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8627440 No.8627440[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Is a person scientifically homosexual if he likes traps?

>> No.8627453

Recent work suggests that might be the case but further research is still needed since there's nothing conclusive yet.

>> No.8627454
File: 182 KB, 1024x1024, 1438716622444.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No. The entire gay-straight binary system is a mere contrivance, to put people in little boxes. Sexuality is quiet fluid, but in the West most people tend to gravitate towards one or the other. With the internet providing access to every flavor of sexuality, and societal acceptance of homosexuality on the rise, we're seeing more people that openly admit to being fluid.

If you like feminine penis, it just means you enjoy the feminine form + penis which is really not so unusual. It's stigmatized, so I doubt you'd find a lot of people willing to admit to it outside the internet.

I can certainly appreciate the feminine penis.

>> No.8627456

>The entire gay-straight binary system is a mere contrivance, to put people in little boxes. Sexuality is quiet fluid, but in the West most people tend to gravitate towards one or the other. With the internet providing access to every flavor of sexuality, and societal acceptance of homosexuality on the rise, we're seeing more people that openly admit to being fluid.
This. Greeks had it right: everybody has a bit of straight and gay in them.

>> No.8627461

hi tumblr

>> No.8627464

It's gay, but I don't mind ;)

>> No.8627473

Homosexuality is an unintended freak of nature isn't it? It has no purpose beyond being a natural population control right?

>> No.8627479
File: 166 KB, 875x583, scientific feminine penis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pls keep posts science related

>> No.8627494

>Is liking men gay?
no, clearly not.

>> No.8627519

we're discussing feminine penis.

liking men is clearly homosexual.

>> No.8627520

Seriously, what research has been done shows that straight men are the ones attracted to men who look like women (especially fictional or photoshopped ones with no other signs of masculinity but the genitals). Because, you know, they look like women.

For instance, between Bailey Jay and Buck Angel, mostly straight men are attracted to Bailey Jay and mostly gay men are attracted to Buck Angel. The face and overall body shape are more important to sexual attraction than the genitals.

Our mate-identification instincts aren't really genital-oriented. We're born so when puberty hits we gain an attraction to soft, girlish skin, delicate features, a narrow waist and broad hips, and rounded flesh like tits and ass, and we just accept what we find between a girl's legs.

The sex drive has a particular power to override reason, so being rationally aware that a penis doesn't belong there and is actually a part that means this isn't a person to have sex with is confusing and can focus and intensify lust.

On top of that is the male taste for sexual novelty and variety. We have a drive to impregnate as many different women as possible, so if there's a kind of woman we haven't slept with, she's more attractive for that.

>> No.8627523

Sexuality doesn't exist.

Men put thing in hole, women take thing in hole. The mind adjusts depending on the situation from fucking women to fucking men to fucking a mound of moist towelettes. You can stare at a tree and jack off regularly and eventually develop an attraction to the tree - does that make you arborsexual? No, you're just connoting the tree with the sense of sex. You can develop a fetish for anything, especially men dressed up like girls as many do.

Dominant gay men are basically normal men and their sexual experience is close to the same as being with a woman. Submissive gay men enter the mindstate of a woman and enjoy being fucked more than fucking. Both are based off of the same inherit instinctive masculine feminine balance, the actual genders of the individuals participating has little to no influence on it outside of acquired fetishization.

If you're a guy who likes traps, you're just a generally regular guy with a fetish.

If you're a guy who wants to be a trap, you're a guy with a fetish for being a girl.

The attachment of the concept of "sexuality" as if there are some kind of God given hardline categories of fucking is a politicization of the idea of dicking and you shouldn't think about it like that. You want sum fuk? You get fuk. That's all there is to it.

>> No.8627563
File: 146 KB, 1075x384, gaysex.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not if they moan like a girl.

>> No.8627564

They are literally men

>> No.8627607

Liking traps does not need to be gay.

It is simply a modern embodiment of the age old culture of paederasty, a culture which in the classical world existed wholly alongside heterosexuality. Indeed, you'd be hard-pressed to find a man who likes traps and doesn't like women. Men who are otherwise heterosexual in their character and conduct have, throughout history and across cultures, found themselves attracted to male youths. This practice had been largely suppressed in our cultures by the christian religion, but now that that artifact seems to be on its way out, a culture of paederasty is free to reemerge.

