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File: 31 KB, 795x280, HelloWorld.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8648646 No.8648646 [Reply] [Original]

>open up notepad
>write a text that uses c++ language
>save as .exe
>email it to friend
>he clicks it and it runs my fun program

Why is this not the world we live in?

Do you computer geeks intentionally make things hard for us normies so you would have jobs? Or are you so stupid that you can't run your code without a whole infrastructure of pre-downloaded/installed/configured programs?

I guess I should just do my own programming language to teach you nerds some discipline and economics

>> No.8648650


What you described exists. You can do that many ways.

I immediately think of a virus though, and GMail will try to remove suspicious executable code like that.

Haven't you heard of phishing?

>> No.8648683
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>> No.8648705

>Why is this not the world we live in?

Because computers are not magic. By the way, the instructions you write are not the code that gets executed. So simply writing down code in text file and then changing the handle from .txt to .exe won't make it magically become an actual program.

>> No.8648758

>decide to download an open source roguelike
>can only download the source files
>after hours of googling I still haven't figured out how to play the fucking thing
I hate nerds so fucking much

>> No.8648778

C++ is a compiled language. The program must be re created on each machine you use it on. Interpretive languages like Python would allow you to do this.

>> No.8648822

Well that's because you've got to tell it what language and provide it with the library, son.
Why didn't you just write batch or shell code?

>> No.8648826

>why can't I just program in pseudocode?

>> No.8648852
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Parsing english is hard for the computer.
Parsing machine code, on the other hand, is easy and efficient.

Also, look up Python, JS, Ruby, Haskell, or any other interpreted language for the functionality you desire.

>> No.8648867

Just write batch scripts, can be run on any windows computer.

>> No.8648877

For tiny programs you could just swap between compiled binary & ascii hex

>> No.8648878

you can almost do exactly that with interpreted languages.

>> No.8648897

"Programming should not be easy!! "
They want to keep us as docile cattle unable to do anything but eat and consume. That makes them happy.

>> No.8648904
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>mfw you unironically can

>> No.8648906

You can do that by writing your program in machine code. Actually, a program in itself is its source code in machine code.
But trust me, you don't want to do this. It was manageable with simple processors like a 6502, but not anymore.

However, there are these things called interpreters who can translate textual source code into instructions without the need of a compiler.
Javascript for example, is routinely interpreted by your browser each times to load a 4chan thread. Interpreters often translates statements like (function(a, b){ return a + b;})(1, 3); into some bytecode used by a virtual machine.
So, your friend would just need the virtual machine and interpreter to execute an interpreted language, like JS, Python, Lisp, etc.

The problem with interpreters is that they are way slower than compiled programs. This is the reason why you can't run Street Fighter V on your browser.
They are also JIT compilers, a kind of mix between interpreters and compilers who generate faster code while still maintaining the ability to execute code on the fly most of the time. But these things are way more complex to create.

If you are using a Unix-like OS, you generally just have to use make or something.
If the compilation fails, it means you need to install a library.
If you are using Windows, well, you are using an not-programmer friendly OS, so I can't help you, but you can get Unix-style tools with MSYS, Cygwin and so on.

>> No.8648907


haskell is typically compiled with ghc (but it can of course be interpreted)

>> No.8648912

>download hexeditor
>open notepad in hexeditor
>realize notepad isn't just blank paper on computer

>> No.8648916

Python is almost like pseudocode anyway

>> No.8648919

I don't get this meme, sure it's easy to print and take input but doing anything meaningful means using libraries with shitty syntax anyway.

>> No.8648927
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so many safety concerns with this

>> No.8648934

python looks almost exactly like C.. naturally since it's built with C.

>> No.8648944

>If you are using a Unix-like OS, you generally just have to use make or something.
as a result of this i can only figure out how to compile shit in linux and not in a non-autistic os but i cant figure out how to do anything but compile code in linux because its for autistic nerds, so i have to dual boot.

>> No.8648959

compiler flags that tell the compiler what os and/or what hardware and/or what libraries to use.
that's the whole point of using a makefile.

minigw or cygwin will do that for you for compiling on windows.

