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8648948 No.8648948 [Reply] [Original]

>it's a "professor inserts his/her politics into the lecture" lecture

>> No.8648953

Snarky remarks about current politics and comparisons to mathematics/physics are my favorite parts of the lecture.

>> No.8648958

my professor's made several alternative facts jokes already

>> No.8648961
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>first year mandatory Writing Composition course
>professor always likes to start class with short stories about his life
>talking about how he used to teach something like Computers 101 for the technologically impaired
>"Didn't we somebody studying Computer Science here?"
>girl raises hand shyly
>"Oh wow! Yeah, that's really good. You don't see that much, female Computer Scientists. That field tends to be very male-dominated. Kind of mysoginistic."
>turns to class
>air quotes "Motherboard"
>segways into lecture

>> No.8649015

How to humanities lecture:
>Compare everything to Donald Trump and the Nazis.
>Throw in racism and fascism a few times for good measure.
>Muh gender.
>Muh fascism.

>> No.8649029

Last sem I had a prof, who I shit you not made us read some guys book bitching about white people, (it was like reading one of those prison manifestos). We actually learned shit like patriarchy and the gender wage gap, in a fucking English class for science majors. Grammar lessons were how to make our writing gender neutral. The prof gave barely passing grades to white and Asian people and A's to the other races. Jfc it was like sitting in a women and gender studies class.

>> No.8649047

Is this really a thing? I have never once seen it happen. When I was in university, lectures were generally about the course material.

>> No.8649056


>> No.8649063

>>turns to class
>>air quotes "Motherboard"
What did he mean by this?

>> No.8649064

Depends on the professor. Yes it is. In my personal experience though, it's been watered down and kind of veiled behind other things. My history professors would discuss why certain leaders were so effective. Often terms like "uniting" "standardizing" were used. It's easy to tell how they lean. I was OK with it, but you have to know how to read between what's fact and professor's opinion.

>> No.8649133

what movie is that +icture from

>> No.8649139

Iron giant I think?

>> No.8649147

i think it's specially true for CS since they are all brain dead.

>teacher starts to ramble about how the CIA has access to all our systems and security is an illusion

ok grandpa I get it, agent Anderson knows that I jack off to traps. I swear to fuck, these "muh freedumbs as in America" /g/eeks need to die out.

>> No.8649157

You're under the assumption that laws can't change with time. Imagine it becomes illegal to research science, what then?

>> No.8649180


>> No.8649307

PhD student and my advisor is very right wing. In most professors I've interacted with have been in undergrad and grad. I'm in ECE. He has said several incredibly dumb things related to trump and didn't even know who mike pence was the day after election day in the meeting where HE brought it up. I just don't say anything. He's a great professor but I honestly don't even want to know his political opinions because I know I'll lose respect for him

god thats disgusting

people doing shit like this is what actually creates the stereotype

>> No.8649720

>professor is somewhat active in campaigning on left wing issues
>never brings politics up in lectures, and I only know about it because a classmate happened to meet him at one of these rallies
he's pretty nice guy

>> No.8649807


> in a history class
> professor is a likable guy and good teacher
> this one kid keeps trying to be funny by comparing things to trump
> "andrew jackson trail of tears"
> "reminds me of Trump xD"
> "warren harding and the great depression"
> "reminds me of Trump xD"
> "james k. polk and the mexican war"
> "reminds me of Trump xD"
> "populism"
> "Trump xD"
> "free silver"
> "Trump xD"
> "benjamin franklin invented the glass harmonica"
> "Trump xD"

>> No.8649975

Back in college I took a """European History""" class; during the World War 2 section we only learned about colonial troops in Europe.

>> No.8650012


All of my proffessors are proffessional about this stuff. We even had a stats prof that was part of the city council, and she never brought up politics. The most any of them has ever done was throw some banter against other majors (not surprising coming from maths profs) and one who constantly said that the quality of the major was only diminishing with time.

>> No.8650085

I hear a lot of comments about Trump because I major in environmental science. I asked my hydrogeology professor what he thought about Trump winning the day after the election in 2016 and he said: "It actually feels like a loved one died,".

