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8665269 No.8665269 [Reply] [Original]

>Jewish world population: 14 million (0.2% of total)
>Jewish STEM Nobel prize laureates: 142 (25% of total laureates)

Why do Jews BTFO every other race in terms of scientific achievement?

>> No.8665271

dude like they like memorize the torah and that shit...
memorizing things that have nothing to do whatsoever with your field makes you smarter XD

>> No.8665273

Japan effect.

>> No.8665274

Because they literally count every person with a single drop of Jewish blood. Europeans people don't consider American Nobel laureates with their heritage as one of their own.

Also accelerated natural selection among the Ashkenazi who lived in Europe.

>> No.8665278

>Japan effect
care to elaborate

>> No.8665282

Wait. How many christians have got nobel prizes?

>> No.8665292

The non-/pol/, objective reason:

Jewish diaspora in Europe and America come from highly inbred, yet favorably Germanic/Semitic mixed stock, that has operated in a high achievement culture for centuries now.

On top of this they are very nepotistic and will come to dominate certain domains due to wanton favoritism. Ivy League schools, Hollywood, banking are examples of this. I'm not going to make a judgement call here, it makes sense to support your own, they're just not called out on it.

As the Nobel prize is a popularity contest their influence is demonstrably larger than other demographics.

>> No.8665293

this only counts for jews in western europe. jews outside western europe do not excel academically.

jews in western europe became so smart because they are breeding for intelligence since 1000 years. the discrimination against jews in western europe forced them to become smart or die, and they became smart.

>> No.8665296

>Between 1901 and 2000 it was revealed that among 654 Laureates 31.9% have identified as Protestant in its various forms (208 prize), 20.3% were Christians (no information about their denominations; 133 prize), 11.6% have identified as Catholic and 1.6% have identified as Eastern Orthodox.
So 65.4% overall.

>> No.8665302
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>non-/pol/ answer
>jews are nepotistic inbreds
what would a /pol/ answer look like?

>> No.8665322

Well he's literally right, and you would know if you've read any Jewish history.

>> No.8665335


It's the way it is man. I didn't cast any moral judgement on it.

>> No.8665370

For some reason I don't know they are simply science fixiated.
I don't like to call it a coincidence but am sure that it's replicable.

>> No.8665397

Because there are no Jews in third-world, war-torn countries.

>> No.8665456

Not to mention the fact that Ashkenazi are historically Caucasian converts and had initially nothing in common with the Jews of the Middle East from a genetic stand point.

They own the Noble Peace prize. They gave one to Bob Dylan (zimmerman) there; for literature. It is utterly meaningless.

>> No.8665498

Same reason as why every race BTFOs niggers in the same thing.

>> No.8665515

something is wrong with their brains

studies show they disproportionately suffer from every mental illness there is

>> No.8665600
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>> No.8666574

because muh hall of cost if you don't give them nobel prizes.

>> No.8666578


also ashkanzi only account for 50% of jews or something like that. the rest are from arab countries so they just as dumb as arabs

>> No.8666648

KYS amerishart

>> No.8666664

Centuries of only the most intelligent Jews breeding will do that, ashkenazi Jews not only prove intelligence is heritable but that eugenics is viable.

>> No.8666672

Well fuck em

>> No.8666677

why don't you go ask your friends at your countainment board ?

>> No.8666712
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I've been told by a Jew that when they were a powerless minority in Europe (probably 18th-19th centuries) they married their daughters to the most intelligent men they knew so that their descendants would have higher IQs and more power. In short, they didn't reject arranged marriages that used to prevent Europeans from turning into dumb brainlets.

>> No.8666739

>suggests Jews are a superior race
>friend of /pol/
Choose one, brainlet

>> No.8666763

>they were a powerless minority in Europe
>18th-19th centuries
history 101...revisit it...

>> No.8666816

Muslims memorize the Qurʾān way more than jews memorize the torah. There are loads of people who has memorized the entirety of it. I have met two 19 year olds from Malaysia myself. It's like the first step of a proper islamic education.
>t. Muslim

>> No.8666826

Butthurt Pajeet that hates White people detected. Sad fuck, your people have an average IQ in the low 80s.

>> No.8666996

... 2017 is in the 19th century?

