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8671696 No.8671696[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Not science or math but college related post.

How much time do you spend on girls ? Do you have a girlfriend ? Do you think girls are a waste of time ? Do you keep getting shit grades for them pussy ? Is MGTOW a meme ??

>> No.8671699

Girls are for normies

>> No.8671707

Back to >>>/b/

>> No.8671708

so whats wrong with normies

>> No.8671712
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>grill instead of girl

go back to twitch fagget

>> No.8671714
File: 47 KB, 640x640, jy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I go out 2-3 times a week for the grills. It's bad for my sleep cycle and it's expensive but it's so much fun.
My grades are good so far.

pic related

>> No.8671715

You can't post here

Normies get out reeeeeeee

>> No.8671716

post tits or gtfo fagget

>> No.8671717

Don't ever label yourself with autistic bullshit like mgtow or pua or redpill, that shit is vile /r9k/ garbage
Try dating a couple girls while you have the chance in college but don't devote your entire life to them and don't go in with unrealistic expectations that they are just like waifus in your chinese cartoons

>> No.8671720

I do have a gf cause I study sociology so i have plenty of free time to be a fool and get them pussy and still get best grades in my class. also idgaf because my dad is rich

>> No.8671722

This is a girl I fucked, not me.

>> No.8671728


>> No.8671785

Starting in a few weeks so excited. Can someone tell me
1. Which programming languages will be taught except MATLAB if I'm doing mechE?
2. Where can I intern during first break? Also how hard will it be to find one?

>> No.8671817

>How much time do you spend on girls ?
On the scale of my last 3 semesters less the 1 sec per day
>Do you have a girlfriend ?
>Do you think girls are a waste of time ?
>Do you keep getting shit grades for them pussy ?
No, I am just stupid
>Is MGTOW a meme ??

>> No.8671819
File: 324 KB, 897x846, smart_but_angry.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>go to parties
>my friends usually find someone to hook up with
>meanwhile I've only made out with one 5/10 slut
>what I actually want is a qt 3.14 gf but too autistic to approach women sober

>> No.8671821

>How much time do you spend on girls
About three hours daily
>Do you have a girlfriend
>Do you think girls are a waste of time?
No, the sexual and psychological benefits far outweigh anything.
>Do you keep getting shit grades
Nope, straight aces also thanks to my gf giving me the succ on the regular
>Is MGTOW a meme?
It's a way for the betamax to cope with the fact that they can't score any pussy they'd want to.

>> No.8671826

>How much time do you spend on girls ?
Couple hours a day
>Do you have a girlfriend ?
>Do you think girls are a waste of time ?
>Do you keep getting shit grades for them pussy ?
>is MGTOW a meme ??

>> No.8671827

MGTOW is a shit meme

If you listen to /r9k/ or /pol/ you'll start feeling like they're right and fall into a self defeating spiral where you don't attempt to interact with women like a a person and so they reject you, in turn leading to you further believing shit about them being evil/stupid/whores or whatever.

That said don't throw away grades for poon either, and don't be desperate for gf because people can sense desperation.

>> No.8671833

Basically my answers are all for the same reasons as >>8671821

Never trust people who say you don't need women, women are a huge benefit psychologically.

>> No.8671834

I don't know dude, don't think about it and just be normal. The more you care and try too hard and overthink things, the more fucked you are in the romantic market. I've got a date next week and a couple different girls who I bet would be willing If I asked them out

>> No.8671839

Personally, yes

Occasionally I work together with women (math major and teaching a class), but it's never sexual

>> No.8671856

I have a gf and I'm a phd student.

Mgtow is like shooting yourself in the foot and smiling while you do it.

>> No.8671862

>How much time do you spend on girls ?
Every day at least an hour due to texting, and entire weekends because...

>Do you have a girlfriend ?

>Do you think girls are a waste of time ?
They are a distraction, but they are not a waste of time. I firmly believe that the reason I do so well profesionally and academically is the fact that I fulfill my sexual desires completely. I sometimes even have more sex than I need/want.

> Do you keep getting shit grades for them pussy ?
I've never scored anything less than a B, and in mathematics classes I have never scored anything less than an A (and I major in mathematics so...)