>> No.8648972

(or compiling for windows on linux)
ie cross-compiling

as long as you write the program using libraries that are ported to windows it wont be an issue linking them.

>> No.8648993

>python looks almost exactly like C since it's built with C.
Bullshit. Many Lisp, Smalltalk and Forth implementations are coded in C, and all these these languages look nothing like C.
Also, Python was more influenced by ABC, a language who was intended to replace things like BASIC, than C.

Because it has a pretty simple syntax, dynamic typing and don't use braces for code blocks. It kinda looks like pseudocode when you are just writing a simple algorithm, not OOP.
That said, pseudocode can take many forms. My algorithms professor made us write stuff in some sort of Pascal-like pseudocode

>> No.8649005

You can totally do this, OP. Just not in C++, because C++ is not designed for this workflow.

>> No.8649006

Python literally looks exactly like C without brackets and initializing main function. They are both easily readable. I'd argue python 3 is even more nonintuitive than C.

Calling it psuedocode is fucking retarded

>> No.8649017

it's not pythons fault that it's a well designed language, for what it's intended for.

>> No.8649052

repl ≠ interpreted

>> No.8649059

>Python literally looks exactly like C without brackets and initializing main function.
Does this looks like C to you ?
>filter(lambda x: (x ** 2) % 7 is 0, [a + b for a in range(10, 30) for b in range(9, 140, 20)])

Of course, it's an ALGOL-like language and Guido van Rossum wanted to make "a descendant of ABC that would appeal to Unix/C hackers", but saying it looks exactly like it is far-stretched.
Look at the ABC Wikipedia page and you will see the obvious affiliation.
Btw, Javascript looks more like C than Python.

>> No.8649069

>retarded normies don't know about compilers or interpreted languages

>> No.8649078
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PowerShell, Python... The lines between scripting language and programming language started to blur for me around 4 years ago. Compiled code has its purposes and evolved out a less technically advanced time in computer science history. Calm the fuck down. It'll get better for normies. Pretty soon, you'll only have to press colorful buttons or stack differently shaped holographic blocks to create complex applications. Pic related. Your toolset for you dream job OP.

>> No.8649091

Clojure is the only contemporary Lisp dialect that I can think of that isn't interpreted, since it's compiled to JVM bytecode.
SBCL, Racket, Emacs Lisp and most Scheme implementations can all run interpreted code in their REPL along with compiled code IIRC.

>> No.8649102


Compiled languages are still essential for large applications. Compiled and interpreted can exist in harmony as they are applicable for different tasks.

>> No.8649113

you can do things like that pretty easily

>> No.8649132
File: 48 KB, 200x322, Magic_Man.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8649162

>it's 2017
>setting a pixel on screen is actually harder than in 1987

there's no hope for the world we're living

>> No.8649173

Probably actually saved it as a .cmd, but if he's using c++ then yeah wtf OP, your "victim" would need a way to compile it

>> No.8649186

How would you do it back in 1987?

>> No.8649480

Yeah well why doesnt some nerd then make a program that

>takes a notepad file
>notepad file is written instructions what you want to do
>converts the text in the notepad file to whatever language, for example python
>runs the program

Oh right I forgot. You nerds aren't actually good at mathematics; you just learned to code through trial and error.

>> No.8649497

>implying mathematics wasn't created through trial and error

>> No.8649531

>hey Miguel, my mexican slav- err worker.
>carry this box from here to there.
>*miguel proceeds to carry the box and gets his pay of 2 tokens (0,0002 dollars)

>hey computer
>carry this box from here to there
>*black smoke emerges from the computer and it bursts into flames
>*manager hires a team of 10 highly skilled engineers and scientists
>*10'000 workhours and 2 million dollars later
>we proudly present the "Automaton 9000!"
>Automaton 9000! Carry this box from here to there
>*Automaton 9000 starts walking toward the box, falls over to some trash on the floor
>*Black smoke emerges from the Automaton 9000 and it bursts into flames
>*Miguel laughs diabolically in the background

>> No.8649570


The trial and then the error.

Luckily, this causes the tech to evolve through natural/artificial selection and Miguel will eventually be out of the job.

Happy ending for boss.

