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8630975 No.8630975 [Reply] [Original]

Climatologist is a term constantly used by the media, and scientific articles. Can you get a degree in Climatology? I've been looking everywhere and can't find anyone who holds a Phd. in Climatology, or any degree for that matter? I can find when the first degree in Biology or Chemistry was awarded, but Climatology...nope.
Please help me out if you know who the first person to hold a Climatology degree was, and when it happened. Also any universities offering a degree in Climatology.
Thank you for your time /sci/.

>> No.8630993

They get their PhD's from Earth & Planetary Sciences departments, of which climatology is a subfield. You can get said degrees at any R1 school, including Harvard, Stanford, Berkeley, CalTech, MIT, etc.

>> No.8630999

So why do they keep using the term "Climatolgist" like it's a real thing, like saying Chemist or Biologist?
Is it simply to mislead the general public?

>> No.8631002

Climatologists usually have degrees in atmospheric science, geology, or geography.

It's like this with a lot of things. A volcanologist studies volcanoes; but to become one you get a geology degree. A Cetologist studies whales, but to become one you get a biology or ocean science degree. Uni degrees aren't the same thing as the name for the type of research you do.

>> No.8631005


>> No.8631010

Professional (i.e. PhD-holding) chemists and biologists rarely refer to themselves as such. Instead, they more commonly take the label of their specialization within that field (e.g., biochemist, molecular ecologist, etc.). In the same vein, earth science-types call themselves things like 'seismologist', 'meteorologist', 'minearologist' in the same way. But climatologists still acknowledge that their discipline falls under the umbrella of earth science, though.

>> No.8631012

So why aren't they called atmospheric scientists or geologists?
By that logic can an Medical Doctor call themselves a climatologist too? What about someone with an Engineering degree?
Thank you kindly for your response though, this has been bugging me for a while.

>> No.8631022

Those names are synonymous with climatology but are less specific. Atmospheric scientists don't necessarily study long-term weather trends (i.e. 'climates') and geology encompasses a huge range of subdisciplines including atmospheric science. It's a nomenclatural hierarchy and not meant to mislead anybody.

>> No.8631034

So just so I'm sure I get this, nobody has a degree in Climatology, and it is not in itself any more than an umbrella term for people who promote anthropogenic climate change?

>> No.8631043

>doesn't get it at all

>> No.8631045

Nobody has a degree in shitposting either but I see you're a professional.

>> No.8631056

Your right I don't, because I have trouble believing science what allow something so biased to become part of it.
Wasn't trying to "shitpost" genuinely curious. Sorry you feel that way.

>> No.8631059


>> No.8631068

nice shitpost, but you could easily be a climatologist and not study anthropogenic climate change at all if you are mainly concerned with reconstructing paleoclimates. the belief aspect stems from the fact that they are trained to statistically evaluate the data and it overwhelmingly supports AGW.

>> No.8631070

I bet mom is still fuckable, isn't she ?

>> No.8631074

What about a high school drop out? Could they classify themselves as a climatologist too?

I guess they could...

>> No.8631076

>Here we see the /pol/tard in its natural state of cognitive dissonance
>Marvel at its ability to ignore reality and substitute its own alternative facts in its place so as to preserve its fragile ego
>Truly one of nature's most tortured creations

>> No.8631088

there ARE PhD programs in climatology. UDel has one.

you might as well say that there's no such thing as a palynologist, since they all have degrees in paleontology or sedimentology or (paleo)botany instead.

>By that logic can an Medical Doctor call themselves a climatologist too?
a medical doctor might call himself an oncologist even if his doctorate is officially in a broader field.

OP is either trolling or terminally retarded. Either way he's a fag, let's sage and move on.

>> No.8631089

No, just a person who doesn't want to pay punishing taxes for something that probably isn't even a real issue. Just a person who doesn't want the economy to be destroyed over something that probably isn't even a real issue.

>> No.8631096

Does anyone actually have a Phd yet?

