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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 36 KB, 500x500, how-does-the-globe-freeze.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8643024 No.8643024 [Reply] [Original]

How is it that in the year 2017, with all of our knowledge and technology, so much irrefutable proof and evidence, as well as a FUCKING LIVE FEED streaming from the ISS for anyone to see, there are still people who believe the earth is flat? Are they retarded? Mentally-ill? Is it just ironic satire? Please help me understand, /sci/. Like, I know the average person is stupid, but this shit is bordering on negative IQ.

>> No.8643034

They want to reclaim the wonder and majesty of the world that scientific institutions and industrial society have robbed us of, even if it means denying the plain and obvious truth. Open your eyes. There are no mountains, merely the stumps of giant, ancient trees, cut down, destroyed, leaving us in a fallen, sickly earth.

>> No.8643472

There is this thing called "trolling..."

>> No.8643502

Two basic types: the troll, and the literal Bible interpreter who believes the translation of that Book into English was perfect. A third type is the truly mentally deficient, but it is rare to find anyone stupid enough to actually believe while still being smart enough to think about it at all.

>> No.8643530

I don't know myself. Have you seen Jeranism's youtube channel? It is pure cancer.

>> No.8643535

>4 smug replies with no actual refutation
/sci/ at work

>> No.8643549

Alright, you want a refutation to the pic in OP you dumb fuck?

It's because of the greenhouse effect. Haven't you heard of the greenhouse effect dumbass? The greenhouse gases in the atmosphere trap the heat during the night, so it lingers despite there being no sunlight. That's why it cools down at night but doesn't freeze

>> No.8643581

You can easily infer that OP doesn't agree with the pic he posted, so there's no reason to explain something to OP that he already knows.

>> No.8643592
File: 30 KB, 450x338, 1429847518247.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there's no greenhouse effect at the poles
>the greenhouse effect is gonna melt the poles
Pick one

>> No.8643593

>>4 smug replies with no actual refutation
Refutation of *what*? I was answering a question. The meme was posted as an example of stupid. If you don't understand the nature of what makes it stupid, that's your problem. Go make your own thread.

>> No.8643597

Because the Earth rotates.

>> No.8643600

It's honestly because

>> No.8643603
File: 64 KB, 638x479, You're a dumbass.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The sunlight is spread more thinly at the poles so it has less of an effect. That doesn't mean the greenhouse effect doesn't exist there, there's just less heat to trap

Why are you guys so fucking stupid?

>> No.8643607

Because the earth spins

>> No.8643624

I dont know what theories flat earthers have but couldnt the
" our senses decieve us " route be a reasonable argument, but at that point its just up to what youre willing to believe since you cant prove anything

The earth could also technically be " flat " in a 4th dimension we dont understand

>> No.8643631

>since you cant prove anything
>The earth could also technically be " flat " in a 4th dimension we dont understand

There we see two signs that this is from a flat-Earth troller.

>> No.8643648

The Earth appears and acts round

Lets say the Earth is flat

What could possibly make an object that is flat appear round?

>> No.8643654


Bitch, the greenhouse effect is on its way to melting the poles, but not because of the sunlight that strikes it. The greenhouse effect is going to melt the poles because we're building a better greenhouse via our emissions. The poles receive less direct sunlight than the equator does, ergo colder climate.

>> No.8643659

>What could possibly make an object that is flat appear round?

Don't know offhand. Why don't you research it instead of us doing that for you? You're the one who thinks he's on to something.

>> No.8644204
File: 129 KB, 960x960, 1485736470619.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't believe NASA lies man

>> No.8644219

prove that they should have changed (and show your work)

prove that they didn't in fact change

>> No.8644223

t.NASA shill

>> No.8644391
File: 54 KB, 1620x854, 1484899865084.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh livestream
You saw what (((they))) wanted you to see.

>> No.8644912

NASA lies All Fake CGI

>> No.8644916
File: 235 KB, 597x400, 1485639608158.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8644944

t. professional 4channer

>1000 MPH
>66600 MPH
>450000 MPH
>affecting our view of something 6 MILLION SQUARED+ miles away

I think we have a young johannes kepler on our hands, guys

>> No.8645155
File: 230 KB, 720x540, 1485757116429.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>its another flat earther thread
just kill me now

>> No.8645176

>there are still people who believe the earth is flat?

There aren't, you're being trolled.

>> No.8646028

In other words, "I can't - I'm too lazy and stupid, but hurr durr."

>> No.8646031

Standard production bait.