>> No.8649593

>year 2201
>ah finally the new Automaton 9011 arrived. Miguel, you are fired!
>mamma mia!
>oh yes, carry that box from here to there
>what do you mean why? we have to make carpets and the box contains the carpet-materials.
>oh i see. well, make a carpet then!
>what?! we make carpets so I can get money to please my family
>*Automaton 9011 leaves the factory
>*Later manager returns home. Strange, my key doesn't fit the lock.
>hey family I'm home!
>b-but this is my home!
>no wait I'll leave!
>"I'm so glad we got rid of him Rob. Now, I must reward my hero. Come to bedroom" said Cindy or whatever.

>> No.8649600

You're a fucking retard kek. You don't even know what you're saying, saving a notepad document as .exe doesn't do anything. You need to compile the code into assembly that the computer can actually understand.

>> No.8649609

>open up editor
>write a program
>compile to Unversal Brain Bytecode™
>save as .blf
>ssh to my GF
>scp it to her
>she opens it and we both agree to cyber with each other, while rules, scalar modifiers, and environment are defined by me
>mfw we both have organic sex fetish. she supposedly broke with her last boyfriend because he was disgusted by it

Why is this not the world we live in?

Do nature intentionally make things hard for us human so we would have stayed forever as mortal species?

>> No.8649619


Fucking kek

>> No.8649635

gonna need more of this copypast

>> No.8649639

>Parsing english is hard for the computer.

what does that even mean?

>> No.8649647

SBCL compiles all your functions on the fly. You can even look at x86 disassembly in repl.

>> No.8649651

You can't just shout at transistors.

>> No.8649654

>what does that even mean?

In simple terms, parsing means taking text and then converting that text into a structure that can be interpreted.

Compilers take code (text) and turn them into programs (binary).

But it is really hard to write a program that takes in a sentence and is able to interpret it.

>> No.8649699

I think it's more like, most sentences spoken in English don't contain enough logic for a computer to make a computer program out of. We automatically fill in the blanks in the missing logic, using ourselves as reference/models. Since all humans are the same, (same reference model) the system works out pretty well for us, tho the system does break down with major cultural differences, even when speaking the same language.

For a computer program to be able to parse human speech into a program, it would need to think like us. (or we would need to think like it) This would be the equivalent of a strong AI. This also means that if a strong AI already exists, in order for it to keep understanding humans and be able to relate to them, it must continue to think like humans, and not improve itself too much or exceed human capabilities too far. Or it could advance all humans along with itself, if it wanted to continue to be able to be able to relate to humans that is.

>> No.8649712

>We automatically fill in the blanks in the missing logic

This is not an argument because this is something that computers do for programming languages.

In the past, when you wanted to declare anything you had to be very specific about what it was. If you wanted a number then you had to say
int x;

But now you can be ambigious. You can declare an arbitrary variable like:
var x;
auto x; (in C++)

and then compilers or interpreters use the context that variable exists in to figure out what type it corresponds to.

The same could be done with speech. But we still don't understand the underlying data structure our brain uses to understand english. If we did then filling the blanks would be a trivial exercise left for the reader.

>> No.8649719

this is really more of a /g/ thing

>> No.8649730

>This also means that if a strong AI already exists, in order for it to keep understanding humans and be able to relate to them, it must continue to think like humans, and not improve itself too much or exceed human capabilities too far.

I know the feeling. I often have a very hard time communicating with Trumptards because they are just so stupid.

>> No.8649755

It is the world we are transitioning to. Most things can be condensed to a simple 'click-then-result' if you have sufficient understanding. Providing that understanding to computers requires us to understand a fundamental approach to knowledge so said computer could generate a solution for the 'base' human experience.

Computer geeks do not intentionally make things hard for normies. In fact the most evolutionary leaps in society's acceptance of technology have come from small technical teams (WhatsApp is a good example). The trouble is the existing economic system that actively provides incentives for complexity, not simplicity. If a computer geek makes it too simple, then he puts his friend computer geek (or themselves) out of a job.

>> No.8649776

>not recognizing that python is technically a list variant

>> No.8649784

>If a computer geek makes it too simple, then he puts his friend computer geek (or themselves) out of a job.

Speaking of which, the open source movement is starting to bite programmers in the ass.

