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8631458 No.8631458 [Reply] [Original]

Light has mass

>> No.8631467

Sure thing, OP. >>>/x/ >>>/a/nywhereelsebuthere

>> No.8632312

If light has mass then why can't I slow it down?

>> No.8632317

Because infinite inertia maybe?

>> No.8632327

Look up "slow light".
Also, see http://physics.stackexchange.com/questions/1898/do-photons-gain-mass-when-they-travel-through-glass

>> No.8632337

I am sure that violates the 1st and 2nd law of thermodynamics.

>> No.8632339

I thought this was common knowledge

>> No.8632341

There are some linguistic strawman arguements I could throw at you but I'm tired and am now going to sleep.

>> No.8632349

Photons are just the 3-dimensional cross-sections of 4th dimensional fish protruding into our lower dimension.

>> No.8632454

Of course photons have mass otherwise the EMdrive wouldn't work

>> No.8633441
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If light has no mass then why do photons have momentum?

>> No.8633444

Do they have a gravitational pull.

>> No.8633446

Because they have infinite velocity
[eqn]\dfrac{\text{momentum of light}}{\text{infinite velocity}}=0 \text{ mass}[/eqn]

>> No.8633447

You idiot, you can. That's why scientists are currently trying to raise the speed of light so we can get around the Universe faster.

>> No.8633616 [DELETED] 

Because the dispersion of a relativistic particle is
E_k = \sqrt{(pc)^2 + (mc^2)^2}

>> No.8633632

im dying of cringe, because the memeing is too much. its. really. too. much.

>> No.8633640

Fucking plebs.

E^2 = (pc)^2 + (mc^2)^2 from special relativity.

If m = 0, then E = pc for massless particles. p=mv is Newtonian bullshit.

Photons don't have mass because they necessarily travel at the speed of light so you can never get into their rest frame.

>> No.8633644


Yeah, no.

Light is a coaxial longitudinal circuit with a rate of induction.

Photons do not exist.

Light does not "travel" "through" anything at any "speed".

Light sources do not emit anything. They are field perturbations.

>> No.8633650


And your garbage is Einsteinian bullshit.

Does nobody here read Tesla???

Does nobody here follow Eric Dollard???

>> No.8633651

you know that, while it has no mass as a motionless particle, light has mass because it has energy . it cannot be a motionless particle. it is travelling with fucking c

>> No.8633653


Now explain how the light "speeds up" once it passes through the glass.

I'll wait.

>> No.8633654

There are no particles.

Everything is fields, and fields are not particles.

Light does not "travel" anywhere at any "speed". It has a rate of induction.

>> No.8633655
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>Einsteinian bullshit

>> No.8633657

>einsteinian bullshit


>> No.8633658

"photons do not exist"
photoelectric effect--> light is a particle and a wave
yes it is a perturbation in the electromagnetic field. but the wave travels tghrought space at the speed of light, which follows from the maxwell equations.

>> No.8633660

well, what is it with the particle wave dualism then ?

>> No.8633662

Not everything with energy has mass you sperg, everything with energy has either mass or momentum. Light has momentum, no mass. That's what the fucking equation says.

>> No.8633664


>> No.8633665

gravity doesnt care. gravity sees the energy of the light as mass.

>> No.8633668
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>> No.8633671


>> No.8633676

ok thanks.
youre a geek, thought. i didnt calculate this yet...

>> No.8633678

Everything just follows a null geodesic, it has nothing to do with mass, just the shortest distance in curved spacetime.

>> No.8633682

and youre really kinda agressive.

>> No.8633698

>Does nobody here read Tesla???
Only for the keks m8

>> No.8633704

It doesn't

>> No.8633705


Einstein gave you NOTHING.

Tesla gave you EVERYTHING.

>> No.8633707


A wave is not something.

A wave is what something does.

My hand is waving to you right now. Is my hand a wave?

Or is my hand waving?

there are no particles; everything is a field and fields are not particles

see above


It is indeed something to think about.

>> No.8633712



Read an experiment for once in your life.

>The speed of light is diminished after it goes through glass! I swear!


>> No.8633743
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You understand NOTHING

>> No.8633759


Dude, you just #rekt yourself. You're literally that D-K victim.

>> No.8633769

Light from stars bend around other forms of mass, that is why they are visible.

End of thread.

>> No.8633777

Did you even read your link? Quasiparticles aren't real things, they're models that make the physics easier.

>> No.8633780

On second thought, don't waste your time reading books, nigger
You're beyond saving
Your only hope is that in your infinite brilliance you actually manage to prove the things you think you understand

>> No.8633785

What is the mass of light?

>> No.8633800

500 grams per photon.

>> No.8633870


Aye, brought to us by the Cult of Small Things Bumping Together.

>> No.8633874


I don't even understand it myself.

I just know it to be true.

Good an answer as any, considering that "photons" don't exist.

>> No.8633877


Go out in space and try to see them without having anything between your eyes and them.

Guess what you see from space with your naked eye when you look at the sun?

Why, nothing, of course. But you are still blinded.

>> No.8633958

>500 grams
two photons are a fucking kilo? you think light is as fat as americans?

>> No.8633960

>infinite velocity
translation: we don't know the exact velocity value but it's very high

>> No.8635084

Checkmate physicians

>> No.8635096

Remove the observer

>> No.8635229

You're just changing definitions around. You aren't clever it's just fucking semantics.

>> No.8635235


>> No.8635332

Photons do exist namely because you named it.

>> No.8635334

The shape of a photon is a star tetrahedron. Set your jimmies to rustled. Brought to you by a 4 dimensional being. Also don't turn around right now.