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/sci/ - Science & Math

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8664505 No.8664505 [Reply] [Original]

How do you science-oriented people deal with women? Do you even talk to them?

>> No.8664510

I talk to my gf everyday.

>> No.8664512
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i shag em

>> No.8664513

Indifferent as all the rest.

>> No.8664514


>> No.8664527

is this man to /sci/ what tesla is to reddit

>> No.8664533

Is she autistic or an eccentric personality? I find it hard to believe that anyone in /sci/ could find mutual attraction from the opposite sex, let alone sustain a relationship. t.op

>> No.8664537

Most people to me are objects to use and discard when they're no longer needed. I'm not good at emotional bonding.

>> No.8664538

That sounds like sociopathy desu

>> No.8664541

I have a problem finding like-minded women. I know they're out there though.

Currently I'm too busy to give having a gf some thought.

>> No.8664542

I'm a diagnozed schizoid, actually.

>> No.8664543


>> No.8664545
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>tfw relatives are below average IQ morons and some were abusive to me, which is why I hate stupid people
>tfw all I want is an intelligent woman who would in no way remind me of my relatives and maybe undo some of the psychological damage
>tfw most women are stupid and smart ones are hard to find and usually already have someone
I hate nature/conditioning/whatever is the reason most women are brainless bimbos.

>> No.8664554

I think you are confusing stupid with a bad personality. There are definitely good-hearted bimbos out there, who can and will nurture your psychological damage. That said, it takes real life effort, like talking to other people without specific intentions (I have to talk to this person in order to A B C and to eventually score pussy)

>> No.8664557

I don't give a fuck. I made up my mind. Stupid people are inherently poisonous and I don't want anything to do with them.
Beside, even well-meaning idiots are destructive.

>> No.8664558

>that spelling
Fuck, I need to get some sleep.

>> No.8664576
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Compliment their shoes and hair.

>> No.8664580


yeah right

>> No.8664612

I only want women for sex.
So far i have never met a like-minded women, they have all failed to impress me.
But i also don't see any benefit in having a girlfriend when i can just get a girl willing to be a fuck buddy.

>> No.8664654

>is this man to /sci/ what tesla is to reddit

No because we praise Neumann ironically.

>> No.8664656

I hand them a bowl of eggs

>> No.8664659

The only woman I talk to casually is my gf. I am a weird individual when it comes to women. I have no female friends and do not talk to any pussy-having human other than my gf when I already have a gf but when I am single I start using tinder, going to parties and talking to them at uni to find a new gf.

>> No.8664669

Perfect thread. I was wanting to make this. Perfect pic too OP, just my type, geezus. Source?

I don't know how to talk science with girls. They are ignorant as hell about all of it. They don't even care about it. Even worse is they aren't smart enough to be impressed by it either. Science is useless when seducing women.

Considering science and /pol/itics are they only things I find interesting these days, it's hard as hell to find things to talk about with people, let alone women. Girls just run off when you mention anything like that.

>> No.8664675



>> No.8664681

When you start talking about your interests with women they already feel that you are just going for a friendship. You are supposed to talk only about semi-sexual things to strenghten the sexual tension between the two of you.

That is why women run away from you. Adult women don't want friendships with random strangers, yet you come their way with your interests and other gay shit.

>> No.8664706

Yeah that's shallow as hell. Not sure I'd want to be with a girl who didn't know what I did.

Thanks. Suprised it's her. It didn't even look like her on my phone.

>> No.8664709


> No because we praise Neumann ironically.

What makes you say the praise is not sincere?

>> No.8664713

>Not sure I'd want to be with a girl who didn't know what I did.

What the fuck. You are going for sex. SEX. That is all women are for. You don't go telling your fleshlight about science, so why would you do it to women.

>> No.8664714

I don't talk to them. Out of cowardice and because I wouldn't know what to say anyway.

>> No.8664715
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>talking to women when you should be inventing women

>> No.8664716

Because the cult of personality around scientists is a reddit thing and we mock everything reddit does.

>> No.8664732

I want a relationship, then a family lol. We're going to get bored and frustrated if we can't talk about the things we like.

>> No.8664751

>most women are brainless bimbos
most people are actually brainless fucks, regardless of gender

>> No.8664760

Requesting male-female IQ distribution graph.

>> No.8664761

By posting here I am assuming you are less than 25 years old.

If you are looking for a family... you are retarded.

If you are 30 or older then you are still retarded because why the fuck are you posting here.

>> No.8664766

lol no.
They're useless.
t.female in science

>> No.8664774

If you are actually a girl posting here then I am sure your face and body put the male in female.

>> No.8664785

You know the rules: titties with timestamp or out

>> No.8664800
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lmfao, +1 that is amazing; I'll have to add it to my arsenal of witty remarks sometime.
As penance, have this picture.

>> No.8664822

I masturbate to videos of them having sex with other people.

>> No.8664872

"Klappe, Knappe!"

