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/sci/ - Science & Math

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8627244 No.8627244 [Reply] [Original]

>1st year
>want to start relearning precalculus knowledge
>tons of formulas and square-methodical solutions
>"how did someone find out this?"
>spend the whole day solving shit and drawing sucesions trying to explain the origin of every rule with simple axioms
>find out every sucesion and express it like an equation
>find out a formula for (a+b)^n thanks to the Pascal's triangle
>finally understood I actually have to know 2 methods, the rest becomes trivial
>slept like a baby

>next day
>can't express it as an equation
>had to calm my internal screeching and keep going on
>only managed to make a formula of the Fibonacci one and some other
>the screeching becomes disturbing
>pic related

>> No.8627304

tip: Infinite series are wrong and are made to intimidate you. You are dependent to the people that introduce you this, and you are conditioned to Always accept more of it without any Logical explanation. You are not learning proofs and you are not learning consistency, you are not solving real logical problems, you are solving irrational stamp-collection problems that are useless and, worse, logically wrong! At the end of the day now you just want some white-collar money or at least to not live on the streets.

>> No.8627307
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>> No.8627314

>you are solving irrational stamp-collection problems that are useless
Is this actually true?

I have to study full integration and dif. calculus later. This book says it's one of the requisites to study this before calculus, tho.

>> No.8627517

There's nothing wrong with the logic of infinity. The idea that we can *imagine* systems that can't exist in our universe is beautiful and shows the power of human mind.