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/sci/ - Science & Math

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8636069 No.8636069 [Reply] [Original]


Just finished my M.Sci in mathematics(22yo) and am now teaching two courses at my local university: remedial math and introduction to statistics.

Most of my remedial math students are freshman and 75% female. Many of them are incredibly attractive -more so because they're all 18 - and I would like to pursue a relationship with them. However I do not know how to cross the boundary from professor->friend->lover.

Any suggestions and advice would be greatly appreciated.

>Tl;dr how to pursue relationship with your students

>> No.8636072

Have a lot of office hours / tutoring times avaliable then find a fem-brainlet and crack jokes while tutoring

>> No.8636074

Also, go to common University bars and local clubs that usually have too many kids with fake IDs, chances are you'll find a student and drunk students are usually very excited to see a teacher and want to party with them

>> No.8636284

You sound like an autist. None of them are interested in low paid spaghettis, like you, but if you do insist on embarrassing yourself, maybe you can try offering tutoring after class, etc. if only ugly people come, cancel it. Otherwise you can move in.

Enjoy losing your job or getting kicked out of your phd program.

>> No.8636377

Damn savage as fuck

>> No.8636382

Also he has an MS in mathematics at age 22, of course he's an autist

>> No.8637361

No brainlets here plz

>> No.8637371

Go to the gym doing a weekly rotation of full body strength and endurance training plus cardio, repeat until 9/10 aesthetics are obtained. Spit game at students during class and get their numbers. Recieve massages and let them fuck you.

>> No.8637542

when talking about probability make references about facebook (so they know they can look you up and contact you) and tinder -you know what it is, tried it out for the algorithm and why not (letting them know you are available)? the rest boils down to yourself selling as smart and sexy, cant help you with that

>> No.8637549

>I do not know how to cross the boundary
>from professor->friend->lover
One word of advice: don't.
At my Uni several Instructors/Profs were
"resigned" because complaints about
sexual favours, mostly in Psychology, Music,
Theatre, and Language, but also one in
Mathematics. Don't be that one.

>> No.8638575

Get real job,in finance,hit gym, goes for real women.

Low status,low social life,low income, low attractive = you are doomed.

>> No.8638586


A professor in my school always had this reputation of being gay and offering male students to give him certain favors. Even tho there were rumors of him harassing (in a comic way) other students, everybody took it as something funny, quirky and not a big deal. Even him never saw it as something wrong... until some dude actually complained and got the parents involved.

Dude was fired.

>> No.8638632
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Don't shit where you eat.

> I do not know how to cross the boundary from professor->friend->lover.
You aren't supposed to. You want to be appreciated? Help them succeed in their careers. That's what you're there for. Keep your dick in your pants.

>> No.8638648

Teach 18-year-old latina hotties, can relate. Just keep it as a fantasy bro. Fapping won't cost you your job or reputation.

>> No.8638663

>/sci/Science and Math