>> No.8646040

Our atmostphere regulates temperature, which is why terrestial bodies without one experience extreme temperature shifts. Also, thermal energy is still absorbed by the land and oceans which keep the planet from freezing overnight.

>> No.8646047

The amount of time we've known about constellations is extremely insignificant to the time it would take for star's positioned hundreds to thousands of light years to no longer be recognizable. Even then, constellations do change through Earth's seasons.

>> No.8646332

It's trolling.
>x community is trolls but y community actually believes it!
No, y community are better trolls.

>> No.8646346

Refutation would be too difficult for you. We have built incredibly intricate and complex theories that all involve the earth being flat. If you want proof without actually going to space, you will need to understand physics that is probably beyond you at this point.
And by "proof" I mean so many interconnected phenomena that it reasonably can't be refuted.

>> No.8646352

I have never seen anyone espouse flat earth theory outside of /sci/ and some ironic memeing by the far right.
I'm completely convinced you're all full of shit.

>> No.8646356

They're theists.

>> No.8646378

Poe's law
They're real, and real retarded.

>> No.8646385

Poe's law
You're the guy who mistakes a parody for a serious viewpoint

>> No.8646394

That would still prove the point though, if even but one did you retard.

>> No.8646607

Look into Poincare's conventionalism, it's a similar topic.

It's also similarly retarded as an idea to take about ontology, but is (by design) irritatingly irrefutable.

>> No.8646664

what did you expect? these same people believe in magic jewish carpenters and talking snakes. Its not a stretch for them to believe the earth is flat.

Religion prepares the brain to accept complete bullshit as truth. That's why they make a virtue of out of exercising faith (faith being the belief in things without evidence).

>> No.8646985

whoever made this should boot up Space Engine and see how fucking massive the universe is himself

>> No.8647362

Prove it isn't flat and we aren't transported from one end to the other through a worm hole.
Being certain either way is a sign of ignorance. You're a believer and believers are dangerous they're so stupid.

>> No.8647364
File: 160 KB, 715x755, tops_pizza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8647372

*tips fedora*

Isaiah 40:22 - It is he that sitteth upon the circle of the earth, and the inhabitants thereof are as grasshoppers; that stretcheth out the heavens as a curtain, and spreadeth them out as a tent to dwell in:

The Earth is flat. End of discussion.

>> No.8647382

>Are they retarded?
>Is it just ironic satire?

Yes to all three. Belief in false statements follows from ignorance of valid arguments. So there are tons of reasons. Brain damage, prejudice, inability to reason/think, gullibility, etc.

>> No.8647385

Conspiracy thinking isn't fact-based, insofar as any factual information will convince them their belief is incorrect. It's about being right, feeling like you're in possession of some rare currency.

>> No.8647394

I would also ask those who believe Earth is flat, are the other planets flat as well? How about the moon? Are stars flat?

>> No.8647435

how hot could it get if the earth didn't spin, guys?

>> No.8647496
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>> No.8647508
File: 32 KB, 761x552, 1431035985030.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8647512

The live feed from the ISS on youtube isn't actually a live feed. The live feed is on NASA's own website.

But the one on youtube is just past recordings. When asked about it NASA said they didn't mind who ever was doing it just as long as people where getting engaged.

>> No.8647531

people mistakenly assume that science is the arbiter of absolute truth and this makes them salty.

if you really want to get under a flat earther's skin, just ask for some practical applications of their model and watch them stammer. instrumentalism is the greatest vindicator.

>> No.8647547


>> No.8647551

>The earth could also technically be " flat " in a 4th dimension we dont understand
What is your definition of flat then?

>> No.8647612

As stupid as that is, that's actuallynnot a bad idea, its just the wavelength of visble light is way to damn low, use a directed long wave transmitter

>> No.8647615
File: 57 KB, 500x419, gl0G9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It doesn't work that way.The wavelength is irrelevant.

>> No.8648157

The Earth is on an axis and each pole gets a straight 6 months of sunlight at a time therefore you cant claim that the poles get no sunlight because you Have extra chromosomes

>> No.8648178

>The Earth is flat. End of discussion.
Per a *translation* of the Bible, a work arguably of fiction that you have decided is your guiding light. And the flat Earth literal interpretation of those passages is unique to a small sect of devoutly demented followers.

>> No.8648227

My magic 8 ball agrees that the Earth is flat.

>> No.8648473

>Being certain either way is a sign of ignorance

Cognitive relativism is garbage.

>> No.8648727

Well this photo shows no planets between the earth and the sun and I was brainwashed in elementary school there are planets between the earth and sun. The km is not a real unit so try coming back with a miles pictures. And the last thing is the fucking earth is flat otherwise your feet wouldn't be able to be flat on the ground. Flat.

