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/sci/ - Science & Math

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8643724 No.8643724 [Reply] [Original]

So, climate change has become a highly politicized issue and that has made the truth, at least for a layman like me, difficult to discern.

My main problem lies in that I am not adequately knowledgeable about climate science to be qualified to form opinions about climate change. Hence, I am reliant on reputable authorities on the issue to tell me what stance should be taken based on evidence. Since, to my knowledge, the majority of climate scientists advocate for anthropogenic climate change, I am compelled to do the same.

However, many people, that I must assume are more knowledgeable about the subject than me, claim that climate change is a natural part of long term weather patterns and that there is no evidence supporting anthropogenic climate change. I've also seen claims that, due to the central position of climate change in politics, there is monetary incentive for climate scientists to advocate for athropogenoc climate change, and that is why this appears to be the consensus among that community.

So, what stance is the logical conclusion to come to based on the evidence we have? Is there adequate evidence to assert that climate change is a result of human action?

>> No.8643771
File: 111 KB, 720x540, Temp-sunspot-co2.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm glad you have an open mind and are looking to inform yourself before making conclusions, but the way the msm refers to as climate change is completely unrelated to natural processes. I say this as our planet is currently in a milankovitch cycle that's further away from the sun than normal, with decreased solar activity (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Solar_activity_and_climate#/media/File:Sunspot-temperature-10000yr.svg)), leading us to expect lower temperatures than the average Holocene trend. On the other hand, the opposite is happening, with an absurd rise in temperatures occurring on a short timescale literally unseen since an asteroid hit the earth 65 million years ago. There is no need for consensus about the laws of physics in this day and age, it's been mathematically proven for quiet a while, and these laws explain the processes behind this rise in global temperature is due to the expression of the greenhouse effect in response to increased carbon production as a byproduct of a petroleum powered economy for the past two centuries. You can read up about it here, it's pretty basic stuff: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Greenhouse_effect

Remember weather =/= climate

I never understood the monetary gain for any researchers or advocates for climate change awareness, as I spent a lot of lab hours as a volunteer at times, and couldn't care less about how much I made. There's money incentives in any field, if you go into the sciences, and especially the now underfunded (EPA cuts) climate sciences for money you're beyond delusional.

The only debate lies in the time frame we will face the consequences of climate change, which is dependent on the flux in carbon emissions due to a changing political climate, so estimates are varied, as energy has become more political than economic now if you ask me. The science is done, but our response to it far from over.

I know this because I'm involved in oceanic research, so I'm pretty familiar with climate science.

>> No.8643787

>I know this because I'm involved in oceanic research

>I know that if we admit climate change is natural I will lose my job

>> No.8643807
File: 161 KB, 514x691, exxon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

go fuck yourself I'm not even a climate researcher I study fucking intertidal processes for a private uni, but I'm part of the conspiracy right? Why don't you try and interpret the points I provided, reading helps speed things up. Try not to get your news from infowars, but what the fuck did you expect leaving /pol/ to make this cancer /sci/ thread, no shit I'm a researcher.
Why don't you take perspective of where the money is and who's in control before you make shitty genetic fallacies like that. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Climate_change_denial

>> No.8643817


thank you for the detailed answer

>> No.8643818

haha it's not like their's only one actor, this ist just the way for jews to get back a t oil companies because they couldn't get their money

>> No.8643826
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Glad to help, personally I find the issue grossly misrepresented in the mainstream media, and would recommend stuff like sciencedaily's climate/earth science section, I find that stuff super interesting

>> No.8643829

The more I learn about climate change, the more fucked I realize we are. Nearly 8 billion people, some of the worst effected areas will be those with growing populations and developing economies. These nations will fall first, slowly as resources dwindle over decades, water supplies decrease, and people mass migrate. Europe will be a primary destination for these people, to add onto the already ongoing refugee crisis.
I'm just scared honestly, I know a lot of people hype up the doomsday shit with climate change, but I truly fear that human civilization as we know it is overdue for a collapse. That is, unless we manage to geoengineer solutions or find a new source of energy asap. I can just see crops slowly starting to fail, decreasing production each year until we get to a point where people start starving, the poor cannot afford staple foods anymore and shit rapidly devolves.
I just hope I'm dead by the time this shit starts to accelerate in a few decades.

