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File: 97 KB, 847x615, 4th dimension.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8649615 No.8649615 [Reply] [Original]

Is it possible to build a device that taps into energy from the 4th dimension?

>> No.8649622

sure m8

>> No.8649623

naw, man. naw

>> No.8649626


>> No.8649628
File: 77 KB, 1133x716, but_how.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Quantum computer.

>> No.8649629

>4th dimension


>> No.8649633

These posts are conflicting.

I think it should be possible.

Since the 4th dimension is time we should be able to extract an infinite amount of oil by going back in the earths past when there was lots of oul, using it up, then taking the oil somehow to the 3rd dimension. Then you just do it again.

>> No.8649634

probably unprobable

>> No.8649661

Some human beings believe in the fifth dimension, others try to answer that with sixth. We'll show you the way to a seventh dimension.

>> No.8649664

>The year is 2495
>Humanity has perfected dark energy extraction and has unleashed the immense energy of the vaccum
>fearing for the stability of their own universe, they tap into the vaccum energy of other dimensions to prevent a total collapse of the universe
>meanwhile in the 8th dimension
>a peaceful race known as the Xenoidae undergo an agricultural revolution
>The Xenoidae invent the wheel, metal tools, and other objects that pave the path to the future
>Until one day, disaster strikes
>existence itself begins to diminish for the Xenoidae
>unable to comprehend what is happening, the Xenoidae believe they have reached the end of times
>They sacrifice each other to the gods in a futile effort to appease the one who is consuming their world
>The 11th dimension is drained of energy until it ceases to exist
>Humanity moves on to the 12th dimension

Look what you've done, OP.

>> No.8649669

shit, I mean the Xenoidae live in the 11th dimension

>> No.8649670

Time is 1D and dependent on the condition of space that contains matter. The only thing you can do is scale it up or down with gravity. The only hack i'd see would be to produce in the faster time scale and somehow transport those products to the slower time scale, but time catches up with itself once you get back to an area of lower gravity causing your crops to spoil. You'd literally need a portal like that video game kids were playing way back when.

I think OP was talking about spatial 4th dimension.

>> No.8649679

You don't need to move the second mirror faster than the speed of light, you can use 4 standard mirrors at an angle. The problem is that mirrors absorb part of the light.

>> No.8649682

Dimensions as in spatial dimensions. Not sci-fi dimensions, which are just pocket universes. An 8th dimensional "being" would be like the God to a God to a God to a God to a God to us.

>> No.8649686

haha okay

>> No.8649690

Why do we assume that there's a hierarchy to the dimensions? That's like saying that height is superior to width because it's the second dimension. Spatial dimensions would in theory all exist perpendicular to each other, and wouldn't at all be godlike.

>> No.8649694

Because beings who can move in higher dimensions can do things that the lesser beings cannot. This is assuming they are still "beings" of course.

>> No.8649700

Define "4th dimension". In physics we have a 4 dimensional spacetime, the 4th dimension being time. There is no "energy" to tap into there.

If you look at something like String Theory, we have usual 4d spacetime + 6 extra spacial dimensions. The most physically realistic model for these extra dimensions is as Calabi-Yau Manifolds. However these dimensions wouldn't contain any extra energy by Einsteins equations (b/c Calabi-Yaus are Ricci Flat).

>> No.8649701

please take a hint and go back to x

>> No.8649706

But why can they necessarily use every dimension lower then them? It's fallacious to call them "higher" dimensions because there's no reason to think that dimensions supersede each other. Dimensions aren't hierarchical. They could very well exist in only the 9th, 10th, and 11th dimensions.

>> No.8649717


yeah if you connect a rodin coil to a em drive

>> No.8649722

How can something exist in 4 dimensions and not exist in all of the lower dimensions? 4 dimensions implies that it has 3 + 1 dimensions.

>> No.8649729

It exists in the 4th dimension, not 4 dimensions. for all we know it might lust be some pathetic little line that exists exclusively in the 4th dimension. That's why it's not right to number them. The only accurate thing we could call them are alternate dimensions.

