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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 246 KB, 500x737, It's Free Energy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8655866 No.8655866 [Reply] [Original]

Hear me out: The Earth's spin is the most abundant source of free energy we could harness. It wouldn't be easy, but it would definitely be worthwhile.

All we would need is something independent of the Earth's rotation on one of the poles. Like a giant gyroscope on the North pole, for instance. Then we just put a generator there and run a cable from there to somewhere else on the globe. We can even output the electricity using the cable!

Why don't we do this, /sci/? It's free energy.

>> No.8655884


>> No.8655914

>It's free energy.
huh really gets the neurons firing

>> No.8655928

Gyroscopes aren't "independent" of Earth's rotation. They rotational motion just contains a whole bunch of linear momentum of material points which makes it so it hates changing positions.

Every gyroscope will stop working with time and force applied. You can ideally get about as much energy out of it as you put into rotating it.

>> No.8655931

There is no free energy. Harnessing Earths rotation for energy production could be possible, but if you found a way to do it you would be slowing Earths rotation ever so slightly to obtain said energy, effecting the length of days, and changing climates everywhere. It would probably be worse for the environment than CO2 emissions in the long run.

>> No.8655938

We could harness energy from Mars and Venus then, since we don't give a shit about those faggots

>> No.8655976

How would you get it back to Earth?

>> No.8655983

Broscience fags GTFO. If you really think human power consumption is enough to slow the Earth down even 1% over the course of 100 years you are officially reddit.

>> No.8655993


We already harness tiny amounts of energy as we launch rockets and satellites into space.

Why would we want to do that OP when renewable resources are gaining so much momentum already? We don't need something overly complicated and unfeasible when we already have plenty of solutions.

It's just that capitalism is shit and we have business people that are financially motivated to resist the change as long as possible to increase quarterly gains.

See Trump.

>> No.8655996

You are assuming we would be 100% efficient at harnessing the Earths rotation, and that our energy demands arent going to skyrocket as technology advances, AND that slowing Earths rotation even a fraction of a percent wouldnt have a huge impact on the gulf stream, jet stream, and even our ability to keep track of time over hundreds of years.

>> No.8656002


>> No.8656005

>muh Trump
Meanwhile, in reality - Trump's working with Congress to push through legislation that would dramatically increase investment in new nuclear plants, which will do far more for American alternative energy infrastructure than the Democrats accomplished in the last eight years with all their taxes, regulations, and 'carbon credits'.

>> No.8656017

Lets see proof that im wrong instead of


Without any proof that constrasts my statement youre viewpoint is no more accurate than mine.

>> No.8656023


Kek. You are like some futuristic climate science denier.

> I'm conservative and, as long as I am making money, there are no consequences to anything that I do!

>> No.8656037

>bringing up politics here
>pushing something off for a few hundred years is the same thing as pushing something off for literally hundreds of millions of years
If we ever got to that point, we would've generated enough energy to easily get to and harness other planets energy.

>> No.8656438

You must be scientifically illiterate if you think adding a few seconds on to the day in exchange for free energy would be a bad deal. I mean that's really an embarrassing thing to believe.

>> No.8656464

Still no proof to the contrary.

>the burden of proof lies with those making a claim

We are both making a claim. Mine seems more logical and sensible than the one coming from the guy claiming "free energy hurr durr".

>> No.8656667

>the burden of proof lies with those making a claim
Fallacy. It's extremely simple math to estimate the energy we would have to harness to add a single second to the length of a day, and frankly the amount is so inconceivably small that it's a needless chore to do the math yourself. This guy already did it anyway:

>I would point out here that this amount of "spinning energy" of the Earth is around 60 thousand million times that TOTAL ELECTRIC USAGE of all Americans for an entire year! And at least a billion times ALL the energy that has EVER been created and used by humans!

We would add significantly less time to the day per year than is already naturally added by the moon. It's simply a non-factor.

>> No.8657051

it ends up being very big for the amount of power produced:

and solar power ends up being cheaper

>> No.8657957

Wouldn't the cabling be an issue?

Rather un-hospitable up that way. Construction and housing would be brutal. Then there's all the maintenance, either in the sun all the time or not at all.

And I don't see what you could build to tap that rotation. And slowing down the earth might not matter at first: until it went exponential. Problem with exponential curves is that they will NOT stabilize. Exponential curves continue to exponentiate between "subjective" measurements and predictions. This is why scientists are continually "stunned" by recent weather events and records (3 straight hottest years on record is a visible presentation of an exponentiating exponential increase in the frequency, duration and intensity of catastrophic weather events).

What should be shocking and surprising: that it isn't worse already (though wwiii would certainly do some serious damage to the environment and weather).

>> No.8657970

guys hear me out


what if we put tiny windmills in every animal's mouth and we generated energy from them? we'd have unlimited energy in no time.

>> No.8657987

Better solution is to put conducting cables in low earth orbit, then have them move across the earth's magnetic field, thus charging them.

>> No.8657991

If I wasn't desperate for nuclear energy to be pushed again I'd be pissed Trump is the one doing it. Anything he touches will drive people the other way right into the hands of greedy Saudi oil companies.

>> No.8658800
File: 1.50 MB, 495x287, clint.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Humans are powerful enough to slow down the spin of a 5,972,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 kg celestial body to a noticeable degree
How fucking retarded are you people?

>> No.8658977

Did you even read my post? I said it will take literally hundreds of millions of years. I just entertained his idea for a second.

>> No.8658986

>Did you even read my post?

>> No.8658995

copper wires dumbass!

>> No.8660265

I already said the cabling could all be apart of the tether that's already attached to the gyroscope and another place on earth.

Come on /sci/, let's put our heads together and make this a real thing!

>> No.8660268

We can already send shockwaves through the entire earth, fag.

Why couldn't we slow down the earth?

>> No.8660288

You must really lack a conceptual understanding of how large the Earth is, and seriously overestimate how powerful we are as a species on a celestial scale. It's embarrassing, really.

>> No.8660311

We've developed the technology (all the atomic bombs in the world) to literally send the world into an ice age over night if we chose to.


>> No.8660800
File: 43 KB, 584x425, Unbenannt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

would this work /sci/

I have done the math

P=1,57079637*10^18 (W)
==>output 1,5 Quadrillion kw

>> No.8660826
File: 3 KB, 125x125, 1484966952831s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8660838
File: 32 KB, 761x552, 1431035985030.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Troll science thread?

>> No.8662032

The only relevant and attainable source of functionally infinite energy is a planned economy.

>> No.8662062

Would not work. We don't have that much wire.

Even a smaller wire we couldn't protect from radiation or have it be stationary.

We would experience enormous resistivity by trying to move that low voltage so large distances.

Never going to happen. Space sun-panels (solar panels for retarded) might work.

>> No.8662065

>literally EmDrive

>> No.8662119


well done

>> No.8662779

I know you're trolling but all the atom bombs in the world would barely move the Earth an inch, regardless of what it does to the surface-level climate.

>> No.8662885


badly done

>> No.8663882



>> No.8664297
File: 38 KB, 624x352, Professor_Morris_Katz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hmmm this gives me an idea...