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File: 85 KB, 1024x640, hot-teacher.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8651718 No.8651718[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I'm tall, relatively good looking, in shape and I dress pretty damn well. I'm engaged in her classes but otherwise pretty huiet and I don't know how to approach her.
I know she "likes memes", I saw it on her instagram, but what the hell would I even write that's witty or clever? I'm just an undergrad.
Please help /sci/.

>> No.8651725

tell her that 1+1 can equal 3

>> No.8651727

stop thinking there are rules and just fuck her

>> No.8651732

be careful: you getting involved with her can cause her to lose her job

>> No.8651735

why would it?

>> No.8651741

i thought her job was to satisfy me

>> No.8651780


>> No.8651784

Seriously though, has anyone been in this situation here?
She's pretty cute, I want to get her talking to me but I don't know what I should write.
I don't even want to reveal who I am right now but I'm affraid it'll seem creepy and stalky if I don't.

>> No.8651790

Iktf, one of my lab TAs will come over to me and ask if everything is alright even though she knows im doing fine.

>> No.8651807
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Why are you asking this here?

>tfw all my TA's are pajeets

>> No.8651809

Just kill yourself.

Nerd fantasy

>> No.8651827

just flirt, retard

>> No.8651830
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>> No.8651833


>> No.8651843
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ask her number
ask her out

>> No.8651845

Holy crap so much fedora.

>> No.8651856

I've just read this >>8651830 whole thing and he's utterly and completely right

I haven't gotten laid myself yet, because becoming so is not an instantaneous process, it requires a lot of self-control which can by cultivated only gradually, or else the inner nature protests against it

>> No.8651858

Complement her shirt

>> No.8651861

>hi, I would like to go for some coffee with you?

>> No.8651864

that's not a term you faggot

>> No.8651877

It`s supposed to be a parody, faggot.

>> No.8651887
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Sucks to be you lanklet, she will never go for you

>> No.8651898
File: 200 KB, 900x822, 1486176343654.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yfw every single ancestor of yours has gotten laid
>yfw retarded chinks and hicks and niggers can get laid
>yfw lots of virgin autist spergs ITT and failures to our species

>> No.8651903

Read How to Win Friends and Influence People.

>> No.8651905

Newton died a virgin. Do you think he was a failure to our species?

>> No.8651909

Western culture is a failure, big surprise.

>> No.8651913

Sorry I meant to quote >>8651898

>> No.8651920

So scientific advancements, being able to go to the moon and all other shit is a failure? Sure it's better to be of an african tribe, with a sub-100 IQ and life expectancy of 30 years.

>> No.8651921

she has a boyfriend OP

>> No.8651926

How can you contribute to her happiness, fulfillment, can you bring her joy? Bring her happiness and she'll be attracted to you; though remember, she has a job.

>> No.8651931

Considering climate change, nuclear war, and antibiotic resistant bacteria are the leading risks of extinction for our species? Yeah I think it's safe to say we'd still be surviving for quite a while as Africans living in mud huts.

>> No.8651933

She doesn't, even if she does that means nothing, I see no ring. I had a gf a month ago and now I don't.
The only problem I see is that she's 30 and I'm 23.

>> No.8651934


>> No.8651966

>Newton died a virgin.

By choice.

Women only slow highly advanced thinking. Newton literally had to devote his entire life to what he did...you think he could have had that success if he had to deal with a woman all the time?

>> No.8651970

>I see no ring
You do realize that girls typically don't use a ring if the relationship is only a bf/gf type of thing, right?

>> No.8651979
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Do something as great as Newton and maybe you'll receive an exemption too.

Don't blame the culture. Even the dumbest, ugliest mouthbreathers here can get laid. In fact, western culture should encourage and stimulate the shedding of your virgin autist spergism - it would actually be excusable if you lived in pajeetstan

>> No.8651983
File: 20 KB, 500x407, 1469993398868.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

coffee with one of these

>> No.8651986

Literally these OP
t. fucking TA right now

>> No.8651990

How do you know about my leaf?

>> No.8651995

Pretty obvious to stop a leaf.

>> No.8652000

If you already had a gf you should be able to approach a woman.

>> No.8652007

Well my intentions are not (just) to fuck her, I would very much like to be with her.
How is it anyways? Do you keep it secret and is it frowned upon?