>> No.8650118

See guys, stay on drugs

>> No.8650189

Depends on how you define the "4th dimension". Time is linked to light, light to gravity, and gravity warps spacetime but does not increase dimensionality. We're better off investigating basic particle physics to incrementally advance solar energy generation, than to sit back on the couch and say "hey dude, what if there was a FOURTH dimension? could we get energy from there? pass the bong, man."

>> No.8650202

yeah, its called a clock.

>> No.8650244

Like a clock or wristwatch?

>> No.8650382

You can't extract energy from the clock dimension you retards.

>> No.8652252


>> No.8652311

There could be hierarchy to dimensions, if some dimension are wrapped very tightly in comparison to others.

Imagine a 1D line that's actually a very, very narrow tube - the 2D-ness of the surface area would all but be invisible at larger scales.

The irony of that, of course, would be that our three spatial dimension would likely BE the "higher" dimensions, any others would be tiny in comparison.

>> No.8652361

Maybe, maybe not

>> No.8652367
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>Since the 4th dimension is time we should be able to extract an infinite amount of oil by going back in the earths past when there was lots of oul

Since the oil was once dinosaurs, we should be able to extract them from earth's past, and use them as our beasts of burden and a food source.

Why not crank up the speed to max on the retard train?

>> No.8652372

Why not create a device that taps into energy from dimensions one two or three?
Why make something so complicated.. even more complicated..

>> No.8652380

nothing wrong with that image in an ideal situation.

>> No.8652386

Well yes there is, mirrors don't reflect 100% of the light that hits them. There is no such thing as a material that can absorb 100% of light and thus you can never have a "light trap".

>> No.8652391

yep, that's why I said ideal

>> No.8652398

Should have said reflect 100% of light, not absorb

>> No.8652406
File: 28 KB, 409x389, 1435734594548.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is a quantum gate an actual gate?

>> No.8652425

Yes, know the double slit experiment? That's used as a quantum gate.

>> No.8652680
File: 222 KB, 569x2271, Memefication theory.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I already said this before, but 1 more try for (you)'s

>4th dimension = (space)time

Logica would say: time is relative to gravity. And space? There is space for molecules that float around being pulled by gravity. But thats about it. The egyptians accepted reality as it is.1 day and 1 night is a day. It doesnt matter if it takes longer or shorter between days, a day is a day. Time is what we created to get people to start working early in the morning.

1d is 1 dot, vector,ect. A line does not exist,here are only curves and edges.

2d is like a giant brick wall that, when you look at it, you can only see the wall (front of the wall), and from your feet towards the wall.

3d is what we can see with our 2 eyes. Seeing a brick up close would let you always see only 3 sides.

4d are curves. Cut a brick with the sharp round edge of your tool, and the fracture will always be curved. Nature is curved. And the strings we call light, move in a wave of rotating curves.

5d is space. The space you need for the object that is in that space. Since we can put an object up/down, sideways and diagonal. The only space an object needs is a sphere, with a radius that starts in the centre of the object. Half of the diagonal line is the radius of the object.

Any questions?

>> No.8652691

why do you continue to push this retarded shit?

>> No.8652713

>lower dimensions
You have zero reading comprehension.

>> No.8652748

Since lower order beings neccesarily exist further back in time than higher order beings, negros and dinosaurs coexisted.

But did the negro domesticate the sauropod or wiley theropod? The answer: no, because he is stupid.
Thank you OP

>> No.8652769

>However these dimensions wouldn't contain any extra energy by Einsteins equations (b/c Calabi-Yaus are Ricci Flat).

What if Einsteins equation get higher order stringy corrections that make it so Ricci Flat no longer implies vacuum?

>> No.8653033
File: 400 KB, 488x519, 1469277380625.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't do it

>> No.8653043


>> No.8653073

In a 2d world, is it possible to build a machine that can tap into the 3rd dimension for energy?

Where would that energy come from? Are you just assuming that the 3rd dimension is some magic battery?

Sorry, nope.

>> No.8653160


Well, the 2d world would be part of the 3d world, so the process would just be drawing power from the 3d environment.

>> No.8653170

Define "4th dimension"

>> No.8653736

A dimension perpendicular to our own as we are to the second dimension.