>> No.8667012

yeah dude Bob Dylan, what did he ever do, right? :^)

>> No.8667014

you're selectively perceiving the past, or a complete moron.

why did hitler want to get the jews out of germany?

protip: it wasn't racism. they were foreigners who owned everything and the germanic people suffered because of it. not picking sides, that's just how he presented it, and it's a valid perception, even if it's not the whole story

>> No.8667019
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>(((Nobel prize)))

>> No.8667030

>it wasn't racism
it was
and no, they weren't foreigners per se either, they just weren't germans, they were very well assimilated and had lived in germany for a long time

the reason they owned "everything" and were more successful on average is because they were smarter than germanics


>> No.8667032

>why did hitler want to get the jews out of germany?
Because he was racist.

No, little Gunther, Hitler wasn't a Christian, or friend with the Latin race. He wanted the Germ-Nordcuck race to rule the world and that's all. The only religions he respected were Islam and Buddhism.

>> No.8667038

They were such foreigners that they still fought for Germany in WW1, all that for some manlet to get in power and decide they lost because of them

>> No.8667079
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>> No.8667101

Jew here. It's mostly cultural. Jewish schools are high quality and have intelligent Jewish teachers. Jews grow up seeing intelligent Jewish adults and aspire to be like them. I remember taking an SAT prep course at a public school and the kids there were dumb as dirt. They couldn't answer the most basic questions and seemed to lack the basic tools of a good education. Perhaps their culture is just so much broader that there is less emphasis on intelligence. The same seems to apply to Asian intelligence. If there is a genetic factor I bet it's dwarfed by the developmental and cultural factors.

>> No.8667104

Disproportionate wealth

>> No.8667119

Disproportionate wealth is caused by disproportionate intelligence.

>> No.8667136

Hitler was a catholic and favored religious studies in school.

>> No.8667144

No. They got lucky a long time ago because one of them learned how to be rich and only shared that knowledge with other jews. Meanwhile, the goyim spent centuries trying to figure out how to be wealthy. Many of them did make it, but they didn't have the same sense of community of the jews, so their peers didn't catch up with their wealth.

>> No.8667146

>They got lucky a long time ago because one of them learned how to be rich and only shared that knowledge with other jews.
kek. /pol/ fairy tales.

>> No.8667148

6 million of them didn't get too smart

>> No.8667149

>Not to mention the fact that Ashkenazi are historically Caucasian converts and had initially nothing in common with the Jews of the Middle East from a genetic stand point.

literally this

Ashkenazim are white on their mommys side and jew on their daddys

>> No.8667162

Scholarly traditions are the flower genes are the root.

>> No.8667163

/pol/ actually believes that the jews' wealth stems from their innate superior intelligence, so that their idea blacks being inferior appear more legitimate. They are literally saying "please see how we are not biased towards whites, we only care about the truth, we even admit that asians and ashkenazi jews are smarter than everyone else!", while in reality they don't know shit about genetics or statistics.

>> No.8667173

But it does? You don't run banks and Hollywood successfully on nepotism alone. Ashkenazi Jews have the highest mean iq as the result of being forced into banking for centuries.

>> No.8667185

>proves intelligence is heritable


>> No.8667188

no you see jews are evil and control the world but at the same time they are a lesser being than say an aryan brother :^) its makes no since that they are smarter than me since i am superior

>> No.8667190

>Capitalizes "White people"
>Criticizes the intelligence of others


>> No.8667191
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So Ashkenazim are literally the master race? Was Hitler actually wrong the entire time?

>> No.8667196

Jews ran banks because they couldn't do anything else. They founded Hollywood (look it up) because film companies on the east coast wouldn't hire them. It's the opposite of nepitism.

>> No.8667200

The Holocaust happened in the 20th century you daft fuck, why would this even be relevant to the other poster?

>> No.8667207

Well they def are evil but nobody ever said dey wuz dumb :^)

>> No.8667211

askekanizm started out when male jews from the levant had sex with southern "italian" women. i say "italian" because they were romans at the time

so i guess you could say the master race is jews + whiteys yes

>> No.8667214

Well he is right.
Its not pol to state facts
The /pol/ answer would be like 'joos are evul and steel whiteys ssiense'

>> No.8667217

When are non jews going to get kicked out of academia? Everyone else is a brainlet and should serve the jew until they die. I like how they are finally inbreeding the stock in europe so jews can live with these organic AIs working for them.

