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8664720 No.8664720 [Reply] [Original]

>8 hours spent daily at uni
>2 hours spent bathing and eating food
>3-4 hours spent just reading over what was done in lecture and doing the homework
>because of the "2 hours studying for every hour in lecture" rule have to basically stay up until 2:30 to 3 AM every single day to keep up with the coursework

How the fuck do you people deal with this for 5-7 years straight? Are you all some kinds of masochists?

>> No.8664747

8 hours a day in classes? Are you taking like 30 credits? My longest days are 5 hours in class.

>> No.8664763

there's some time inbetween classes, but yes, I spend 8 hours a day total.

>> No.8664795

I only study a month away from final exams, and a week from midterms, not really doing homework.

>> No.8664811

tfw genius of unparallelled proportion but lazy


you have to screw the rules every once in a while OP

Just remember that one Dexter's Laboratory episode where he goes to college. You have to learn when to slack off otherwise you'll crack

>> No.8664826


I think one hour studying for every hour in lectures is probably more reasonable. And that includes everything from reading notes to doing problems. And if you're in STEM, some of your hours are probably labs/computing, which are obviously exempt.

Basically, you are just required to invest your own time to understand the material. And sometimes people try to give you a ballpark figure for what that should be. The only time you need to spend is as long as it takes you to grasp the material.

Moreover, if you are efficient with how you spend your time, then you won't need to waste hours. If you actually make use of the library and office hours + do focussed work, then you won't end up with some absurd work schedule. I swear people who spend hours poring over their notes at night need a better system.

Obviously, if you want to excel, then be more thorough + read around your subject.

>> No.8664835

>not just winging it with one hour of studying per day max

must suck being a brainlet

>> No.8664869

>Studying an hour a day when you can chill untill the exams
How does it feel being an actual brainlet

>> No.8664878

How do you handle research papers? Exams are easy but I always struggle with finding time to do research and getting citations.

>> No.8664902

>And if you're in STEM, some of your hours are probably labs/computing, which are obviously exempt
Why the FUCK didn't anyone tell me this?!

>> No.8664922


Its bullshit, the class is only 3 credit but the lab itself is an additional 4 hours every week.

>> No.8664928

>because of the "2 hours" rule
Rule? What are you, autistic?

>> No.8664929

>research papers

where do you think you are? /sci/ is for undergrads and high schoolers only

>> No.8664941


>> No.8664991


Well, you don't have to do as much as your told; it's just a vague figure. You MAY need to do prep work for labs, but usually they're pretty self contained.

>> No.8665043

By skipping lectures sometimes and only studying the night before exams. C's get degrees, my man.

>> No.8665049

>How do you handle research papers?

>> No.8665086

You mean like lab reports or full on research papers?

> lab reports
I don't sleep the night before they're do.
> research papers
idk. They kinda just write themselves as I'm doing the research.

>> No.8665098

OP how many credits are you taking?

Also, you should only really study however much you feel like you need. Some of my classes are easier material that I've already seen too many fucking times because my major is so repetitive. For those classes I usually just pay attention, take good notes, do the homework and review for quizzes(a few days beforehand) or exams(a week or more beforehand depending on difficulty).

You only really need intense (2 hr or more) studying for harder classes or math based classes where you have to not only understand the concepts, but do actual practice with problems.

your free time between classes could be meal time or review or both.

>> No.8665103

>"2 hours studying for every hour in lecture"
that only holds true for brainlets. i didn't even read the books for many of my courses.

>> No.8665105

>"2 hours studying for every hour in lecture
>5-7 years straight
You could have just said you're retarded and saved everyone the time of reading all that drivel.

>> No.8665107

Honestly, it's only like that in the first year or two, where they make you take a whole bunch of unrelated courses. You have to study way more because there's no overlap. Whereas in 3rd and 4th year courses, half of the material in each class is basically review.

>> No.8665111

I'm sorry that some people want a Master's and want to go to grad school to receive higher education and employability in their field- akak actually giving a fuck.

Must suck to aspire to be a spreadsheet monkey making 31k for the rest of your miserable life.
I'm taking 20 credits.

>> No.8665119

I study basically all the time
From the moment I wake up to the moment I go to sleep I study every chance I get.
I am an addict. I want to study right now but I forgot a book at home and am in a hallway waiting for my mommy to pick me up. I hate the fifteen minutes it takes to shower because I could be studying in that time.
I study while I eat, I study while I ride to places, I study laying in bed at night.
Though I have four years of missed high school to make up for, so take that ad you will.

>> No.8665128

Your study habits seem inefficient OP

>go to every lecture (3-6 hours a day, depending on day)
>rewrite lecture notes the following day (1 hour per lecture)
>do weekly problem set (1-2 hours per day, per class, 3-4 hours total)

I crank it up for midterms obviously, but I arrive on campus between 10-11am and finish all my work around 8pm. Then I fuck off the rest of the day. I lift weights, have a gf, and get very high marks in all my classes. Math major. Chem minor.