>> No.8652011

Fucking idiot
Read the thread
You'll get her fired

>> No.8652016

No hes right, the first part/intro is definetely fedora tier and designed to play on your insecurities and make you feel like it could,happen to you. However the bullet points of advice are dead on

>> No.8652017

Not really. Even with all those threats, we are far better than starving africans (who are also affected by that).

>> No.8652023

Being a virgin sucks, but my point is that it doesn't mean that you are an ultimate failure. It doesn't mean that you are supposed to slack. I think is reasonable to at least try to be as big as Newton.

>> No.8652032
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It's silly not to go for it for the reason that in case it goes well someone might be bothered by it.

OP is also annoying for not just go with >>8651861
Also, for using my ava

>> No.8652054


>play on your insecurities= fedora tier


>> No.8652055

Have some advice

>24 going on 25 and well on my way to becoming a wizard
>somehow meet a girl
>shes infertile, loves blow jobs (swallows), and lets me creampie her whenever
>never used a condom
>was in a relationship with her for almost 3 years
>broke up
>realize that I will probably never have sex again
>can't even get pleasure from jacking off anymore since the orgasm is like 1/100th of the intensity of a creampie or a girl swallowing your load.

My autism still remains and will likely never get laid again. It is better to never have had it then to have it, lose it and realize you will almost certainly never get it again.

>> No.8652067
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"Bothered by it" is different from "get her fired"
It's against the rules to have relationships with your students because 1) conflict of interest and 2) abuse of power (though no one will probably care about this because the powerful member is the woman in this case)

If she's worth her salt, she'll shut you down hard. In all my years TAing, I've had a few girls try to make a move on me and I shot that shit down like artillery, and she will too.

You nerds need to stop goading him on to live your fantasy. This is as cringey as trying to get with your nurse. Get over it.

>> No.8652076
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Never try it OP. It isn't worth what will happen.

I tried to sexually come on to my 60 year old Indian female professor because she mentioned in a class that she had never had kids because she couldn't find the right man. I am kind of fat and ugly, but thought she would still want some attention.

Basically I arranged a meeting to discuss the class and bought along a box of chocolates and a compass, because she is a math professor, and halfway trhough the meeting pulled the chocolate out, stabbed the compass into one to skewer it and tried to shove it into her mouth romantically. accidentally poked her and caused bleeding. very nearly lost my place at the school

>> No.8652079

Top lele

>> No.8652085

they're employees of the university.

>> No.8652088

My sides.

But that never happened.

>> No.8652094

It didn't read like she will be taken by surprise and think negatively of him if he makes a move, and I don't see anybody else involved. Thus I don't see why an expectation of "she will you down" would be a good reason not to try and make a move. Flirting is fun, so do it.

>> No.8652098
File: 392 KB, 451x619, 1474262257189.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fall in love with physics teacher
>one day I awkwardly ask her to go eat with me one of these days
>she smiles and rubs off the nervousness saying no and walks away
>I am so ashamed I dont know what the fuck to do anymore
>she teases me about it like 1 or 2 times after that
>the whole thing made me felt terrible because thought she was laughing at me
>stop going to her class and fail at it

Every now and then when I see her I blush like crazy.

In other words, OP. Be sure its going to work, else prepare for awkwardness.

>> No.8652109


Also this.

>> No.8652111

>>she teases me about it like 1 or 2 times after that
You're in bro. She just needed time to warm up to you. Teasing you = cleared for landing

>> No.8652116


I am awkward, shy, tall and UGLY. You have no idea dude.

By teasing I meant...

>laughing about the whole thing

In other words, she was laughing at me getting all nervous and red every time I kept going to her classes.

I've done autistic things. But that was certainly one of the most. Autism really took over.

>> No.8652130
File: 1.07 MB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2017-02-04-23-38-34.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is her desu.

>> No.8652136

She's a nerd. Nerd chicks are impressed by science. Just go up to her and start dropping science facts. Don't even say hi. If she looks flustered, that means she's trying to retain composure while her pussy froths like a goddamn cappuccino. That's when you go in for the kiss.

>> No.8652144

Fairly good, but I could never look away from that mole on her nose.

That would be the most distracting thing ever

>> No.8652151

>while her pussy froths like a goddamn cappuccino