>> No.8667219

Being good at finance doesn't change the genetic pool of a species in a span of 1000 years just like being a good craftsman won't ceate a sub-race of tinkerers. Its called a culture of intelligence.

>you dont run the banks and Hollywood without being smarter than everyone else

Yes you do.

>> No.8667221

In jewish culture of last two centuries mental work always valued higher than physical work even hard.

>> No.8667232
File: 14 KB, 145x136, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Selecting for intelligence over the course of 40 generations within a small population doesn't lead to a higher mean iq within that population?


Tell me more.

>> No.8667248

Inbreeding to a ridiculous level meaning jews are actually fucking stupid if all that inbreeding only resulted in a 15 point bonus from ordinary white people.

>> No.8667250

The white genes is the reason Ashkenazis are smart, actual jews in Israel are fucking stupid.

>> No.8667255

No, /pol/ outright denies their own racial science when it fits their white nationalist agenda. Completely disregard the racial realities.

They come up with excuses as to why Northern Europeans aren't the smartest people.

For example they claim Jews are actually white when any euro heritage they have is actually med.>>8665600

As for Asians, they often say they aren't as creative. Or that they just cheat at their tests.

>> No.8667256

>Inbreeding to a ridiculous level meaning jews are actually fucking stupid if all that inbreeding only resulted in a 15 point bonus from ordinary white people.
What did the /pol/tard mean by this?

>> No.8667259


>Med isn't white

you're all over the place

>> No.8667260
File: 24 KB, 612x331, 1483942763547.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>white genes
>it's different genes that make different races smart
Mostly no.
Also >>8665600

>> No.8667264

Read my post again.
Meds are white by real world standards, obviously.

Not by pol and int standards. They are by no means Northern European. A distinction that should have been quite clear from my post in the context of 4chan.

>> No.8667266


I'm pretty sure it's only a fraction of /pol/ that hardlines the "only golden haired Nords are white" meme

I don't know why people have an idea of the place as cohesive, go over there right now and look at the myriad of contradictory threads and arguments

>> No.8667276


There is no proof of intelligence being genetically correlated in any race of human, nevermind being able to breed a noticeable change over 1000 years.


"In medieval society, wealth, social status, and occupation were largely inherited. The wealthy had more children than the poor, but it was difficult for people born into a poor social class to advance or enter a new occupation. Leading families held their positions for centuries. Without upward social mobility, genes for greater talent at calculation or languages would likely have had little effect on reproductive success."

But go ahead and provide some evidence if you want to get into this.

>> No.8667288

Simply because all the race science, politics etc. are just stormfront astroturfing. Which is quite cohesive.
Also it's not as much hair, but eye color obsession with them.

The pol race science for example and many other talking points, basically originate from a source which has shaped the direction in which the board has developed.
Another aspect of it is it's obvious that whenever an 'outsider' makes a pol-tier thread on another board it often comes from those same ideological intentions.

And it really is nothing new. In terms of politically charged interpretation of the IQ data.

And yes, pol is quite cohesive despite not everybody saying the same things over and over again, which sometimes happens.

>> No.8667294

> to Max Domarus, Hitler had fully discarded belief in the Judeo-Christian conception of God by 1937, but continued to use the word "God" in speeches — but it was not the God "who has been worshiped for millennia", but a new and peculiarly German "god" who "let iron grow".
Yes, good non-Germ, I am a Christian too!

>> No.8667296


I used to believe it was cohesive until I started actually reading through it myself

It is a lot more contentious than most political forums on the internet I would wager. Have you ever been to /r/politics or /r/the_donald? They are sound board echo chambers

>> No.8667305

>There is no proof of intelligence being genetically correlated in any race of human, nevermind being able to breed a noticeable change over 1000 years.

Not even gonna waste my time on you friend.

>> No.8667311


Of course there is a racial correlation. What remains for debate is how much of this is due to race itself or other confounding factors.

And no, obfuscating the argument by trying to re-categorize and divide races along other arbitrary bases is not a valid retort. X group of people is X group of people.