>> No.8650172

This must be the most blatant example caught on video.


What a fucking bitch

>> No.8650185


Where do people like you even come from?

You guys have soooo much energy to sift through hundreds of lectures just to cherry pick ones that can borderline server your purpose.

Do something meaningful in your life. Stop being so full of hate and wasted productivity.

>> No.8650191

Are you retarded anon, obviously was watching the series on the principles of chemical science for...you know...chemical science..

>> No.8650194

>Where do people like you even come from?

I was watching that very same lecture a few days ago.

BTW, you lost.

>> No.8650199


So you don't like that she brought up Obama and renewable resources?

I don't get it?

It seems like she was just relating current topics with Chemistry to help inspire students.

So, how did that somehow end up infuriating you?

>> No.8650203

You are this dense
Yerp, consider becoming an hero

>> No.8650220

Biochem teacher told us to go fucking vote during the election, but he did not specify who to vote for (though him being a homosexual made the choice pretty obvious). Other than that, never really had a professor insert much politics into our lectures, surprisingly. Hell, we utilized gender examples for binomial tests in stats without a massive triggering.

>> No.8650222

>So you don't like that she brought up Obama and renewable resources?

She was talking about him like it was the second coming of Christ or something. Liberals don't even pretend to be impartial anymore.
And people wonder why Trump won.

>> No.8650226
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>though him being a homosexual made the choice pretty obvious


>> No.8650227

Forgot to mention that I'm not American.

>> No.8650230

Does the left in your country embrace multiculturalism and islam?

>> No.8650236

Both the left and right do, but the right were vilified as literally Hitler who hates gays.

>> No.8650241


I have never had one professor talk about politics in class.

You conservatives are fucking dumb. You have these asinine conspiracy theories and spend all day on the internet trying to find a modicum of proof that supports your backwards views.

She seemed excited, but she didn't say very much other than that Chemistry was going to be important for renewable resources and that the students were called upon to do their best to prepare for the future.

I just can't think of anyway to help you people. I don't know how your thoughts have gotten so twisted and backwards.

>> No.8650243

Actually, since this is science and all, the stronger narrative would be muzzling scientists. Which actually happened under the previous right-wing government.

>> No.8650247

>I have never had one professor talk about politics in class.

I have

>You conservatives are fucking dumb.

And you still lost, what does that says about you?

>You have these asinine conspiracy theories and spend all day on the internet trying to find a modicum of proof that supports your backwards views.

Yeah yeah, I wear my tinfoil hat all day

>She seemed excited, but she didn't say very much other than that Chemistry was going to be important for renewable resources and that the students were called upon to do their best to prepare for the future.


>I just can't think of anyway to help you people. I don't know how your thoughts have gotten so twisted and backwards.

Not sure if troll...

>> No.8650279

welcome to community college

>> No.8650293

Only experienced it in liberal arts classes. STEM classes tend to stfu

>> No.8650316

This is how it should be done

>> No.8650319

Have had female professor that told us we should just believe x controversial chemistry topic is true because so many scientists say so.

Then have had cool, though admitted reddit memelord, biochem professor only encouraging us to read and come to our own conclusions about whatever he wanted to bring to our attention on a given day.

He was also really good about being nonpartisan really close to the election, though it was at least somewhat obvious who he would vote for he did not try to persuade us one way or the other.

Professors should teach the subject and encourage learning. If you want to discuss some (potentially) controversial news related to the subject, that's fine, but do it fucking right.

>> No.8650378

Take this stupid unproductive discussion back to >>>/pol/

I swear the containment board is failing and it's killing /sci/

>> No.8650401

Last term, my calc 2 instructor (a 25 year old white kid) got on a BLM soapbox for like fifteen minutes in the middle of class. And about every other lecture, reminded us he was pro-women in STEM. And showed numberphile-tier math videos made by women every day during the breaks in his lectures. And constantly hit us up for links to more.

My name is Anon, and I'm a community college student.

>> No.8650426

>>8650401 here

I should add that this dude was rolling in pussy.

