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/sci/ - Science & Math

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8662997 No.8662997 [Reply] [Original]

I've often wondered about the minimum pixel-like section of space something can move, if such a thing exists. Imagine a massive plank a few light-years long. It is perfectly straight and not bendable. Now, using one end as the pivot point, move the other end a Planck length. How far do the atoms of the board just before the pivot point move? It seems to suggest that space is infinitesimal.

Similar question. Imagine a wheel made out of this unbendale material. Now, increase the angular velocity until the tangential velocity of some point between the wheel's edge and the middle is the speed of light. What of the points farther from the center than this one?

>> No.8663122
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force transmits al the speed of light max so it ant be unbendable

he plank will bend and the wheel will rotate faster in the center and anyway it would require infinite energy