>> No.8667315
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Being contentious is not the same as not aligning around a core of beliefs.

A thread like the one we are having right now is completely impossible on pol with the participants they have over there. I feel it's beneath me to post there. Besides I feel that would be them learning the easy way. Much better for them to come here completely convinced and hyped on propaganda and then see things in a new way. Sort of a longer fall. Because you know, the most excited about the topics make these threads.

And no, I haven't been to those reddit boards.

>> No.8667317

Alright kiddo, good luck out there :^)

>> No.8667318

Who's recategorizing? The quote I posted was specifically talking about Ashkenazi jews.

>> No.8667320

Races are already divided along somewhat arbitrary bases.
Depending on the context.

In an American context a lot of diverse European peoples are the same race. Blacks are black, even though they are actually 1/4 white and quite different from Africans.

This is no good.

>> No.8667321

Is that from that journalist from Zimbabwe that was trying to convince everyone Nigerian igbos have a mean iq of 110?


>> No.8667328

Nobody is obfuscating. If fewer skilled jewish families existed relative to unskilled jewish families, and there was no upward social mobility for an unskilled jew to become a jew, it weakens the argument that Jews could selectively breed intellegence.

>> No.8667329


Whites are more European than anything and blacks are more African than anything here (as long as you aren't doing shit like sampling quadroons and labeling them black)

In a large enough sample population the results are fairly general

You can divide things further to be more specific but I don't think that's what people are interested in, especially not here

>> No.8667330

Show me one study that shows iq is equal across the races from similar SES.

I'll wait.

>> No.8667331

If you are so smart why do you rely on moralfaggots to achieve anything? Without white people you wouldnt be shit jew.

>> No.8667332
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It's from

Obviously immigrants are naturally selected. When it comes to Indians and Chinese especially.

Also, Nigerian immigrants are quite smart.
This is from an article of his. The primary source is GCSE scores in Britain.

According to Lynn (a literal white separatist) Nigeria has an average IQ of 84. To my mind this is quite high since Nigeria is a total mess. There is room for the Flynn effect there.

>> No.8667335


Jews have received a lot of consistent push-back in their adoptive countries (ranging from minor to major persecution and discrimination) that the general populations did not have to experience

This could become a selective pressure and artificially create a situation where only the most high achieving and cunning individuals/families could prosper (and propagate)

just speculation

>> No.8667336

>You can divide things further to be more specific but I don't think that's what people are interested in, especially not here
This is key.

Also, it doesn't matter what people are 'interested' in when it comes to facts.

>> No.8667340

>Nigerian immigrants are quite smart.
Yes anon Nigerian IMMIGRANTS not REFUGEES because you are implying Nigerians are smart.

>> No.8667342

Who said anything about equal? Intelligence is what it is for different genetic make-ups. Its a negligible genetic trait and it cant be noticeably bred in 40 generations. My claim wasn't that intelligence was equal across all races you daft twat. Even if Jews happen to posses a higher level of mean intelligence, its because they won the genetic lottery, not because they bred it. Lmao. /pol/ awaits you.

>> No.8667345


Statistical collection and analysis is expensive and requires effort

if there is no value to be gained from measuring every little ethnic subgroup against one another it's not going to happen

>> No.8667348

You seem confused.

>> No.8667349

Yep. Not refugees.

I implied their immigrants are smart, which you agree with. I don't really know if they are THAT smart, but could be.

I am speculating that Nigerians too could be smart since their average is about the same as black americans and black americans live much better. The Flynn effect is a fact that everybody (including right wingers) knows it's a fact. Coupled with their country is a mess. It's logical, but I'm not saying it has to be the case.

>> No.8667351

Thats not speculation, that's exactly what happened. Jews were denied work as crsftsmen and farmers etc, so they went into finance and management.

>> No.8667354

>I am speculating that Nigerians too could be smart
Your a sheltered white man you really have no clue how subhuman the average african nigger is compared to even a black american.

>> No.8667355

Waiting for a non-brainlet response

>> No.8667357


It's speculation on my part because I was making a pretty high level and general statement

I know you can provide a lot of evidence for it, I'm too lazy to do it right now

>> No.8667359

Mean iq of 115 among an ethnogroup with all kinds of genetic diseases specific to it is merely an example of the genetic lottery?