>> No.8650493

The unfortunately not elusive bootlicker appears. Disempowered by the surveillance state, he finds comfort in pretending to accept it and ridicule the "luddites" who still dare to disagree

>> No.8650498


>tfw going to CC on August doing Math Ass

>> No.8650518

found the toxoplasma infected person


>> No.8650567

I'm not watching a 47 minute undergrad chemistry lecture, just give me the times to watch at.

>> No.8650570

My macroeconomics lecturer last semester was pretty funny. He was this old, English guy who had no time for leftist shit. Had no qualms about calling out Soros on his bullshit.

>> No.8650581

why would such a based adviser recruit a faggot like you?

>> No.8650710

>professor in community college has masters in biomedical something
>spends all lecture talking about that
>defers homework since he didn't talk about that at all
>didn't do any homework for like 3/4 of the class


>> No.8651488

>just dont use "alternative facts" on the exam
>*mild laughter*

That was thankfully all of politics I got this semester.
Feels good to study something which is not about indoctrination.

>> No.8651496

this has NEVER happened to me

NEVER has one of my lecturers even talked about politics, even in the 6 creds worth of non-stem electives I had to take

how can this even happen? what kind of shithole do you study at

>> No.8651515

She starts from the first minute sucking obama's nigger cock

>> No.8651532

>that first question

MIT students are embarrasing

>> No.8651538

I only had one case happen in my microbiology class
>I put on an inappropriate question on the exam
>And not a Donald Trump kind of inappropriate
>So I gave you all an extra 1.5 points

This is right after that audio tape leaked out so I just figured he did it for the sake of topical humor rather than going on a soapbox or anything. Funny dude, would take a class with him again.

>> No.8651552


I imagine your hand must have been quivering in the air over that big red "ROBBLE ROBBLE" button.

>> No.8651557

Women should not be allowed to be professors

>> No.8651564

Then the government is capable of getting pretty much any kind of surveillance up anyways.

>> No.8651571

It's simply /pol/ being triggered by everything

>> No.8651579

Nah I voted Gary Johnson in the election so I laughed with the rest of the class

>> No.8652042

Nah, I've had two different lectures mentioned it on two different courses. Both mentioned it only once, and never brought it up again. Both said pretty much the same thing:
>I guess Trump is now the president. Kind of worrying.

I'm not studying humanities, so I don't know about them, but I heard from a friend who's taking history that the lecturer spent most of the lecture complaining about Trump and was visibly upset. It was the day after the election, though.

>> No.8653035

It's okay when its subtle.

>Today we're proving the ballot theorem
>After an election with 2 candidates and all votes are known, but the order they were cast is not, what is the probability that the winner stayed ahead the entire time?
>To be more precise, let T and C be the amount of votes cast for the candidates and let's hope C > T...

This guy also had his slides interrupted by fake email notifications such as:
>RE: Optimising the height of a wall
>Sender: Donald J Trump

>> No.8653060

i agree with that sentiment, i have a liberal chem professor and a conservative chem professor i know that about them only from personal convos i had with them, but in class we literally dont have time for that hit, humanities doesn't have time not to

>> No.8653291

>Calc 2
>Probability Calc as well
>Female teacher, Melbourne PC
>Decides to insert a 20 minute rant on how we're the future and that women's rights need to be built upon
>Talks about how brash and stupid men are openly and goes through explanations of work simtaneously very slowly while we sit here bored shitless
>This is like the only lesson we actually have extensively because she went on holidays prior to an upcoming test
>Rants about us being below monkeys when we get a test and we do shit because "muh work avoidance", "muh socio-political obsessions", "simpleton minds"

Get fucked, you cheese-smelling, waddling farce of an educator.

>> No.8653302

>Law class
>Liberal-left teacher, good looker in his 30's, got in the 90th percentile graduating HS in state
>Good at his display and education of the legal format in Australia
>Plagues a class mostly made of science-math wing dropouts with multiculturalism, tolerance, female overviews, veganism and health, Aboriginal concern on Australia day, etc
>Gets Burnie'd and suddenly the hyper leftists every class start manipulating any issue into "oh it hurt their feelings, that's wrong"

This was a law class, mind you. I got scoffed at by a residing student because I believed in discussing rape-case evaluation, still salty.

