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/sci/ - Science & Math

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8663950 No.8663950 [Reply] [Original]

If I have a flashlight and the light travels at the speed of light (obviously) and I start moving at 10 m/s towards an observer with the flashlight pointed towards the observer, the light is traveling at c + 10 m/s towards the observer

Prove me wrong /sci/
>Pro-tip: you can't

>> No.8663957

seriously dont do this its a troll post and the flashlight will instantly explode in your hands

always stay on your toes on the 4chan

>> No.8663979

will the FBI haul me off in a van if I try this?

>> No.8663984


>> No.8663988


>watch me break relativity
>I assume relativity doesn't work in a hypothetical example
>prove me wrong faggots!

>> No.8664017
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>> No.8664059

How is relativity not working in my example? Just because I proved that einstwrong was wrong doesn't mean your precious physics still apply everywhere

>> No.8664067
File: 57 KB, 500x419, gl0G9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8664081

Here's what happens in your example: beaming. The observer will receive light as if it was travelling at c, but maybe slightly more blue shifted that expected.

>> No.8664157

So what you're saying is that the color is shifted because it is traveling faster than expected
i.e. Faster than the speed of light

>> No.8664165


The light shifts color depending on the relative velocity of the source and observer because light always travels with velocity c.

>> No.8664173

Photons don't have inertia.

>> No.8664190

All that does is doppler shift the light.

>> No.8664201

>hey guys i just broke sound
>so if im in an atmosphere and sound travels at 343 m/s and i start autistically screeching while running forward at 1 m/s my sound travels at 344 m/s
>prove me wrong
>hurrr u cant

That's how retarded you sound right now

>> No.8664202

Ayy lmao Einstein BTFO

>> No.8664204

>Sound is the same speed from all reference frames


back to high school

>> No.8664229

light is a fucking wave you retard
lrn2 doppler shift
Or do they not teach physics in the 6th grade in your backwater town

>> No.8664649

Well sound doesn't work that way because sound is dependent on air molecules bouncing off eachother which usually only happens at the speed of sound
But light is a massless (basically) wave that propagates at c plus whatever speed it's being produced from. Therefore light can travel faster than the speed of light

>> No.8664652

this is all too weird

so light just adjusts to stay always at c whatever changes around it? like it has consciousness?

how do telescopes even work?

>> No.8664682

If a black hole can pull light backwards at the speed of light while the light is moving forwards at the speed of light, then it creates a standing wave which is moving at 0m/s. So intuitively we should say the opposite is true; a force can move light along its path which causes it to travel faster than the speed of light
OP here

>> No.8664708

>Just because I used babby-tier arithmetic
>doesn't mean I don't understand Minkowski
Yes, it does.

>> No.8664725

>Yes, it does
No, it doesn't

>> No.8664739

you just broke "muh reference frames" logic

>> No.8664778

No troll, not like it has consciousness. Its a law of the universe. Massless particles (or waves) always travel at c, its an inherent property of having no mass. Just like how particles with mass have gravity, they dont consciously decide to attract other particles with mass, it just how the universe works. Telescopes work by magnifying part of a distant object many many times by using a mirror or lense much larger than our retina to display an image to be read by our retina. The telescope sees the light as it was however many light years away the oject that is reflecting/emmiting that light is. Any more retarded bait?

>> No.8664787

Please tell me this is bait. A black hole is pulling space time (the medium through which light travels) into it faster than the speed of light. A flashlight moving forward is not the same thing, since the wave medium is not moving the light still travels at c.

>> No.8664797


The speed of light is absolute.

Thats meen that speed of the light is the same for all systems of reference.

If you run with the flashlight the light is traveling at same velocity as when you were standing.

>> No.8664801

>plus whatever speed it's being produced from

Fucking Marilyn Monroe gets this, why can't you? >>8664017

>> No.8664947

>travels faster than the speed of light
>speed of light
I believe my point has been proven

>> No.8665191

There is no known limit to what speed the medium which light travels through can move, just anything within that medium. You must be trolling if you claim to actually think your idea holds any merit. Its like 5 year old logic, you arent even the first person to post this thread and be shot down by facts only to continuously deny said facts.

>> No.8665232

Go back to >>>/out/ and post pictures of the river of tears you just created after you realized that my theorem is correct even though you tried to prove it wrong with what I'm disregarding

>> No.8665238

>babbys first special relativity thought experiment

>> No.8665252

>everyone saying OP is wrong
>no one actually proving why he is wrong
>everyone is just pretending to be smart but really don't understand relativity outside of muh grades

>> No.8665499

>I just broke wind

>> No.8666284

Now i KNOW you are trolling. Good show sir. Goodbye forever.

>> No.8666343

whoa whoa wait a second

scientists, explain this

>> No.8666372

Whats the speed of light when its dark?

>> No.8666580

>2. Press fast forward on the VCR.
1997 just called, and they want their
Video Cassette Recorder back, fgt pls

>> No.8666585

>my theorem
L0Lno fgt pls
you have no "theorem"

>> No.8666777

c = constant.

So if you go 99.9 of c and have lights on, that light is still going c speed, not c + 99.9 c