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8630078 No.8630078 [Reply] [Original]

Why is discussing the scientific basis for the intellectual gap between the races so taboo?

>> No.8630088


>> No.8630093

Because biologists were overwhelmingly racist crackpots early in the development of the discipline, and people used the scientific authority at that time to justify their racism.

>> No.8630095

This is plainly untrue, there are actually lots of papers regularly posted on the subject. What rock do you live under?

>> No.8630098

There is also a general problem that while intelligence is relatively well described by genetics, race does not have a useful genetic description. So just spitballin' with no relative metric to measure race and intelligence leaves the legitimacy lacking.

>> No.8630100

> starts off by comparing humans to dogs
> why so taboo?

By the way, I am pretty sure this thread is copy pasta bait from a few day ago.

>> No.8630110

What is the scientific basis, other than different average scores on IQ tests among populations?

I'm pretty sure there isn't one, but feel free to correct the record, /pol/.

>> No.8630115

Hybrid vigor and increased gene flow in Europeans and Asians while blacks sat around in Africa inbreeding

>> No.8630117

Because IQ is pseudoscience.

>> No.8630125


>> No.8630133

>IQ is pseudoscience

>One race colonized half the world

>The other hasn't invented the wheel

>> No.8630136


Look /sci/. This is what bait looks like.

>> No.8630137

Only loudmouth brainlets are interested in this subject.

>> No.8630166

We do discuss the intellectual gap when primitive violent apes aren't around. Otherwise the primitive apes act as they are expected when they are told about their small IQs.

>> No.8630172

Leftist controled media and acedamia

>> No.8630175
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Touch my banana! Ooh ooh ooh eee eee eee aah aah aah!!

>> No.8630176

In what way is that post a bait?
Isn't it a legitimate argument?

>> No.8630205

>implying writing anything will green text isn't immediate invalidation

>> No.8630237
File: 230 KB, 374x376, fucking oogah boogahs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cuz your all fake gay dragon dildo ass fucking mind conrolled mattress coil array faggots




>> No.8630270


>There are only two races

Jesus, I even *slightly* agree, at least with the PREMISE of this thread, but for fuck's sake, not doing yourself any favors here

>> No.8630295

Good shit post

>> No.8630301

so because they were right means science in this area is deservedly censored? as a scientist, this offends you yes?

>> No.8630307
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The two races are winners and losers. Which race do you belong to?

>> No.8630309

this is scientifically supported, those races that were geographically isolated suffered. ie Saharan Desert for the Negroid and large ocean for Australoid/Pigmy. Caucasoid and Mongoloid races shared genes, resources, and knowledge and were given a genetic and societal boost.

>> No.8630316

>so because they were right

They weren't right, that's the point. They were operating under an ideological fantasy.

Just because large groups of people are different doesn't mean one is better than the other.

>> No.8630322

so you are really making the case for egalitarianism? We both know there is literally no such thing and equality is an impossibility. I realize you are doing it to further your political world view, but with the given that all races are simply not the same which is the least evolved? there is a near consensus as to which are the most lacking as measured from cultural, artistic, and technological achievements.

>> No.8630324

No, I'm making the case that scientific racism makes no sense and that it's based on a fallacy.

>> No.8630331

>scientific racism
no no, just stop with that for one thread. The races aren't identical, they are not equal, this isn't a thread where the required assumption is as such. You either have an opinion or you don't. Equality isn't a valid opinion in this thread.

>> No.8630339

You lack reading comprehension.

>> No.8630341

the greatest mathematical achievement that blacks have is literally scratching numbers in a bone....

thats it

>> No.8630342


>> No.8630345

this is your perfect opportunity to prove to him that all races are indeed equal. why not jump at the chance?

>> No.8630347

>prove to him

Stop samefagging.

>> No.8630349

because intelligence is mostly based on socio-economic factors, as they affect kids at an early stage of development.

also "race" isn't a thing. i can smell your /pol/ spooks from a while away, but don't try to justify them with science

>> No.8630352

because it implies many things which are blatantly untrue, ignores many parameters and makes retarded assumptions

i love how pasty loser neckbeards are trying to make themselves feel superior by claiming that they somehow have anything to do with other white people's achievements. or alternatively blame the kikes

>> No.8630366

this guy >>8630341 wasn't isn't me. The questions still stands, answer me, why not jump at this fantastic opportunity to explain throughly how we are all human beans and color is only skin deep.

>> No.8630368

>claiming that they somehow have anything to do with other white people's achievements
we get blamed for slavery and the non-existent "genocide" of american indians everyday, so why not get the plus side also? Our race single handedly pulled all the others into the modern world. yes, You're welcome.

