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/sci/ - Science & Math

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8636640 No.8636640[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

So sci I attend a top 5 uni and lately I've been notcing more Black "people" in my higher level classes. Back in highschool most of them seemed like retards and and most did my freshman and sophmore years of college, but now I've been seeing an influx of high IQ blacks, wtf is happening?
Are they evolving an shiet?
>tfw a nigger had the audacity to debate me about my published papers being unfounded
>tfw he was right

>> No.8636644

There always been niggers in high education you /pol/ack it's nothing new for blacks to be smart just the majority are lack luster

>> No.8636645


Black people can be intelligent too. Some black people are more intelligent than you.

Welcome to real life.

>> No.8636648

Nah they're putting something in the gatorade these niggers make asians look stupid
Lol define "intelligence"

>> No.8636654


The ability to recognize patterns that you cannot; the ability to solve problems that you cannot; the ability to introduce new, useful ideas that you cannot.

>> No.8636658

Blacks are rightfully taking back their place as the ubermensch, you think the we wuz kangz shit was just memes.

>> No.8636659
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Lol I recognize the patterns of your subhuman DNA

>> No.8636668


I recognize the patterns of your mediocre mental faculties.

>> No.8636670

Lol shut up bitch, I'm VER RI TAS.
Your education is shit compared to mine.
/sci/ is a redpilled board

>> No.8636691

Some of the most intelligent people I know are African American. These guys make other PhD's look dumb.

>> No.8636695
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You know that they're there because of affirmative action.


>> No.8636696
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Society was starting to evolve.

Then it regressed with the stupid as fuck, neo-nazi Trump supporters.

>> No.8636697


Wrong. I graduated with honors from a top-5 US school. I also have a graduate degree from a top-5 US school.

In addition to my education being better than yours, I almost certainly have contributed more than you have to (a) a hard STEM field and (b) society.

>> No.8636703


you better have a degree in engineering or else you ain't shit like the rest of /sci/

>> No.8636704
File: 4 KB, 215x200, haha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>top 5 university

Already know this person is never going to invent anything useful.

What do you expect? Jews run the administrations.

>> No.8636705

No doubt
Trump will save us all
That shit ain't VER RI TAS nigga. I have a better education than you, you probably don't have shit published. Bitch my molec bio papers are published and peer reviewed so nicely they'll wet your mother's pussy.
Nigga you'll be seeing my biotech conglomerate in 5 years time.

>> No.8636709


My major was in an EECS department, but my work in particular involves (among many things) information theory and elements of pure mathematics alongside standard engineering concerns.

I am also black.

>> No.8636710

>hurr national socialists are dumm

Stop using the technology our scientists invented for you kikes during ww2 then.

>> No.8636725


I am published. My work is also an active area of interest for US military intelligence; my name is actually attached to concepts in my field.

I also hope you realize that Harvard is, by far, not the best school in the US for STEM fields. In my area of study, your school provides a less-than-impressive level of education.

>> No.8636731
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>the captcha roasting non Ivy-leaguers
Awww look at the babby who's hs transcript and SAT scores were too shit to go to an Ivy. Awww I bet you wish you could go back in time.
Come back once you've studied something with ACTUAL real life applications
>working for the jews
Smh and I was starting to believe you weren't braindead.

>> No.8636733

I didn't go into STEM, because I didn'twant to be a poorfag.

I went to a mediocre school, and now I make more than my professors at 22. I certainly make more than stemfags.

I do like science though, and I make it a point to learn from mit open course ware and test myself honestly on posted exams/mids.

Thinking school pretentiousness matters is plebeian nonsense. You're just another cog they can exploit. The only true freedom and self worth comes from running your own firm.

>> No.8636735


You fit the profile of someone that I went to grad school with. My friend is making bank at a prestigious consulting firm right now.

>> No.8636737


My work does have real-life applications (many of which I have personally developed). The fact that you haven't been able to discern this from my discourse so far is somewhat astounding.

>I was starting to believe you weren't braindead

I see your Harvard education hasn't taught you basic reading comprehension. My work is used and pursued by the US military; I don't work for the military.

>> No.8636741


Money in my field is pretty abundant. I probably won't ever go the consulting route, but $200k+/yr compensation is somewhat common.

>> No.8636742

>I didn't go into STEM because I had no motivations or goals in life
>I didn't go into STEM because my grades were shit
>I didn't go into STEM because I was subhuman
>Actively supporting and aiding the US government
Absolutely disgusting and frightening. Sad!

>> No.8636745


Congratulations on having precisely zero higher-level mental function. This is truly impressive.

>> No.8636747


Nice! Very cool.

>> No.8636752

>Being this angry
>Being Black
Take notes anons as he continues to reply. Many such cases!

>> No.8636753

Why do you guys keep falling for bait threads like this

>> No.8636756


My friend probably started off with one of the highest salaries in my class, if not the highest salary.

I'm guessing he started off around $140-150k. $200k+/yr sounds like some serious work.

>> No.8636758
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I'm in economics. My grades were actually shit sure, but I am still smarter than you. Because in terms of survival, I am at the top of the food chain.

You're going to end up my bitch one day, and while I am fucking all the aryan qt's, you will be flustered that your shit models don't pan out, and that you'll never be as brilliant as Tesla or Newton because you don't have an IQ of 190.

Grade fags are the worst. You're a slave in the making. Don't let me stop you be some kike's bitch in some dogshit tech firm designed to plunder the goyim.....

I am Aryan, can you say the same? Racially pure, fiscally motivated, and capable of looking into studying science in my spare time (because unlike you I don't have to work 80 hours now that I've made it).

That being said money is absolutely not everything, but people like me will be bankrolling projects which better the world, and get rid of the ivy league slave cancer that bootlicks kikes and pedophile elitists for small favors.

>> No.8636763


What is the difference between bait and reality when the output is exactly the same?

Trump supporters are really this fucking stupid and racist.

>> No.8636782

>modern (((scientists)))

Where's the inquisition when you need them?