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8629108 No.8629108 [Reply] [Original]

Is this true?

>> No.8629113
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no one's paying 100k for meaningless studies without a large element of coercion

>> No.8629116

Yes is is. What do we do to fix public education/bring education to the private sector?

>> No.8629117

But people already study agricultural science and philosophy majors already pump gas.

>people enjoy dying from malaria

>> No.8629119

yeah it's true
everyone wants to go to space, but no one's going to pay for it without the promise of eventual profit

>> No.8629125
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>and philosophy majors already pump gas.

>> No.8629137

The irony is that the guy in pic related is a crank of an """academic""" who offers little of tangible or practical value to society, his batshit insane Austrian economics pet theories notwithstanding.

>> No.8629172

Reminder that arguing against libertarian anarchy is literal rape.

>> No.8629191

if we didn't have studies showing relationships between poverty and crime then mongoloids from /pol/ would be everywhere.

>> No.8629202

Don't you find your racist, ableist speech at odds with your fear of the /pol/ boogeyman?

>> No.8629246

>everyone who criticizes /pol/ is a SJW!
nice strawman

>> No.8629255

that's not what he said though

it's just obvious from the post that this person is trying to create a /pol/ bogeyman on /sci/ (probably still experiencing post-election butthurt) instead of making valid criticisms

>> No.8629256

Ofcourse it is true, the only thing that will make that happen is the removal of money and gold = value of life

>> No.8629337

He is clearly trying to satirize (or worse yet, falseflag) what he perceives as the SJW menace on /sci/, but it doesn't hold because we call each other brainlet retards all day, so he just looks like another out of place /pol/tard who doesn't know his audience.

>> No.8629360

Except African American Vernacular English is one of the largest language divides in progress in modern times, and it's one of the few times it has been possible to do such research, unlocking valuable information on how languages evolve.

Except knowledge on the love life of mosquitoes might unlock new ways to, for example, mass sterilize mosquito populations on Africa, helping contain diseases like malaria, dengue, or the zika virus.

Except laissez-faire professional bullshitters like Hans-Hermann Hoppe still, to this date, claim that the link between poverty and crime is not clear, that people are poor because they are lazy, and that more research is needed, so research is continued, and the cycle closes.

Funny enough, the science of potato growing was mostly developed in pre-capitalist times, some as folklore, some as actual lord-sponsored research. And I'm pretty sure oil research is one of the most "bulky" economies out there, clearly outclassing linguistics, entomology, or sociology in the budget department.

In short, get a job, dumb "an"cap

>> No.8629370

go home, faggot.

>> No.8629374

? It implies that there's no market for industrial research.

>> No.8629391

>"i-if humanities academics were abolished I w-would be the one to survive!!!1"
>from a fucking business school professor
probably the same kind of tard who thinks he would get to make all the decisions if forced eugenics was a thing

>> No.8629393

No. Nobody would go through the years of training and paying for education (because in his libertarian fanfic you'd be paying out the ass for a degree) to make the same amount you'd get waiting tables at the local Red Lobster.

>> No.8629395

fucking slayer

>> No.8629406

you sure told me

>> No.8629422

>claim that the link between poverty and crime is not clear

it's not at all clear you dumbass

politicians and businessman are just as prone to crime as poor people, just not violent crime, other types of crime and moral deviations.

and even the correlation between poverty and violent crime is unclear, as violent crime has skyrocketed before despite significant decrease in poverty.

>> No.8629445

According to the dumbass in OP's pic, the link is clear. But of course, as I said, people like you say it isn't. So that's why people keep researching it. Please note how I haven't said whether the link is or isn't clear in my opinion.

>> No.8629449

Absolutely. Things that don't yield immediate benefits will always have to be subsidized.

>> No.8629454
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>> No.8629458

Please don't keep calling yourselfs "bogiemens". No one is afraid of you, like you like to think.

>> No.8629500

>outing yourself as a brainlet


>> No.8629501


> unlocking valuable information on how languages evolve.

that's not valuable information

what about how languages evolve isn't obvious?

> mass sterilize mosquito populations on Africa, helping contain diseases like malaria, dengue, or the zika virus.

maybe that was a bad example, but we see retarded shit all the time from humanities in general

Typically bullshit humanities research is highly political and involves the results of a stupid survey.

> the science of potato growing was mostly developed in pre-capitalist times

So people developed agriculture before the economic system of capitalism? How fascinating.

>> No.8629518

>what about how languages evolve isn't obvious?
What about the fact that the earth moves isn't obvious (from our 21st century perspective)? It's a matter of actual data collecting. Spoken languages used to leave no record. We have an opportunity to study that now.

>So people developed agriculture before the economic system of capitalism? How fascinating.
Capitalism exists at most since the 17th century. Please tell me you're not one of those people who think the feudal system was capitalist.

>> No.8629524

If you're referring to my intentional misspellings, I'm just trying to talk to you in a way that you can understand.

>> No.8629541

>libertarian anarchy
free freedom

>> No.8629565


> What about the fact that the earth moves isn't obvious (from our 21st century perspective)? It's a matter of actual data collecting. Spoken languages used to leave no record. We have an opportunity to study that now.

The way the earth moves has been understood for a long time. It is obvious. The Mayans even had an accurate calender.

Why should we study language development? It's not like it's a big mystery in the first place.

> Capitalism exists at most since the 17th century. Please tell me you're not one of those people who think the feudal system was capitalist.

People have been growing different shit since the neolithic revolution. My implication was that adoption of the potato before the adoption of capitalism isn't surprising. You have to be stupid to not realize he was talking about using the tools of modern biology, advanced as they are, to improve potatoes

and the 17th century was the beginning of capitalism. Infact, the Dutch/British east india company formed exactly in 1603/1600. It's called "merchant capitalism," google it

also the adoption of potatoes ended up killing a bunch of people. It was disastrous.

>> No.8630286

The invisible hand of the freemarket would fix it desu

>> No.8630743

You both missed the point, he was being a smarmy cunt saying that instead of researchers they'd be gas station workers or potato farmers

>> No.8630890

No. Governments could be abolished entirely and businesses would still hire STEM graduates at worthwhile pay for the development of new software, chemistry, engineering, space travel - anything. Government solely exists to rob the working people, government is the largest, most profitable, most successful scam in human history.

>> No.8630914

and btw say goodbye to theoretical physics and pure mathematics departments
only cucks fall for the utilitarian meme. don't whore your brain

>> No.8631817

Austrian """economists""" have this weird hatred of empirical data.

>> No.8631936

>implying studying the love life of mosquitos isn't necessary to keep mosquito plagues in check and subsequently prevent the spread of dangerous diseases

What a retard

>> No.8631978

But it doesn't make enough shekels

checkmate, goyim.

>> No.8631990
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Really made me think.

>> No.8632088


to be fair that could be because of reasons more complex

what if the white town is barely populated

>> No.8632177

Cut funding to all social sciences and humanities, because nobody needs any of that shit.
The only thing they should teach in schools is STEM, period. Everything else should be up to the parents to supplement with home schooling. Teach your kids the history YOU want them to believe in, rather than the dogma they're brainwashed with in schools today.

>> No.8632223


>Windsor hills
>11,075 (2010)

>1307 (2010)


>what if the white town is barely populated

It is, which anon conveniently left out in their figures.

>> No.8632229

>what are crime RATES
>these mental gymnastics

>> No.8632233

It's well known that crime rates tend to be higher in more densely populated areas (which makes sense, given most crime is opportunistic).