>> No.8630377

Why are people so hung up over the differences in intelligence among people, on the scale of possible intelligence even our best are relatively retarded.

>> No.8630378

Because these discussions regularly get hijacked by the racist fucks (who, btw., normally can be found on the lefthandside of the intelligence distribution curve) that want to imply with it that one race needs to be exterminated.

>> No.8630382

Because they want scientific justifications for their racism.

It's not hard. They want to be able to say: "I hate niggers, not because I'm a fucking sociopath, but because Charles Murray wrote a book in the 1970s".

>> No.8630383

>why do people ask questions about things
>racists exist therefore that is forbidden science
>only a racist would be curious about biological origins

>> No.8630385

>implying racism isn't a naturally occurring defensive response present within all cultures and races

>> No.8630397
File: 55 KB, 258x360, pepe laugh hard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah people are all good with niggers raping, stealing, murdering, spreading ghetto culture, accusing cops of racism when getting caught selling weed.
It's just those ebil sociopath poltards that cant handle black skin color.

>> No.8630408

All peoples rape, steal and murder. It's not unique to anyone.

>> No.8630412
File: 83 KB, 480x659, 1483078811273.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Yeah people are all good with niggers raping, stealing, murdering
>all good

>> No.8630414

so is rape though, just a guy who wants to reproduce.

The thing about racists is they for whatever reason feel free to put me into a group with them. I mean, why do racists think we, the smart people, want to be associated with them? Let's face it, most racists have an IQ that is close to that of an average black person. What is putting the average "white" IQ above the average black one are us, the mostly liberal scientists. So why exactly do they feel entitled to abuse me, a liberal scientist, to buff up their "average IQ" bullshit? Especially after shitting on everything scientists have to say?

>> No.8630416

>all people do X
>therefore the frequency of X is not important
SJWtards cherish and try to justify those acts when they are committed by minorities. Go ask them

>> No.8630421

>SJWtards cherish and try to justify those acts when they are committed by minorities. Go ask them

so what? Your point is your racist because your rebelling against your mommy who is a sjw that made you go to your room when you said nigger at the dinner table?

>> No.8630422

The point is that the frequency of X doesn't mean it justifies murdering or treating them all like second or third-class citizens.

But I get that it's hard to see the world with any nuance when you have double-digit IQ.

>> No.8630425

>most racists have an IQ that is close to that of an average black person
so you're not racist but you are saying racist are comparable to the clear subhumans? lol. At least you acknowledge the obvious differences in racial potentials on the bell curve.

>racism equates to rape
I agree to the animalistic nature of both. Which is why societies created marriage and national borders. Now that we are venturing into a globalist society without borders and where marriage is an act of enslavement, these are going to be pertinent questions that the leftists must find solutions to.

>> No.8630426

I don't wanna hear you projecting your family issues. Try to get original in your next post.

>doesn't mean it justifies murdering or treating them all like second or third-class citizens.
When did I say that ?
>hard to see the world with any nuance when you have double-digit IQ.
You do realize you belong to the double digit brainlet zone and not the white people right ?

>> No.8630427

>When did I say that ?

It's kind of implicit in your obvious racist attitude.

People who are racist usually don't treat the target of their racism very well.

>> No.8630429

not him, but why are you dodging the point? there are clearly defined biological differences to the different species within genus homo sapien. You are merely proving the point by OP with the implication that you are anti-science.

>> No.8630431

Trump started caging them left and rifgght just like all the other chimping animals. I'm glad someone is taking out the trash now.

>> No.8630436

>in your obvious
Please don't try to deduce stuff from your biased narrow mind by trying to support it with attaching the word "obvious". Treat your deeply ingrained racism first before attempting to judge others.

>there are clearly defined biological differences to the different species within genus homo sapien
>you are anti-science because you acknowledge these differences
You just conflicted with yourself.

>> No.8630441

why are you dodging the point? filter out all the race-traiting leftist scientist from the iq statistics, and then go on and compare the average iqs. I, as a liberal scientist do not feel like i belong to your defintion of "white". I feel much more connected to a black person, than to a white racist.

>> No.8630442

>Please don't try to deduce stuff from your biased narrow mind by trying to support it with attaching the word "obvious". Treat your deeply ingrained racism first before attempting to judge others.

What the fuck is this then?>>8630397

>> No.8630443

that's not a contradiction. you are anti-science by denying these known biological differences. Why are you dodging the discussion and instead doing nothing but name calling? seems kind of childish desu.

>> No.8630444

Didn't know SJWtards considered raping, murdering and stealing a science now. No wonder why pol is "anti-science" by SJW terms.

