11
5'8 forever

>> No.8699437

I thought I would end up being over 2m because I was 6'1" when I was 13, but nope, haven't grown an inch ever since (maybe because I was sleeping 6h every day after that). If I could hit the 190 cm mark I would be so happy.

>> No.8699473

it's not a problem. if you're male, then you're still taller than like 90% of women. i am 5'8. as well. not sure exactly when i stopped growing, but i was 5'8 at 18 and haven't gained an inch since.

>> No.8699710
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>5'8 at 11

>> No.8699727
File: 22 KB, 403x269, men_women_height_histogram.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

5'8" is definitely not taller than 90% of women, more like 60% lel

>> No.8699769

It depends on where you live.
Italian women are very short, typically around 120 cm max while men are over 190 cm.

>> No.8699816


You people just need to find a factor of motivation a direct it to something productive. For instance, I become motivated when I'm getting cucked. I direct that anger and adrenaline towards doing my homework.

>> No.8700541


isn't it obvious? he successfully shitposts on 4Chan.

>> No.8700552

Italian men are also very short.

>> No.8701021

HGH is released in highest concentration during non-REM deep sleep. This is verified fact.

>> No.8701057

I feel like I kinda already do this, but reversed. After being awake and alive for 20 minutes, a 4 hour nap sounds excellent.

>> No.8701073

Nah dude I also love sleeping. I have really interesting dreams every night, I don't even need to watch tv anymore, all my fantasy world /alternate reality desires come to life every night. I can only hope death will feel similar.

>> No.8701087

this is the sleep schedule of somebody who is clinically insane. like serial killer sleep schedule.

>> No.8702098

Yeah sorry, I need to work on that.

>> No.8702504

underrated post.

It's for NEETs.

>> No.8702817

HGH is related to your eating, not your sleeping. It just so happens that while you're asleep you're not eating, so it looks like the wrong coloration.
>see intermittent fasting

>> No.8703119

Its normal, weed w/d fucks up your sleep phases & leads to crazyshit dreams. Itll pass.