> Is MGTOW a meme ??
I watch a lot of MGTOW people on youtube. I think they are the most enlightened group of men on earth. Everything they say is so true that it fucking hurts. However, I found a girl that genuinely likes me. As in, she does more for me than I do for her. That allows me to have a girlfriend. The problem of MGTOW comes because they talk about normal girls. Girls who you interact with but who do not care about you. Those girls will be terrible people to you, always. And if you chase them then even more. They will cheat on you, shit on you and destroy you. They are right about everything. And if you are the kind of man that no girl will ever "naturally love" then you are fucked because girls will all be bitches to you. But if you were born with good traits and have women who genuinely love you then you will be good as long as you stay only with them. Try to chase other bitches and you will get fucked too.

>> No.8671899

Girls just weigh you down and waste your time, time you could be spending on improving your knowledge about the universe.

The need for any kind of sexual pleasure is just degenerate and shows you are weak by giving into your animal instincts. Humans are destined to become gods of this universe so we must leave our animal side behind.

>> No.8671911

How much time do you guys spend with your SO's? I'm taking 19 credits and I spend almost every other day and every weekend with my boyfriend. He's a physics tutor so he's pretty helpful with that, and he's also a science major. I just don't have a lot of study time.

>> No.8671915

>The need for any kind of sexual pleasure is just degenerate

But we didn't choose to be degenerates. We were born with the need for sex.

>giving into your animal instincts
Lol. I am sure that giving into your animal instinct of "eating" also makes you weak, fucking retard.

>inb4 you can't compare nourishment and sex
Yes I fucking can. Any modern list of biological needs will list sex.

> we must leave our animal side behind.

Sure, why not. But you better take away my need for sex first. If you legalize and push for a surgery that will remove our need for sex then I will gladly take it and hopefully everyone else will.

In the meantime, we need sex as much as we need food. If not then ask the supreme gentleman about how sane it made him to not have sex ever.

>> No.8671930

The way normies deal with women is absolutely retarded and the MGTOW people are completely right that most women are soulless harpies who will tear your heart to pieces for fun.

But it's completely possible to date a nerdy, homely academically focused girl and have her genuinely love you.

Source: my girlfriend

>> No.8671939

>In the meantime, we need sex as much as we need food. If not then ask the supreme gentleman about how sane it made him to not have sex ever.
masturbation is fine 2
what you DO need is social contacts in general.

there's a vast difference between being a virgin neet socially isolated depressed blimb and being a virgin chatty successful socially integrated guy with a bright future

the first is a problem, the second is not

>> No.8671942

>masturbation is fine 2

I am sure Mr. Supreme masturbated a lot. Didn't take away his urges to kill women.

>what you DO need is social contacts in general.

But you need social contact for pragmatic reasons. Imagine you only ever said hello to people, but did nothing with them other than say hello.

You need people to
1) Have fun
2) Attend events
3) Have a group to belong to
4) Have sex

>there's a vast difference between being a virgin neet socially isolated depressed blimb and being a virgin chatty successful socially integrated guy with a bright future

Yes. The difference is that the virgin neet knows why he is a virgin and lives in a state of pseudo peace. The succesfully integrated virgin (as was Mr. Supreme, who would talk to girls every day, go to parties, drive around town to show off his car, etc.) will be bitter and shoot up his school.

>the first is a problem, the second is not

I am sure Mr. Supreme was a problem.

>> No.8671977

>How much time do you spend on girls ?
There are few females worthy of my attention. Some want to be good, but it's impossible to be good when traumatized and mentally-stunted; who faints or freezes when action is required to help someone.
>Do you have a girlfriend ?
I have a few acquaintances who are female. They are more competent (safe) than the masses.
>Do you think girls are a waste of time ?
Most are, yes! Most females are far too ADHD and traumatized to trust anywhere near children, far, far less be trusted to be a mother and left alone with them. Few are mature enough for intimacy. They have mostly physical lust as most males, which is why they use fake-up to attract guys rather than their spirit. Look how many females get screwed: dumped, divorced, beaten, used as a thing for sex. Their "yes" (implied or explicit), is a "no" because they are too immature, but this does not stop guys who are immature and "out of control by lust and by urge."
>Do you keep getting shit grades for them pussy ?
This isn't recognizable as anything but dirty babble (not love, not positive). Are you calling me a pussy? You're the retard who associates parts of females with animals; as if there is no difference between man and animal in you to be able to distinguish. You grew big, but you have not yet matured enough to communicate (intelligently). You need a LOT of self-help books and therapy time with decent males.
>Is MGTOW a meme ??
How many times are you going to flash around the m-word. I imagine there are a lot of cutsy-wutsy, pansy, faerie, useless phrases you repeat "to be cool." Cool is being unable to pull up one's pants: Emotionally- and mentally-stunted. You should re-evaluate cool: See how shallow these people are.