>> No.8630445

>>doesn't mean it justifies murdering or treating them all like second or third-class citizens.
>When did I say that ?
So what are you even saying then faggot? The obvious fact that there are slight differences between an average of each race? How the fuck is that worthy of thought?

>> No.8630447

It points out the autism in your hilarious claim that people don't hate rapists and murderers for their actions but because of their skin color. I can't see anything close to "lets kill all niggers" in that statement.

Are you having a breakdown ?

>> No.8630449

Dont know what you're talking about. /sci/ is not /sjw/, nobody denies the well established biological factors between races on this board.

>> No.8630451

The most hilarious thing was when you equated not being racist to being ok with rape, theft, and murder and then mumbled something about "muh SJWs" when confronted about your idiotic comment

>> No.8630452

lmao are you trying to force what people should consider worthy of thought and what's now based on your backwards diseased ideology? Thanks to the cops, they deal with this shit all day and they can tell better who's more of a potential criminal and who's not.

>> No.8630454

You gotta work on your reading comprehension skills so you don't embarrass yourself further by uncontrollably inserting your biased views rather than what your opponent actually said.

>> No.8630456

why are you making it personal/political? We are having a scientific discussion here about the observed physical/biological differences between the different species within genus homo sapien. Your personal identifying species has no relation to the discussion, and as a black (Negroid) this doesn't change the discussions scientific merit in any way. IQ bell curves clearly show a heavily favored Caucasoid/Mongoloid a preference, what is your reasoning if not biological for this? Also, explain how a political opinion would hinder IQ as you have suggested.
so you haven't read this thread then? there's lots of white supremacy denial occurring.

>> No.8630457

"Usually" isn't a good enough reason to reject the nuance here. We are past genociding people on the basis of race. Now, the issue figuring out whether or not minorities are being discriminated against in school and work. By honestly trying to figure out how intelligence varies across different races, we could actually determine a membership ratio that can prove or disprove if a school or an employer is discriminating against anyone (up to an error bound). Because intelligence is not equal across family trees and races (you can tell this is true with Ashkenazi Jews because they received 27% of United States Nobel Prizes, 25% of Fields Metals, and 25% of Turing Awards, despite being only 2% of the U.S. population, and a very small minority in the world population), the ratio is not the same as the population ratio. If we did use the population ratio to create race quotas in academia, then the jews would face massive discrimination in universities, as going from a quarter of america's cutting edge research, to 2% is a devastating loss.

>> No.8630458

Well, finally got a meaningful statement out of you. So you think cops should stop or question blacks more often?

Tell me, would you appreciate being constantly harrassed just because of the actions of dumbasses who might not even be the same ethnicity as you?

How about the law focuses on catching the criminals, not the people that look like them?

>> No.8630459

Accusing white people of X based on your racist prejudicial views is racist in itself. The inability to see it through due to your unwarranted self-rightousness is the mark of a SJWtard. /sci/s opinions about you pretty much checks out.

>> No.8630462

>Implying that race plays a bigger role than education and culture

>> No.8630463

you mean asian supremacy denial, right?

Haha I only said what you said. Maybe if you weren't so retarded you wouldn't have to backtrack on every other statement you make.

>> No.8630464

Black people buying into the ghetto culture who listen to music with "shootin da whitey" or "knockin sum bitch up" followed by ape-like uncivilized attitude and affiliation with gangs raises enough red flags for a huge population of blacks in america to be tagged as potential criminals.

If you wanna fix things, fix the culture that promotes crime, not the people who risk their lives fighting it.

>> No.8630467

im pointing out the hypocrisy of racists to include liberal scientist, whom they normally hate as much as they hate black people, into these meaningless statistics, because they themselves would not have enough brainpower to have a significantly higher average IQ, than blacks.

I'm an engineer, not an anthropologist or psychologist, so i dont feel qualified to comment on these subjects.

>> No.8630468

are you using oxymorons to be satirical?

>> No.8630470

This would be relevant if cops could actually tell who's gang affiliated, who's carrying, etc., but they can't, so it's not. Thinking you can tell that just by skin color is literal subhuman thinking. I'm surprised someone so intellectually stunted even bothers to come to /sci/

>> No.8630472

I think you tagged the wrong person in your reply.
I'd agree if we were only considering the 1/4 of all Mongoloids who live above "Extreme Poverty". The tests account for nearly 100% of Caucasoids given the obvious spread of ability - and only test the 1/4 of mongoloids that aren't living in a ditch. When that comparison is made (if ever), at some point in the future when the mongoloid race has pulled their brethern out of the literal gutter, then I will at that time make a proper equal comparison.