>> No.8648744

They're just legit retarded anon. They'll deny it despite all the proof because it feels better to feel right than to be wrong

>> No.8649433

First post ever on 4chan.
Actual flat earther.
Any questions?

>> No.8649459

gtfo newfag

>> No.8649483

The light that does reach them still gets spread more thinly than at the equator or the tropics of capircon or cancer. There's still less sunlight per square meter

>> No.8649491

But that's wrong you fucking retard
The positions of stars have changed slightly since ancient times, ancient star maps are slightly different than modern day ones


>> No.8649772

You can circlejerk about the stars to the end of time, but unless one of you scietism fags can show an example of an object in nature that atttacts other objects by virtue of it's mass alone, gravity is bullshit and your entire heliocentric model just went up in smoke.

The earth is flat, get over it.

>> No.8649828

We happen to have such an object in our possession actually. We call it your mother.

>> No.8649921
File: 52 KB, 460x458, DoResearch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>show an example of an object in nature that atttacts other objects by virtue of it's mass alone

Just because you don't have an education doesn't mean others haven't done the work for you.

>> No.8649982

Star positions haven't moved enough in the time scale of human history for the inaccuracies of ancient star maps to reliably show any change compared with modern (telescopic-era) maps.

But you might be thinking of the precession of the equinoxes, wherein the equator drifts along the ecliptic at a ate of about 25,600 years to go full circle. So horoscope constellations are almost a full month off from when the belief was founded.

>> No.8650079


>> No.8650097

If all the other observable planets are spheres, why would this single planet be flat?
What makes Earth so special in the universe that it doesn't have to conform to the basic laws that all other planets abide by?

>> No.8650102

You know what the fuck I mean.

>> No.8650120
File: 40 KB, 700x367, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8650175

TL;DR They are dumb.

Many of the smarter people go through life absorbing the basic knowledge they learn at school ( and home environment ) but erroneously thinks that everyone else does as well.

The fact is that even in western societies a huge proportion of the population simply does not. Much of what they are shown in school simply goes over their heads.They are simple creatures and lack the cognitive functions to grasp conceptual ideas greater than what direct experience can provide.

Therefore they think the earth is flat because their eyes "tell" them that the Earth is flat. They can not conceive of scales larger than their visual horizon.

Same with stuff like Evolution.If its not within their time frame they just cant conceive of it. A million years is devoid of meaning to them and they can not rationalize it.

Attempts to demonstrate greater concepts, to draw analogies, provide self consistent examples, give proofs, etc may provide many of them with the ability to get correct answers on grade papers, but at a deep level they still don't get it. When they leave school they just reject it, if they think about it at all.

Ex-teacher here, I keep coming across this sort of thing all the time. Simply put the education system doesn't have the time or the resources to go back and pick up the students who just "don't get it". I very much doubt it would make much difference anyway.

>> No.8650179


it's actually YOU who are dumb.

'absorbing what you are told' doesn't make you smart. it makes you gullible. it's generating knowledge from your own personal awareness of the world that is the marker of intelligence. not believing because you're told.

you are part of the problem, and why people are becoming less intelligent on the whole. congratulations on making people stupider.

>> No.8650206


I could never tell one of my students they were just plain dumb. It doesnt give me any pleasure to tell you either. I just have pity. Just like I have pity for a blind person. Or for an animal who cant figure out some simple problem. Some of us were born with cognitive functions that enable us to see and understand the wonders of the world and the Universe. That you and others like you fail in this respect is just a shame, but something that just cant be helped, nothing more, nothing less.

>> No.8650237


your pity is nothing more than egotistical vanity whereby you make yourself feel as though you're better than others.

if you knew anything about psychology, you'd realize quite readily that the only reason someone does this, is because they don't want to admit that they feel quite inferior.

sad reality: you're sub-average in intelligence and you label as stupid many many people that are actually smarter than you, in the same way that political radicals see anyone who doesn't align with their beliefs as complete and utter enemies who aren't even human.

>> No.8650240

Their distrust for government and schools just runs that deep

>> No.8650251

My dude, why do you think the Earth is flat? If it's flat, how do satellites work? And you can actually see satellites across the sky with the naked eye at night, they're called satellite flares. I've seen a few of them myself, they're neat

In addition to this, why do the moon and all of the planets appear round?

