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8656699 No.8656699[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Please no /pol/ or libtard nonsense guys; I hear enough political bickering on the college campus.

I was watching an interview with Charles Murray a few days ago and he commented that cognitive differences between races and gender will become undeniable within 3 years; meaning that the scientific data will become overwhelming and political agendas wont be able to suppress the discussion anymore.
He even comments that there will be astounding levels of cognitive dissonance.

But, more interestingly, he says the data is already available if you know where to look.
Are there any biologists here that can point me in the right direction?
I know the genome hasn't been decoded entirely yet, but where would one follow the research on these topics?

tl;dr: Race/sex differences in cognitive ability; where to find the data?

>> No.8656702

3 years seems an oddly specific amount of time.

>> No.8656703


Sup /pol/

We were just talking about you.

Also, you have to go back


>> No.8656706
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Kek, I laughed a bit to myself when he said 'about three years.'

Here's the interview if you want to have a look at it:

>> No.8656708
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I swear, if /pol/ shows up, let the mods ban them; I want to find our more about this subject. I'm a mathematics student, not a pollack

>> No.8656711

when you say libtard are you talking about retarded libertarians?

>> No.8656712
File: 34 KB, 500x498, hardly.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It will take exactly 3 years to finally everyone admitting that there is no large enough existing framework and too much work to be done, for any dependently typed setting with univalent semantics to produce anything valuable within 13 years.

>> No.8656716

> where to find data?
the internet......

"The paper that supports the conventional wisdom is Jensen, A. R., & Reynolds, C. R. (1983). It finds that females have a 101.41 mean IQ with a 13.55 standard deviation versus males that have a 103.08 mean IQ with a 14.54 standard deviation. "
googled this in 10 seconds sooooo....

>> No.8656718


Dude the only people that give a fuck about this data are racists with inherent biases, trying to rationalize their shitty beliefs.

That's literally the only reason you give a fuck about this instead of getting laid, doing mathematics, and finding booze like normal math undergrads.

Just fuck off

>> No.8656720

Considering Charles Murray isn't even a biologist why do you think he has access to privileged biological research?

>> No.8656722

>I was watching an interview with Charles Murray a few days ago

Care to link?

>> No.8656725

liberals not libertarians

>> No.8656726

>Dude the only people that give a fuck about this data are racists with inherent biases, trying to rationalize their shitty beliefs.
I dunno, maybe employers labelled discriminatory for not employing enough black people, despite trying, would find something of value in such findings.

Barking words like "racist" at things like this is precisely the kind of flapping, intellectual dishonesty that is the problem.

Just because you don't want something to be (because it conflicts with your own dogmatic ideals) doesn't make it vanish.

>> No.8656727

daily reminder women play in their own chess leagues because they can't even play board games at the same level as men

>> No.8656734


>retarded libertarian
yeah i head libtards being used that context too

>> No.8656735
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Why not, I don't care.

The link to 'about three years' comment is here:

I had a hard time searching for this sort of data on google scholar. I'm looking for genome-related studies and where a person could find ethnic-specific or sex-specific studies.
My problem is that it is hard to find direct info about the specific things I'm interested in. It's not just bell-curves, but genetic and biological differences I'm looking for.

He's an extremely high-level academic. I'm sure he follows all of this data and has friends in the fields in question.
Don't be snarky because you're touchy about IQ

I'm Irish. As a group we have a low IQ. I'm confident in myself and I don't feel touchy about the subject and want to know more about ethnic differences in intelligence. IT'S NOT BLACK/WHITE. God, I hate how American politics poisons every fucking thing

>> No.8656737

>citing a paper from 1983

Seriously nigga? Here is a study with a sample size ~15,000 showing no statistically significant difference in intelligence or difference in variance in intelligence between the sexes.


>> No.8656743

If that information existed you would have found it already.

