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/sci/ - Science & Math

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8622854 No.8622854[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

When did you grow out of math and science and enter the big boy league?

>> No.8622952

Kant? Wrong wrong wrong.


>> No.8623013
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When did you leave the big boy league and enter the hall of fame?

>> No.8623019

When was the last time any of you left your (mother's) house?

>> No.8623025

Indeed, philosophers are notorious NEETs. But it is because they see nothing of value outside of their own minds.

>> No.8623044

Proud NEET right here who is heavily interested in 20th century analytic philosophy and mathematics to an extent. Those are basically the only things I do all day.

>> No.8623785
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math is only an a priori form of intuition and sci is only an appearance. :)

>> No.8623794

>grow out of math and science
edgy highschool dropout detected.

>> No.8623805
File: 19 KB, 220x281, 220px-Arthur_Schopenhauer_Portrait_by_Ludwig_Sigismund_Ruhl_1815.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When I realized I sucked at math and science.

>> No.8623826


>> No.8623902
File: 183 KB, 1721x2162, feels.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw matter doesn't have infinite divisibility

>> No.8623912

It does though. Time and space are both infinitely divisible and causality (matter) is the union of time and space.
Matter inherits infinite divisibility from both time and space.

Are you an atomist?

>> No.8623933
File: 984 KB, 2958x3870, 1483804941465.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for starters, schope's natural philosophy is utterly obsolete
time and space [seemingly] indeed have infinite divisibility
matter is not the causality itself --what the fuck does that even mean ffs?

I'm a chemistry undergrad acually

>> No.8623955


>time and space [seemingly] indeed have infinite divisibility

They really do.

>matter is not the causality itself

Why? Matter is in a constant state of change (causality) and change can only happen at a certain place at a certain time (time and space).

>> No.8623974
File: 109 KB, 526x525, idealism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Matter is in a constant state of change (causality) and change can only happen at a certain place at a certain time (time and space).
this proposition has no actual value or use.
his natural philosophy is obsolete, and it was already, in fact, considered thus in 1898 (sic!) .
these days, if I wanted an opinion on what is matter I would have asked a physicist, not a philosopher.

>> No.8623983

Matter is the union of time and space, nothing more.
You can't think of matter in time alone.
You can't think of matter in space alone.

>> No.8623992

>implying you can't do both
And since it's easier to self-learn philosophy than maths, I choose to study math.

>> No.8624009

Do both if you're looking for a challenge.

>> No.8624013
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yes-yes, I've read it too, I am also well acquainted with schope's idealism, but I am talking here not about modes of conception, but about matter's properties consistently and repeatedly revealed under certain conditions, which offer us an insight into previously inaccessible areas to raw human perception, and under such conditions matter reveals itself as discrete

>> No.8624017

Too bad, I've already chosen my major, and the Uni I'm in only offer few double-diploma.

Gonna do a engineering degree (with goal of following after with a PhD in theoretical physics) and a Master degree in Optics and Nanotechnology.

>> No.8624026

>matter reveals itself as discrete

Sure, in science. However, in metaphysics, continuity is important in order to get the most general scheme possible to us.

>> No.8624039

metaphysics elaborates on problems without our reach and has no solid proofs because of that
any system of metaphysics can be considered credible, provided its presenter is persuasive.

>> No.8624044

Philosophy is logically unrigorous, although it likes to present itself as logical.

>> No.8624046

indeed, it mostly preys on people's feels

>> No.8624050

I completely agree with you, but you still have to try.

>> No.8624103

>not rigorous

Have you even taken an intro philosophy course?

>> No.8624106

Yes, it's not rigorous.

>> No.8624143
File: 406 KB, 1377x1600, spinosaurus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"uuuuh there is no place for god in my system"
>"what do I do to avoid accusations of heresy"
>"ah! I will call this world 'God' "
>"and on top of that I will also say 'God' loves us all"
pic related, everyone

>> No.8624165
File: 45 KB, 511x396, 1483650795969.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

your post

pic related

>> No.8624172

funny, what I actually did is briefly recited his Ethica