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8680449 No.8680449 [Reply] [Original]

what was there before the big bang?

>> No.8680452

We don't know. We're not even sure the Big Bang happened.

>> No.8681815

Can something befor t he big bang occur or exist under a causal independance?

>> No.8681825

Tom Bombadil

>> No.8683241

> before the big bang

IF there was a big bang, it seems there must have been something or else "nothing = something" and "no = yes." For children and females, I cannot accept this.
I suppose the universe must have existed in a single point 0x0x0 units; and either randomly blew up or consciously blew up.

>> No.8683248

If the universe was created at the big bang, that includes time. So the notion of "before" is irrelevant.

>> No.8683259

I series of little bangs to warm up.

>> No.8683289


>> No.8683332
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the previous universe was just one huge black hole which had sucked up every last bit of matter left in that universe over trillions of years.
when it consumed the last subatomic particle (which was quickly drawn to it without the gravitational influence of any other object in the universe) something happened.
there was only one 'object' in the universe, with nothing else existing separately to that huge black hole, time ceased to exist, the giant black hole released all its hawking radiation immediately (the big bang).
no one knows how many times it has repeated, or if it the exact same every time.

>> No.8683378

A supercomputer waiting to load program.

>> No.8683592

Nothing science can ever prove. We'll all be dead before we can discover even 10% of what is out there.

Universe was probably someone's cum shot.

>> No.8683593

>big bang
literally speaking jibberish

it's like when people say the phrase "faster than light", completely meaningless string of words

>> No.8683596

the BBC ready to pound your wifes pussy.

>> No.8683636

>le nothing is faster than light meme


>> No.8683647

>le contrarian meme meme
nice, retard

more brainlets by the day, don't even know basic physics

>> No.8683651

This is what I think as well, and it's just an infinite loop with humanity trying to answer this mundane question each time. I actually saw this on my ego death trip while on ALD-52. This was just a computer simulation, and it repeats over and over again for no reason. All of this doesn't matter.

>> No.8683667

Everything was condensed to a singular infinitely small, infinitely dense point.

>> No.8683678

The forces weren't together? Can you imagine time and gravity having an argument before the big bang?
>I wanna get out, fuck you
>No, you gotta stay, right here, baby

>> No.8683704

If nothing is faster than the speed of light, how did the dark get there first?


>> No.8683732

A possible answer is this:

Space and time are not two separate things. They are one thing, spacetime. Because the Big Bang created space, it also created time. So if you're asking what happened before the Big Bang, it's just the wrong question to be asking, because time did not exist before the Big Bang. The Big Bang was the beginning of both space and time.

Though other cosmologists may say that the universe is eternal, which keeps this question open.

>> No.8683844

Anything further than about 15 bn ly from earth is receding from us faster than light.
Stuff at the edge of the observable universe is receding at 3x the speed of light.

lrn2read wikipedia

>> No.8683873

>receding from us faster than light
why does everyone become dense just for the sake of playing devil's advocate

faster than light is a meaningless string of words in the context of special relativity, which is 99% of the time what people intend when they say "faster than light" but obviously if we're talking about spacetime moving faster than the speed of light RELATIVE to some other location aka general relativity then its aight

>> No.8683883

what's north of the north pole

>> No.8684209

Which way is up in space?

>> No.8684230

>Before time
Your sentence has no meaning.
It is exactly same as asking: what is before -infinity or what is after +infinity.
The answer is NOT: nothing.
The only answer is: your question is flawed.

>> No.8684231

the small bang

>> No.8684234

At this point I'm seriously convinced that we can't trust meassurements of far away places in the universe made from inside of our solar system.

Given that gravity can distort light, we may be unable to take into consideration the distortion created by the Sun's influence, maybe the universe ain't really expanding and we just think it is because of our frame of reference.

>> No.8684245


>> No.8684252

The Big Foreplay.

>> No.8684256

What caused the big bang?

>> No.8684269

ur fucking dead m8

>> No.8684273

Like your sex life then. But it guess it would have to have actually existed before, though.

>> No.8684286

im not that anon but that question is also flawed

you're making assumptions about the universe as a whole based on the parts you conceive

>> No.8685542
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Only cancer.
We are close to another Univeral Implosion.

>> No.8685566


>> No.8685621
File: 74 KB, 399x413, Yoshie Kurahashi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I think that brings up an even bigger question.

If something exists and no living conscious life form is around to observe it; does it still exist?

>> No.8686000

Hush up, Pterry, you ded

>> No.8686002

I like this theory myself

>> No.8686014

Stop using infinity so loosely. Explain how you would get an infinitely dense point. You could only compress matter so much

>> No.8686170

The universal singularity