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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 231 KB, 996x1600, computerscienceememe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8652301 No.8652301[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Hello there. I am curious about one thing. How do you math loving fucks get enjoyment out of it. I enjoy pretty much everything scientific except pure math. I fucking despise it. TELL ME HOW YOU ENJOY IT.

>> No.8652315 [DELETED] 

>black guy
>doing that

Black people have lower IQs they would never get on such a position let alone finish a STEM degree required for it.

>> No.8652324

Nice bait. But I think picture is about something else. Look how he is handling that soldering iron.

>> No.8652329
File: 15 KB, 415x476, 13729118_1598049563820054_8470528509889678124_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8652333

He doenst even look where he grabbed it.

>> No.8652350

Obvious /pol/ shitposting aside, affirmative action is a thing.
>We're just as smart and capable as white people!
>N-no, I'm not unqualified, r-racist

>> No.8652370

We all probably have Asperger's. I'm not even kidding, I know I'm an Aspie and I love math.

>> No.8652411

you have no idea what affirmative action actually is.

youre also retarded if you think its easier to get hired as a black person than a white one

t. someone who isnt a dumbass

>> No.8652414

I don't want a real job and just want to think for a living.

Also you're a brainlet.

>> No.8652419

t. unqualified nigger that just blames everybody else for his problems instead improving himself

>> No.8652426

im not black, im just educated on the topic unlike you


if affirmative action actually got black people more jobs that they didnt deserve, why do resumes with black names get less callbacks than those with white names while having the same qualifications?

if what youre saying about affirmative action was true, that wouldnt be the case.

please kill yourself, thanks

>> No.8652430

>Think for a living
Math is robot level faggot.

>> No.8652445


>what are military american blacks and nigerian immigrants


>trying to derail the thread

Anyway, addressing op's question I personally believe that genuine interest in math comes from interest within a particular branch rather than the field as a whole itself. After that then you expand your knowledge/experience in related branches.

>> No.8652448
File: 2.29 MB, 4179x6889, black doctors.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8652464


Watch out guys hes posting some images of graphs

You have to go back


>> No.8652472
File: 455 KB, 1000x1000, the_one_with_horns_by_papaninja-davypvz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bringing up school when i was talking about jobs


Academic acceptance is a holistic and not based on grades alone. Also, it was found that letting in blacks with lower scores literally does not affect their careers post graduation.


so guess what? all those charts you posted, in effect, literally have no negative effect on the end goal of medical school - training capable doctors.

Also, the medical sector of work-force is a VERY tiny percentage compared to the overall work-force. being black is a net negative when trying to find a job overall.

if affirmative action was as strong as you say, why does the name study not say that blacks get more callbacks? why do they get 50% less? do you have any /pol/ rehearsed charts for that?

please kill yourself

>> No.8652475

If blacks have such a hard time getting jobs, how come I see them all the time at gas stations, fast food, supermarkets, etc?

>> No.8652477

>obvious /pol/ shitposting aside
>posts more /pol/ garbage

wew lad

>> No.8652479

They get 50% less callbacks.

That means its harder to get a job, but not impossible. the /pol/ boogeyman about affirmative action does not exist for blacks.

(It does for women in STEM, but we arent talking about that)

>> No.8652487

50% less call backs but 50% more hired on the spot

>> No.8652491

do you have any studies backing that up? or are you just talking out your ass?

>> No.8652495


I did


But you outright ignored it. This is why Trump is going hard on your kind. Liberal scientists are what ruined this country.

>> No.8652506

i didnt ignore it, i stated a rebuttal. which you seem to have ignored.


School acceptance =/= Job acceptance

Plus I have been talking about jobs this whole time, not school. whites get affirmative action in school as well, curious why you are singling out blacks? why arent you mad at whites for taking school acceptances away from asians?

>> No.8652513


You are so brainwashed that you dont even realize the amount of shit you are slinging at us. Libcucks like you are the reason why hillary lost.

>> No.8652517

now youre ignoring discussion, and instead just resorting to ad hominem.

Nice one, /pol/! go make some more chart images! nice talking to you :^)

>> No.8652523
File: 38 KB, 365x214, 1486181742051.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Still enforcing the /pol/ bogeyman

>> No.8652550

Whites should really love affirmative action though. Harvard maintains a >50% white population because of race-based admission policies. Compare to other elite schools where AA is illegal, such as Caltech (60% asian) or Berkeley (40% asian).

Tangentially related: the case of Fisher vs UT-Austin. It turned out that:
Out of the 47 admitted applicants who had worse grades than Fisher that year, 42 were white. Furthermore, they were admitted over 186 blacks and latinos who had higher scores.

MSM sells you the narrative that keeps you indignant and watching their advertisements when in reality, affirmative action, in its current incarnation, strongly favors whites.

>> No.8652558

i know affirmative action is relevant when it comes to school. I also agree with everything you said btw. (the highest benefactor of affirmative action is white women) but i was talking about jobs. It is harder to get jobs as a black person. affirmative action does not help blacks in the job market.

>> No.8652590

meant for >>8652419

white children hate AA not understanding that quotas actually protect them, not only from asians, but from black achievers (they only have to meet the "Quota")

>> No.8652597

good luck explaining that to

the image he posted here: >>8652448
literally shows that whites benefit from affirmative action too. im not sure if he realizes how retarded he is to hate blacks for benefiting, while positing an image showing whites benefit as well

>> No.8652619

Nigger identified

>> No.8652673


Is this real life?

>> No.8653320

Just because affirmative action exists, that doesn't mean everyone black needed it or even wanted it. Not every country in the world has affirmative action like the US does as well.

>> No.8653463

Looks like you hate grammar too. Math can be used to solve problems so we're getting smarter when we do math. I like learning maybe you don't. That's wrong. Learning should be fun.

>> No.8653764


I love logic challenges and math is full of them

what I hate is complex math where its just about calculating, not actual logic. example is calculating poynting vector