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8627589 No.8627589 [Reply] [Original]

I asked my professor for a letter of recommendation for grad school and he told me to write one for myself so that he can sign off on it. How do I write my own letter of recommendation without looking like an asshole?

>> No.8627610

I had to do this last week.

Probably the hardest thing I've ever had to write. And I gave the guy shit.

You should try and focus on your relevant achievements and projects, and ask the prof to say the stuff about "anon was in the top 5% of my students and always asked thoughtful questions"

>> No.8627611

Anon was in my class X. He made a grade of Y. He was ranked #1 out of 300 students. He was the best student I've seen in 5 years because he produced work in Z and published in H journal. Student A applied to your program and was accepted in 2006. He is on the same level as A. I highly recommend anon to your program.

>> No.8627628


If you cant be your own advocate why should anyone advocate for you?

When you get out of comfy college life you'll have to sell yourself and your abilities to convince an employer you are going to be an asset to their company and worth paying money to.

What your professor asked you to do is very smart and a good way to get you thinking about yourself in a context you'll need to master sooner rather than later.

>> No.8627667

I really hate this attitude. Some people are humble and feel uncomfortable praising themselves, whereas others brag on with no problems. It doesn't mean one is more competent than the other.

>> No.8628060

Just talk about how much you want to fuck you and the horny nerds will eat it up.

>> No.8628183
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>> No.8629251

>Some people are humble and feel uncomfortable praising themselves
They're also called "beast of burden" and "meat on the table"...

>> No.8629258

Is your professor Chinese?

>> No.8629265

Maybe his professor is just lazy

>> No.8629340

I asked if he was Chinese because he may have a language barrier when writing.

>> No.8630019

>Anon Ymous has been a student of mine for two years now and has continued to demonstrate a unique thirst for understanding, as well as an ability to tackle problems in new and interesting ways. It is in projects where his unique skills are given room to shine. For one of my thermal systems design projects, Anon created a numerical code to produce a more efficient, optimal steam distribution network between buildings across our campus, which if implemented could save our university money on its heating expenses. Similarly, for another faculty member's course he created his own finite difference method simulation code and used it with other techniques to automatically generate optimal mechanical structures, something that is very advanced for an undergraduate mechanical engineering student.

>Anon is very involved with both research and clubs. As a part of the WTFU Lunar Rover Team, he helped our school take second place in the international University Rover Challenge competition. With his help, our lunar rover team is now ranked first in the United States, ahead of much more established competitors from universities like Cornell and Yale. This year he is also expanding his involvement to include playing an important role on our new Design Build Fly team, working on the design and fabrication of a portable tube launched UAV.

>In terms of research, anon has been involved with interdisciplinary and inter-institutional research in collaboration with OMGWTFBBQ, working with computer science faculty there on methods for derivative-free optimization with applications to engineering. His skills in both engineering and computing have provided him with unique opportunities, and he is also the only one of my undergraduate students to have attended conferences.

>Anon has a proven track record of applying computational techniques in novel ways to engineering problems and would be an asset to any graduate program.
Yes, he's Chinese

>> No.8630420

Or we're just not proud. Pride is not necessary. Using excessively positive language towards oneself is not a virtue.

State what you are and what you have done. Absolutely nothing more, nothing less. Nobody wants to hear about how "you're a productive young man with a deep thirst for knowledge, wishing to gaze deeply into the void". Its unrealistic. That's not the real you. The real you is just you. Give them that.

Stand out by being the only honest person among the entire stack of applicants.

>> No.8630424

If that's actually you, you actually sound pretty fucking dope.

This makes me regret fucking up my first two years in college. I'm just now beginning research projects halfway through my junior year, no clubs, and my GPA is in the tank.

S-still time to turn it around, r-r-right?