>> No.8643833


>but what the fuck did you expect leaving /pol/ to make this cancer /sci/ thread, no shit I'm a researcher.

are you implying that the person that you made this post in response to is the OP? I tried in the OP to be as fair as possible in my representation of both sides of the arguments, and I feel I was clear that In the OP that there was no political agenda behind the post.

do you assume that since I did not know the truth regarding climate science that I am from /pol/? do you realize that people can be involved in STEM and not have the same specialized knowledge as you since STEM encompasses
many different disciplines, many of which are very different from climate science? would it be fair for me to be critical of you because you study things different from me and do not hold the same knowledge in mathematics as I do? is me being frank about my ignorance of climate science, and hence needing a clear presentation of evidence from somebody with specialized knowledge of the field to understand how this evidence implies anthropogenic climate change, indicative that I'm from /pol/?

>> No.8643842

To be clear I like the thread but >>8643787
triggered me.
My mistake, I assumed that asshole was OP, I was a little trigger happy because I've seen many a thread turn out to be b8 and get pretty triggered when people ignore an argument because "you're jew propaganda". I actually didn't know much about climate science until relatively recently myself, I would be a hypocrite to think like that, I like that you're trying to learn about it, I mistook that guy for OP, he's just a cunt.

>> No.8643855

Climate change explained, and the myths debunked: http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL82yk73N8eoX-Xobr_TfHsWPfAIyI7VAP

>> No.8643863

This will start in a decade


>> No.8643867

Nope it's already started, Brexit happened, Trump's building a wall, Bangledash has an electric fence built around it, refugees are flooding in.

>> No.8643886


>> No.8643942

big oil is using the same playbook that tobacco did


>> No.8643959

You will almost certainly be dead by the time shit hits the fan, but we are already seeing the Poop Creek filling up and anyone with money at risk is spending what they can to throw away the paddles. The refugee crisis in Europe may be more closely related to climate change than we know and this will certainly become a global problem once water levels start rising by significant levels.

>> No.8643998

it's not floods it's foods

The drying up of the subtropics will hit in a few decades.

>> No.8644003

>the more fucked I realize we are.
You have to admit it's an exciting time to live in.

>> No.8644017

Effects of milankovitch cycles are relatively unknown aren't they? Like a lot of stuff is cautiously attributed to them, at least in part.

For example, we observe tropical systems becoming less intense throughout the Holocene but El Nino and similar systems becoming more pronounced.

>> No.8644021

1. This is a question for /sci/ if you're sincere
2. Trump is piggybacking off a loyal fanbase and existing skepticism of science from... Well... primarily Christians who believe in alternative science. Trump realizes that the only way America is going to become competitive again is if they disregard the futile and expensive effort to combat climate change.

>> No.8644914

Milankovitch cycles are not unknown, we understand a great deal about them and how they relate to past glaciations and interglacial periods.

They are not responsible for the current warming trend as far as we can tell, natural factors contribute very little to the warming from added CO2.

>> No.8645219


OP here, I've watched the majority of videos in this series and I have a better understanding of the issue. thank you for posting this

>> No.8645321

People will wake up when it really starts hurting.

>> No.8645566


>> No.8646409

Population growth isnt being talked about which means nobody wants to do anything about it. Fuck future gens

>> No.8646412

Cant wait for the birth limit laws in every country. People also need to stop entitlement programs in developed nations which promote more births to fuel them with tax dollars. Why I think Bernie Sanders is just as bad for enviroment.

>> No.8646420

Ironically, the people who vote against those programs the most are the ones that statistically use them the most.

Just get Texaa to teach their children about birth control instead of stupidly trying to hide crucial knowledge for religious reasons.

>> No.8647283

My advice to you: listen to the scientists. There's no grand conspiracy on their part. The truth is, most scientists accept manmade climate change as real. There are surveys that are conducted to ascertain that. Even higher percentages of geoscientists do. The fraction becomes even higher with earth scientists, and then atmospheric/ocean scientists, up the chain until you hit climatologists, where the percentage approaches 98-99% who accept man made climate change as real.

