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/sci/ - Science & Math

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8629418 No.8629418[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


>The Trump administration is mandating that any studies or data from scientists at the Environmental Protection Agency undergo review by political appointees before they can be released to the public.

The communications director for Donald Trump’s transition team at the EPA, Doug Ericksen, said on Wednesday the review also extends to content on the federal agency’s website, including details of scientific evidence showing that the Earth’s climate is warming and manmade carbon emissions are to blame.

Not sure if we'll make it past this one. What have you guys started/stopped praying for?

>> No.8629424


>> No.8629435

know how i know you don't belong on this board?

>> No.8629439

Oh boy another climate change thread
this one will surely be different than the 10 fucking other ones up right now

>> No.8629450
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>Not sure if we'll make it past this one. What have you guys started/stopped praying for?

I don't know about climate science jobs, but there will be a boom in civil engineering jobs.

>> No.8629486

/x/ is cool
/pol/ is not cool

>> No.8629511

>another fake science thread
we really need a separate board for this at this point, or else the entirety of /sci/ will be shitted up with this nonsense

>> No.8629523

>NB4 Trump will purge the EPA of these hippie eco-terrorist nonsense and replace them with those who know how the economy fucking works.

>> No.8629534

Stop posting fake news from left-wing tabloids you fucking retard
>Science is safe too, spokesman says:Ericksen later pushed back against an Associated Press report -- since updated -- saying that political officials would review all science coming out of the EPA before it is released.

>Ericksen said the Trump team is reviewing the EPA website and communication structures. But any changes to how scientific data and studies are released would be based in science, and the political appointees won't interfere, he said.

>"It doesn't mean everything that comes out of EPA is going to go through a filter of political appointees with degrees in communications. That's not what's going to happen," Ericksen said.
Trump has literally destroyed what little minds you had left.

>> No.8629560

Nobody who belongs on /sci/ wants these climate threads.

Climate change is an issue on exactly the same level as racial genetic differences of intelligence and aggression: it's partisan, it's too politically hot for honest debate in academia, it makes for consistently low-quality threads, and most of us just don't want to hear any more.

>> No.8629563



>> No.8629569

Bad time to major in environmental science?

>> No.8629583

>can't deal with the fact that the vast preponderance of the evidence points to anthropogenic climate change
>throws fit about "not wanting to hear about it anymore" rather than change your position

>> No.8629588

Precedent Trump is redefining Reality.

>> No.8629595

so much /pol/ in this thread.

>> No.8629597

just ignore it that's what i do
>inb4 i'm part of the problem
i really don't think internet arguments are helping things
i don't think these people are sane enough to be convinced

>> No.8629601


Basically all he's doing is putting a boot up the asses of the EPA and all the other red tape agencies and telling them to stop with all the passive aggressive press statements and tweets and shit.

>> No.8629617

kek it's like trump is targeting the reddit dwelling numales and everything they like/support.

>> No.8629618
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>can't deal with the fact that the vast preponderance of the evidence points to racial genetic differences of intelligence and aggression
>throws fit about "not wanting to hear about it anymore" and keeps attempting to integrate millions of dangerous muslims rather than change your position

>> No.8629621


>using models that don't incorporate clouds

>> No.8629625

>bringing up muslims for no real reason other than whataboutism points
Yep, it's a /pol/tard alright.

>> No.8629636

who are you quoting?

>> No.8629659
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>everything is whataboutism
this is what happens when you pull too far, and it's why you lost the election

you can only suffocate people with dangerous, overbearing viewpoints for so long until they start doing it back out of spite

>> No.8629666

>demand billions from government
>publish whatever you want without oversight

Uh no. If you are taking taxpayer money, elected officials should get to oversee your work.

>> No.8629668

>and it's why you lost the election
I know it's hard for /pol/tards to imagine, but not everyone who disagrees with you is an American democrat.

>> No.8629676


Then you're even worse off.

>> No.8629679
File: 182 KB, 600x600, 1483364482820.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

then your opinion is even more irrelevant

and you still lost

>> No.8629681

If you want to fuck up your own country's standing as a scientific powerhouse just to stick it to some imaginary LIBRUL boogeyman, be my guest.

>> No.8629695
File: 108 KB, 680x1000, the-power-of-nightmares-the-ri.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you should become educated on the politics of fear you've fallen for, the left has just repackaged the islamic bogeyman into a climate bogeyman to get votes from the uneducated/easily convinced crowd

>> No.8629705

>it's partisan, it's too politically hot for honest debate in academia

apparently, this is not the case in much of europe.

>> No.8629708

>he still thinks I'm a leftist
Reading comprehension isn't your strong suit is it?

>> No.8629716
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idc about your leanings, i only said the left is the one pushing the bogeyman, not that youre a leftist

>Reading comprehension isn't your strong suit is it?

>> No.8629719

very many middle easterners, who make up a large portion of the muslim population of the world, are the same race as white europeans

is there genetic differences in intelligence and aggression amongst these groups?

>> No.8629722

>idc about your leanings
I don't care about your half-baked opinions so run along now.

>> No.8629728
File: 191 KB, 426x628, pepe6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>is there genetic differences in intelligence and aggression amongst these groups?

>I don't care about your half-baked opinions so run along now.
which opinion was that? i'm only giving facts here

>> No.8629730

> i'm only giving facts here

>> No.8629735
File: 128 KB, 809x535, jammeh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not an arguement

>> No.8629736

What else is new /pol/ talking about IQ again.

>> No.8629738

Neither is spouting your half-baked opinions and pretending they're facts. Go away now.

>> No.8629742

These cities that aren't building on rock SINK as millions of tons of material are loaded up
Or water is pulled out

>> No.8629751

>this is not the case in much of europe.
Europe is much more oppressive toward right-wing politics, to the point that it can appear that no one holds right-wing positions at all (except for a tiny lunatic fringe), because people are too afraid of punishment to state their support.

>> No.8629774

Which is exactly how Brexit surprised the media and pollsters.

>> No.8629775

1) stay on topic
2) ignore every post by poltards no matter how tempted you are to respond
3) report poltards

Easy peasy

>> No.8629801
File: 455 KB, 1920x800, saruman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Against the power of /pol/ there can be no victory. We must join with them, /sci/. We must join with /pol/.

It would be wise.

>> No.8629805

t. /pol/tard