>> No.8653303

That's not subtle at all

>> No.8653571
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>> No.8653589
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>> No.8653642

you and your professors don't understand political sciences

>> No.8653654

I have had two different professors mention The bell curve - 'a controversial book that talks about the same distributions we are learning about right now'

>> No.8653761

>defending him just because he's right wing
Anon, he literally didn't know who Trump's running mate was. Sometimes people are idiots even when you agree with them.

>> No.8653777

>sitting in gen chem class last term
>we're learning electrochemistry
>get on a slide about batteries in fuel cells
>says "wouldn't it be wonderful if we could eliminate fossil fuel emissions one day"
>start becoming visibly shaken and yell at her for a dirty communist
>go on /sci/ and make a thread about professors interjecting their opinions in lectures
>jerk off to trap porn for several hours while convincing myself that I'm straight and then go to bed
made me think op.

>> No.8653783

my advisor isn't happy about Trump winning and said his wife wanted to go back to France when he won. To that I asked him what they'd do if Le Pen won. He basically said then it didn't really matter where he was.

The only other time he brought Trump up was because he's concerned one of the other grad students is from Venezuela and currently can't get back into the US. Guess it was kind of a concern when the travel ban went out and nothing was really clear about it.

>> No.8653802
File: 29 KB, 400x384, hold the fuck up.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>friend taking physics over the summer
>course is taught by chem professor because this is a small mediocre uni with only two physics profs total
>professor repeatedly pauses in lecture to go off on Young Earth Creationist tangents
>spends twenty minutes talking about how evolution violates the second law of thermodynamics
>friend tells me
>we complain to bio and geo departments
>turns out he does this shit all the time and everyone knows it
>goes to a weird fundamentalist church apparently
>spouts bullshit to try and b8 geo students
>nobody cares enough to try and get him punished for it
fuck Texas, seriously.

>> No.8653884

I'm a FUCKING LEAF, so most of the politics in lectures is about our own province's issues. I'm actually pretty surprised that 'Murican issues haven't leaked into classes. Yet.

My professors only complain about our stupid asshole of a health minister. I-I'm getting my undergrad in nursing.
But then we have those hippie profs who go against all scientific evidence to inject their theories that we should start using more "alternative", holistic shit instead of treatments that are proven to work. They're just as bad.
I swear. Had a prof like this when we studied oncology/hematology. She, of course, went over how docs should consider using fucking coffee enemas for colorectal cancer treatment, how cell phones/cell phone towers cause brain tumors, and how man-made sugars have caused an oral cancer epidemic. All without any proof to back it up.

>> No.8653923
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>Toward the end of Physics 2
>"And if you go on to further physics studies, you'll definitely learn about the theory of relativity. Does anyone know what that is?"
>raise hand
>"Well don't bother telling us, it's just a bunch of made up Jüdische Physik anyway. Fuck Albert Einstein, that commie oven-dodger!"
Holy shit, why do all my professors get so political?

>> No.8653929

>things that sadly never happened

>> No.8653999

Economics professors are generally redpilled as fuck about the way the world works and tend to have a good sense of humor about it.

>> No.8654000

Economics is a complete joke of a field, even stupider than psychology. The entire point of mainstream economics is to try and explain why capitalism can last forever, even though anyone with a brain can tell that it will eventually end just like feudalism did.

>> No.8654020

>its a "fellow student thinks cannabis can cure cancer but big pharma is hiding it episode"

Nothing infuriates me more than this. Flat Earth, Hollow Eath, NASA Moon Landing Hoaxes I can deal with, but the cannabis meme is too much because so many "intelligent" people believe it. The other day the teacher off-handedly mentioned how x-rays are used to cause cancer and the guy next to me muttered "cannibis oil". Bear in mind we're both doing physics. It took all I could not to punch him.

>> No.8654024

I dunno, supply and demand seems like a thing that applies even in nature.