I only do extra work for Ochem because that class is hard, but it's paying off as I set the curve on my first midterm

>> No.8665134


Oh and
Don't read the book unless it's to clarify your notes from lecture. Or if your lecturer is really awful. I'm that case, skip class and just read the sections.

Saves some time

>> No.8665138

Why are you taking 20 credits? There's literally zero reason to take more than 16 credits in a semester, desu. Any more and you're at risk of just rote memorization/regurgitation, which obviously doesn't help at all.

>> No.8665142

STEM undergrad is a giant hazing period before they let you into the club.

>> No.8665144

I can relate to that, only that I fail most of my classes and have to take the exams again.

>> No.8665179

finished my undergrad studies last year. THIS SO SO FUCKIN MUCH

>> No.8665195

I'm in a PhD program, but unlike a retarded undergrad, I know that grad school isn't much like undergrad.

>> No.8665196

How so?

>> No.8665200

My uni requires 4 core classes + lib arts every semester. How do you keep it at 16?

>> No.8665202

>muh money
you should be digging ditches

>> No.8665203
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I was a retard in highschool so I was forced to take several semesters' worth of prerequisites. I'm now playing catch-up.

>> No.8665205

>I am a retard

your kind shouldn't even be in college.

>> No.8665207

thank you for the valuable contribution

>> No.8665209

thank you for dragging the class average down so even more retards can graduate.

>> No.8665217

My grades were fine, I made the decision to not take the necessary math courses and later decided that I wanted to do a STEM major.

Although this is neither here nor there, highschool is piss easy regardless of your background so bickering about it is a waste of time. Kill yourself.

>> No.8665234

Leave 4chan and you'll find you have more time to study and you'll actually enjoy it. Seriously, this site is the worst thing that can happen to your productivity.

>> No.8665253

Cuz I enjoy it?

>> No.8665298

yeah, i'm sure c average is "fine" for someone retarded enough to need semesterS of prerequisites to catch up with freshman college curriculum.

>> No.8665316

>I'm taking 20 credits
>There's literally zero reason to take more than 16 credits in a semester

Maybe there's some difference between how your American system works or how we handle things here in Europe but we're expected to take an average of 30 credits per semester.

>> No.8665320


By quitting Engineering and changing major to Business. Pic related for spring semester at cal poly pomona. I'll be sleeping by 11pm.

>> No.8665323
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>> No.8665334

Study between classes. Problem solved.

>> No.8665495

>"2 hours studying for every hour in lecture"

This is for people with shit memory that don't belong in university.

>> No.8665519
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>tfw two classes both mandatory for degree on the same day
>one at 8:30am, one at 5:30pm

>> No.8665526

I had a 4.0

>> No.8665532

kek and i thought the 5 hour break i had was bad. i was at a commuter school, though.

>> No.8665591

u racka disciprine.

I am dissapoint in your shittiness.

Real A+ students study har. You do not-a study har

>> No.8665595

>Though I have four years of missed high school to make up for, so take that ad you will.
I'm on the same boat and i'm looking for become an addict like you because the more addicted i'm the more grades i will have and more opportunities money and pirde i will give to my family
How to become addicted?

>> No.8665604

I'm also looking to take 32 credits because i'm going to the 3rd semester while having just completed 8 credits from the FIRST semester.
Need like 10 on my chemistry final on tuesday.
Shit need to get my shit together hard
My schedule gonna be like

>wake up 5-6 am
>stretch / meditate
>go to class 8 am
>go back to class 17pm
>fuck around
>start revising my notes/concepts i didn't get well on each class
>go to sleep by 22
Maybe i can add a bit more of personnal reading at night, idk

>> No.8666385


Honestly grad school is fucking shit. I never had to show up for classes in undergrad so I just used the time to study and do assignments and did great.

Now all my classes have mandatory attendance all day long and it`s fucking me up. I`m probably gonna flunk out.

>> No.8666387


w2c 48 hour days?

>> No.8666588

This is retarded

I used the standard subject choices for my degree and it was from 7am to 5pm with 1h lunch, thats 9h of class a day, every weekday (except wednesdays when it was just 6h). And I still got my degree with distinction, or what ever its called (cummed luda or something gay), while still having time to hang out with friends and indulge in my WoW addiction. You know why? because you dont HAVE to go to every retarded class. I spent 15h a week in class MAX, and if you are in the class, why would you need another 2h to go over the shit?
>professor talks
>you listen while reading the textbook parts he doesnt cover
>class ends
>you know the material

And how do people handle it for years? we have weekends and vacations too, dont be autistic enough to study the shit for the next semester during your vacation time, relax a bit.

>> No.8666595

how is it legal that people as dumb as you can get degrees?