You're an idiot.

>> No.8667362

Soon we might be sequencing patient genomes at hospitals.
It's not that far fetched you will be able to identify singular genes in people.

Sequencing technology is becoming cheaper.

Oh, OK. I was just going by their IQ data.

>> No.8667367

You're actually not saying anything at all.

>Genetic studies have suggested that most Jewish congenital diseases arose fromgenetic driftafter apopulation bottleneck, a phenomenon known as thefounder effect, rather than fromselective pressurefavoring those genes

How many times do I have to school you before you understand

>> No.8667373

Not him, but founder effect is a possibility with the Jews.

Also it could be both selection and founder effect.
And it could be their genetic diseases are not all that related with intelligence, but I doubt this one. There's apparently some indication they had heterozygous advantage to have a single recessive disease allele.

Though it's just correlations, not easy to show actual mechanisms.

>> No.8667387

Who said congenial diseases are selected for?

40 generations (possibly more) of the Jew who is best at brain work having the most children among an already small breeding population while Iiving in an openly hostile environment doesn't account for ashkenazi intelligence? What does then? The great random number generator in the sky that just happens to favor Ashkenazis every time it comes to roll for the intelligence genes?

Again bro, you seem confused you keep shifting the goal posts and tap dancing like an idiot.

>> No.8667388

>its because they won the genetic lottery, not because they bred it.
Yeah, you are confused.

Please read this thread from top to bottom.

>> No.8667410


>Who said congenial diseases are selected for?

You did, when you said:

>an ethnogroup with all kinds of genetic diseases specific to it is merely an example of the genetic lottery? You're an idiot.

So are you suggesting its random or selected? Choose one. I can't believe I have to explain your own argument to you.

The fact that you think I'm 'shifting goal posts' shows how uneducated you are on the subject, as you've yet to post anything besides your own opinion and internal reasoning of the topic, whereas I've already provided lots of evidence suggesting that Jewish intelligence has always been the same.

So why am I wrong? I've already posted regarding The Founder Effect and low social mobility

Do you even know what you're trying to prove?

>> No.8667433

Generations of sexual selection led to high Ashkenazi intelligence literally nobody considers this controversial, if you have evidence the entirety of the Jewish population had a high average intelligence before they were forced into banking maybe you should post it.

>> No.8667455

Okay, how much banking to I need to learn to alter my genes?

>> No.8667462

Because they were overrepresented in academia throughout the early 19th century.

>> No.8667479

they never did before the 19th century
well never played a role in media or any sphere before that either(other than money lending)

it must be the same reason then. hmm whaat could it be???

>> No.8667483


>> No.8667494


I meant to say 20th century

>> No.8667499

>Jewish supremacy meme
back to >>>/pol/

>> No.8668094

If the "white genes" are what make the ashkenazim smarter than everyone else, why aren't purely white people the smartest race of all?

>> No.8668122

Because they are not inbred to the extent of Ashkenazis you idiot.

>> No.8668157





Not him but I think you're the idiot, the Amish and similar groups who are european inbreeding gone wild are just as stratified and have little to show other than a bunch of health problems.

>> No.8668213
File: 453 KB, 2034x1236, belina.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have never met a jew but what my grandparents would tell is that they were weird. Always hiding, always greedy and the curtains would always be hiding the windows so that nobody could peek in to see if they anything of value to steal. They were always merchants/traders or had a profession that required education. Once sephardic jew owned a store where his kid hung around. The other jew a few streets away asked for a pack with bottles of milk(a container out of carton). Before the kid was given the pack, his dad slapped him hard despite that the kid did nothing wrong. The reason to why he slapped him was to remind him what would be waiting if he were to drop the pack of milks.

These were sephardic jews btw, not ashkenazi

>> No.8668257

Jews have always been oppressed, there must be a reason to why. But it seems to me, according to toray and history that wherever they have gone they have always faced a leader in that country deporting them. Ofcourse, Ramses will always be the first one to despise the jews. First occurence was Cyrus the great, but before that it was the Assyrians who despised the jews. Then came the Romans and fucked their lives furthermore. Those jews who lived on christian lands did not have a good time since most christian were anti-semitic because jews killed jesus. They have been under standard oppression for 3000 years, ofcourse that natural selection will play its role.

