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8658302 No.8658302 [Reply] [Original]

How do I become the sort of person who works really fucking hard and gets stuff done? I'm not even asking for a higher IQ, I'd basically run the world if I could work for more than a few hours without giving myself a BS excuse for stopping.

>> No.8658313


You need to want it bad enough. That is all it takes.

If you want it, you will persevere through hunger, pain, distractions.

Barring medical issues of course.

Gay frog image btw.

>> No.8658315


>> No.8658319

Check if you have ADD or something.

>> No.8658320

There's evidence to suggest that we think AFTER doing something. So stop thinking and just do. Even if it's something as simple as picking up a book. Just start.

>> No.8658322

Uninstall all distracting things on your phone and comp, and stop playing videogames. Learn to manage your time, and partition your work throughout the week, schedule everything. As for motivation though, you just gotta want it enough. Getting rid of distractions will help, however.

>> No.8658326
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Read Stephan Covey and Maxwell's writing. Each day matters. Plan 10 things to do tomorrow. Make it a goal to not stop until those 10 things are done. List them in order of importance, with the most important thing first. Do not beat yourself up if you do not accomplish all 10 things. Even if you only accomplish 2 things, those are the most important.

If you do them all, tomorrow list 11 things. Same thing.

If you make it a habit to follow lists, you will eventually succeed or die trying.

>> No.8658332
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No. If you don't plan what you do, you will naturally lean towards the quick, easy things to do.

That leads to doing useless things, like deleting spam. Sure, its something to do, but not the most important.

Before you go to bed each night, prioritize your tasks. Do the important stuff first. It will save you a WORLD of hurt.

>> No.8658343

>You need to want it bad enough. That is all it takes.

this times infinity

everything else is just lame excuses

>> No.8658387

you just do it and ignore your thoughts, basically. you physically just do it and ignore whatever bullshit reason you're thinking or feeling for not doing it. all of these idiots saying dumb shit like "you gotta want it bad enough" are just autistic and don't actually do anything.

you just do it and make it a compulsion to do something even when you don't want to at that exact moment. that's all I ever did. working out at a young age helped me figure that out, doing pushups and going "ah 5 more" then "okay 2 more" and before you knew it I did like 10-20 more than I originally thought because I forced myself to not think about it and just do it. I have sort of OCD habits though so maybe you have to have that to get what I'm talking about.

>> No.8658394

Stop posting frogs and get off 4chan.


>> No.8658395

>all of these idiots saying dumb shit like "you gotta want it bad enough" are just autistic and don't actually do anything.

Hey I'm not an idiot. I answered the OP honestly and thoughtfully.

"You have to want it bad enough" is an expression of willing the results you want into existing, and maintaining the focus to do so.

>you just do it and ignore your thoughts, basically.

because you want it

>you physically just do it and ignore whatever bullshit reason you're thinking or feeling for not doing it.

because you want it

>you just do it and make it a compulsion to do something even when you don't want to at that exact moment

because you want it

>because I forced myself to not think about it and just do it.

you get the point.

>> No.8658399

Get friends. It's not what you know, it's who you know.

>> No.8658853

Take some Modafinil, Ritalin or Adderal. Serious.
Modafiil you can take pretty much everyday and not see too much of effectivness wear off. Ritalin, cycle it 1-3 times a week when you really need it. No idea about Adderal.