>> No.8653817

>A dimension
You are using this word without defining it.

>> No.8653896

You just used ten words without defining them.

>> No.8653930

There doesn't appear to be a fourth spacial dimension in real life.

>> No.8653942

this made my day, thank you.

>> No.8653979

Oh course you can't see it, just like you can't see the second dimension, doesn't mean it doesn't exist.

>> No.8654161
File: 83 KB, 1280x720, BRAVO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


you would have to tap through LOVE

>> No.8654212
File: 2.29 MB, 1920x1200, Miegakure.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Here is a really cool Japanese video game based on a mathematical representation of how to represent a 4th dimension,


The video game is called Miegakure.

>> No.8654975

video related

>> No.8654976


>> No.8655352

can somebody explain what you mean by tapping into the energy of the nth dimension?

>> No.8655360

Is that a picture of time then?

>> No.8655361

Want to see a device that tapped your mom last night?

Protip: twas my cock

>> No.8655368

Is it possible to make a mirror efficient enough to do it for a few seconds?

>> No.8655748


>> No.8655750

i.e. a made up situation with a made up material

>> No.8656129

Possible, yes. In our pocket of the universe, no.

>> No.8656709

You'll never find a mirror that reflects 100% of the light that hits it, and you'll never build one either

>> No.8656719

I didn't suggest 100%, just enough to sustain it for an appreciable amount of time.

>> No.8656744

you're not sustaining it if you're losing intensity
light moves really fast; if you're not operating at 100% you're going to more or less instantly lose your photon to attrition

>> No.8656763

I forgot everyone here is autistic AF. Okay, let me re-phrase with sufficient non-ambiguity:

A mirror efficient enough to, after a nominal amount of time (say about 3 seconds), have retained a sufficient portion of the light energy initially recieved so as to be verifiable by the human eye.

>> No.8656834

are you seriously thinking that you'll be able to view a light beam bouncing between the mirrors?

why would that even happen? if all of the light is between the mirrors none of it reaches your eye. If you put particles between the mirror for light to scatter off of (so you can see it) you reduce your efficiency

>> No.8656846

I was thinking something could be inserted into the beam after a few seconds - if it was illuminated briefly then it worked.

But I'm sure there are other methods. I thought you guys were thinkers but you want me to spoonfeed the exact process? I was just wondering it was plausible to get two mirrors to volley a beam of light back and forth for a few seconds. I expect that the details of the implementation could vary.

>> No.8656849

i don't understand why you're getting angry that the "thinkers" are telling you why something impossible won't work

it is impossible
it is not plausible
you don't know how physics works, go read a book

>> No.8656859

Fine if it won't work, it won't work. But you make yourself look pretty lame when you focus on the part of the experiment where the light is detected, because you know there are probably many ways this could be accomplished if you really wanted to.

I just wanted to know if it was at all practical to make precision mirrors flat and shiny enough to bounce photons back and forth for a timeframe appreciable by a human being.

You haven't really answered my question, except for autistically focusing on one implementation detail (that probably could be surmounted, perhaps by the very method I suggested).

What is the limiting factor? Making mirrors reflective enough? Making them flat enough? Making a pair of mirrors parallel enough?

Because I seriously doubt it's the one you suggested.

>> No.8656867

There's no such thing as a 4th dimension.

>> No.8656878

Okay how about we get rid of the detection problem by having mirrors facing each other at 179.999999999999999999999999 degrees, then measuring the time it takes for the beam (a high power laser if that's what it takes) to zigzag out of the region.

What becomes the main obstacle then?

>> No.8657561
File: 108 KB, 400x381, oh boy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There's no such thing as [something you can't possibly know anything about due to your stupid ape brain]


>> No.8657568

We are not "in" a dimension. Real life has 3 spacial dimensions.

>> No.8658914

Time is a property of matter, not a dimension

>> No.8659036

>the 4th dimension

the 4th dimension is time.

stop being retarded.

>> No.8659039

By definition of dimension (of a mfld), time is a dimension.

>> No.8659912

>the 4th dimension is time.

I seriously hope you don't actually believe that.