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/sci/ - Science & Math

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8643582 No.8643582 [Reply] [Original]

Where does /sci/ make friends and socialize in college?

i transferred to a top 25 uni for comp sci for more research opportunities, but now I have no friends.

anyone else been in the same boat?

>> No.8643584

ask random people if they want to see your dick.

>> No.8643590
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anon pls im a lonely sad boy i need help

>> No.8643596

Not gonna lie, former Trump voter here. This is fucking hilarious watching Trump crash and burn. But in all seriousness we can't let this guy get the nuclear codes.

>> No.8643604


Well, transferring probably didn't help.

There are always a ton of events on campus. Just choose one that looks fun and talk to some people at club shindigs.

>> No.8643605

wrong thread?

>> No.8643610

I think he means to just flame trump to fit in

>> No.8643611

>being in the most anti-social department
>complain about not having friends
The easiest way is to go to socials. Easier to talk to people and open up when everyone is liquored up.

>> No.8643617

mindlessly regurgitating anti-trump rhetoric is the new norm

all because he defunded some fake climate science

>> No.8643618

what the fuck are socials. im american so im not familiar

>> No.8643633

>what the fuck are socials. im american so im not familiar

Dude. I am an American. You should know what a social is.

A social is like a small event for strangers to get together to talk and meet one another.

Usually it is a nice event with some wine and hors d'oeuvres.

It would be hosted by your department or clubs at your university. Sometimes students will have some small get togethers as well and will spread invitations through Facebook, etc.

>> No.8643639

okay cool, looks to me like i should try and join some clubs on campus if i want any shot of not being a lonely fuck. thanks bro.

>> No.8643640

Computer science...you and the rest of the world.. kek

>> No.8643646

I'm in exactly that situation. Just do as many society-based activities as you can, and count the days until you graduate and no longer have any opportunities to socialise.

>> No.8643647

i had a good deal of friends in comp sci at my old school. we weren't spergs or anything either if you can believe that.

>> No.8643696

Friends are for normies.

>> No.8643703
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How do I get invited to parties, /sci/?

>> No.8643704


Anyone with a semblance of normality and social acuity tend to gravitate towards each other and become insta friends in CS

we have to stick together

>> No.8643707


Be a girl or know a girl or be attractive.

>> No.8643708

Go to your college's anime/video game/rpg club

>> No.8643719

go outside

>> No.8643780

Go to bars and try to fuck chicks. You'll inevitably end up meeting other dudes as wingmen,

>> No.8644123

>Top 25, not top 20
Welcome to UCLA fellow bruin :^)

>> No.8644148

Thats because spergs don't need to be taught how to use a computer

>> No.8644154


>> No.8644164

This. OP the only way to make friends is to get a sex change and become a girl. Either that or dress like a girl and become a trap, when guys see your feminine penis they're gonna want to fuck you in the ass though. Everything I know about socializing I've learned from this website, so basically that means that I assume the majority of men also like Japanese cartoon girls. So I'd also recommend you try to dress like an anime girl if you really wanna get guys attention.

>> No.8644170


Make friends and talk about stuff. Don't let on AT ALL that you never get invited to parties. People will only invite you do do things I feel A. They like you a lot or B. They think that you are of greater than or eaqual to social standing than them.

>> No.8644367

It's a meme on /pol/

>> No.8644542


Go where you have your own interests

>> No.8644933



Best purchase I've ever made in my life. Feels amazing to get your dick sucked by an la 10 while working on a proof.

>> No.8645962

I'm pretty confused right now

>> No.8645987

this book looks like a meme. the author looks like a total autist desu

>> No.8646009

I don't and you shouldn't either. The closest person that I have to a friend on campus is my PI.

Get good grades, don't party, research at least 10 hours a week, other extracurricular shit. Then you can get a good job and money. That's all that matters. Don't know why I'm lecturing you though when you're the one that goes to a top 25.

Seriously, why/how do people have friends? Do they talk to them on their phones everyday or something.

>> No.8646036

Because I have base instincts that are satisfied by being social

Also "Networking" is emphasized by my university

>> No.8646044

If friends are that important to you and you are basically a normie then it really isn't any different than making friends earlier. Talk to the guy next to you in lab, join a lunch table. If you are in a good school there are usually orientation programs and dorm events that introduce you to a bunch of people.

I find the most interesting people to talk to are often from when you both take a similar class like say AI or PDE etc. I think uni is also a great chance to meet international students who are usually just as needing of friends and tend to be pretty smart. Joining a lab also means you'll have undergrad and grad friends who are also potential friends and resources for life.

But most I'm fine by myself. I genuinely don't care that much when I was in uni.

>> No.8647370

Thanks for the fap material OP

>> No.8647388

Don't try to make friends. Just focus on doing things that benefit you and watch as people naturally gravitate towards you. Now that I'm killing it in all my classes, all the bitches want to be friends with me.

>> No.8647403

>Seriously, why/how do people have friends? Do they talk to them on their phones everyday or something.
To meet, talk, share hobbies (for instance music band), party, fuck, eat, drink, having fun,...
I sometimes talk to them on the phone to arrange above things but that's all.

>> No.8647405

Haha, did you fuck any of them yet? Or do you just make their assignments so they can go out and fuck other guys?

>> No.8647787
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>> No.8647803

Canadian speak there. Socials are essentially public parties. They are good for meeting people in your department or faculty if your department/faculty is hosting one. Since it's public, you can just attend if you want to and you can meet a lot of people that way.

>> No.8648724

Science is a search for truth. Along the way whatever part of that truth you discover is your friend.
For companionship focus only on 19year old women

>> No.8648739

If you have to ask, either go the "fake it until you make it" route and pretend to be a social butterfly while learning to deal with rejection until you get lucky, or accept that not everybody needs to have 100 friends and endure your autism

>> No.8649010

I mean nigga how boring is your college that frats dont throw opens?

>> No.8649023

Who cares?

>> No.8649083
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>> No.8649200

Hey fuck you for hating trump and voting for him. I support him and he's doing away with ice melting. Make america great again that means no more rising seas he's saying flu shots are bad maybe in an attempt to fuck with big pharma and he certainly doesn't afraid of anything. He thinks nazis are terrific.