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File: 6 KB, 300x168, Exoplanet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8649143 No.8649143 [Reply] [Original]

Astrobiology thread.

>> No.8649146

Are aliens slimy?

>> No.8649259

All aliens are coated in a viscous gel-like fluid. The compounds vary from life form to life form. There is only one type of alien that doesn't have a slimy layer AMD that's the Negaslimoids of Sector 6,899,765B-Area 232ç

>> No.8649355

Well I have a small number of theories on what and how aliens will work on a biological level.
This may take several posts.

Firstly you need you focus on the planet its self. If the planet has smaller desnity than earth and has less than 1G then they will be significantly weaker. Their muscles and bones will be weaker than ours.
If the planet is denser and has more than 1G then they will most likely be stronger than humans.
Our planets gravitatonal pull is quite strong considering it harbors life. Any stronger and rocket propelled space traveled would be nearly impossible.
For xenos to be able to travel in space they would either be weaker and use rockets or stronger and have more advanced tech.

This paragraph is hard to word and difficult to explain in text.

>> No.8649362
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>> No.8649366

there was a bustling martian civilisation a billion years ago but because of seismic volcano activity it was swallowed up by the crust and what we get is what we see today
prove me wrong

>> No.8649375

>1G is the gravitatonal pull that earth has. Mars is around 0.8G for comparison.

Xenos will follow one of several survival tactics.

One of these is expance.
Humans follow this survival plan, we expand and claim land at a fast rate. We then hunker down and fortify our land. From farmland to territory, we move in and claim an area. Our wars have revolved around this, useing forts, trenches and durable weaponry like tanks. Tactics like hold the line define us.
In addition to this, our bodies also follow this rule. We are very durable and can travel huge distances and adapt to most environments. We scar and can survive huge wounds, take a beating and weather most disasters and ill's.

If aliens are similar then they will most likely have large muscle mass while still being lithe. They will have endoskellontons and be built yo take damage.
Their weaponry will be much like ours, heavy hitting and focusing on either hard hitting range or CQC.
They will be large in number and work well together but not be like a hive mind.

>> No.8649381
File: 175 KB, 1272x630, BM-BD-Extrapolation.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fairy folk thread

>> No.8649396

If we find any life out there it'll be simple, maybe microorganisms or jellyfish tier.

>> No.8649417
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>> No.8649423

The next path of evolution/survival path is a hive mind.

This is obviously insect like and will work like ants, following a queen or leader of some kind. Chances are they will be very primative and heavily focus on surving in their set environment.
A similar tactic of claiming an area and building it up will be how they live.

The final one is the apex path. Aliens that follow this will most likely be primal and nomadic. Traveling in groups or packs, war and fights being common with aggresive behaviour. They may be swift and smart or brutish and powerfull. But one thing will always be the same.
That is for a species to rise to the top, they need to be smart, co-ordinated and unrivaled in power. Humans rose to the top through intelligence and persistance, claiming the earth and turning it into a olace to suit our needs.
If xenos follow the same path then they will be very similar to us.

We must assume they will put their own before us, excell in one or more area above the rest of their planet.

>> No.8649442

Finally is what traits they have.

If they have evolved from carnivores then hightened senses, aggresive behaviour and bodies build for killing should be expected.
If herbivores then expect highly defensive bodies with thick skin or very fast creatures.
Omnivores are a wild card. Can include a mixture of both.

Anyway enough sperging out to the zero anons reading this. Hope it was at least mildly interesting.

>> No.8649457
File: 631 KB, 761x709, 1485758276142.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This is obviously insect like and will work like ants, following a queen or leader of some kind.
>implying ants aren't just working together
>implying the "queen" is anything other than overgrown ovaries with a face

>> No.8649470
File: 34 KB, 480x480, 14134908_638372816333804_240160365_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fun fact:
Worker ants are always sterile females.
All male ants only exist to mate with the queen.

>> No.8649486
File: 15 KB, 480x243, 1484442087286.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>only goal in life is to mate with said ovaries
Surprisingly okay with this.

>> No.8649490

Yeah and they have wings

>> No.8649527

>ywn be an ant strolling through the colony, all the females staring enviously with want. Thinking they will never get your rare and dick as you ignore them and enter the queens chamber for another mating session. All the famale ants can only listen as the queens chitters echo through-out the ant hill.

>> No.8649539

it doesn't even exist

>> No.8649544

Nope, males mate once then die.

>> No.8649595

Makes me wonder what types of biological changes we would need to make to become like ants.

>> No.8649598

>I want women to watch as I fuck the 'queen' right in the streets while they work and slave building our society

>> No.8649614
File: 241 KB, 640x404, 5222483357_cdc7b6448e_z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying I ain't content as fuck right now
I just wanna see what changes in our bodily frame would be necessary for such an endeavor.

>> No.8649920
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>tfw not born with an innate purpose
>tfw will never serve sacrifice myself via sex for the good of the empire

these ants are living the dream desu

>> No.8650924

no evidence for your claim.

>> No.8650960

I fucking envy male ants
I'm going to die a virgin
So why can't I fuck a girl before I die like ants do

>> No.8652161
File: 78 KB, 456x660, Nightmare.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8652168
File: 128 KB, 972x335, space-aliens-big-trouble.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8652180

I only want to find other life to see what beautiful flowers can exist on other planets

>> No.8652243
File: 67 KB, 1440x1080, C'mon Now Son, Shape Up.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thread goes from discussing how xenos may have evolved, to ant facts, to wanting to be an ant and fucking a queen ant, to ant envy, to posting evolution vs creatonist images

>> No.8652284
File: 8 KB, 259x195, AliumParty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those guys know how to party though.

>> No.8652316

But this is Sector 6,899,765B-Area 232ç

>> No.8652377

Could the angels from Evangelion have any possible scientific basis to them?