The basic physics of climate change has been well understood for over 100 years now. Even if there was some grand conspiracy on the part of climate scientists, it'd certainly be a very weird one. If scientists were willing to go through all that trouble in just this one field to secure some additional research funding (most of which goes toward funding graduate students, equipment, travel, etc.), then I'd be amazed the whole of the natural sciences hadn't already been banned.

If there's any conspiracy here, it's on the part of fossil fuel interests that have spent decades and millions upon millions of dollars machinating a disinformation and lobbying campaign. Why? They have a vested interest in fossil fuels' future, and climate policies would hurt them in that regard. Instead of just fighting the policies, they decided to go after the science the same way the tobacco companies fought the smoking-lung cancer science decades ago. The basic strategy is to sow doubt through deceptive techniques such as cherrypicking and strawmen, not even to try to fully discredit the science.

Sadly, it's been a very effective strategy. A sizable percentage of the public continues to wrongly believe that scientists are divided over whether the climate change our planet is experiencing right now is real and mostly human caused. And for a long time, mass media has lazily reported "both sides" of the story as if they were equivalent, even though there really is no "both sides" in the scientific community.

>> No.8647336

I've heard Trump wants to cut NASA's climate research funding completely. It would be terrible news for the field, given all the data and measurements that NASA's earth sciences division collects and all the climate models it runs.

Couple that with the recent decision by Australia's CSIRO to scale back its basic climate research because of the division chief's misguided belief that we have already "proved" everything we need to prove about climatology, and it would seem that we are heading into another "dark age" for climate research.

>> No.8647355 [DELETED] 

>grand conspiracy

wouldn't be the first. why should i trust them on this matter?

>> No.8647358

>grand conspiracy

wouldn't be the first. why should i trust them on this matter?

>> No.8647366

First I'm hearing of a science conspiracy, care to explain?

>> No.8647373

hardly the only example

>> No.8647375

>why should i trust them on this matter?

We are going to let you figure this one out on your own

>> No.8647380


vaccines, of course.

>> No.8647383

You're forgetting evolution and the sphere heliocentric earth """theory"""

>> No.8647384

If people deny climate change is man-made they should try being in a garage with a closed door and a car running. Look at all the whores who burn fuel while jerking off on their cell phones. They don't care about pollution or worry about money cause they just spread their legs and/or bend over. Whores don't earn money so they are wasteful.

>> No.8647418

Fucking kek, go move to California and enjoy your measles and pertussis outbreaks, then.

>> No.8647423


i'll go with "true". man-made climate change is, at least in some capacity, real.

>> No.8647516

Just let them swelter away in real greenhouse for a while, that way they can experience the physics of the greenhouse effect for themselves.

>> No.8647697

>that I must assume are more knowledgeable about the subject than me
Why must you assume that?

>> No.8648585

Well, yes, BUT once 3rd world countries attain better standards of living (especially for women) the birth rate falls.

>> No.8648589

Oh, PLEASE! What are you doing on /sci/?

>> No.8648610

I think the reason people deny climate change is a form of post hoc reasoning.

They deny climate change because they have a political reason for not agreeing with the way in which governments are trying to fix it, e.g carbon taxes and other things.

>> No.8649973

Yeah, that's actually a huge reason for it. It's called the "cultural cognition hypothesis," wherein worldview/tribalism modulate one's interpretation of the information they receive.

>> No.8649997


I will give you a quick rundown on how human induced climate change works:

>Be CH4, or CO2 particle
>Chillin in the upper atmosphere with all his mates
>Recently it got rather crouded up here
>Nowadays twice as many of us chill up here
>We absorb dem photons which arent absorbed by other substances
>We also like to reflect fotons back to the earth
>More of us chilling up here results in more absorbed photons, and have them reflected back at earth
>Earth gets warmer
>Laugh at retarded politicians at earth claiming its nonsense, whereas it is a perfectly logical understandable physical process that takes place, flood his garden in revenge because hes a too lazy piece of shit to do anything about it

the end

>> No.8650542


i have to assume they know more about climate change than me because they claim to know about climate change and I can't refute them because I don't know much about climate change.