>> No.8668355

How did they get into ivy league schools in the first place

>> No.8669024


Homogenous people who don't race mix who's culture pushes their young for intellectual pursuits.

Too bad Jews also are evil

>> No.8669028


I'm okay with them being smarter and owning everything.

Why do Jews force degeneracy and homosexuality upon their host/prey countries?

>> No.8670282

>forcing homossexuality
Did you suck dick and now you are trying to convince yourself that someone else made you do it instead of yourself?

>> No.8670410

Ashkenazi originate from a half-white half-middle eastern population of 500 individuals thousand of years ago

>> No.8670435

You should know that Jews were never enslaved in Egypt. The bible isn't a history book.

>> No.8670447

I have to ask where do you have those exact half/half proportions from.
Also where do you have the 500 individuals number.

A few sources would be nice. Not being a dick or anything, just interested. I already know they have some Italian ancestry and that they weren't a large group, but those numbers are interesting to me.

>> No.8670482



>> No.8670607

>Scholarly traditions are the flower genes are the root.

Your dumb

>> No.8670773

The American elite in the early 1900s were more concerned with the prestige of their social affairs than of actual education. This academic vacuum was quickly filled by the more scholarly driven jewish students, who not soon before weren't allowed to participate much in higher education.

Here's more if you're interested:


>> No.8671036

>the meme that jews had to survive in hostile conditions

You all know nothing about history. They were accepted into almost every country they set their feet in (yes, even the muslim Ottoman Empire!) as "special people of the bible".

They were only then kicked out or killed AFTER they started bringing that nation to its knees financially and socially.

So what came first? The chicken or the egg? Or in this case, their ability to rise to the top of nations or their wily intelligence?

Read a history book

>> No.8671039

This really depends on how you want to classify people as jews: by religious adherence or ethnicity. Most people that are ethnic jews are not very religious. From what it appears, to me at least, is that jewish families frequently debate and tank and mentally engage themselves a lot more than other families.

>> No.8671854

lmao people from /pol/ never fail to make me laugh

>> No.8671857

>you all know nothing about history
>proceeds to parrot bullshit he got from alt right polerinas

>> No.8671902

Now that is an objectively incorrect opinion if i've ever seen one, i recommend reading history books that deal with cross referenceable facts. Jews have been persecuted throughout written history with varying degrees of severity.

>> No.8671927

Because they're actually well educated from an early age and understand discipline from an early age. It's simple logic. If your put more time and effort into thing you will be better at thing than people that put in less.

>> No.8671950

>what is eugenics

>> No.8671995

Maybe they wouldnt be persecuted if they werent insane racial supremacist who try to destroy the host population of any land they infest?

>> No.8672041

the cause that so many banks are founded or owned by jews is a law the katholic church made in the medival age

christians werent alowed to make money with money eg. loans and credids
but there was a strong demand for such buissneses so everyone borowed money from the jews

>> No.8672061

>Because they're actually well educated from an early age and understand discipline from an early age.
Asians are educated the same way. Why are they still BTFO by da juz?

>> No.8672064
File: 50 KB, 620x413, israel_nica12369889_393337c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because their culture and ideology taught women to breed for intelligence and success without regard to physical attractiveness for a couple hundred years. This is why the vast majority of jews are recessive chinned, oddly proportioned, hook nosed goblins. Theyre pretty intelligent, though.

>> No.8672071

>This is why the vast majority of jews are recessive chinned, oddly proportioned, hook nosed goblins.
Actually because they are semites and a lot of them mixed with slavs, and both peoples are weird-looking.

>> No.8672082

Asians have yet to breed for intelligence solely.

>> No.8672218

Do they allow Gentile children to go to those schools, like Catholic schools do?

>> No.8672231

Did they really do eugenics? How so?

>> No.8672253

Until you grow a bigger nose than the Argentinians

>> No.8672306

Depends on the school. They range the gamut from progressive to extremely orthodox. The former will not even ask about religion while the latter will only allow the most religious Jews to attend. Many also require some level of Hebrew fluency.