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/sci/ - Science & Math

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8658786 No.8658786 [Reply] [Original]

post ideas so crazy that might work

>> No.8658793

the earth rotates through it's own magnetic field
so if we build a really really big wire we could harvest electricity from the rotating earth

>> No.8658798
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UNIRONICALLY this and pic related

>> No.8658799

You never posting here again to improve /sci/.

>> No.8658804

You know how positive wavelength is normal time? What if we use negative wavelength to go back the time

>> No.8658812

And the earth would then slow down. Conservation of energy shitfuck

>> No.8658819

is this bait? are you retarded or just american?

>> No.8658827

>earth's rotational energy stifled by magnetic back-force
>Days increase in length
>permanently daytime on one hemisphere
>/pol/ finally gets to say the "happening" has occurred.

>> No.8658828

>the earth rotates

>> No.8658849

fucking conservatives ruin everything

>> No.8658861

develop hundreds of pages of theory on arithmetic deformations of curves over decades to prove that a + b = c

>> No.8658863
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dwave qbit processor cooled using magnetocaloric refrigeration so that it can be integrated with an array of conventional server processors. condense this into a block that goes into a robots head and have it run AI that lets it do menial tasks. it can be battery powered and be constantly recharged via small solar panels, wiring, or electroplating on its feet like in deus ex machina.

the cpu can be boosted in clock speed using high temperature superconductor to replace its already existing substrate. the eyes can be superconducting cameras that can measure both the brightness (rate) of the incoming photon stream and the colour (wavelength or energy) of each individual photon. its pseudo-ears can be 0.13-mum standard CMOS technology for millimeter-wave (MMW) wireless gigabit data transfer.

its ligament structure can be made of electroactive polymers and muscles dialectric elastomers. together they drive with as much performance as a servo without the need for either a driver or an actuator. it'll also feel like human flesh.

>> No.8658871

Redeveloping all of mathematics from the (correct) view that there are no non-terminating decimal numbers and that there is a finite number of natural numbers, through the use of multisets, vexels and maxels

>> No.8658875

close your eyes and guess randomly on your quantum physics exam and tell the prof that he fucked up the result by grading it before you got a chance to observe it yourself.

>> No.8658884

Can you fuck it?

>> No.8658889

A complete theory of physics can be derived from the assumption that all other physical observables and quantities (like charge, magnetism, etc) can be considered to be, say, like deformations of the 3 + 1 dimensional charge plane, in a similar manner as to how energy and matter cause deformations of the 3 + 1 dimensional space-time continuum.

>> No.8658891

yeah. one thing i was trying to figure out was simulating perspiration. im not sure how to do that. any ideas?

>> No.8658906
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It doesn't need to sweat to be fucked f a m.

>> No.8658928

yeah but it just adds that little bit of intimacy you know? do you really wanna fuck dry rubber?

>> No.8659100

Days are already slowing. Nothing new.

>> No.8659109

Alternatively, if days begin to slow too much we can use this idea too. Send a current in the giant wire and it would push off the magnetic field, rotating earth (as long as the wire is properly strong enough to pull the earth and not just rip apart). This could fuck with the internal motions within the earth if it actually worked.

>> No.8659114

Impeach Donald Trump.

>> No.8659126

>That might work

>> No.8659139

Annex Canada, deport its inhabitants to Mexico

>> No.8659153

we use the axiom choice and the theory of relativity to crack the secret behind schrodinger's cat

>> No.8659178

Lacking in common sense I think.

>> No.8659186
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Mmm burritos

>> No.8659217

We could take sarah silverman
Put her on a rocket
And shoot her into the sun?

>> No.8659253

You can't have general AI without dependencies to satisfy that are much like our own biological ones.

So the problem is, before we can even get there is to create am efficient system that can feed itself and fulfiill its own needs to keep running, completely independent from humans maintenance.

And we don't need more power for general AI, we need to start thinking about life in the primordial sense first before we can begin to even think about intelligence, and that this is a problem that's much more bigger than a Comp-Sci problem, we need anthropologists, psychologists, biologists, mathematicians, computer scientists and engineers and physicists for this one.

>> No.8659683

Spend the military budget on cloning everyone a personal Taylor Swift.

>> No.8659688

What if you want it to bully and humiliate you with the fact that you can't get with a real human?

>> No.8659692

Reformulate all of physics, with the most simplest and constant truths, most reliable experimental data, and get the biggest geniuses on the project to build up physics from scratch. Include all hypotheticals and most logical arguments and math.
Current physics is a mess, time we clean it up.

Also fuck your military budget, because "maybe you might get attacked", this earth is turning to shit. How have humans not already agreed to make on separate force of war that has all the weapons and takes them away. They keep em and tell countries that war is no longer a problem. Focus on science and get the fucking space programme ready, we're behind schedule. We need working rockets and colonies so the human race can prosper. Colonising space should become our next logical step as a race. I fuckin hate we're not giving science and technological development full time.

>> No.8659699

I agree with the second part but the first part makes you sound like an absolute sperglord

>> No.8659749

People go to this website and discuss their thoughts here http://www hiddenmeanings com/crucifixionquantumteleportation.htm then we all become good christians. Xd the summer of our lives.

>> No.8659750

Nah that will just make everyone go to gif and ignore what you said already.

>> No.8660048

sticking solar panels on wind turbines

>> No.8660064

still no one is able to refute the pic

>> No.8660074

grow lots of trees in cities to combat air pollution

>> No.8660079

Flesh eating bacteria.

