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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 29 KB, 480x640, Elliot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8625120 No.8625120 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /sci/ friends, I urgently need help.

I got into this argument with a libtard. He disagrees that niggers are genetically inferior in terms of IQ (among other things) to whites.

Can you recommend any books or studies that prove that niggers and other non whites are dumber?

>> No.8625122

Although they might not be able to provide you with any credible statistics

>> No.8625124


>> No.8625131

Fuck off Kike

Fuck off kike

Still waiting on actual, intelligent responses.

Which reminds me, no research that had Jews involved please.

>> No.8625132

Get the fuck back to your cancerous echo chamber. You want to answer your retarded bullshit? Go do your own homework cunt.

I'm fucking DONE with all you cancerous fucks. Stop shitting up my board on a daily basis.

>> No.8625136
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Mad libtard detected.

Are you triggered kike?

>> No.8625143

Major psued detected,

>> No.8625144
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>> No.8625146
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UHH?!..........BACK THE FUCK OFF!!?

>> No.8625147







You're welcome.

>> No.8625151
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>> No.8625152

Juden RAUS

>> No.8625154
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fags btfo

>> No.8625157
File: 56 KB, 512x397, oh bother.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

alright look kid, nobody is going to take you seriously if you call everybody who disagrees with you kike/nigger/cuck. You have to learn to socially interact. and if youre not up to that then go back to r/theDonald

second, this anon>>8625132 is right. you should be able to back up your arguments without having to run for help. dont get into arguments with people if youre not prepared

thankfully, this anon overlooked your down syndrome and found you sources>>8625147

in the future, please dont be such an ass

t. /pol/tard who is tired of children making a bad name for /pol/ across all other boards

>> No.8625159

/sci/ literally cannot debunk this

>> No.8625161
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The facts are against you Retard

>> No.8625169

Just ask the Libtard to name any one of his/her choosing:

A successful black run Country

A successful black run State

A successful black run City

A successful black run Neighborhood


A successful black run Street

ProTip: they can't.

>> No.8625170

pol reporting in
Not gonna lie, if one of you lot didn't post that, be assured I would have.

Race theory is bullshit. Niggers pretty much just have different health conditions to us, based on not having lived in a scorching climate.

The only evidence of real racial differences was from a study where nigs have noticeably higher levels of testosterone than other races.

>> No.8625174



>> No.8625178

>succesful country

Ethiopia was never counquered and was ran pretty well until the moor rape babies took over n WWII.

Also Mali during the 14th century had more welath than all of Europe.

>> No.8625179

>/pol/ reporting in
>The only evidence of real racial differences was from a study where nigs have noticeably higher levels of testosterone than other races.

quit LARPing faggot

>> No.8625180

Going to be tough to argue if you don't know anything about genetics.

You should have debated this based on culture instead.

>> No.8625183


>> No.8625184
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>> No.8625186

How come non white counties are always worse of than white ones

>> No.8625188
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Black men are superior to white bois in every way

>> No.8625190

Go back to your containment board shitposter.

>> No.8625191

Thats because it is hard evidence african mental inferiority. The gap is very reasonable when you consider natural selection and the evolutionary enviornments of blacks/aborigibals/islanders vs european whites/asians, as well as the fact that IQ is hereditary and can vary as much as 10 points in a single generation.

>> No.8625194


>> No.8625196

It would be easy if we knew enough about the human brain in a physical sense to determine IQ.

>> No.8625198

Back to red.dit faggot

>> No.8625199
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also see

>> No.8625202
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/pol/, seriously, fuck off.

If you want to start a thread discussing the social and political implications of some new mission or technology, or discuss scientific hypotheticals, we'll be more than happy to engage you. And if your boy in the White House wants to bribe us with Cold War Era science and tech spending, we'll gladly send our support his way.

But you're never going to win us over with weak-ass race-baiting and raiding.

>> No.8625203

>Minnesota Transracial Adoption Study

>> No.8625204

It's a raid


That explains everything. And you wonder why nobody likes your shitty board.

>> No.8625208


And people act surprised when /pol/ has a reputation for being a bunch of dimwit, neo-nazis.

>> No.8625209

>Ethiopia, one of the lowest GDPs in the world.
>A successful country
Pick one

>> No.8625210
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good goy (((science))) is totally true, all of it

>> No.8625211

Lefties on /pol/ have been starting arbitrary raids on other boards since the inauguration.

They know we're all already pissed at /pol/ and figure shit like this will turn all the other boards against them.

>> No.8625214

I'd love it if all boards had ID's. Flags, meh, ID's are useful though.
>>8625170 (my post)

Congrats though, your the first person to have a look at pol and check if its a raid.

Race is something /pol/ wrongly sperges out about

>> No.8625216
File: 3.33 MB, 1973x1708, srslydood.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You don't own the internet or 4chan or anything at all you don't get to dictate who goes where and who says what so shut up you dumb faggot

>> No.8625220

>lefties launching raids.
Fuck off. We don't start them, we spoil them.

>> No.8625221

>14th century

Let's at least keep it in the current century

>> No.8625222

explain this to me.

>> No.8625223

I said before the pasta niggers conquered it. Can you read, you stupif fucking peasant?

>> No.8625226

>You don't own the internet or 4chan or anything at all you don't get to dictate who goes where and who says
Global Rule #4