>> No.8654027

Meant for >>8654000

>> No.8654028

t. brain dead commie faggot

>> No.8654035

>supply and demand seems like a thing that applies even in nature.
So you're literally saying that supply and demand are issues that are unrelated to capitalism. You're right! For instance, every socialist centrally-planned economy was also necessarily concerned with supply and demand. What does supply and demand, a single facet of economic theory, have to do with the state of the overall field of economics and its subservience to capitalism?

>> No.8654038

You're writing off an entire field of research based on cherry picking parts you like and parts you don't. If someone disagrees with something in mathematics they don't just say the entire field of mathematics is bullshit.

>> No.8654047

I'm not saying we shouldn't have economic theory, but rather that the field is completely dominated by special interests. Your average economics department is like if a climate science department was funded by the Koch brothers. That's why this guy >>8653999 thinks his econ professors are "red pilled." It's because his professors are literally shills.

>> No.8654057

Or the more likely situation is that he lives in a red state in America and he's had teachers who don't shut up about politics. I'm sure economics taught in Europe aren't "red pilled".

>> No.8654059

Where do you live? lol. No one I know says shit like that.

>> No.8654064

>It took all I could not to punch him.

>> No.8654069

Yeah, European bourgeois economics is clearly *way* better, hence why the entire European establishment is forcing Greece into a suicidal pact of austerity.

>> No.8654086


>economics is wrong because it doesn't support my ideology!

Pull the other leg.

>> No.8654087

Also since you mentioned climate change and I know quite a bit about that area of research. Economists agree that actions need to be taken to combat climate change, they aren't stupid https://www.google.ca/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=http://mudancasclimaticas.cptec.inpe.br/~rmclima/pdfs/destaques/sternreview_report_complete.pdf&ved=0ahUKEwiUv-a76fnRAhWr3YMKHXX3DTgQFghZMAc&usg=AFQjCNFFmJMSu0en0pplIr5kIHqbzrRKsA

I know they aren't leftists, but they are significantly more left than the right wing authoritarian USA.

My main point is that hating any research in general is just more anti-intellectualism in a world where this is becoming a serious crisis, this needs to stop.

>> No.8654089

Fuck off commie. Just because your beliefs are rightly regarded as the young Earth creationism of economics doesn't mean everyone who knows what they're talking about is a shill.

>> No.8654095

Economists agree with left wing policies more than you think.

>> No.8654102

>marxist-luxemburgist democratic left-communist
>emancipated autist
>sketchy 90s website
Please tell me this guy isn't a real professor.

>> No.8654113

Marxism isn't ideology, it's a theory. And it just so happens to be a theory that 90% of non-Marxian economists simply can't deal with.

>Economists agree that actions need to be taken to combat climate change, they aren't stupid
The greatest likelihood is that the climate crisis is going to kill capitalism. The only way capitalism has survived is by promising the proles a wage raise and a better future. The climate crisis is going to completely obliterate this, and it will coincide with advanced AI automation. Sea level rise and drought are going to demand massive infrastructure projects, mass relocation, food rations, and land reform. Historically speaking, Leninism is highly compatible with these demands.

>My main point is that hating any research in general is just more anti-intellectualism in a world where this is becoming a serious crisis, this needs to stop.
Research is research, no sane Marxist will reject informative data just because a liberal collected it.

Marx is increasingly making a comeback, and Thomas Piketty's Capital in the 21st Century was one of the most-talked-about books in economics the year it was published. Marxian economists like Varoufakis and Richard D. Wolff garner a lot of respect.

>> No.8654119


>Marxism isn't ideology, it's a theory. And it just so happens to be a theory that 90% of non-Marxian economists simply can't deal with.

Its not a theory because it doesn't explain anything. The labour theory of value is just demonstrably bollocks.

>> No.8654131

>Its not a theory because it doesn't explain anything.
You clearly don't even know basic Marxist economics.

>The labour theory of value is just demonstrably bollocks.
The LTV is still debatable, and it was actually a common belief among ALL economists at the time, including Adam Smith.