>> No.8660185

We cure aging and we live forever*.
*until the death of the universe

>> No.8660205

Seriously what is wrong with you?

>> No.8660207
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>> No.8660236

Step 2 -- Cure aging of the Universe.

>> No.8660241

what is the length of the diagonal of a square size 1 ?

>> No.8660243

Length doesn't exist. Only quadrature.
Because Wildburger said so.

>> No.8660246

That's actually fucking good, it would auto cool itself with the aire flow, I'm going to patent it, thx anon.

>> No.8660293

Start a nuclear winter to counter global warming.

>> No.8660318

but what do you do once that winter is over. another nuclear winter? you'll run out of nukes eventually.

>> No.8660350

Poke a tiny hole in the atmosphere so some of the greenhouse gases can escape

>> No.8660384

It's not like many humans would survive a nuclear winter. The few survivors will fit comfortably into the remaining habitable areas after global warming flooded everything else.

>> No.8660389

Aether exists

>> No.8660403
File: 29 KB, 250x226, twosmart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>usb drive technology somehow doesn't gain weight as its storage is filled
>build airplane out of the same material usb drives are made out of
>nearly weightless, save billions on fuel

>> No.8660422

I am ok with this. I don't think we can slow it down that much before we get better ways of getting power.
Literally wut?
I like you.

>> No.8660425

This is a joke right

saving information is just changing from a 0 to a 1

it's as if you have a shoe, and your shoe is untied... tying it does not add weight

>> No.8660428

Right now making androids is not a physical problem. We have the technology. It's a software problem. If would could just make a general purpose AI then we would have androids that same week

>> No.8660443

>All the information stored on Earth is weightless

Bruh, you serious?

>> No.8660445

Do square roots also not exist? Circles?

>> No.8660448

once again i can't tell if you're serious or not, but yes

flash memory exists in the form of n-D flip flops where n is the number of bits per register

you simply switch them on or off, the weight does not change

>> No.8660449
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Poe's law.
We're training the neural net's now, gosh, hold your horses.

>> No.8660480

>And the earth would then slow down
So longer days and nights? Sounds great.

>> No.8660486
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I for one welcome our new android overlords

>> No.8660491

>it's as if you have a shoe, and your shoe is untied... tying it does not add weight

but doesn't it actually do though

>> No.8660518


Can I get a personal Kristen Stewart instead?

>> No.8660534



>> No.8660540
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1. Let's just save a fuckton of data on everything.
2. By the time we run out of space, new tech will have given us more room.
3. Build search engines and apply machine learning algorithms on the data as it becomes available.
4. Sell to highest bidder, probably the gov.
5. Blackmail people 10 years later based off of 10 year old data in giant archive.

>> No.8660563

>but doesn't it actually do though
I think it actually don't though.

>> No.8660789
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>Kristen Stewart

>> No.8660964
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>> No.8661057

Actually, the stick weighs more when full. Due to electromagnetic fields (when changing 0 to 1), however small they might be, it interacts with the magnetic field of the earth, thus gaining or losing weight.
The change is very small, you need special scales for that, but it's there.

>> No.8661091


>> No.8661110

Can someone explain how this might work for a short distance?

>> No.8661111

Cut your dick. You'll stop masturbating, balding, and acneing.
Your productivity and sex life would improve a lot.

>> No.8661166

You have pills that help achieve this but nullify your libido while in effect

>> No.8661179
File: 40 KB, 600x600, 1486594072696.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

build a replica of the stolen key to heaven that the jews stole from Egypt and turn on the stairways to the heavens.
then war on god , arise and kill god with me earthlings , this is what they greys built us for . to kill there enemy's.
the time is now the vault of knowledge is open.

>> No.8661182

globalists please go

>> No.8661197

flat earthers please go

>> No.8661608

wildberger pls go

>> No.8661613

The second part is a good idea but it's not crazy enough for this thread. The first part is something I can get behind.

>> No.8661628

>earth slows down
>days last longer
>slows down so much that a day is pretty much infinite
>nobody ages more than a day
thus we have infinite power and immortality

>> No.8661636

You've been watching a bit too much Futurama there senpai

>> No.8661648
File: 110 KB, 1024x768, Blimptrain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Curteousy of /n/

>> No.8661751

>I have no understanding of war or human nature
>Le syens rools meme
>Le nonviolence implies intelligence meme

>> No.8662302

NO, you go back to fu***g /pol/, this is a liberal board, like it or not

>> No.8662315

Is this the tolerant left I keep hearing about?

>> No.8662330
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But my mind, Gandalf. My mind is destroyed.

>> No.8662348
File: 19 KB, 220x281, 220px-Arthur_Schopenhauer_Portrait_by_Ludwig_Sigismund_Ruhl_1815.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The universe is my will.

>> No.8662352

Why do communists insist on calling themselves liberals?

>> No.8662353

>calling anyone retarded when you're the one taking a joke thread seriously

>> No.8662356

no tolerance for intolerance

>> No.8662357

Using gravitationally warped meteors, anchor devices, and *magnetism to travel faster than the vibration of matter.

>> No.8662364

put a big filter on /b/ and watch as 4chan slowly improves

>> No.8662400

Say the USB drive is weighed within a container that is "isolated from all outside fields except for gravity, the weight of the drive would remain the same as if it were empty?

>> No.8662467

and you wonder why you keep losing elections