Who teaches it? The information provided is a little scarce.
Thank you though! This is the closest thing I've seen so far. Do you know when this program started?

>> No.8631106

Here are some good programs

>> No.8631123

It's a job title, not a degree you dumbass.

A climatologist is "one who studies the climate"

Notice how "CEO" is a job but nobody has a degree in CEO-ology?

>> No.8631178

Nice, seeing as it's "not a degree" and "just a job title" I declare myself to be a climatologist!
Who should I contact for my government grant money? Can you say windfall?
Also you must have missed this post. >>8631088 I'd call you a dumbass, if I was rude.
Thank you for the links Anon, interesting. Still waiting for someone to post the name of the person who held the first Phd in climatology.
I'll probably be waiting forever?

Thank you for the links, interesting.

>> No.8631188


If its a medical doctor who studies the climate, yes.

>> No.8631195


>No, just a person who doesn't want to pay punishing taxes for something that probably isn't even a real issue. Just a person who doesn't want the economy to be destroyed over something that probably isn't even a real issue.

A /pol/tard then. Or maybe a centipedo or a Brietbart commenter who wormed his way in here after told about it by Milo Yiannopolis.

>> No.8631199

Sweet, and I'll declare myself an NFL player and wait for the cash to roll in!

>> No.8631236

I see, so you do want to pay punishing taxes for something that probably isn't real?
You do want the economy to be destroyed by something that probably isn't real?
.../pol/tard, sigh. The go to argument when an intelligent one just can't be found.
I'm the problem? I come here without throwing personal insults at anyone. I'm actually glad to have a platform to discuss these topics with mostly well educated people. I also try to be respectful at all times here, especially when I'm disagreeing. Am I acting like /pol/ or are you?
You want me to leave, fine. Provide a link to one Phd in climatology? Just one please, that's all.

>> No.8631265


you don't get a phd in climatology, you get it in atmospheric science

>> No.8631274


There is absolutely no point in engaging with you. You've been proven wrong 100's of times in a 100 different ways, 97% of climite scientists agree with athropogenic climate change, trhe only contestants to it are rich people with oil interests and retards like Monkton, you. are . wrooong.

>> No.8631296

>declaring yourself a climatologist
Did you not read my post? It's a job title. Unless you are hiring yourself, you cannot just declare yourself to be a climatologist. You are free to hire yourself as a climatologist though, I suppose. I'm not going to explain how retarded that would be.

>degrees in climatology exist
That's not the point. You can become a climatologist without a degree in it. Just like you can become a computer scientist without a degree in computer science. On the flip side, having a degree in CS doesn't make you a computer scientist. The job title does that.

Do you comprehend? I'm not sure I could dumb this down any further.

>> No.8631317

>itt quantifiable retard needs hand-holding through explanation of how job titles work

>> No.8631323

What? UDEL is? I even followed the Anons info>>8631088, and then I posted a link >>8631096.

Could you please try harder? Is UDEL some kind of online school that nobody recognizes? Why are they offering a Phd course in something you claim doesn't exist?
I'm just trying to find out if someone actually has a Phd. yet >>8630975 or any degree in climatology?

>> No.8631338

>I'm just trying to figure out if someone has the degree
No, you're trying to say it isn't a real profession because there isn't a degree named after it, which I explained in >>8631296 is irrelevant.

>> No.8631340

>This thread.

Oh shit OP. Rarely do I say this (and even rarer do I mean it) but I think it's for the greater good here: kill yourself OP, quickly.

>> No.8631356

Go back to >>>/pol/

>> No.8631360

Lol, I was defending climatology in >>8631338 my man. /sci/ is my board.

>> No.8631375

If it's irrelevant then why is the University of Delaware offering a Phd. program? Here I'll post the link again.
Does any one on Earth have a Phd. yet? Is the University of Delaware a fake university? Looks pretty real to me?