>> No.8664884

why is it boys in the science field are so boring? their entire lives surround routine, careful consideration and introspection. i admire them and would like to potentially marry one for financial support but dating them in your prime is coma inducing due to their inability to relax and have fun.

>> No.8664889

>tfw dated with qt smart physics girl
>failed relationships with her because of my insecure complex and her being from richer family
>met her 2 years after
>she said she wants to abandon science

>> No.8664890

I tried and I have failed; sort of.

Actually, I wouldn't call it a failure. I'm simply not interested in shitposting on facebook all day or watching some shitty series.
Honestly, I think most new entertainment (movies, series, etc.) are jack shit. Most shit today are either too idealistic or they create unrealistic drama to keep up tension apart from being on an ethical high-horse constantly; the same patterns everywhere with a few exceptions.
However most people essentially merge with this modern and unrealistic cancer and go like "Whoooa, this is so cool!" and shit like that.
I'm a lot more interested in talking about real shit, building real shit and gaining (new/real) knowledge. I'm quite old-school.

I once assumed that I might be broken, because people weren't very kind to me back in primary school, etc., but now I know that's not the case. Especially that I have pretty good intuition about people. I can see what they do and I'm not interested in them. Most women are like
- "Muh, I must have a boyfriend because a woman should have a boyfriend."
- "Muh, my boyfriend needs to fit all these (social) characteristics so we can be the cool/normal pair, because compliance with some imagined (social) norm is the most important thing in life."
- "Muh, if there's a "better one" (aka chad wants to fuck me) I'll leave my bf. My feelings are like the wind with no real goal."
- "Muh, Why would I be honest and open? I know how man think!"

Honestly, I predicted the outcomes of my friend's relationships quite a few times. He is also moving towards a similar view as mine: as soon as he detects the first signs of bullshiting, without the ability to actually solve relationship problems, he is out.

My problem is I can see fairly easily how extremely shallow most people are and I'm not interested in them. I don't have the drive to go full Feynman.
Maybe I lack self-confidence in some areas though, plus I'm quite "romantic", I'm not interested in sex only.

>> No.8664903

You sound just as shallow and insufferable as the people you're describing, the rest of society isn't missing much with you absent.

>> No.8664932

Woah, you sure told me, buddy. It's so good to have such a fine opinion of someone when he had to write so fucking much in 2000 characters. PROTIP: My examples are exaggerated.

Yeah, I'm fucking shallow because I have spent my time learning and discovering and I want to find meaning in stuff. I have such a shitty and shallow personality, because I like doing stuff. Hell, I might even get paid for it. Getting paid and still having a bit of fun? It's so fucking shallow!
I should just read the next cool new book designed by psychologists and business analysts for housewives and edgy teenagers like you!

See above.
There is absolutely no reason to have a good talk about meaningful topics or have a bit of imagination! Every conversation should be about social superiority and you should make sure your social superiority shows! Isn't that right? I shouldn't dare to think or make mistakes! That's so weak, I should be totally closed about making mistakes and do everything as a robot according to how people told me it should be done. Hell, I'm an asshole when I think and I come up with better solutions. I'm just acting arrogant!

>the rest of society isn't missing much with you absent
Yeah, I have noticed, I have far better reasons I can use to conclude this than yours.

You might be shocked to know that I'm kind to most people unless they attack my deeply held values with no or bad reasons aka I'm a pretty laid-back and tolerant guy unless an aggressive approach is necessary. I'm a bit of a control freak and I don't always like to lead, but I do when I need to.
I also accept reality as it is, I don't blame the world, but I'm interested in finding my own place. I do these self-reflections to improve myself.
I don't go around telling people about my problems like a retard.
Yeah, I'm lonely, so what? On average people aren't that bad, but most people can't quench the true thirst of my soul. I'm such a big fucking cunt, I know.

>> No.8664933

>I'm not interested in sex only.

Holy shit this is so gay. Please get out of /sci/. I want everyone here to be like me.

>> No.8664936
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I try and have moderate success but still don't understand them whatsoever, they don't think like me.

I thought I did and operating off of that assumption just drove me insane.

>> No.8664939

I'm going, I'm going! Please, don't hurt me! I'm almost back at reddit. I can't go any faster!

>> No.8664948
File: 259 KB, 1663x1247, get out.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8664954


>> No.8664964

>If you are looking for a family... you are retarded.
Good goy

>> No.8664970

You're shallow because you're judging entire demographics of people based on a few brief personal encounters. Learn some fucking statistics brainlet.

You're insufferable because you think you're above the rest of humanity and have a serious case of special snowflake syndrome. Protip: you are never the only one. There is nothing about your hostile misanthropic behavior that makes you in any way worth knowing. You reap what you sow and everything you're offering is vile waste. You don't need to shout out your beliefs to know how much of a misanthrope you are. Your body language has ways of giving off your beliefs and people can perceive this body language pretty easily. Work on your attitude and maybe things will change.