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8657393 No.8657393[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>Get a 4.0 GPA in physics after final exams
>get head hunted by a hedge fund and earn 300k starting
>couldn't wait to brag about my life here on /sci/
>wake and realise it was just a dream

Why do our brains troll us like this? Is there a scientific explanation? This can't be just a random dream as there is a clear pattern of trolling - like there was this other dream I had where I had a qt 3.14 gf and just when we were about to kiss I woke up.

>> No.8657404

if only those events would fall onto our laps and exist like they do in dreams.

I'm sure you'll achieve your goals if you don't settle for less, and put yourself out there to achieve big and not get complacent because you fear failing

>> No.8657418

I'm asking whether such dreams are entirely just randomly generated by our brains with no with no inherent meaning or are they intentionally generated to troll, torment or even foreshadow?

>> No.8657428

My bad, I'm sure there's published work that can link this question to a subconscious phenomena or a neurotransmitter relation.

There is evidence that certain medications like chantix and some antidepressants might be correlated with more frequency of a bad dream, but I'm not aware bruh

>> No.8657434

Scientific explanation is you are a faggot.
Ive been spending too much time on /b

>> No.8657473

You could be grateful they are not full-blown nightmares; or even more grateful that said nightmares don't invade your awake time.

>> No.8657474


Well, those dreams were obviously not completely random. You have qtpi and 300k job on your mind. While you sleep your brain has to reconcile everything that you have been thinking about and some of it shows up in your dreams.

I would never have your dream because I am not dwelling on those things, but I did just recently have dream where I had to tell someone the tradeoff of getting a high paying job in NYC in which I pointed out my friends who did that are trapped in golden handcuffs and very often have to stay at the office until 10pm.

>> No.8657559

There's a few possible explanations to dreaming.

The most well-known one is from Freud's psychoanalysis, stating that the id (which includes all your desires) cannot manifest in reality because of the ego and superego, which repress these desires if they do not correspond with present norms and values. Therefore, the id manifests itself in dreams.

The second is a more recent one, called the retro-selective theory of dreams.
This one states that during sleep, your brain creates many many many different parts of a dream through parallel brain processes, and when you wake up, your brain selects (at random) some of those parts to form a 'dream'.

>> No.8657587

that's really sad, your instinct was to go on here

>> No.8657592

>that's really sad, your instinct was to go on here

And yet, you are here.