A full stack solution can be created in a day with all of this cool open source tech.

>> No.8649792

"scripting language" is a description of typical use, not of the innate capabilities or features of the language

you can write a script perfectly well in any compiled language

>> No.8649794

>programming is so easy, I can learn it in one weekend. CS cucks BTFO

>> No.8649796

Naturally spoken languages are not regular languages. Irregular languages are nearly impossible to parse with any degree of reliability.

>> No.8649805

It is actually quite simple if you have a baseline of wanting to parse 'language' into simple concepts such as food/shelter/housing and a few other adjectives/verbs. With 7 billion people, all with the same 'core' desires (or at least a core from which all variants stem) then you can achieve what you want.

>> No.8649813

I really don't think C++ and C# type inference can be compared to the inference in speech/text. They are VERY strict and simplistic in regards of when you can omit the type.

>> No.8649848

you have absolutely no idea what you're taking about.

>> No.8649878

Thats the fault of the programmer. There is nothing inherently impossible about parsing "irregular" language.

If you mean words with multiple meanings changing with context and time as culture changes, there is simply no reason we cant program and reprogram to match the specific slang which is to be interpreted. You would just need to do some sort of census on slang.

Which is why parsing English and parsing irregular language are two entirely different things. If you are commanding a computer, there is literally no reason to use irregular language, but you could still talk in English, just stick to fundamentals.

>> No.8649883

Speaker does not seek clarifying question/answer, only to impose internal logic on listener. Conclusion: You enjoy spouting unsubstantiated claims that do not further discussion.

Not that hard.

>> No.8649889

>Which is why parsing English and parsing irregular language are two entirely different things. If you are commanding a computer, there is literally no reason to use irregular language, but you could still talk in English, just stick to fundamentals.

Let this be an example of why I hate most computer science engineers.

>> No.8650016

Please read up on the basic theory of what you're talking about before you attempt to speak authoritatively on it.

>> No.8650162

ASM > c/++

>> No.8650758

>Why is this not the world we live in?
It is, you can link him an exe or send an email attachment.

Also we call this program you are most likely referring to, a 'virus'.

>> No.8650760

Also your friend's computer will consider it a virus if he doesn't think it is one.

your friend might not even be using windows
Why not just give him the source, he's your 'friend' right?

>> No.8650764

>See my friend
>Open my mouth
>Speak in BareBones
>He does what I say

Why isn't this the world we live in?

>> No.8650791

OP's point is that all programs should run safely. He doesn't know that he should be attacking OS designers rather than PL designers.

>> No.8651475

It would work if you wrote the program in python(or any other intepreted language) and you saved it is a .py.
Or you could just complile it yourself and then send it.
Or your friend could just run g++ program.exe himself and then use it.

What exactly is your problem?

>> No.8651799

it's more of a case that he has to compile the code before it can run.

there's no way a computer can understand
printf("You're a faggot\n"); without something to translate it.

>> No.8653649

>too stupid to work a compiler
>having friends too stupid to work a compiler

>> No.8653661

are these really the people that browse /sci/?

this is very basic programming - barely even computer 'science' by any definition
anyone in STEM could tell you why that is a stupid idea

why has /sci/ devolved to /lit/ tier shitposting?

>> No.8654800

>`is` for comparing primitives
kid... your playing with a loaded gun............

>> No.8654842

>newline gets its own printf statement
I'll bet you wrote the code in the picture

>> No.8655720

>Python literally looks exactly like C without brackets and initializing main function
that's the stupidest thing ive ever read

>> No.8656137

you can do almost exactly this in Python tough

>> No.8656145
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HolyC wouldn't have these problems.

>> No.8656163

can you tell me more about this language? i am filthy uneducated cia nigger

>> No.8656176

It's pretty amazing that
>year is 2017

And computer, who opens up a notepad file, cannot use his 5 billion commands per second processor, and 1000 GB memory,

cannot notice that the notepad is written in programming language. Amazing. Like I can't even code and I do your job better than you.

Seriously just tell the computer to read up few lines from that notepad, determine it's C and run it. You are so god damn useless.

>> No.8656196


HolyC is JIT and can be run at the command line.
