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8651273 No.8651273 [Reply] [Original]

Underrated universities.

I'll start with the National Technical University of Athens. It might not be one of the best universities in the world, but the engineering program is pretty solid. Certainly a Top 100 (in this department - engineering).

Do you have any "hidden gems" in your country?

>> No.8651276

ITT: schools I go to without a good ranking

>> No.8651280

I wish people are reasonable and don't just try to boost their schools.
If it's bad, just say it's bad.
I'm also sure some universities don't have a good ranking overall, but in a certain department it's actually pretty good.

>> No.8651530

My Community College is actually one of the best schools in the world

>> No.8651853
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Karolinska Institutet
>10 in medicine according to QS
>12 in medicine according to Shanghai
>10 in medicine according to Times Higher Education
>1 in dentistry according to QS
>Decides the nobel price in Medicine/Physiology

The opportunities for medicine students here are great.

>> No.8651940


Didn't this place get bootyblasted by some crackpot Italian who was doing unethical surgeries?

>> No.8652127

>is rated among the best in the world

>> No.8652134

Is UCL overrated in QS?
Its at #7 on QS, has the rating just finally caught up or are the rankings not good?

>> No.8652167

What do you mean "hidden gem", it's not like you could have done any better.

>> No.8652185

In a specific department.
Overall it's not ranked high.
And most people are unaware of the quality of it in medicine and dentistry.
Do you know a single person that is aware that Karolinska is that good in medicine? Top 15?

It's certainly underrated.

>> No.8652189

The bottom tier UC schools are pretty underrated I guess.


Their locations sucks though.

>> No.8652198

ohio state

>> No.8652200

UCL is for imperial rejects much like imperial is for oxbridge rejects

>> No.8652223

But why does it rank so much higher than Imperial?

>> No.8652285

I think the most legitimate underrated universities are the ones which get great rankings in some league tables, but not in others.

>> No.8652594

Tsinghua, Peking, and Nanyang for internationals.

>> No.8652659

In the U.S some good ones (in comparison to the output quality of similar schools) are Harvey Mudd, Caltech, Rose-Hulmann, Embry Riddle, UIUC, UT Austin, Embry riddle, and a couple more.

-State schools besides Berkeley and Umich as a whole tend to be a bit underrated. UCLA is underrated depending on who you ask.

-Some of the "elite" privates are a bit overrated as well. I'm looking at you WUSTL, Emory, BU, NYU.

In terms of output vs. name recognition, Embry Riddle and Rose-Hulmann are probably at the top.

>> No.8653401

Broadly speaking, the most underrated universities in the world are the Grandes Écoles.

>> No.8653800

Yes, we got extremely bootyblasted. The entire board had to resign and the headmaster too. An old minister of defense got the appointment to head of the board since all universities in Sweden are government owned.
Fun fact, I was at the freshmens introduction seminar where the people in the next year often play pranks. A guy from my year pretended to be from the "Agency for quality insurance in higher education". He held a 20 minute long powerpoint presentation about how the university would make everything more strict to make up for the scandal, including setting the passing grade to 80 % on the exam instead of 65 % and implementing mandatory gym class to instill proper discipline in students. A guy next to me, not knowing it was a prank, started screaming at him.

Yes, but how many people know about it?

To be fair, Karolinska only has 2 departments. Health sciences and dentistry. Karolinska Institutet isn't represented in a few rankings because of it's few departments.

>> No.8653990


Take École Normale Supérieure for example.
It's the university that graduated more Fields medalists in the world. A whopping 11 medalists came from there.

But QS Ranking says it's #27 for mathematics.


>> No.8655555
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IMPA in Brazil.


>> No.8655556
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What a waste of quin quints

>> No.8655576

isn't being in top-30 quiet good?

I ask because I study in top-30 in physics but my university and my country overall aren't famous in international scientific community

>> No.8655743

Where are you from and where do you study?

>> No.8655881


This one consistently comes out as the #1 university worldwide in rankings.

>> No.8655882




>> No.8655890


>Caltech underrated
Are you retarded?

>BU overrated
Just because MIT and Harvard are nearby, huh.

>> No.8656728

>isn't being in top-30 quiet good?
Generally, yes.
But École normale supérieure should be higher when it comes to mathematics.
It's also underrated globally.
Everyone knows about Harvard, MIT, Stanford, Cambridge, Oxford, etc. But who knows about ENS? Very few.

>> No.8656903

My uni

Your uni

>> No.8656913

University gets close to research centers, all good research goes to research center, research centers get all nice things,but research center don't show on universities ranks.

Happens on France,Germany,Switzerland or Japan.

>> No.8657026

That's a pretty good explanation and might actually be the case.

>> No.8657132

Από kαθηγητές, επίπεδο μαθητών kαι συγγράμματα είμαστε τοπ, αλλά από εξοπλισμό στα εργαστήρια σε σχέση με αμεριkανιkά-γερμανιkά...

>> No.8657291

I think it's just shows that you live in English language information bubble and don't know much about outside

>> No.8657309

Berkeley MechE here, Embry Riddle and UT are often overlooked schools with solid programs

>> No.8657440

Lancaster university. I dont go there, but my friend says they have a superb maths and physics department, yet a lot of people havent heard of it.

>> No.8657442
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>> No.8657855
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Best State School in New York and the definition of getting your money's worth out of an education.

>> No.8658010


>Technische Universität Dresden
I don't know if it is underrated or not but it is a damn good Uni. Soviet expectations with modern german funding. And Dresden is a beautiful city as well. The environment nowadays is shit because it seems devided between libtards and neonazis but still, top notch

>> No.8658033
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>Universitat de Girona
Chemistry program is god tier, but is underrated because a lot of humanities studies and brainlets.

>> No.8658086

Actually, as a french, I didn't know about ENS until I graduated from high school.
The only widely known grande école here is Polytechnique.

>> No.8658371

What makes you guys say that a certain department or program is good? Like, how do you judge that?

>> No.8658385


because nobody has ever heard of it