>inb4 "you're just seeing the flat end of the disc"

The shadows on them prove they are round, you cannot get the telltale crescent moon shadow on a disc, that's only possible on a sphere. The fucking ancients realized this and said the moon was round

So my question to you is, if all of these objects in the sky are round...why is the Earth flat? Why are we different? What makes us so fucking special?

>> No.8650265


i don't think the earth is flat, dumbass.

it's a cube.

it's hollow.

it's the convex edge of the universe.

it's an infinite plane.

the moon is a hologram.

the stars are just LED's on the canopy.

the earth is a sphere.

the moon is a giant machine that generates artificial reality on earth to keep our souls fascinated and trapped so we don't return to our city and fleet to go back to war.

fucking retard. use your head.

>> No.8650276


Not often I get the chance to have a frank one on one with someone who could have been one of the dumb students.

Look, I really dont care if you want to go full retard, I have had to endure far worse in the classroom where I have had to mind my words.

Its nothing to do with ego. Some of us are simply born with different attributes. Perhaps you run faster, jumper higher, maybe you have more social intelligence, in the end all that matters is the measure of your own personal happiness and perceived success in life.

If you have the social skills that means you have lots of friends would you not feel sorry for someone who has no friends and is lonely?

Or for a blind man who must use a cane to feel his way around and never see the glory of an amazing sunset?

Or for a deaf person who can never hear the beauty of music?

Or someone born without legs who will never experience the exhilaration of running?

Even if you have no empathy can you grasp that many people feel pity for those around them who are in some way or form less fortunate?

>> No.8650282


Ahh okay, folks, we are not dealing with just a dumb kid here. Its either a troll who has just blown his cover or someone who is actually mentally disturbed.

>> No.8650296


retarded platitudes, illuminated only by rhetoric and adjectives.

you're stupid and you don't know it, because you were taught, 'see, do so and so, say so and so, that makes you smart' and you never questioned that.

you have not connected any conceptions of intelligence to actual information that you have observed yourself. you are sub-average in intelligence.


or maybe everyone who says things that seem incredible to you isn't necessarily a troll or insane, that's remotely possible. i'm trying to teach you what belief is as opposed to what intelligence is.

>> No.8650301


Yes, yes, you are quite right, its all okay. Calm down now sweetie, take a seat here, nurse will be along in a moment with your medications. Everything will be just fine.

>> No.8650307


alright, i'm glad you could establish for me that you're incapable of rational communication with other humans right away. got that all cleared up. why don't you just start shouting about how i'm a nigger, too?

>> No.8650314


Nurse! More medications! Up his dose!

>> No.8650338

You answered your own question. Only stupid, crazy, or morally misguided people would try to claim the earth is flat. You can easily prove otherwise with a telescope and a boat on a large body of water on a clear day.

>> No.8650385
File: 51 KB, 331x395, MakeAmericaFlatAgain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>retarded platitudes, illuminated only by rhetoric and adjectives.

you know, we haven't actually heard you come up with anything that resembles evidence of a flat Earth. So far, you're just claiming it is, then perhaps show some absurd meme that we can easily show to be seriously flawed. Pretty much your entire argument for a flat Earth is that we're all stupid. Have you nothing more substantial to say than that?

>> No.8650391


There really are people, believe it or not. I don't think OP is talking about us. He's just venting about futility, like many of us do.

>> No.8650392


could be related to the fact that i don't believe the earth is flat.

pay attention. that's a big mistake to make, on your part.

>> No.8650412

You need to enclose the flashlight in a metal cone for this to work

>> No.8650418

There are no real flat earthers, you're all getting trolled hard.

PROTIP: People will adopt positions they don't actually believe in to get clickbait on Jewtube. Welcome to life.

>> No.8650422

Well, the thread has degraded into such a series on name-calling and accusations from everyone who's Anonymous, that I've lost track of who's saying what at this point. The real point is, the FEs really don't have a damned leg to stand on except one thing: the freakin' Bible. And the few passages that reference a disk-like or square Earth are interpreted by only very small and vocal group of God-fearing folks who are literally scared out of their minds to think otherwise, or even at all. The analogy in science is to be living under a monitoring government ala Fahrenheit 451. They believe a being living in the sky monitors everything they do and say, and they are paranoid and fearful of burning in hell for eternity, and proving them wrong about their belief is tantamount to condemning them to that future. I repeat: they are scared out of their minds, and I'll add that they have to say God is Love again so they don't burn.

What I don't understand is, why do they come to /sci/ or /b/ or /x/ and subject themselves to facts and therefore elevated risk and aggravation?

>> No.8650429


they could be right, though. it could all be a vast conspiracy of horrifying depth. and many smart people think that it's just that.