>> No.8631390

Fuck you're dumb

>> No.8631398

If you say so. If you can't find a Phd. in climatology, why not just admit it?
Is it really so hard to be honest?

>> No.8631403
File: 162 KB, 1051x729, The German 2016 Research Foundation's Priority Program SPP 1689.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Will you quit bitching and pick one already? We're running out of time.

>> No.8631405
File: 389 KB, 736x7476, earth_temperature_top.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And by the way-

>> No.8631407
File: 412 KB, 740x7481, earth_temperature_bottom.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

-ur a faget.

>> No.8631411
File: 30 KB, 445x638, 1336861106405.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lots of poorly educated kiddos ITT:

A "Meteorologist" studies the weather, atmosphere and climates.

>> No.8631431

I have not even looked for one.

Why are you so obsessed with finding this degree program?

>> No.8631442

Why is a space reflector given such a low safety rating? Also CO2 air capture + CCS is clearly the superior combination.

>> No.8631554
File: 243 KB, 540x721, 1485370011631.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Multiple people have answered your question clearly, simply, and honestly.
Climatology is a sub-field of earth and atmospheric sciences. People who call themselves climatologists get their degree(s) in eas or something similar, then specialize once they start doing actual research. This is similar to, for example, a cetologist, a scientist who studies whales. Their degree will be in biology or marine biology or something, then when they begin research on whales, calling themselves "biologists" is too general so they refer to themselves as cetologists.
You're transparently trying to imply climatology isn't a field by sayig climatologists don't exist but you fail to understand that this argument is fundamentally retarded. You might as well say entomology or thermodynamics is made-up bullshit because nobody has a degree in bugs or heat.
There is no simpler way to explain this.

>> No.8631787

The difference being you can get a degree in entomology at several universities, here's a link to the American ones.
And entomologist is an accepted job description, that is backed by said education.
Climatologist call themselves climatologists, like it's an actual science. At the very least it's very misleading.
One more thing. You're right, it's about as retarded as calling someone a Thermodynamisist.

I hope that's clear enough for you...

>> No.8631821

Did it ever occur to you that the job title has to come before the degree program, because otherwise nobody would get the degree?

Computer Scientists used to get math degrees, but now we have CS degrees because people wanted to specialize and CS is now large enough in its own right.

Data Scientists used to get degrees in CS or Statistics but as the job title emerged, schools have opened up Data Science programs.

I'm getting a degree in Computational Science and Engineering, which is (by some measures) a subfield of CS. This degree program did not exists 20 years ago, but now computation is seen as an integral part of science, so this program was created.

Climatologist is an emerging specialization, so there are not yet degree programs in place. You get your degree in Meteorology or AES, but you specialize in such a way that you become a Climatologist, which again, is a job title not a degree.

Scientists aren't scientists because they have PhDs, they are scientists because they are employed as scientists. Scientist is a job title. The schools do not define what scientists are. The people hiring scientists define what a scientist is and does.

>> No.8631882

Cheers Anon, in absolute - you're right.
On this earth, however - you are SOL, for fear-mongering is the most potent of all marketings.
Resistance is futile, for every spoon you get off, there's shovel to dig you under.
In short - Nothing new under the sun.

>> No.8631892

>replying to yourself
You're really out of ideas here, aren't you?
Sucks to get BTFO.

>> No.8631904

Sancho Panza? How the fuck did you find this thread?

>> No.8631926

Projecting much, aren't we ?

>> No.8631934

That just shows that it was hotter in ancient times than it is today. If a bunch of stone age niggers could survive that, why should we be worrying?

>> No.8631940

Actually that was a different Anon>>8631882
This is me again, OP. I know it's so hard to believe that someone else thinks this is all very confusing.
Still not one reply about why the University of Delaware is offering a Phd. in something you call a job description link again...
Still no reply on who actually already holds a Phd. in the field of climatology...
Yup I'm so BTFO as far as anyone being willing to answer anything honestly without deflection or insults.
All you're proving, is that I'm right. Please continue.