Mongoloid (Tested)................................................Caucasoid (Tested)
Mongoloid (Not Tested cuz currently in a gutter).......Caucasoid (Tested)
Mongoloid (Not Tested cuz currently in a gutter).......Caucasoid (Tested)
Mongoloid (Not Tested cuz currently in a gutter).......Caucasoid (Tested)

>Wooohooo Mongoloid Superior!

>> No.8630473

>literally not understanding what race is/means
y-you realize you can't identify as Negroid right? Your stats go with the Caucasoid regardless of your SJW political leanings and hatred of every one of your ancestors that made you happen as a person.

>> No.8630474

news flash: most scientists are liberal

tends to happen when the alternative is living our lives based on the delusions of halfway evolved monkeys

>> No.8630476

> cops dont see gang tattoos
> cops can't identify guns under shirts
> cops don't know local criminals
It's so entertaining to see you desperately try to re-define everything so you can label them as racist since thats all you can do. Please go live in a ghetto(misunderstoof black folks) to be raped and murdered so the world can get rid of one more retard.

>> No.8630478
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tell that to Shawn King

>> No.8630479

most of the people in my profession are right wing. granted, most in the univ were liberal, but that's mostly from the professors requiring it and limiting speech to those with leftist opinions.

>> No.8630480

His stats and IQ test results would still go with the caucasoids regardless of how loudly he claims his mother was a whore for a nonexistant black man at some point prior to his birth.

>> No.8630481

>most scientists are liberal
Then why is there not a single sceintist attending to BLM rallies ? Why don't they promote race-mixing? Why don't they constantly accuse white people of racism like you SJWtards do? Why don't they do anything at all that you neo-libtards do to destroy the civilization.

I think you meant to say most scientists are centrists and they don't get involved in politics. Because liberal-scientist is an oxymoron.

>> No.8630486
File: 186 KB, 736x509, 7f5e6ecb5583e93cc797177c33e472b1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>One race colonized half the world
>The other hasn't invented the wheel

>> No.8630487

I definetely can identify myself as not white, or your crude and racist definition of white.

This doenst take away from the fact racists are abusing me and my fellow liberal scientists for their racists propaganda, and im not okay with that. If you want to tell the world how much better you are than black people, than compare your personal IQ with them, don't include me into your racist mudfights just because your personal IQ is too low to proof your point.

>> No.8630488

Glad to hear most truck drivers are righties.

Why do all republicans live in trailer parks!!!????!!!1//1

>> No.8630491

because I'm black and smarter than 99% of all humans, including people in YOUR race

>> No.8630492

wow. SJWtards really think they can talk to dolphins ?

>> No.8630494

Whats the difference?

>> No.8630498

So, you're saying cops should only confront known criminals and those visibly strapped? Glad we agree, at least until backtrack and damage control episode 9000

I sold dope in the ghetto. You sound like a pussy.

>> No.8630501

Why the fuck can't we come to a compromise?
We can end discrimination by using scientific racism.

>> No.8630502
File: 128 KB, 460x317, blue banana.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>“Or you can think of it another way: 80 percent of all the European significant figures can be enclosed in an area that does not include Russia, Sweden, Norway, Finland, Spain, Portugal, the Balkans, Poland, Hungary, East and West Prussia, Ireland, Wales, most of Scotland, the lower quarter of Italy, and about a third of France.”

White supremacist status:
[ ] not told
[x] told as fuck

Basically, you could have a case for central Europe and England being superior. Balkannigs, slavs, iberians, and celts? GTFO LOL.

>> No.8630507

You know you can be a total racist and still be down with 99% of actual liberal legislative policies, right?

>> No.8630510


I'm okay with this. Gas all the sub-110 IQ untermensch.

90% of niggers die, 100% of the alt right dies.

>> No.8630514

Then I haven't seen a single liberal person in my life who was capable of intelligent discussion, empathy or just someone who's not twisting the opponents words to throw labels around. Where can I find these mythical liberal people ?

>> No.8630515

still a lot of white people will be left though. you wouldn't want that.

>> No.8630521
File: 3.97 MB, 400x400, 1458116388016.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's this magical place called a "university"

>> No.8630525

I didn't say where to find educated people, I said where to find liberals.

>> No.8630526
File: 30 KB, 350x262, adams.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> SJWtards really think they can talk to dolphins ?
Wow. You really have no clue who Douglas Adams was?

By the way, yes. Dolphins talk to each other through a complex pattern of clicks and whistles. However, the existence of dolphin language is generally not believed by the layman, since the majority of it has to do with fish.

>> No.8630527

It's ok anon we know you've never been, you don't have to pretend.