>> No.8671992

Back in college, I majored in math while hosting weekly parties.

>> No.8672011

>But you need social contact for pragmatic reasons. Imagine you only ever said hello to people, but did nothing with them other than say hello.
well, with social contacts I mean a group of people you regularly spend free time with and "socialize", knowing people to talk to generally and having a few close friends.

I dont think the Supreme Gentleman was socially integrated at all. I would be very surprised if he was

>> No.8672053


Elliot's problem was that he was completely disconnected from reality because no one ever showed him any affection.

You need to be loved by someone to ensure you behave like a functional human being, otherwise you just slowly go insane.

>> No.8672063

i have had 2 gfs

>> No.8672093

how do math or eng or physics majors even meet girls? im in bio so it's not hard, but I wonder about you guys

>> No.8672096

>How much time do you spend on girls?
None specifically for girls, I spend a few hours a week being social

>Do you have a girlfriend?

>Do you think girls are a waste of time?

Do you keep getting shit grades for them pussy?

>Is MGTOW a meme ??
Had to google it to see what it was when I read the post, but from the jist I got I've been living by this philosophy for years.

>> No.8672097

>I dont think the Supreme Gentleman was socially integrated at all. I would be very surprised if he was

In his videos he detailed how one of his lowest moments was when he was in a party (or some social event, go watch his videos) and he overheard some black guy talking to a friend about how much pussy he was getting. Because SG was racist, he thought this made him lower than blacks and this really triggered his lust for blood.

I conjecture that if it were not for this exchange, he would have never murdered men. He would have focused on women, but because of this he also saw other men as his enemies.

This would have never happened if he was a NEET, but he wasn't. He was a normal guy. In fact, he was a social tryhard. Again, watch his videos.

>> No.8672105

math is my girlfriend now

>> No.8672108


>> No.8672113

im gay but its probably similar

i go clubbing 2-3 nights a week, for 4-6 hours each time

i go on dates/hook up with guys probably once a fortnight on average, which takes up an afternoon and evening.

It doesnt affect my studies, and im at one of the toughest unis in the world. if youre organised, you can easily fit in girls and study.

>> No.8672122

what do you study
also how do you find men to go on dates with

>> No.8672126

MGTOW is not a meme, its a movement caused by the feminazi family courts. It was made by divorced men AKA men who have seen the true face of women and know exactly what they are like, its a revolt against marriage which is an extortion scam by women at this point and nothing to do with love. MGTOWs just pump and dump they dont bother to form bonds, because bonding with a woman puts your mental health in danger as any faggot that had a break up or been cheated on has felt. MGTOW is an alpha ideology because it is a man putting his own needs before a vagina unlike you little pussy whipped faggots.

>> No.8672128

>have her genuinely love you.
She doesnt love you anon, no woman can love a man who isnt a part of their DNA.

>> No.8672129

I lay in bed and listen to the music 24/7, so I don't have time for girls

>> No.8672131


I study Physics. When I was younger I used apps, but now that I'm a little more confident I meet all my dates at bars or clubs. Its much more natural that way and you dont have to worry about sneaky pictures or the like.

>> No.8672174

MGTOW start like begin genius hardwork dont have time for women.
MGTOW end up like looser, man children play videogames, jackoff all day and hating women because women like real men.

>> No.8672177

>first 2 years
>waste a lot of time with women
>2.5 gpa
>0 experience in labs
>last 2 years
>spend no time with women until my last semester, where it was someone in the same lab I worked in
>4.0 gpa
>3 publications
>3 conference abstracts

Most women are gains goblins and not worth it.

>> No.8672213


Supreme Gentlemen was weak minded and gave into his urges which finally broke him.

He also masturbated which brings its own negative psychological effects.

>> No.8672280


Haha keep dreaming

You're in love with a fantasy and she's takin' you for a ride

>> No.8672301

gf is time absorbing but time without her is one without happiness

>> No.8672327

Why would you go on a science board and make such a thread?