>> No.8650431

>PROTIP: People will adopt positions they don't actually believe in to get clickbait on Jewtube. Welcome to life.
Doubtless, there is an element of that. But it does not account for all of this crap.

>> No.8650434

Many smart people think the earth is flat? Care to name a few that haven't been dead for over a hundred years?

>> No.8650440

Stupid, crazy, or trolls. Take your pick.

No, they couldn't. Unless I'm schizophrenic and everything is a lie. There is direct proof for a round globe. >>8650338

>> No.8650444


robert, off the top of my head.


>No, they couldn't. Unless I'm schizophrenic and everything is a lie.

if you were schizophrenic it would be implied that your idea is wrong.

it may actually all be an elaborate ruse which we're put through for some alien demons amusement or research. and you can arrive at this conclusion through the exact same logical process that you arrive at the conclusion that the world is flat.

'proof' is a strong word and is only relevant in context where others accept the same definitions as you.

it's okay to believe the earth is round. beneficial, even. but that's not to say you're SMART for thinking the earth is round.

>> No.8650467
File: 284 KB, 756x756, a07_01[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The earth is neither round nor flat, it is a rock. It's rock-shaped like every other terrestrial planet.

>> No.8650474


if you were to shrink the earth down to the size of a pool ball, it'd be almost 10 times smoother than a pool ball.

>> No.8650477
File: 676 KB, 1950x1950, Geoid[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8650479

Is the Earth smoother than the theoretical limit for a sphere of pool ball-size? Or would it be possible in principle to engineer a pool ball smoother than the Earth?

>> No.8650480


yes, we have engineered spheres much smoother than the earth. it's costly and they're rare though.

>> No.8650499

So that was a good example of using a meme, but not making a point, and that if you did make a point, we could easily show that your assumption is wrong.

So let's take this for example. Despite my discomfort at speaking *for* you (you coward), I will assume you are going to say, "this is a scince-based model of the Earth." To which we will need to respond with teh truth, "No, that's an exaggerated depiction of gravity anomalies near the surface caused by mass concentrations ("masscons." if memory serves) of denser materials.

So what was your point actually?

>> No.8650522

>this is a scince(sic)-based model of the Earth


>No, that's an exaggerated depiction of gravity anomalies near the surface caused by mass concentrations ("masscons." if memory serves) of denser materials






>> No.8650532


the earth is an almost perfect sphere. what's your point.

>> No.8650535

>the earth is an almost perfect sphere



>> No.8650543


no, it's not. it's a fact. if you proportionally compare the surface irregularity average of earth, and of a pool ball, the earth is smoother than a pool ball, and more spherical.

photos from space yield a circular profile that is pixel perfect to a generated circle.

>> No.8650616

>>this is a scince(sic)-based model of the Earth
Well, since you didn't make your point, I had no choice but to assume. You still haven't made a point. And oh wow, you found a typo. You're brilliant.

>>No, that's an exaggerated depiction of gravity anomalies near the surface caused by mass concentrations ("masscons." if memory serves) of denser materials

Bullshit. None of your links even has that image. This one does. And confirms my description.

However, your last link does refer to the gravity anomalies I mentioned. So you know what they were, yet you decided to say I was wrong.


So what are you trying to say?

>> No.8650621
File: 579 KB, 2048x2048, 1-bluemarble_west.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8650627

>if you proportionally compare the surface irregularity average of earth, and of a pool ball, the earth is smoother than a pool ball, and more spherical.


I know it's a meme reference, but he cites all his sources within the text.

>> No.8650636


you're worse than a flat earther

>> No.8650645

I'm glad he posted that. I was skeptical about the comparison, and now know not to use it. Facts don't care whose side they're on.

>> No.8650707

This is the worst picture imaginable for flat earth. The equator gets the longest exposure to the and the poles get the shortest. The ground and everything else absorbs a fuckton of heat that is released at night which warms shit up.

>> No.8650843


>> No.8651681

NASA jew propaganda for Big Globe companies.

>> No.8652158

Poe's law. It started off as a joke, baiting and whatnot, but soon moronic people saw these arguments, took them seriously, and adopted them as their own, legitimate viewpoints.

>> No.8652187

Why does someone make this thread every day? Yes, there's a tiny vocal group of theists on the internet that thibk about the earth being flat. Theists will believe whatever they want to believe because empiricism, logic, and rationality mean nothing to them. Purge the pops or let them fizzle, theyre not worth the time and effort. Focus your constructive output on improving and bolstering privatized secular education that encourages critical thinking.