>> No.8630529

>the butthurt tears
there there libtard. I'm sure one day bernie will give you your donation money back

>> No.8630533
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what a faggot

>> No.8630537

Hi Shawn

>> No.8630541

I'm independent because parties are for cucks. But if your seriously trying to suggest university isn't literally crawling with liberals then it's fucking obvious that your high school educated.

>> No.8630549

most people in the uni are apolitical. you do get your occasional sjw, libtard, alt-righter, skinhead, nigger, cracker, feminist and cuck.

Is everyone happy now ?

>> No.8630575

And yet Indian's, Asians, and Jews are among the most intelligent engineers and scientists in modern America and also make the most money out of all the races on average.

>> No.8630582

>diversity hire
>affirmative action
>hire not based on merit
>no real discovery or ingenuity
you're right, you should quit your job to make room for an oppressed minority anon.

>> No.8630583

because any sort of "science" that relies on statistical models, and surveys, isn't science

becuase it isn't science to say niggers will always be dumb

it isn't science to say that bipolar is a disease of the mind in every case

and it isn't science to say that SSRI's cause suicide in every case

beucase that isn't science

thats lazy reporting with no follow up taken as fact.

thats why

the intellectual gap isn't science
its sociology
and more specifically its a measure that the education system looks at to make sure that education is universally accessible.


>> No.8630593

so explain africa, and the savages of pre-discovered america, explain the common abo who had an entire continent to themselves.

>> No.8630596




>> No.8630599

because muh feelings

>> No.8630611

we need your help though anon, we must figure what went wrong with these poor disadvantaged human beans, it must be some reason other than mere racial inferiority - so what is it? I want a biological answer not a sociology answer, is it the documented reduction of neuron density in the frontal cortex? Don't be racist, just be real.

>> No.8630626

>we need your help though anon, we must figure what went wrong with these poor disadvantaged human beans, it must be some reason other than mere racial inferiority - so what is it?

>is it the documented reduction of neuron density in the frontal cortex?

you mean the documented "average based on the population from which samples were analyzed not to mention the subject is so fuck head retarded that no one bothers peer reviewing this bullshit or its just other stupid narrow minded ideological racists, who want to be dividers" neuron density in the frontal cortex.

>> No.8630632

/pol/ is the other way get off this board

>> No.8630648

/pol/ has been waging war

>> No.8630656

It's not taboo. It's the fact that the gap between races and the accompanying distributions arent big enough to warrant serious discussion as to whether this makes one group superior or inferior. Plus incredible levels of interbreeding among groups and the fact that IQ is attached to allele frequency means the divide is so deep in genetic basis that it'd be wrong to judge someone on skin color alone without knowing their genetic lineage and the type of environment they grew up in.

>> No.8630664


>> No.8630669

>implying you aren't from /r9k/

>> No.8630680

No, that's your pet theory. I want numbers. I want proven links between gene complexes, a genetic basis for racial distinctions, and identified genes for intelligence proven to exist in one 'race' but not another.

Oh wait, you have none of those things.

>> No.8630693

Why does it smell like curry in here?

>> No.8630698

Why do SJWtard invaders spam the same shitpost over and over again like it accomplishes anything? /sci/ will never ever welcome you no matter how much you try to divide us.

>> No.8630708

/sci/ is 90% crossposters with /pol/ with a tiny sprinkling of libcuck /r9k/

>> No.8630714

Considering the massive SJWtard presence with shitposts constantly thrown around like racist, sexist, nazi, bigoted, privileged,etc... those numbers seem horribly wrong.

>> No.8630731
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When you have little to nothing going for yourself you find yourself shitposting while life is passing you by.

Reminder that every time some random anon is posting about muh race and muh IQ they could be instead...

>working a job/ looking for a better job
>starting their business/ collaborating with a established local project
>going to school for a bachelor's/master's/PhD
>read up and work on personal projects involving math, science, languages and the arts
>getting themselves a girlfriend/ having sex
>doing excercise to make themselves more fit and healthy
>attending to their backlog of books, movies and video games
>doing meditation
>actually talking about hard science and math on a math and science image board

Instead we find ourselves (including myself) on this weeb site. Mind you though I actually have a job so I can't spend all my time on here.

>> No.8630737

For you. It's only a hobby for me. I just entertain myself by watching your butthurt by simply reminding your small IQ and useless race :^)

>> No.8630745

pajeet, stop projecting

>> No.8630766

And of course, you ignore the fact that crime rates in impoverished 'white' Eastern Bloc countries are comparable with those of any of the worst black neighborhoods. Not even numbers are on your side, pal.

>> No.8630780

>southeast europe
these ethnic turks and are prone to the typical arab behaviors of violence and poverty.

>> No.8630782
File: 41 KB, 640x360, average turkish person.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah I know what you mean.