>> No.8654132
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>tfw the leftist indoctrination kicks in

>> No.8654136

One of my physics profs said "Happy Martin Luther King day, this is your last chance before the new president cancels it", but he was clearly just trying to be funny. That's the most politics I got outside of classes where it's appropriate (a sociology class I was forced to take, etc)

>> No.8654156

>segways into lecture
im now imagining a professor driving a segway into a lecture hall

protip: the word you're looking for is spelled segue

>> No.8654172

> im now imagining a professor driving a segway into a lecture hall

that isn't what he meant?

>> No.8654183

I like you

>> No.8654184

I have been told, numerous times, that such things are the point of college because you would be unlikely to find an educated, informed opinion on the subject elsewhere.

Which is actually a very fantastic and astute observation on the subject. However, there's a time and place. If I'm in a history, sociology, arts, humanities, etc. course where such an opinion is both educational AND on topic, then please endorse your personal ideology. I can't figure out, though, what bearing my professor's choice of politician has on fluid dynamics.

>> No.8654202

How did Feudalism end?

>> No.8654211

Capitalism came.

>> No.8654226

It ended because the industrial mode of production was incompatible with feudal society (which was based on the agricultural mode of production). The actual change took place over a long period of time, but there are specific events (revolutions) that took some countries into capitalism very quickly. Countries like Britain, America, and Germany were on the forefront of industrialization, and as a result, also on the forefront of capitalism. Much of their success can be attributed to geopolitical advantages and natural resources, which is also part of Marxist analysis of material conditions. Specific bourgeois revolutions include:
>American revolution (and Civil War)
>French revolution
>1848 revolutions
And so on. Some countries such as Russia attempted to leap forward to socialism, but their success was limited by the hostile material conditions and capitalist world order. This is no different from the failure of the French revolution or the German peasant uprisings, which were also ahead of their time and thus faced insurmountable challenges.

>> No.8654227


>> No.8654252


Using the Feudalism/capitalism/communism model is a fucking retard way of tracking economic growth and history. You are much better off looking at the relative monetary systems in their respective times (mercantilism instead of feudalism/colonialism)

>> No.8654264

>failure of the French revolution
did it fail?

>> No.8654267

Uh, yes.

>> No.8654278

wait WAIT wait.
You mean to tell me, the crowned heads of Europe still hold power there?

>> No.8654292

France got an emperor at the end of the revolution. Yes, decades later, France became a proper liberal democracy, but that doesn't mean the French revolution succeeded.

>> No.8654309
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>it's a "butthurt conservacucks complain about other peoples opinions because they're too timid and beta to express disagreement in real life" thread

>> No.8654310

The first example is blatant favoritism and not subtle at all. The second exaple isn't subtle either, but is the perfect kind of political joke to make. Everyone who is for, against, or neutral about Trump and has a decent sense of humor can laugh at a wall joke.

>> No.8654350

>Yes, decades later, France became a proper liberal democracy, but that doesn't mean the French revolution succeeded.
not immediately, but it looks like it _did_ succeed. and I dont like your agenda.

>> No.8654358

You're fucking retarded m8. By this logic, the American revolution succeeded in abolishing slavery, because it was later abolished in the civil war. By this logic, fucking Charlemagne was establishing Fully Automated Luxury Communism.

>> No.8654364

What kinda schools do you guys go to?
I go to a tiny liberal arts uni and none of my professors even mentioned the election or politics last semester. Not once.

The day after the election ONE of my professors let us leave a few minutes early because he had stayed up late to see the results and was tired of standing. He was also close to 80, retiring that semester and didn;t give a fuck, and commuted an hour to come teach.

This semester one prof who is Chinese as fuck asked if inauguration was a holiday and if we would have class. That's as close as any professor in my tiny maths and physics departments has come to mentioning politics. Very professional.

>> No.8654458

wait, what school is this

>> No.8654517

Is this kind of behavior even punishable? Who would I make the complaint to?

>> No.8654628

The worries of your lecturers are valid, Trump is a retard anti intellectual and has surrounded himself with other retarded anti intellectuals.

>> No.8654785

>probably jewish professor brings up holocaust within 3 minutes
>what did i expect

>> No.8654793

>when the content is better than the trips

>> No.8654799

Hate that shit. Had a stats professor who would spend twenty minutes or more at the beginning of class ranting about random political topics.