Contemporary homosexuality in the west has gone to great lengths to differentiate itself from various paederastic anteceedents, so to conflate the homosexual culture with the very practices it condemned is, at best, dishonest.

>> No.8627914 [DELETED] 


mind if I have source on that?

>> No.8627931

Just because sexuality isn't binary doesn't magically mean liking traps isn't gay. There's still a dick. It's still gay.

>> No.8627941

The Greeks were completely culturally fucked up by modern standards, I would be careful using them as a justification

>> No.8627944

"Straight" men and lesbians are attracted to femininity.
Gay men are attracted to masculinity.
Most women are bisexual.

>> No.8627945

The male libido is based on visual stimuli.
If you are attracted to the female form then you are not homosexual. Maybe you are bisexual, but you aren't a regular homo.

>> No.8627970

>thinking liking feminine dicks is gay
this is where you went wrong

>> No.8628154

Are traps gay though? They dress up as girls to attract men. That makes them gay right?

>> No.8628164

The Greeks were a bunch of lead-poisoned idiots.
Hell, they still are.

>> No.8628165

No. I like my dog and dogs in general and I am not beastialsexual. I can even put a shirt and pants on my dog and I still am not into beastiality and I still like her.

>> No.8628168

Nigga I'll suck ya dick but I'm not gay cuz I'm not gay I'll kiss you on yo cheekbone no homo nigga but I suck.a mean dick but I ain't gay.

>> No.8628200



>> No.8628339

Source? For research purposes

>> No.8628351

>Claims it is unintended.
>Immediately claims it is intended.
Way to go, champ.

>> No.8628354

You could be bisexual, you know. Not solely from liking traps, that obviously gay. I like dick and pussy, so traps are my lifeblood.
Yes, I'm really gay on the Kinsey scale. (Too lazy to spell check.)

>> No.8628357

But if you are a male and you don't conform to the EXACT SOCIAL NORM for attraction then you are gay
If you are a female and you are attracted to something other than a traditional male, than you are just attention whore
NO other explanation

>> No.8628379

Something can be unintended but still have a function. I didn't say it was intended.

>> No.8628382

> Greeks
> culturally messed up by modern standards
M8, most of your civilization came from Greek like citystates

>> No.8628387



>> No.8628405

You didn't say though, how much for that couch?

>> No.8628412


m8, all of your civilization came from caveman tribes.

>> No.8628440
File: 125 KB, 439x390, 1484888354883.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a gay guy and mostly like twinks and ottermode. Although I like traps, and think they are gay, they are a fetish object that attracts confused straight guys.

>> No.8628448
File: 127 KB, 345x601, nohomo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As a matter of fact it is not gay, see here extensive proof.

>> No.8628591

Im literally gay and Im not even remotely attracted to traps, and that's the same for 90% of people who are exclusively gay

>> No.8628599

t. virgin

I'm a gay guy and I both fuck and am fucked only by big muscular hairy men. I like both cock and ass. I love the smell of testosterone. My experience is not really similar to the one of straigt men, not even close.

>> No.8628600

>by modern standards
wew lad.

>> No.8628621

If you have to choose between two visually identical subjects to fap to and you choose the dude over the girl, you're fucking gay.

Your reason for masturbating to it is not because they're girly-looking; if that was the case you'd just fap to women. What makes it hot to you is the sole fact that it has a cock.

>> No.8628646

This is correct, I can only suck dick and balls but the body, and face of men makes me want to throw up. All of my fetishs are also based on women except futa.

>> No.8628653

I masturbate to lesbian porn, regular porn,shemale porn and hentai. I am only attracted to females in real life
>What am I scientifically
Sexuality is a spectrum my man.

>> No.8628681

It's a not a spectrum you tumblr tard

>> No.8628686
File: 11 KB, 236x170, 1477210038882.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

source pls

>> No.8628711
File: 176 KB, 754x400, OP_Lying_To_Himself.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


YES... stop lying to yourself.. YOU ARE GAY!

>> No.8628735

I dont really think beastiality counts as a fetish since its an attraction to a nonhuman making it an orientation.

>> No.8628736
File: 226 KB, 1024x922, warren cup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This man is correct. Traps have a lot of the features of male youth, thanks to hormones reverting their body to a less-masculine form.

Jupiter willing, if it was acceptable I would take a puer delicatus into my villa. Alas, we must content ourselves with blowing teenage runaways.