>> No.8630790

Because our measurement of intelligence is narrow and far from perfect and you have to accept the fact that science tends to be more euro centric for better or worse.

>> No.8630792

Pol please for the love of sweet buddha stay in your contaminant board.

>> No.8630798

You should do the same before you come here SJWtard. /sci/ doesn't want any retards who have zero knowledge of genetics or biology.

>> No.8630802

If you know so much about genetics and biology I'd love to hear the work you've done.

>> No.8630803

Why do we have this thread 6 times a day? The answer OP, is because it's impractical. So you find out blacks are on average dumber than whites and Asians, now what? Are we going to deport them all?

>> No.8630810

People who study scientific subjects don't necessarily write books about it. You'd know this from all the students if only you had something more than highschool education.

>> No.8630818

sjw are unemployed and they admire drug dealers, rapist, thiefs... what do you expect them to know?

>> No.8630819

>most scientists are unemployed
Wew lad

>> No.8630822

>sjw are scientists
is that you trigglypuff ?

>> No.8630823

Then what do you study anon? How do you make a living? How are you affording you education if you're not applying what you learned? I never once said anything about writing. All I asked was for you to enlighten me with your experiences of genetics and biology.

>> No.8630827

That's not how any of that works.

>> No.8630832

I can't expect to teach you years of education on an online image board. Try picking up a book sometime. Genetics and biology are particularly heavier subjects than tumblr blogs though. Off you go.

>> No.8630836

Partly because the last time "scientifically" backed racial theory existed there was a genocide, and partly because the causative relationship implied is not supported by science.

>> No.8630837

It's because we have these fucking threads ALL DAY LONG and everyone knows it's just some /pol/ neckbeard making these so he can show our "scientific evidence" to his parents ("SEE MOM? TURNS OUT NIGGERS ACTUALLY ARE BAD!")

Frankly we are tired of it. YES /pol/, we know you hate niggers. NO, we won't provide you with any scientific papers to back your arguments. Now FUCK OFF AND STAY AWAY!

>> No.8630838

Oh don't worry about my anon I would say I know my genetics decently well considering I have a minor in it. I was just interested in learning what kind of work you've done. Don't be shy I might be a little dumb but genetics and biology are fields I know something about.

Go ahead and share what your experiences on the matter are.

>> No.8630842

Imagine you're a nobody who's never suceeded in anything in life. Then suddenly this group of people tell you you have this great heritage stretching all the way through history, that you're actually better than everyone else, and that the reason you're a failure is because (((they))) rigged the system. Then they give you many convincing infographics

No one just walks away from that.

>> No.8630843
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>calling people /pol/
>I'm /sci/ guise, not /sjw/ I swear

Can't wait for you tryhard SJWtards to be deported to your dream third world country so we get rid of your fellow two faced, raping, murdering disgusting piece of shit cancer for good.

Start packing your bags.

>> No.8630846

Freakonomics briefly addresses this issue.
It's more than just IQ because of socio-economic factors such as education, parents education, etc.

>> No.8630848

>I minored in genetics
>There are no difference between races

Glad I didn't bother trying to teach you science.

>> No.8630854

Don't have to be so salty /pol/. everyone would like you better if you weren't constantly shitposting outside your board.

>> No.8630859

You SJWtards seriously need to get original with your shitposts. Are you using template replies now?
This is just one of the reasons why you are globally hated in the world, which includes 4chan, which includes /sci/.

>> No.8630860

everyone would like it better if you reddit transplants fucked off instead of crying /pol/ at everything you don't like.

>> No.8630861

No. Most scientists are "SJWs" however.

>> No.8630862

0/10 trolling used to mean something

>> No.8630868

SJWtards vs Science pretty much summed up


>> No.8630873

Shit son, I was expecting you to say that most scientists are paid shills and not credible. But I guess even you aren't THAT delusional.

The scientific community as a whole would disagree with your feelings about genetics btw

>> No.8630875

Simple: because you can't quantify intelligence.

>> No.8630894

They would if I was a deluded SJWtard like yourself. But they don't care about you enough to address your drivel, they just occasionally humiliate you.

watch it again and again : >>8630868

>> No.8630899

I don't get it. Where in that video did a scientist start talking about inferior genetics and race?

>> No.8630906

I visit /pol/ most of the time as well you blithering idiot. I come to /sci/ to get away from all the niggers jews SJW women are whores deus vult drumpfkins cuckold for just a few moments a day to discuss Banach spaces. I don't want /sci/ to become /pol/ 2.0.

>> No.8630907

Where did I ? We're here to humiliate your nonsensical drivel remember ?

