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8655690 No.8655690 [Reply] [Original]

>your undergrad doesn't matter! Grad school is what matters

How many of you little brainlets still delude yourselves with this sort of thinking? Daily reminder that if you go to a mediocre state school, you will NEVER attend a top tier school, regardless of how good your grades are, how good your test scores are, and how good your research is.


>The reasons for the disparity are easy to track, said Christopher Avery, a professor of public policy at Harvard’s John F. Kennedy School of Government who has written extensively on college as an agent of social mobility. Students who earn a degree from an elite college, even those with unimpressive grades and test scores, are simply too far ahead of those who don’t, he said.

>What’s disturbing about this research is that it shows that even if you distinguish yourself as a great student at a Tier 4 school, and by some miracle you get into a good grad program, you aren’t likely to wind up with the tools you need to ever catch up to those people who went to a more selective four-year college,” Dr. Avery said. “You want to think that at some point the playing field is level, but the truth is increasingly clear that the answer is it probably never is. By high school, it’s pretty much over.

Also, quotes from hiring managers at big engineering companies when it comes to hiring, on quora:

>"I'll be blunt:if you are committed to doing EE, you absolutely must graduate from Berkeley or another top school."
>"If you're interested in startup companies, (and didn't go to a top tier school) many won't even look at your resume: they've got so many coming in from the top schools, it's not worth their time.
>"School is the first thing I look at. You mentioned CSULB. A 4.0 from that school would be competitive with a sub-3.0 from top UCs, such as UCLA, or Berkeley"

Where were you when non-top tier school cucks got BTFO?

>> No.8655699

My cousin was literally just accepted to Oxford and his undergrad education was in the states at a mediocre university.
Don't get pissed because you failed to get into a decent college.

>> No.8655704

I went to an elite Ivy League school, but you're wrong. I've been to a lot of PhD recruitment weekends for elite programs and the composition of the recruits was about 50/50 elite schools/non-elite schools. Once you are older and out of undergrad you will realize it's not as important.

>> No.8655707
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Also, still OP here:

Feels good not to be a state school cuck

>> No.8655716

>While nearly a third of students from Tier 4 schools go on to earn a graduate degree, only 7 percent of them do so at a Tier 1 school; 66 percent remain in a Tier 4 program.

I go to a tier 4 undergrad program and let me tell you: I'd be fucking amazed if even 7% of these people deserved to go to tier 1 grad school. The vast majority of people here are some combination of lazy, disinterested and stupid. This 7% shit has very little to do with low tier schools being discriminated against and a lot more to do with the fact that the students here are lower quality.

>> No.8655718

I also went to an Ivy League school. If you want my honest advice, you should lose the arrogant attitude. Arrogant types always end up having trouble getting along with others and learning from their mistakes, and if your self-worth hinges on how prestigious your school is and what others think of you, then what will happen when people aren't impressed by you or they pick someone else over you? Your ego will only get in the way of true success.

>> No.8655725

Highschooler here (Not underage) and one of my fallback colleges is UMass Amherst, is it considered a good state school?

>> No.8655756

I transferred from a community college to Columbia. What does that make me? I only chose here for the qt jew girls like the brainwashed goy i am.

>> No.8655762

What counts as Tier 4?

>> No.8655766

extremely shitty universities

>> No.8655767

phoneposters are the cancer killing this website

>> No.8655785

About 60% of colleges are tier 4 according to the article. If your school is well known for research, or just a ivy league, its tier 4 like mine.

>> No.8655789

*not well known

>> No.8655796

>A 4.0 from CSULB is comparable to a sub-3.0 GPA from Berkeley
t-this isn't true is it?

>tfw CSU LB is tier 4
Great. I fell for the full ride meme.

>> No.8655797


Yeah but where's the cut off

>> No.8655830

>t-this isn't true is it?

Probably not.

>> No.8655844


Just compare your coursework to equivalent courses in MITOCW.

>> No.8655875

>Berkeley student trying to justify his 1.2 GPA

>> No.8655935

Goddammit Mr. Ballsack

>> No.8655941


Your wrong OP.

Your spoiled pansy ass is in for a world of hurt once you compete against those of us who have come from nothing.

You are weak because of the privilege you have been given. There is nothing wrong with privilege, but, for every ying, there is a yang.

>> No.8655946

This, but Harvard

>> No.8655949

>some guy from harvard telling you you have to go to harvard or you're shit
no conflict of interests here, seems legit

>> No.8655956

I've seen plenty like you, lad.

You'll probably change your major to something piss easy, by your 2nd year.

>> No.8656006

Yeah thats my state school choice also, that or University of Connecticut but would really like to get into Northeastern or Boston University for MechE. It seems to be up there in terms of state university at least respectable I think. From what I've gathered as long as you go to a decently respectable R1 University for undergrad you're doing good.

>> No.8656011
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>tfw going to a meme school

>> No.8656014

>Tier 2=selective liberal arts colleges
>Tier 3=public state university's including UCLA and UCB

fuck off

>> No.8656015

> samefagging

>> No.8656026

I'm not though.

>> No.8656034

Demonstrably untrue.

>> No.8656052

The research says otherwise.

>> No.8656061

This. Holy fuck.

This probably isn't focused on STEM. I can see undergrad prestige mattering a lot for an English major.

>> No.8656067

>Social """""Science"""""
>Professor of public policy

>> No.8656072

the article is comparing Ivy League's to literal degree mills. it mentions UCLA as a top school.

i can think of at least 5 other state schools that have STEM programs that trump UCLA's.

>> No.8656081

The research sucks

>> No.8656086

It's Harvard. Everything is easy because of grade inflation.

Actually hard schools like MIT or Cal tech are a different story.

>> No.8656099

>Hard grades

>> No.8656105

Work experience matters much more than your qualifications - in many industries your phd means shit all. I reckon a decent masters then for many fields get professional membership, Chartered etc.

>> No.8656124

> Falling for the "it matters where you got an undergrad degree" meme.

Take a look at the Faculty / Staff at any top tier research institution 9 times out of 10 they're not going to have gone to a top undergraduate school.

>> No.8656128

For undergrad, general university rankings are useless. Rankings for the specific program or the education program specifically are important, however. Of course, there is always 'muh prestige', but if you're doing STEM, you should be able to get a job by learning marketable skills.

>> No.8656131

One research paper doesn't prove anything. It needs to be reproducible.

>> No.8656134


>> No.8656138


>got in through early action

LOL congratulations on making the diversity quota

I go to Harvard right now. The school is seriously overrated. The best thing about it is the generous financial aid. But it does not deserve its pretentious attitude.

>> No.8656140

>get good grades and recs because lol mid-tier school
>spend years doing labwork and every summer doing paid research and prove you know how to pull funding/write proposals/handle yourself in the lab
>acceptances errywhere
Let me guess, you just fucked around and struggled for a 3.2 average and expect the world to suck your dick?