>> No.8632001

Anon, I once heard of a PhD program in Landscape Architecture.
What are you getting at?

>> No.8632041

Let's assume for a second that there is no existing PhD program in Climatology. What would that imply, in your opinion?

(Feel free to ignore the following link, if it hurts your worldview. I just thought I'd throw this out there. http://mit.whoi.edu/climate-variability-and-impacts))

>> No.8632064

No there IS a program for a climatology Phd. now being offered at the University of Delaware. I've posted the link multiple times. Here, I'll post it again so that it can be ignored again.
Still wondering if there is a single Phd in the field, anywhere on the planet.
Now here's another question. If the University of Delaware is offering a course at a Phd. level for climatology. Does that mean that any "scientist" calling themselves a climatologist is now a fraud, if they are calling themselves that without available credentials?
I think it does...

>> No.8632076

What do you think credentials are for a scientist? Honestly curious how you think this works.

>> No.8632100


>> No.8632107

I'm starting to think that scientists don't require any credentials. As long as they parrot the status quo they're in the club!
I wouldn't go see a doctor when I was sick, if he/she was practicing with an engineering degree.
How's that?

>> No.8632116

>Is it simply to mislead the general public
Sure smells like /pol/ in here...

>> No.8632120

Pediatricians don't get doctorates in pediatric medicine. They get MDs like other doctors.
A single doctoral field can cover multiple professions.

>> No.8632121

>As long as they parrot the status quo they're in the club!
Shut the fuck up you retarded /pol/ mongoloid, you don't know shit about anything and you probably don't even have an undergraduate degree.

>> No.8632133

What a surprise! Wrong again!

>> No.8632136

>I'm starting to think that scientists don't require any credentials
I'm fairly sure you came into this thread believing that, and all you're looking for is someone to agree with you.

>> No.8632161

You're right about one thing, It does smell like >>>/pol/ here, but it's not me bringing the scent.
They should rename this board /parrot/...
One last time...maybe I'll get a decent answer. Probably not.

>> No.8632167

What the fuck are you rambling about you retarded fat faggot?

>> No.8632172

How new is the program? Obviously the guy who starts the first PhD program in something can't have a PhD in it.

>> No.8632174
File: 312 KB, 1440x1080, well?.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sigh... It does smell like >>>/pol/?
Spock would not be impressed.
Good day.

>> No.8632247

What exactly, are you looking for here? People with Ph.D's from U. Delaware that explicitly say "Climatology" on them? Why is this even important?
Anyway, finding them is trivial.


Now please go kill yourself for all our sakes.

>> No.8632266

No what I was looking for was a link or a name of any scientist with a Phd in climatology? It in my OP>>8630975.
I would have given you credit for intelligence, if you didn't end your reply the way you did. Back to >>>/pol/ please.
Btw, I hope you have a long, happy and successful life.

>> No.8632275

Uhm, that's exactly what was just posted you mongoloid. Every one of those people has a Ph.D in climatology.

>> No.8632278

I already gave you that link dipshit.

>> No.8632286
File: 369 KB, 1100x1051, goodjob.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I take it back...you are intelligent! Thank you, I've only been waiting all day to see that, good job. Do you happen to know who the first Phd was awarded to? Also do you know of any other universities that award a climatology Phd. besides UDEL?
Thanks again.

>> No.8632306

They could but it would take only minutes of discussing the subject matter for someone with the degrees described to figure out that the person is lying about having knowledge in the field.

>> No.8632336

No, >>8632247 did, fair is fair. I concede, looks official enough to me.
I'd still love to know who the first person awarded a climatology Phd was, and when, and whether or not any other universities offer the same diploma.
However I'm happy with what was shared.
I've been trying to find that info for about a week now. Search engine searches weren't cutting it for some reason.

>> No.8632536


>> No.8633109

>you're looking for is someone to agree with you
Or, like you demonstrated, obvious enough morons to disagree - which fits the purpose well enough.