Why distract everyone and alienate a bunch of people who you're supposed to teach about something unrelated?

>> No.8654802

>doesn't know something that would only require it being told but does not require high IQ or any abstract thinking whatsoever to grasp
>this somehow makes him an idiot instead of some person who is not especially invested into politics but still has enough sense to not be a hillcuck

Yeah nah, you're gay dude

>> No.8654811

>reddit formatting
>is a faggot
like pottery

>> No.8654816

her voice is so fucking grating, it gets on my nerves

>> No.8654828

one of my professors has brought up the election multiple times every lecture since the semester began. she teaches astronomy

>> No.8654829

If it's a TA doing it, complain to the main lecturer for the course. If they don't do anything, complain to the student dean or the graduate program director. This is the case where you're most likely to be heard.

If it's an adjunct doing it, complain to the course coordinator (courses taught by adjuncts are often basic Freshman-level stuff, so there's a CC that's vaguely above the lecturers). If there isn't one or they don't help, you can try talking to the student dean or the department head.

Above this point (i.e., if the person is a lecturer or professor -- genuine faculty), complaining is unlikely to work unless many people have also filed complaints. Ask yourself if you have the time and energy before complaining about a lecturer or professor, because you aren't likely to be taken seriously even if you're right. You may also risking a referral to your university's "dealing with crazy students" (the name varies from place to place) office if you misstep. Talk to the student dean first, and to the department head as a last resort.

In any case, cool off before filing a complaint so you don't look like a whackjob, and make sure that what you're complaining about is a serious problem. A TA making a retarded one-off "lol Trump" joke should be a minor annoyance, not a cause for a crusade. A TA spending ten minutes of every recitation venting about Trump and intimidating students who disagree is a serious problem and worth complaining about.

>> No.8654837

>> the politics are about robots
>> lengthy discussion about how much of robotics research is a meme
>>rotary electric actuators are way better than hydraulics
>>the japanese BTFO of american robotics because of this
>> US just doesn't fund robotics like everyone else does
>> US robot policy sucks
>> we need to fund actuator research
>> boston dynamics is just doing irrelevant sci-fi shit that won't matter
>> shows some irrelevant sci-fi shit from 1980s that never worked out
>> we still drive cars and other machines like we drive bicycles, this is fucking dumb

>> No.8654843

that's why he's the president and you're a worthless faggot stewing in your jizz soaked underwear?

>> No.8654845

>rotary actuators
what the fuck am i reading

>> No.8654904

shut up dumb frog poster

>> No.8654955

It has nothing to do with who or what the professor is in support of. I just can't stand people who leverage their platform or following into a political soapbox. It's complete bullshit.

>> No.8654993

My forest soils teacher used Trump 2 times during the semester to illustrate her course, cringe...

>> No.8655024

>has opinions on things he doesn't even know the basics of
>not an idiot
no u

>> No.8655031
File: 41 KB, 600x579, Comfy_guy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Be STEM fag at British University
>Only have to take classes actually related to STEM
>Closest thing to politics is lecturers taking the piss out of the other types of engineering and art students
>feels good

>> No.8655058

just kill yourself, a math ass from a cc is worth dirt unless you complete a 4 year...

>> No.8655112

NASA would be a lot cooler if it was actually just some kind of whacky Potemkin organization.

>> No.8655217

who would such a newfaggot from /pol/ like yourself come to /sci/. you are literal cancer

>> No.8656704
File: 554 KB, 2048x1528, pisspiggranddad in rojava 4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's a "STEM student thinks he'll get to avoid politics while being hired to work on the next bomber jet / mass surveillance database" episode

>> No.8656713

Once the rockets go up, who cares where they come down? It's not my department.

t. Wernher von Braun

>> No.8656741

>my rant about gendering pronouns and patriarchy will give someone the moral fortitude to risk being Snowden'd

>> No.8656876


>basic undergrad chem class
>professor goes off on a 45 min tangent about physics

>> No.8656897

What the fuck are you even talking about?