>> No.8630911
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>> No.8630919
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>> No.8630921

get a life SJWtard. or atleast a job

>> No.8630929

Where is my nonsensical drivel? Whenever I post valid science I get called a SJW. So most scientists would be called one as well.

>> No.8630933
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>> No.8630934

>starts posting pro-communist propaganda
wew lad. You sure love making enemies.

>> No.8630946
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>most scientists would be called one as well.
No scientists goes to BLM rallies, calles everyone a racist on twitter, goes on feminist rants, deny basic biological or genetic evidence.
Entire scientific community hates you and your SJWtard plague.

Mainstream scientists especially made it their hobby to publicly humiliate any SJWtard that talks that drivel on their panel show. So get used to being hated on a global scale. Or you can just kill yourself and do us all a favor.

>> No.8630947


You're wrong on a scientific level, races can be defined as broad clusters of individuals with similar genetic characteristics

And g is usually described as being 40-60% heritable

You're retarded stop pretending you're scientific

>> No.8630949

I'm not generally a desirable conversation partner on this topic. Even as a black person objectively in the 0.1% in terms of IQ, academic achievement, and success in my career (STEM), I have always had a hard time believing that I am an exception to such an extent that no other black person is able to do what I can do.

The only difference between myself and my cousins is upbringing; I wasn't raised in the 'hood': I was raised in an extremely rural, majority-white area. For this reason, the only external control I can see is cultural influence and upbringing, and so I tend towards concluding that perceived discrepancies arise from these.

>> No.8630960

like clockwork

>> No.8630961


>marxist propaganda

Why are you on this board? You are an insult to Popper and science as a whole

I'm 100% sure you're not even in STEM

>> No.8630965

>waits until asians are "out of the gutter"
>wont dont do the same for blacks

top kek

>> No.8630966

You realize that this entire bait thread is propaganda right?
Propaganda per se is anti scientific.
You are just as much as he is.

>> No.8630969

I am part of the scientific community. The scientific community is left-leaning, and you continue calling me a SJW. I don't do those things you mentioned. I simply think everyone should be treated fairly, and disagree with the whole genetic inferiority thing (as would the rest of the scientific community). The scientific community would never start this retarded ass thread.

>> No.8630995
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Communism follows the scientific method. I am an engineer. Someday you will free yourself from liberal ideology hopefully

>> No.8631003
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Why do people keep using this terrible analogy?

Even Steve Sailer was forced to give it up after a bad bet on dog fixation indexes.

>> No.8631007
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>I am part of the scientific community

>> No.8631009


Marxist philosophical dogma is unfalsifiable and therefore pseudoscience

Marxist critiques are based on emotional appeal rather than rational thought

Marxian economics are considered completely incorrect and invalid by modern orthodox economists

I am an economist, you are an idiot. Do you go to a state school? Do you study 'chemical engineering'? lmfao fuck you idiot. I get laid with my hot half-chinese girlfriend every day, enjoy your stupidness lmfao. She's going to come over and suck my dick in 30 minutes lmfao

>> No.8631013

All this shit aside, I think it's a good thing that we're having this conflict. People are learning new techniques for propaganda and aggressive debate which leads to evolution of propaganda. If we ever have an alien race attack us with using shitposting we know exactly how to respond :^)

>> No.8631014
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>174 posts
>no one has actually disputed OPs argument using facts or statistics
Really takes your noggen for a jogging, your cranium across the Mediterranean.

>> No.8631016

I have a PhD in environmental science and work in the field but I think you're just going to further call me a SJW and invalidate my credentials.

>> No.8631018


Yeah well maybe you shouldn't comment on sociological/anthropological issues then

Tree-hugging nerd

>> No.8631021

>environmental science
There we go. You are not remotely qualified to be involved in any discussion relating to biology or genetics. Atleast now we know the source of your complete ignorance.

>> No.8631028

Your credentials? I still know how science works and I could most definitely school you in astrophysics even though it's not my field. Again, I'm not giving my personal research here, I'm giving what the science community has to offer on the subject. I trust in the community, plain and simple.

>> No.8631170
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>Marxist philosophical dogma is unfalsifiable and therefore pseudoscience
Could you specify?
>Marxist critiques are based on emotional appeal rather than rational thought
Das Kapital has a complete economycal analysis based on historic and observed evidence, following all the rules of formal logic. All of his propositions are justified and explained, following the scientific method. You might be referring to popular "liberal" ideology, wich is not related to scientific socialism but rather connected to burgeoise ideology
>Marxian economics are considered completely incorrect and invalid by modern orthodox economists
The method of study used by modern economists is based on a liberal market analysis because economic theory learned in university courses today serves mostly to form professionals capable of working on sate or property administration, rather than being a pure theoretical analysis of labour. The current market obeys a neo-liberalist dynamics because of a governmental and economical system supported by the elite in power, and obviously a liberalist analysis fits better. Unfortunately today most economists do not understand the meaning of their science, such as defining or reflecting upon what property means, as well as labour and equality. Marxist economics fills this gap. There are three volumes of Das Kapital, wich I suppose you weren't exposed to during a formal business-focused education, that are essential for better understanding of epistemological approach of economics.