>> No.8656745


>> No.8656746

how about we just treat people as individuals instead you fucking moron

or i don't know, maybe in your deranged fantasy world you would do something really stupid like deport all people with below average iq
say goodbye to your family then eh

>> No.8656750

>Please no /pol/ or libtard nonsense guys;'
Repped and saged

In advance, all polfags should stop posting here and ruining other boards.

>> No.8656751

>how about we just treat people as individuals instead you fucking moron
Because when employers do that they get accused of discrimination. If it's not the employer discriminating, then something is. Maybe genes. Maybe socialisation. Maybe something else. But shouldn't we find out?

You flipping doofus.

>> No.8656752


You're making some big assumptions that I don't believe in racial differences.

The point is that the data doesn't MATTER. And giving businesses more avenues for discrimination is not going to help fix this country or whatever bizarre free market belief you have.

>> No.8656755

Being the operative word. They will employ whomever will make them the most money, irrespective of pretty much everything else.

You honestly think they've got time for that shit?

>> No.8656756

oh i'm pretty sure your 3 years guy has no fucking idea
gtfo of here pretending to be righteous, you're obviously an awful person and i have no reason to be nice to you. go away

>> No.8656757

>Being the operative word. They will employ whomever will make them the most money, irrespective of pretty much everything else.
shouldnt they only employ women then, since women are paid less on average because of the wage gap?

>> No.8656758

It's not that the data isn't out there.

It's not that the data can't be found.

It's that it shouldn't fucking matter. Who gives a fuck if blacks are 5, 10 IQ points less than whites? It changes nothing and offers no meaningful information to apply.

If you care about this, it's you trying to confirm biases. It's why you waste time doing this instead of your thesis, or that problem set that's due next week, or finally losing weight.

Instead of bettering yourself, you try to find external reasons why you aren't total shit.

>> No.8656759

>someone I worship said something stupid and I need you to verify it for me so I can continue my idol worship

>> No.8656761
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You are delusional.

>> No.8656762

would you say physical differences between races aren't meaningful to study either?

>> No.8656765

what do you even mean by race?

>> No.8656766


>> No.8656767
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I'll reiterate because insecure people are coming out of the woodwork to say it's racist to ask about this.

>Charles Murray interview
>Data on ethnic/gender differences will become overwhelming in 'about three years'
>When pressed, he says 'the data is already out, if you know where to look'
>Anybody know what he is talking about?

If you are touchy about this subject, just don't argue here.
I want some suggestions from biology undergrads/postgrads. Don't moralize and talk about 'who cares bro'

Not black/white. Vent your hurt feelings elsewhere.

Wow, yes, because I love Charles Murray and worship him.
Why are you so touchy about this topic?

>> No.8656768

oh look, it's fucking nothing

>> No.8656770

fuck off pal i'll argue where i like
free speech cunt

>> No.8656771

That's false actually. Economic models that pretend that everyone does what benefits them the most are the inaccurate ones. People are stupid, businesses are full of nepotism, and thinking logically as shown by various studies is what we do only when we really need do.

>> No.8656772

Funny how you libtards are so willing to reject your precious "evil greedy corporations" spiel just to pretend there is no link between genetics and intelligence. And you call me delusional...

>> No.8656774
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what? blacks and whites are literally treated differently when it comes to things like high blood pressure because they respond differently to drugs (http://www.webmd.com/hypertension-high-blood-pressure/guide/hypertension-in-african-americans#1)), and bone marrow transplants heavily depend on race (http://content.time.com/time/health/article/0,8599,1993074,00.html)

>> No.8656776


>> No.8656779
File: 194 KB, 1067x930, pepi4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so if we didn't study the differences between races we'd have a lot more failed bone marrow transplants and worse treatment for blacks experiencing high blood pressure

these are just 2 examples of why studying racial differences is useful

>> No.8656780
File: 37 KB, 640x640, 1475081908924.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not

I said ETHNIC differences and GENDER.

Oh boy you are hopeless, why must we be the same? It's an interesting subject, if it annoys you don't get all moody

>> No.8656782

who said anything about being the same
oh you did

>> No.8656785

ok so study them instead of posting mr 3 years man

>> No.8656787
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>mr 3 years man
what does this even mean?