>> No.8631645

You see I never understood that honestly. If it's true that you are the superior man and it's been some inferior person setting up lies to convince you that you weren't better than anyone, wouldn't your superior IQ allow you to see through the lie from the jump due to superior pattern recognition verified through IQ? Wouldn't you be a titan of industry or business by your mid 20s regardless of what traps anyone laid in front of you out of your natural inclination to persevere? Wouldn't you still have women all over you? Wouldn't you naturally be inclined to train and better yourself and you would already be fit?

It all seems off to me. It screams that the superiority claim isn't justified in any manner.

>> No.8631650

There isn't desu. There's haplogroups, but race as we know it is a social construct where people try to classify you based on external physical attributes, and for mixed people with genetic lineage from several haplogroups classifying them into buckets based on outward appearance is nonsense, and in turn would invalidate any claims about IQ and race.

>> No.8631681


>affirmative action

hahaha, what a fucking retard

>> No.8632044

Intelligence is the ability to interrelate seemingly unassociated facts. Let knowledge = power &| wisdom = relatable information.

With these two factors and that all human growth rate can be expressed on a bell curve, those 'without' can reach a level and then subjugate those below (See: Trump). People then falsely conflate knowledge with wisdom, even thougg they are subsets of intelligence.

Gee. I wonder what my name is. I will tick this box and find out.

>> No.8632063

One will be better at certain things than the other.
And if society were to work well with certain traits it would be better for the group with more of them.
But I have to agree that one can't exactly be better than the other, just better more fitted to an environment.

>> No.8632067

>biologists lied because at the time it was politically popular to be racist
So how about we just fund a massive peer-reviewed research undertaking to prove that they were wrong, using a large pool of scientists who are equally biased towards opposite results as an added check against falsified results?
I don't believe that there's a difference in intelligence between the races, at least not a significant one that can't be explained by social or environmental factors, but I also can't just accept that we're all identical neurologically just because it's politically popular to be equalist?

Here's a better question for you:
If such a project were undertaken, and it was proven that all of the races had clear intelligence gaps between one another, do you believe that such a result should be published or would it be better for the truth to be covered up so that nobody could feel oppressed by nature?

>> No.8632198

Verified data is timeless. The IQ differences have been proven and continue to be. Calling them mean names won't change empirical evidence.

>> No.8632206

The US military has been successfully using IQ for about 100 years. And it has been verified countless times.

It's not pseudoscience because of your opinion. It is science because of the facts.

>> No.8632207

How wrong you are.
All it takes is one person to call Sir Isaac Newton a racist sexist fascist, and the universe will come unravelled.

>> No.8632209
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>> No.8632212

I can see it being relatively accurate for certain circumstances, but what is the actual "resolution" of an IQ test? Are they clear categories where someone with an IQ of 133 demonstrably smarter in everyday life than someone with an IQ of 132? Or are they fuzzy categories were anybody between 100-130 is "pretty smart" anybody between 80-100 "kinda dumb" and so on?

Is there a math problem that nobody with an IQ below 80 can solve, but everybody with an IQ over 81 can?

>> No.8632215

Just see what James Watson and Larry Summers had to say about that... and the punitive consequences laid upon them by leftists.

>> No.8632217

>most racists have an IQ that is close to that of an average black person

hahaha....I literally laughed out loud!

>> No.8632258

>Communism follows the scientific method

What the fuck are you saying?!? Why??

And didn't all of Marx's economic theories get BTFO with time?

>> No.8632268

Your entire post says that Marx isn't understood because modern economists aren't taught to understand them...?
That sounds like you want dogmatic adherence rather than true means-tested pragmatism.

Bottom line: Marx's economic theories passed or failed the test of time? I'm pretty sure capitalism won and won big league.

>> No.8632269

Belief has no place in science, and I'm not talking about religion. As a scientist, you know be well acquainted with the dangers of personal bias.
The more you want to believe something, the more critical you must be of it until a large amount of incontrovertible evidence has been amassed one way or the other.

>> No.8632319
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Judging an entire group of people because they are a particular race is irrational. No one is "average". What would you really do with this data? It just opens up the opportunity for ego grow.

>> No.8632324

>personal bias
What about
>human bias
>mammal bias
>organism bias

>> No.8633201

Post links.