>> No.8656788


And what would studying IQ differences accomplish?

>> No.8656795

btw i'm impressed by your frog collection you easily baited poltard prick

>> No.8656798
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>And what would studying IQ differences accomplish?
the same thing studying medical differences allowed for: more appropriate treatment

what's the point in having asians and blacks in the same classrooms if they learn at completely different rates?

>> No.8656801
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Thanks for pointing that out to me, but don't respond to him anymore. I want some sources I can follow over time, not more of the hurt feelings and simplistic opinions being posted here.
In particular I want to know about what he means by 'the data is already there, if you know where to look'

>> No.8656803
File: 90 KB, 600x600, pepe846.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm a /sci/entist, not a /pol/tard

>> No.8656805


Ah. Segregation again. Okay.

Dude fuck off back to /pol/

>> No.8656806

pupils are already grouped by ability
were you home schooled or something?

>> No.8656807

Management of expectation? Maybe telling everyone they're the same is putting undue pressure on people.

Also it might offer explanations as to why some races are better represented in the sciences than others.

People are willing to explore the effect of socialisation on such things, so why would a genetic angle be so taboo?

Politics. Plain and simple.

>> No.8656808

uh huh, bye

>> No.8656809

>Politics. Plain and simple.
If you want to see politic's and propaganda's effects, just read the knee-jerk responses to this thread.

>> No.8656810
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why treat everyone the same if they're not?

no i went to public school where pupils are certainly not grouped by ability


>> No.8656811

Social skill is as important as academic intelligence. Most stem lack social skills, which is why they're in science, staring at books rather than talking about life.

>> No.8656812

You have to go back.

>> No.8656816

>no i went to public school where pupils are certainly not grouped by ability
So you want to group them by something that correlates to a mediocre degree with ability rather than the ability itself?

>> No.8656822
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>So you want to group them by something that correlates to a mediocre degree with ability rather than the ability itself?
you can't group them by the ability without measuring it in some way, so feel free to suggest something which correlates to a less mediocre degree

>> No.8656823
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Daily reminder that this anon been here posting frogs for a week parroting the same things over and over again.


>> No.8656828

Let's see. Basically you go classes that teach math, and then you do math exam in them or a whole bunch of them, and then if a kid does well for long enough you put them in a class for really smart kids while those who do bad go to remedial classes.

That's literally how a lot of countries sort their university students. They do exams splits between various subjects and then weight them assigning each exam taker a number of recruitment points. Those with more get priority to choose their university and often go to the best or at least good ones meaning you just bunched up a whole lot of people by their ability and all voluntarily.

>> No.8656830

Stop lowering the collective IQ, you disgusting pleb.

>> No.8656832

why do you need to belong to some kind of imaginary collective based on the colour of some skin
i mean how commited to something arbitrary can you get, it's almost like a religion

>> No.8656833

>You must be an awful person for asking for resources on a particular issue
>is being unironically self-righteous calling somebody else self-righteous

Have you considered going the an hero route

>> No.8656835

>Some scientists believe that high blood pressure in African-Americans is due to factors unique to the experience of blacks in the U.S. Blacks worldwide have rates of high blood pressure that are similar to whites. In the U.S., however, the difference is dramatic: 41% of blacks have high blood pressure, as compared to 27% of whites. In addition, black people in the U.S are more likely to be overweight than blacks in other countries. Some experts think that social and economic factors -- including discrimination and economic inequality -- are responsible for this difference.

>> No.8656836

fuck off mate of i will come round to your house and make you eat your computer

>> No.8656841

>you can't group them by the ability without measuring it in some way
So you measure their abilities by their grades and test scores. More black people are in standard classes than in honors and AP classes. This is recognizable, but that doesn't mean that there are no black students in advanced classes. Taking these students out of advanced classes because they're black is counter productive.

>> No.8656842

>"Bro, race is a social construct"
>browses a science board yet ignores all medical science about racial differences in physicality